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Fantasy Kaedros the Undying

To all: I've updated the current Neutral Characters thread as well as cleaned up the Settings/Location post. I'll be adding more detail to the different locations in time, so check back every so often.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]To all: I've updated the current Neutral Characters thread as well as cleaned up the Settings/Location post. I'll be adding more detail to the different locations in time, so check back every so often.
Captain Hesperus

Could I have a little more info on the Sorrow of Effea? My character is supposed to be the leading role ( I'd assume ) but I'm not really sure what the exact plot of the play is.

EDIT: Forgot to add, Xylin's been offline today on discord so I never got the chance to ask her.
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Okay, the Sorrow Of Effea is basically a chronological saga of Effea's rise to power, liberating the fractious tribes of Helendorn to overthrow the Andronian Empire's domination of their lands, followed by her six-year military campaign to successfully repel the Empire from Khelos, Hamdar, Twin Rivers, the kingdom that later became Quipia and Cortovia and the Heartlands before finally besieging the capital of Andiron itself. Her sorrow is the long and fraught relationship she has with her general, Gaernan the True. At first, the two had clashed, first over the wisdom of raising insurrection against the empire, later about tactics of war and finally about who should lead the final assault against Andiron. But for all their arguments, the two ended up falling in love and it was only at the last, when Gaernan tricked Effea into sleeping late on the morning of the assault so he could lead the troops into the breached walls of Andiron's capital (where he ultimately died) did she finally admit her true love for him. His loss shattered her heart and, when the Emperor himself was brought to her in chains and defeat, she was more broken than the city and the army and the Empire it had all represented. She ordered his execution, then left her army. Legend then takes over from historical record. The most enduring and popular legend is that she became the star she was named for, sought out her father, Ankelion, and petitioned him to bring Gaernan's spirit to her so that they could live in the heavens together.

@YumenoTsukishiro There currently isn't an Oriental country in our setting. If there were it would be on a far distant continent that has yet to make contact with this continent. Any traveller from that undiscovered continent would have no knowledge of the languages and cultures found in the setting and might possibly not last too long, considering the state of the world.

Captain Hesperus
Is my character OK? If it's accepted I'd probably be at the banquet with the others or somewhere else if Xylin has other plans for him.
Sorry we've not responded to you guys yet, Captain has been working all day and I've been pretty busy myself. We have read your replies and we'll get back to you shortly.

However, this is how the banqueting section is going to go:

So far we just had the intro to the play now we're about to have Act 1 Scene 1. Each scene will have some food and drink, at the end of each scene, there will be time to get up, talk to people, and do stuff while food is cleared away and tables are set for the next scene. This will go on until the last scene of the final act.

Captain Hesperus and I will then take all of your characters and we'll really start to have fun. We do intend on having fights, drama, a bit of romance (nothing serious mind!), this is a story and sometimes stories go in a direction you didn't intend. Already your characters are taking this in a direction that is different than our heading. So go and be you! :)

At the moment I am really cold and my fingers are too. I'm gonna have some tea, warm up then I'll get to you guys.
I am not going to steal your characters... I simply mean to move them along the storyline, take them from Helen to other places.
Hey all, I've added a very brief outline of the Sorrow of Effea in overview if you want to have a look. @Captain Hesperus & I haven't actually written the play yet but that's a general outline.
@Xylin just a heads up, I will be heading out of town today. I'll be able to get a post out tomorrow morning, so just wanted to let you know! Feel free to move Sybil along if the plot calls for her.
Woot! So that means my healer is okay? :3 I'm looking forward to joining! I'm sure I won't make too much of a mess...
OK, I've posted a WIP character and I need to know a few things:

Is what I have now good?

What elements would a healer use? Water?

So we all can use Fire? But not all the others?

And where can I find the magic tab? There is a post in the Overview but its not enough.

What are magic affinities?

Any improvements to wht I have now?

Any other info would be appreciated too
@Frogtruck I will be participating In-Character, but it will be more in an ad-hoc manner. Currently, I am bulking out the background details of the NPCs you encounter, as well as preparing for your future calamities adventures.

Captain Hesperus

1: A healer tends to focus on earth and water for healing magics, since earth is the element of Sernos the goddess of healing and water is the element of Dornos, the god of peace.

2: You are able to use magics of all four elements, just two will not be your strongest. This isn't Avatar: The Last Airbender, where you focus on one element (or two) to the exclusion of all others, you have two that you're good at and two that you aren't so go at.

3: There's several entries in the Overview tab regarding magic. Overall, we've left magic and the creation of it to you as players, rather than laying out exhaustive rules and restrictions to what you can and can't do. Be inventive, be imaginative. It's unlikely that we'll give an outright 'no' on a suggested magic, rather we'd offer balancing advice instead.

4: Magical affinities relate back to my answer to 2. There's a couple of elements that you find you are naturally comfortable using, meaning that you find it easier to focus with those two elements, and two that you find less comfortable. For instance, a healer would probably find earth and water easiest to focus with, while air and fire would be harder. That isn't to say that should you need to heal a person of a breathing affliction, you couldn't focus air and earth, it'd just require more effort and focussing.

5: This setting does not use 'mana'. Rather magic is a product of will and focus, concentrating on your desire for a specific effect to take action. There is no formal 'material component' for this form of magic and incantations are more an individual's method of drawing focus. Two different people might approach the same spell differently, for instance the fire lighting spell that everyone knows. One person might whisper to the spirit of the flame to draw it forth, while another rubs a piece of cloth between his fingers while singing a children's ditty. Another might invoke the name of Tenwes, while another exhales on dry tinder to bring it to burning life.

Finally, your healing surge magic might need at least ten seconds of focusing, since while it seems simple, it's a quite complicated spell to generally restore health to a target.

Does that help?

Captain Hesperus
So by the looks of it, you can still jump in here, right? Think I'd be interested to join...

How well-represented are the blue-cloaks at the moment? I'm thinking of a Dornosian battlemage/diplomat... if I haven't overlooked someone's cs, that shouldn't collide with anyone's trade, right?
We have a host of people from Helendorn who represent Dornosians, Helosians, and even a few Elosians. We have someone from the Hamdar Desert as well as a couple of people from the Heartlands.
Hey all, I just remembered that there is a group of people I have forgotten to mention: The Folk. I just added something to the Overview about them that @Captain Hesperus and I worked on ages ago. We will be running into these people at one point or another and chances are, your character will have heard of the Folk, even if they don't know of them. Sorta like how you have all heard of gypsies even if you've never actually met anyone who was one. Also, your character will probably have some cultural biases towards or against them. If you're from the desert, chances are, you have a neutral impression of them. If you're from the city, they're a nuisance, if you're from a town or a village then you probably distrust them.

It is a block of text as it describes a lot about their culture. If you think you might like to change your character to one of the Folk, it is imperative that you read it all since anyone who is of the Folks who is not with their clan is probably an outcast.
Also, I am going to be working in our new characters here soon. If I don't get to everyone by tonight, I'll get to you tomorrow. Don't worry, I've not forgotten you. :)
Hai, sorry if this is a weird question, but I see that we have multiple IC threads. Are all of them valid and moving simultaneously, or are they independent from each other?

*first time doing group rp of this scale so pray forgive if I make mistakes (' :) )
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