Journey for the Sword (1x1)

"Yes I'm Sixteen so sue me," he said June coughed up water "brat," she mumbled "I will drown you," Zek warned. then looked to Halia "I became a high mage at 12 i was the youngest necxt to my father," he said "and I am not sure my life span I just know both sides of my breeding live hundreds of years. That doesn't mean I will," he said and began to dry himself off.
"You are doing quite well for your age then, I suppose. When I was your age I was still gaining control over my powers." Halia was shocked by his age. Even Amedia, whom she had seen more as a daughter than as a sister was well over a hundred years old. A thought occurred to her. "How old is your father, then?"
"You might find it odd but he is only 50," Zek said. "The best mage to ever graduate the accademy is still a child," Zek said dryly. June sighed "I feel so old I'm 207," she said with a laugh.
"Then I suppose I am ancient. I an 472." Halia looked at the rock she sat upon. She was older than the rest of them put together. She usually hardly noticed her age. It was only at moments like this that she realized how old she was. How old and tired. Her people lived near a thousand years, but very little of it was actually spent living. Dark elves spend most of their long lives inside of their underground city, never seeing the sky.

Tamerone looked at the others with shock. It was always odd to learn how old someone was. Their appearance rarely showed it. "I am 57."
"Old enough to be my dad," Zek said with a small chuckle. June rolled her eyes "the young king is just that a young king...," June said "and you little boy dry me off i'm soaked." Zek crossed his arms and spun around on his heels "nope air dry," he said.
"How long are we going to rest here?" Temeron inspected the knew clothes that Zek had made for him. They were good quality and made well. It had been a long time since he wore such nice clothes. Even the ones he had been given for his audience with the king were of low quality.
"We can set off now," The prince said mounting his mare. June hopped on her steed and grumbled under her breath as she was still dripping wet. Vin looked at Tameron waiting for him.
Halia reached into her robes for the snake that was still curled up in there. As soon as her fingers touched it's smooth scales, it wrapped itself around her hand, twining between fingers. She pulled the snake out and tried to coax the snake onto the rock she was sitting on, but it wouldn't budge. "Come on, now, you can't come with me." Halia tried to pull the snake from her hand, but still it would not leave her. She sighed. "Fine, if you insist I will take you with me." Halia put the snake back inside of her robes and climbed onto her horse, careful of her small companion. Tameron pulled himself onto his horse, Vin. He seemed to have gotten better at riding already.
Zek took the crystal from his pocket and dangled it from the string after a moment he put it away and began riding east. "Follow," he said Vin didn't even have to be told he followed the prince June road beside Tameron shivering lightly dispite the warm spring weather. "stupid mages." she muttered
Tameron pulled his horse up next to June. He felt more comfortable with her than with the others. Zek was okay, though cold, but Halia...He felt uneasy just looking at her. She seemed so familiar, but he was sure he had never met her. Tameron doubted anyone could forget meeting her. She was cold and cruel and would occasionally look kind, but so sad it could break a persons heart. She claimed to be over four times his age and sometimes looked as if every year weighed more upon her. He wanted this journey over so that he could leave her company. She set him on edge, as if he were handling a venomous snake or rabid dog.
"we have an odd crew," June said. "A young mage prince a powerful mage dark elf a wood elf archer and a bear shifter," she said then sighed "and oddly enough I doubt this tention will ever lift. Though I saw Halia had a soft spot for Banji back at the castle," June was watching Halia closely. June herself was curious on the elfs true motives in all this and all the rage she hid had to have a reason even dark elves weren't that bad.
"I wonder if there will someday be songs written about our journey. I am sure in them we will all be marvelous friends." Tameron smiled at June, though he too worried for their little group. If this tension remained for the entire trip, they may have some problems.There were reasons no songs were sung about a group of adventurers that hated each other. Such groups had a tendancy of breaking up early, or killing each other.
"Songs? ha! Zek will steal all the praises, out of all of us he's the pretty boy you and i are ex-convics and the dark elfs an evil ... elf," She sighed "Honestly i don't see all of us surviving," she said honestly "If we do i see the elf over there killing us even the child with the map," She watched Zek ride once more reading but this was a new book he was muttering elvish incantations as well but to quiet to be made out by the others.
Tameron looked at Halia. She sat on her horse, her eyes distant, as if she were seeing a completely different scene. He knew that she could kill them if she needed too, but he think she would. He didn't think she was as evil as June, or even she, seemed to think. His mind caught up with what she had said.

"You're an ex-convict?"
"Yeah the king set me free 14 years ago," she said "I survived the prisons for 20 years," she shrugged as if it was just old news. "He needed a woman to help raise Zek and protect him who better then a former assasine that almost got through even his barriors?" she asked. She gave a great sigh "he could have let me rot in those cell like his father intended, instead he gave me a second chance, the king is not cruel but... he can be terrifying,"
Tameron smiled softly at June. That she had recovered after twenty years in that hell was incredible. He had nearly broken after only four. "I see that you succeeded." He was continually impressed by June. Though she appeared as if a stray breeze would break her, she had such strength.
"So far that little monster escapes the palace way too often and gets himself in trouble," she sighed "He is a pain in my tail," she huffed. Then smiled at Tameron "you look at me like your amazed i'm alive,"
Tameron smiled. "I am. I was only in the prison for four years. I don't think I would survive twenty years." He wondered why the prince would run away from the palace. Surely as the son of the king he could come any go as he pleased. He seemed to have a good home.
She let out a deep laugh "Oh prison isn't as bad as you think theres a roof and sometimes food," she said. She patted her horse "My first steady shealter and meal suply," the smile on her face could only be seen as pained.
"If you can call the food supply steady." Tameron felt a bit ashamed. June seemed to have had a hard life, much harder than his had ever been. He had a family that loved him, a steady job that he loved. He had once had a good life, before he killed her.
"Eh it kept me alive," she said softly. "anyway keep your ears sharp I hate these area's full of slavers and i hate to say it but Zek is very pretty," she shook her head. Zek turned his horse to the north; through a thicket.
Tameron straightened his back. Though he wasn't worried for them and knew that each person could take care of themselves, he wondered why there were so many around the city that sought to harm them. Before he had been sent to prison, he had never gone to a bigger city, feeling content to work and live quietly. Then, when he was dragged to the city by guards, there had been no trouble, yet already they had run into trouble and might again soon.
the forest seemed quiet but it had seemed quiet the last attack too. Zek was still muttering elven incantations under his breath as his horse led him through the thicket. Vin had to step high over some of branches with no way around them but the other horses had to jump so Tameron was very lucky. the sky was begining to darken singnaling the start of night.
Tameron clenched his fists around Vin's mane when he stepped high over a fallen branch. He thanked his gods that Vin was large enough that he didn't need to jump over it. Night was beginning to fall. He wondered when they would stop to make camp. He worried about staying the night in an area filled with slavers, but figured if they had too, Halia and Zek could cast a spell to protect them.
"Halia, can you cast a circle of protection or not?" Zek asked he knew most war or battle mages couldn't cast such spells but he wasn't sure if he could do it alone for a group of four and four horses. He closed his book and it disapeared "We'll need to make camp." he said as an explenation to his earlier question.

"I'll go out hunting and gather wood," June said "after we find our camping spot,"

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