Journey for the Sword (1x1)

"I wish to place it where it would be remebered but not used, I'm not a cruel man Tameron and wars are all to often fought and now the sword is being sought by many, and Zek... I don't want you to go but I am not able to stop you," the king looked a bit sad at the thought of his oldest out in the world Zek reminded the king of his dearly departed first wife he looked so like her. "So the Halia wants the sword but i doubt it's for peace," Zek said even in a weakened state the prince's magic was impressive for a youth of mearly 16. Banji crossed his arms "thats mean lady's always do the right good things," he said and stomped his foot at Zek's questioning expression.
Halia smiled softly at Banji. He reminded her so much of Amedia. "I want the sword locked away in our city where it can never be used against me or my kind. We have lost far too much." It was a lie, she knew, but a small one. They had lost much and she did want the sword locked away where it couldn't hurt her people, but they would use it. Maybe not Halia and not right now, but someday there would be a war and they would be desperate enough to use it. Halia didn't even care about the sword. She hoped it stayed where it was, so that no one would ever find it, but she had chose to come here for only one reason. To kill Tameron, and she would do whatever she had to to do it. She would steal that sword and use it. She would kill Banji's entire family for her revenge.

Tameron did not relax. Others had come to his family to try to find the sword and all had claimed they would never use it. They claimed that they would lock it away, but he knew better. He knew that even if they meant well, they would use it and they would kill hundreds with it. He didn't hate these people, even after the years he spent being tortured. Zekhiromaru had healed him and the king did not seem bad, but if he did help them, he would point them in the wrong direction. He would lie again and again to ensure that the sword was never discovered.
"Why not nutralize the blade," Zek asked it only seened logical to him if it was so dangerous then it should be nutralized to elliminate threat. As he said this Banji smiled brightly and hugged the dark elf "I knew you weren't bad," his poofy fox tail wagged making him look almost like a puppy. Numair smiled at his eldest "Zek if you can find a way to nutralize a sword like that i will stop trying to lock you in the palace," Numair knew his son was smart but to nutralize that sword would be impossible even for him. "Alright, lets go find a sword," Zek said. "There you are!" the elf that was following him in the city burst in her hood still up "Ah June welcome," Numair said
Halia smiled at the young fox demon before turning to his father and asking, her voice once again cold, "This is the wood elf you hired? She's late." She had burst in just as they were speaking of leaving. Halia wished to depart as soon as possible.

Tameron didn't know if he could believe Zekhiromaru and his father. He would help them if they could find a way of neutralizing it, but he knew the strength of his grandfathers sword making. He feared that there would be no way. He was too preoccupied to notice the wood elf that had joined them.
"Yes June these are your companions come i'll suply you with horses suplies and the map," Numair said and he began to lead them off the wood elf as Halia noticed wore clothes that were extreamly short one wrong move in that skirt and she would flash the world her undergarments and her shirt wasn't much more then a breast band the leather cape however was thick and flowed down aroung her ankles. "Goddess bless you Nimaire you don't ever change... and i was planing on catching the prince and milking some money out of you," June huffed. Numair just laughed leading them down the halls.
Tameron was pulled out of his thoughts as the king began leading them to get supplies. He noticed a new person had joined while he was distracted. She was a pale wood elf and looked to be near half his height. The dark elf, Halia walked a good distance away from her. He had heard that dark elves hated all other kinds of elves. If a dark elf and a wood elf were to travel together, he wondered how they would get along.

Halia walked swiftly, her long black robes trailing behing her. She was impatient to leave the city. There were too many people here. Soon she would be home again, with the sword as her trophy and her revenge complete. Soon she could finally have peace.
Zek looked lost in thought as his father led everyone out the back of the palace and to a stable. the horses in the stables were magnificant beasts and gaurded by a fearce fire breathing whistling baby dragon... said dragon glided to land on Zeks shoulder she was only 3 feet long and slender about a foot of her length was all tail.

Her scales were the color of pearls and they glittered "Hello Skysong," Zek said giving her an affectionate scratch on her head. Sky then hopped to land on Tameron's shirt she looked into his eyes and whistled. "please pick any horse you would like," Numair said.
Halia watched the little dragon land on the princes shoulder. She hadn't seen a baby in awhile. Dragons were common near the dark elf city, but they kept their young hidden away. A horse in the corner of the stable neighed, as if calling her to it. Its fur was pure white. The only color came from its dark brown hooves, eyes and nose. She immediately gravitated towards it. When Halia neared it's stall she reached out and it butted her hand, seeming to demand her attention.

"Commanding thing, aren't you. What's her name?"

Tameron had never been fond of horses. Most were too small and the few that were his size were ill-tempered and refused to be tamed. There was only one in even the royal stable that would fit him. It was a giant beast, but had beautiful chestnut colored fur and a black tail and mane. He approached her slowly. He had been kicked and bitten by horses more times than he could count. It looked calm enough that he reached forward to stroke it. The horse stood still, seeming to not care if he touched it. He ran his big hand down its neck and it still stood calmly.
"Ah good choice she was my wives. Her name is Melody," Numair said softly "She is well tempered but very ... demanding." he said Zek pulled out his black mare Star and checked her hoves and legs. June went for a small horse with an obvious bad temper but one look into her eyes and the bloodroan calmed and let her lead it in the open "Banji smiled "you like Vin?" Banji asked the shifter "he loves apples,"
Tameron saw Halia lead the white mare, Melody away to get saddled. The others had all found a horse. This one's name was Vin, huh? He supposed he had to ride. He tried to avoid it as much as possible, but he couldn't exactly run along side the others.

"He seems nice. Few horses are big enough to carry me." Apples, huh? Tameron didn't have any, but he'd keep that in mind.
Banji giggled and jumpped up on the horse an amazing feat for a little boy "Papa used to ride him alot." he said stroking the horse. "He's a war horse," Numair said "if he likes you he will protect you if he doesn't he'll kill you... since he has not tried to strike you he must like you." The king patted the shifter on the back before patting the horse's nose. Zek mounted his mare unsaddled as well "When will we move out?" Zek asked Halia and Tameron. "I have all i need," though it looked like he was bringing nothing. Magic is my only neccessity, Zek said to himself and my nail paint. He looked at his poison painted nails, one scratch and his opponants would fall over in pain and slowly die it was even impervious to magic he did after all craft this poison to work on any foe even himself if it was nessasary.
Halia pulled herself onto Melody, her black robes falling over her sides. "I have all I need as well. I wish to leave as soon as possible." She could subsist on her magic alone for months before needing food and rest. For anything else she would need, she had the potions that were kept in hidden pockets in her robes.

Tameron stroked Vin. He didn't know what he would need for such a journey. With his current strength he could probably go a week or so without food or sleep, but he would rather not have to. He glanced at the wood elf, June. She didn't look as if she could handle even a day without food or sleep. He knew better than to judge a person by their appearance, for some of the strongest people he had met had looked as if they could barely hold a sword, but he worried nonetheless.
"Lets move out then," Zek said.

Numair handed zek a crystal that hung fron a silple piece of twine "The map," Numair said "only you can use it... be safe," Zek nodded to his father.

"aw do you have to leave so soon?" Banji asked in a whine, he didn't want his brother to go.

"soonewr we leavew the sonner we get back," June said helpping the boy off the horse "mount shifter my bow is all i need," she said noticing his glances of worry.
Tameron mounted Vin, uneasily. He had never gotten used to the feeling of riding a horse. Perhaps he shouldn't have dismissed the thought of running alongside the others. He could shift into a bear and keep up fine. Tameron sighed. Such a thing would be too tiring. He would have to ride.

"All I need are my claws. Let us depart."
Zek lead the group not even waving to his family. Though they did wave him off. June road along side Tameron "You ride a horse poorly," she commented "how long have you known the pretty boy," she motioned to Zek. Zek seemingly didn't hear Junes comment he had somehow summoned a book and was reading it while riding.
Tameron was concentrating on staying upright on the horse, so he did not hear June move to his side. When she spoke to him he jumped and nearly lost his balance. He wasn't used to this, being near others. He had spent the last four years in almost complete solitude.

"I would prefer to run. Even when I was home, I rarely required a horse."

Halia was glad to be moving forward. The wood elf and the descendant were talking and the prince was reading a book. She looked around her. The journey would be a long one. To pass the time, Halia drew her legs up and crossed them, somehow staying perfectly balanced. She closed her eyes and began her meditation, blocking out the sounds of the world around her. Halia pictured her city, the smell of damp earth, the silence, the cold.
"You didn't answer my question shifter," she said "How long have you and the pretty boy been together," she asked. Zek still reading payed no attention. The landscape was lavish forests a river was on their left it's waters clear and clean. All in all it was way to quiet.
"Didn't I? I met him about an hour ago. How long have you known the king? It sounded like you worked for him often." It felt odd, but nice to talk to someone. It had been far too long. Everything felt different. The sun shone down upon his skin, he was feeling stronger than he had in years and the air smelled sweet. He wanted to forget what his life had been before today.
"yeah i practically raised the pretty boy," she said "I want to warn you now his nick name is the blood prince for a reason," she said watching the dark elf meditate on her horse. "that and you might do better if you don't ride the horse like you are afraid of it. Hold the mane and find a way to sit thats confortable then move with the horse's body finding it's rythum you'll feel alot better,"
"The blood prince, huh?" Tameron was surprised. The prince had seemed kind to him. He had healed him, after all. Tameron tried to do as the elf said, but nothing seemed comfortable. He ran his fingers through the beast's mane, shocked to find how soft it was. He fisted the silky hair, careful not to pull on it. All of the others seemed completely at ease riding the animals. The dark elf had even begun to meditate atop hers, keeping her balance perfectly. Perhaps he could find a bear in a nearby forest and ride it. He would probably be more at ease, though he may upset the others who would travel on this path. Vin seemed to Tameron like a good horse. He was sturdy and calm. Perhaps he would try to ride the horse for the next couple days to see if he can grow accustomed to it.
As if he knew his riders distress Vin moved steadily and smoothly perposfully avoiding rocks and twigs he's have to step high to get over. "Yeah that boy has a temper and enough power to back it up," June said "about the only way to calm him bown is to put a book in front of him," she chuckled and for the first time she sounded relaxed. she pulled down her capes hood and let her waist length brown hair fall across her shoulders and back. "Then again I still remember one he used to spark when he got upset,"
Tameron laughed, his first in a long time. It was rusty, but loud and heartfelt. "He sparked, huh? I would love to see that. June seemed to have relaxed and he was glad for it. Their other two companions didn't seem the type to socialize much, so if he wanted to get to know her more. She seemed kind, not to mention beautiful. Tameron caught himself. He had never had much interest in women, especially not one so small and fragile looking as she, but he felt himself drawn to her.

Vin walked carefully beneath him, as if trying to calm his rider. For this, Tameron was grateful to the horse. He stroked the animals neck and tried to relax upon his back. They would have long to travel together and it would be easier on both if he were more comfortable with the horse. He studied his surroundings. They walked down a well worn path in a forest. It seemed to be teeming with life. Birds sang around them and squirrels chased each other. The air was sweet and cold. He turned back to his companion. "How did you get roped into joining this group, June?"
"A favor, Numair knew the prince would weasle his way into this expedition," She said with a shrug "I owe the king alot, and as strong and smart as Zek is he lacks controle. I don't want the dumb child getting himself killed," she said she stroked the beast under her and smiled "Besides I'm a follower of the Trickster that could come in handy if we are after a blade that can rival the MournBlade," She looked over at Tameron and chuckled he looked funny trying to get used to the horse. She could see he saw her as fragile, wont he be suprised? she asked herself with a mental laugh.

As Tameron thought Zek wasn't much of a social flower but he had long since stopped reading his book in opportunity to eaves drop on his companions conversation the book still open as if her were still reading. He was a bit angered by the fact his father hiered him a gaurdian he liked June well enough but by the gods themselves he was a mage! not as good a mage as his father but he was still growing! And it has been years since he set off sparks!
Halia couldn't concentrate and for this she blamed the descendant. His presence had her unbalanced. Rage simmered deep inside her, ready to unleash destruction. Her palms once again itched to kill. Never before had she had so much trouble controlling her emotions. It infuriated her even more. With a last angry sigh, she pulled herself back to reality. Melody walked smoothly beneath her, seeming to notice her fight for control. Halia inhaled deeply. She rummaged through her robes before finding the potion she sought. It was completely clear, like water, but sparkled slightly. Halia opened the small vial and downed the potion. Immediately she felt a chill pass through her body, leaving cold flesh behind it. The potion would numb her emotions. It wouldn't do to kill them all before they found the sword.
"We aren't alone," Zek said softly. That statment made june ready her bow "How many?" she asked

"Can't tell they are cloaked," the prince replied flipping the page of his book. "No use getting so worked up probably just bandits," he shrugged.

"That mentality will kill you kid." June warned him. The area became deadly silent exept the clopping of hooves.

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