Journey for the Sword (1x1)

"Only for myself. I could try to cast one over all of us, but I doubt you would survive it." Halia answered the young princes question absently. She had long since learned to cast a protection spell over herself if she needed to sleep, but knew that the spell wouldn't work on others. It was linked directly to her magic. If she tried to cast it over others, they would burn to death.
"I'll do the best i can but a group this large will drain alot of my power," Zek said simply. He knew very well if he overused his power with his age he could end up killing himself but they needed protection at night.

June sighed "we'll also have watches, extra security cant hurt," Zek gave her a nod of assent.
Halia nodded sharply. "I don't need much sleep. I can take one of the first watches." Her magic would sustain her. She could last about a week without food or sleep, without weakening. Her magic would give her strength. Halia would prefer not to have to, but she could. If anyone attacked during the night, they would beg to die before she killed them.
Zek nodded "I unfortunatly will not be much aid while sustaining the protection but i won't sleep while doing it either," he found then a nice clear place to set camp and got off Star. "Does anyone have a knife or something sharp?" he asked June raised an eyebrow.

"why?" she asked.

"The spell will be stronger if i tie blood into it," he said simply with a shrug.
Halia hesitated before pulling the same knife she had used during the earlier battle from her robes. She held it lightly by it's blade and handed it to Zex, blade first. She had climbed off of Melody earlier and now stood in the middle of a small clearing, hidden from the road. Halia was a bit surprised to hear that the prince planned to use his blood. Some mages looked down upon blood magic, calling it barbaric or evil, despite its benefits.
He cut into the palm of his hand and let his blood falll into the ground and in elven he ordered the area to be protected. the ground glowed lightly and the protection spread to the edges of the clearing they were useing. Zek cleaned the blade ahd handed it back to Halia "Thank you," he said and had to sit down he had broken into a sweat but the protection he cast was strong Halia could feel it's pulsating magic. Any outsider would not be able to find them easily or get to them without them knowing.
Halia retrieved the knife and looked at it for a few moments. After a few seconds of debating, she took the blade and cut her right index finger. Blood welled from the wound and she raised her right hand. Halia smeared the blood from the center of her forehead and down the bridge of her nose. After a couple seconds, the blood disappeared. Anyone who was to touch her will ill intent would burn to death. She sat across from Zek, taking her cut index finger and squeezing another drop of blood into her right palm. When a single crimson drop lay in her hand, she closed her fist, her gaze locking on her fist as she concentrated. After half a minute, she slowly opened her palm, to reveal a single black tarantula standing in her palm. Halia brought the spider up to her face and kissed the spiders back, it's black hairs tickling her lips. She then set the spider onto the ground beside her. It scurried away, in the general direction of the dark elf city. It would deliver a message there, then return to her. It was not a completely living being and would not require food or to sleep. Nothing could kill it either and it would be entirely fixated upon completing its task, then returning to her. Satisfied, Halia cleaned her blade and put it back into her robes.
"Telling your kin about me and June?" the mage asked he was wearing down it was obvious his grey eyes dulled abit. "I'm off to hunt," June anounced "Tameron please protect the prince," she said stringng her bow and running off into the woods. Zek glared ater her "I don't need protection," he said
"Yes. As well as which direction we are headed. It wouldn't do for me to die out here with no one knowing what happened." Halia's voice was cold. Tameron smiled at June as he headed out. He had never been especially comfortable around magic. His people were not none for having strong magic. The prince looked weak after he had completed his spell. Magic seemed to taxe a lot out of him.

"You look about as weak as a newborn."
"I'm strong enough," he said though it was a bluff he woulf have problems lighting a fire at the moment. "I'm far from defencless," he flexed his hands the poison paint on his nails glittered a little. his horse laid behind him and he greatfully leaned back onto her and pet her. "And we will not die out here i'm sure," he said
Halia raised one of her eyebrows. "So, you can see the future as well?" She didn't believe that they would die here either, but one could never be sure. If some slavers were able to kill them, then she would deserve to die. Halia could feel an extension of herself, the spider she made from her blood, hurrying towards her people. She had sent a psychic message. Whoever received it would experience everything as she had since the beginning of their journey. They would feel her rage and sorrow as if they were their own. She hated to send messages that way, but they were useful. She wondered who it was that would get the message. She hadn't had a specific person in mind. She didn't remember much about the people who lived in her city. She had no use for them. Their faces and names were all blurred in her mind. It had been that way since Amedia died. She took little to no interest in anyone else.
"Tameron," Zek called. "come here," he closed his eyes though it was obvious he was awake. "I need you to ... can you get some wood and start a fire?" he asked. he was only going to ask for wood but... he didn't want to fail at making a flame that would not be very good at all.
Tameron hurried to obey, seeming to trust that Halia could protect the prince. She stared at him. His skin was pale and he was sweating. It was normal for a mage to feel weak after casting their spells, she herself felt her hands shaking slightly, but she wondered if that was all that was wrong with the young prince.

"Do you always weaken so when casting spells?"
"Healing Tameron earlier drained almost half my magic my personal protection spells and making him clothes took yet more now a spell this big... I just need time to ... recharge," he said softly his voice had quieted the boy was still a child that was obvious now more then it had been since they met. He was tiny smaller even then a boy his age should. He didn't open his eyes he knew he was safe the protection was good after all.
"You are lucky that I need you alive right now. I could kill you easily." She conjured a wine skin, filled to bursting with bitter dark elf wine. She drank deeply, the taste bringing her back to her home. She figured she would need it by the time the night was through. Tameron came back, his arms overflowing with wood. He set to work making a fire. Halia could set the sticks aflame with a single thought, but it was occasionally nice to do things without magic.
Zek opened his eyes. "You underestimate me i never said i took off my personal protection spells." hesaid but his eyes were still very weak. The glitter of his gems that adorned his robes showed her he was indeed well magiced not all was his though some of Numairs was running along the boy protecting him even far from home. The protective barrior around camp flickered and the young mage winced closing his eyes again he consentrated on the spell. Zeks horse seemed worried for her rider and the night was growing cold. Vin pawed the ground and tried to get Tameron to notice the mage in all honesty the horse knew Zek all too well.
"In your present state, I doubt they would be difficult to break." Halia sounded disinterested. Tameron wondered if there was anything she actually enjoyed. After a few more minutes, he got the fire going and looked over Zek. He didn't know what he should do to help the young prince. Even the horses appeared worried.
Vin stomped right next to Halia and reared a warning. Trying to tell he he'd fight for the prince. Zek shivered for a second as june crossed the barrier she had hunted a deer she gutted it in the woods and skinned it useing the skin to carry the meat. "What i miss?" she asked/
Halia glanced at the horse. "I am just considering making this horse into stew." She didn't take threats well. She drank deeper of her wine, the edges of her deep seated rage blurring. The wood elf had returned with a deer she had skinned. She could smell the fresh scent of it's blood.
"Zek you look horrible," she said.

"Gee thanks," the prince said dryly.making the elf laugh "ok who's hungry?" she asked.
Tameron narrowed his eyes at Halia. If she did attack Vin, he would try to protect the horse, though he doubted he could defeat the mage. Even as he thought this, his stomach ached. It had been awhile since June had given him the jerky and, considering his size, he needed a lot of food. Dinner was always a joyous time when he had been back home. His family would make feasts large enough to feed a village for a week, then they would somehow manage to eat everything. Most of his family were as big as he was and they all had large appetites.
"Guessing the mage is fine since he didn't perk up," June said cutting chunks of meat to roast.

"I can't eat and hold up the spell i'll be fine without food for a day or two," he said though his eyes were stil closed. Vin laid down beside Star and watched over Zek
Tameron was worried about the prince. Eating would make him feel better and make him stronger. So far it didn't seem too dangerous out here. Well, there had been no attacks from others. Halia was the biggest threat and she still needed them. Still, there could be others watching them right now. His ears would be able to pick them up fairly quickly, as well as the others senses, so he figured they were safe for now. Unless the enemies had some kind of cloaking spell. Tameron took a deep breath. He wasn't used to having to be on alert. In his cell there was no danger of attack, unless from the guards and they wouldn't bother trying to hide their presence.
"Ok pretty boy, how bout you Halia ready for some Venisen?" June asked knowing she'd prolly refuse but hey it's polite to ask. Zek stroked Star's mane listening to the others their worry pissed him off. What do they think he is a child?
Halia looked at June for a long moment. She was confident that it wouldn't be poisoned. She was their strongest fighter, so they would keep her around for awhile. Dark elves were known for refusing to eat anything that they themselves hadn't prepared, constantly weary of poison. He protection would help too and if the wood elf did poison her food, she would burn as any other attacker would. Still she hesitated. The food would help her stay strong. Her strength would be important on this journey. "I will have some." Halia wondered if the wood elf would know the importance of that statement. She knew that most other species of elves did not have to worry about being poisoned or killed in the night by a family member or lover.

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