Journey for the Sword (1x1)

Lightning danced over Halia's fingertips. Finally she could unleash some destruction. Her lips pulled up into a smile and she rolled her head on her neck, loosening some muscles. She doubted it would be much of a fight, but still she would relish every blow.

When Tameron heard that a battle was impending, his claws came out. The were inch thick, black and half a foot long. He did not want to shift fully. He knew that he could kill whoever would attack with just his claws. Tameron had no sword, nor armor. He supposed he preferred to fight this way. He could take wounds that would fell another man and continue to fight. His rage was his biggest asset.
Zek was completly relaxed a dozen me jumpped from ambush "Give up and we wont kill you all," the leader said a burly snake demon his fangs dripping a purple poison. June loosed an arrow and it his one of the men right between the eyes "I don't take threats well." She stated. Vin actually lowered himself for his rider to get off if he pleased. "We have mages!" The snake hissed at the group of four sure they looked imposing ... not! "A dark elf maiden a pretty little boy a cute wood elf and a bear." the leader laughed "you will sell real well now "Capture them!" the men attacked going for the horses.
Tameron eased off of Vin. He was growing fonder of the horse every minute. His body seemed to grow three sizes by the time he was standing, claws fully extended. He growled and his teeth had sharpened to points. Tameron began his charge, his roar near deafening. Before he had even gotten to the group, he grabbed a man and ripped the mans throat out with his claws. Blood splashed him, but he continued his charge.

Halia watched the shifter charge with disinterest. One of the attackers neared her and with a flick of her wrist a bolt of lightning shot down upon the man, frying him from the inside out. She could smell the sent of cooked meat from her perch atop Melody and she smiled wider. She would enjoy each and every one of their deaths. The lightning ceased its dancing upon her left hand only to be replaced with a bright blue ball of flames.
June was picking off the archers with her own arrows and Zek was still reading on his horse who looked indiferent and was happily munching grass. a mage flund a fire ball at Halia it was the size of her horse. As a large shifter went at Tameron going for his throat this shifter was a tiger it seemed and was fast. An arrow flew right past the reading mage and still he did nothing. It was starting to piss off the bad guys. (for lack of better term)
Halia shot off fireballs and lightning bolts, her smiling growing with each death she caused. She glanced at the giant fire ball headed for her and Melody with uninterest. Nothing seemed to faze Melody. She sat, slowly eating grass and resting while her rider killed. When Halia could feel the heat of the fire, she extended her left hand, sinking it into the heart of the fire. It stopped seemed to shimmer blue, then slowly began to shrink. Halia was absorbing it into her body, her eyes closed in pleasure. At the stunned stares directed at her, she slowly leaned forward an blew. She blew out the fire she had absorbed, directing all her attention to the mage.

Though singed, he still lived. Halia concentrated on her hands, then brought then together. The ground beneath the mages feet opened to swallow him whole, closing over him. His yells stopped short.

Tameron noticed the other shifter. The tiger was faster than he, but even not yet at full strength, he was stronger. He turned his body so that the tiger couldn't get at his throat and braced himself. The tiger rammed into him and they fell to the ground. Just before they met the ground, Tameron shoved the shifter under him so that he would taxe the fall. When the tiger hit the dirt Tameron shoved his thick claws into the shifters stomach. The tigers eyes went wide in pain just before Tameron dragged his claws up the shifters chest, digging past the other organs until he grasped the tigers heart. Tameron ripped it out and threw it to the side. He then opened his mouth and bit into the tigers throat.
June had picked off the archers and the leader and survivors all three of them began to run this is when Zek looked up from his book and they all froze solid "Do as you wish with them," He told Halia and nudged his horse forward. June sighed "stupid stuck up Prince," she muttered "you ok Tameron?" she asked from atop her horse Vin trotted to the shifter munching grass and flowers on his way. "And Tameron, do something about the blood," Zek called back to him.
Halia laughed. It was a carefree sound of pure delight. "I would be happy to." She pushed out her arms and rocks jutted up out of the earth, surrounding and trapping the remaining attackers. With one swift movement, Halia grabbed one of the blades hidden in her robes, pushed up the long sleeve of her robe to reveal light purple skin with black tattoos covering it. She used the dagger to make a small gash. She flicked a few droplets of her blood into the ring of rocks, trapping the survivors. Halia whispered a few words and the drops of her blood shivered, the caught fire. The fire was tall and thin, like whips. She flickered her fingers and the fire whips shot out, wrapping around the survivors, the blue flame burning through their flesh, until they had been reduced to mere hunks of meat and bone. The whips dissipated, the drops of blood had disappeared. Halia turned Melody to follow Zek. She was in a better mood than she could remember being in years. She laughed softly to herself.

Tameron ignored the screams of the men that Halia had killed, looking at June sheepishly. He smiled. "I'm uninjured. It has been so long since my last fight, I got a bit overexcited." He pulled himself up, snagging the tiger shifters shirt as he went and trying to wipe as much blood off as he could. His claws and teeth had receded until he looked like a normal human. When Tameron had removed as much blood as he could, he pulled himself back onto Vin and patted the horse's neck.
Vin didn't seem to mind the blood he nieghed softly and followed Zek and Halia without prompt. June sighed "see why Zek's fathers afraid he'll be killed?" she asked she was unstringing her bow so she could put it away. Zek was still reading the same book to Junes annoyance. And in secret he enjoyed ever second of June's annoyance he knew no arrows could hit him he had placed the enchantment himself. He and his horse were in no danger from low level attackers or even melee damage. "Should we stop at the river pass?" Zek asked his compannions "the horses will need water,"
"That is probably a good idea." Tameron was in a good mood after the fight. He didn't revel in death as Halia seemed to, but enjoyed the fighting. He had been stuck in a tiny cell for so long, it felt nice to move his body. He was impressed with June. Her aim with a bow was incredible. His stomach ached slightly. When they stopped to feed the horses, he would have to hunt for a bit of food. It wouldn't be difficult, though he might be a bit out of practice.
"Tameron how long has it been since you've had a meal?" June asked softly "I know Zek healed you and he's a good healer but he cares for prisoners about as much as those men he handed over to the dark elf," She looked him over "seems you still have a few ailments as well.. I knoticed a limp and how you're tender with your hands," Zek once more was listening in but he looked to Halia "What class mage are you, your spell casting is quick," he asked her.
Tameron couldn't remember when he had last eaten. He knew it had been a couple of weeks, but days had a tendency to blend together in prison. He didn't want June to worry about him, but he felt he needed to be honest. "I don't know. Maybe two weeks?" He rubbed his right knee. "I doubt that I will ever be able to heal fully." He said this with a small smile. He wasn't upset about this. He had accepted that he would never be able to go back to his old life, even if he were released from prison.

"Guess." She didn't believe it would be very difficult for him to figure it out. She could hardly be mistaken for a healer. Halia smoothed her robes. The gash on her arm had already begun to heal. She did not regret showing some of her powers, though she knew she should. Her people held their secrets close. She supposed they would have seen the power she could unleash with her blood sooner or later.
"Whatever you are you are far from high mage," he said "A battle mage maybe war if you can manage a bit of healing," he was blunt with his words his forever frozen mask of indiferance on his face. He shut the now finished book "you enjoy killing though, i must admit I enjoy the screams,"

June sighed "those prisons are... hell," she shuddered "here i have some jerky," she handed him a bag. "I'll hunt a good dear tonight when we let the horses rest," she said patting her steed.
Halia smiled. It was a cold smile. The rush of joy from the battle had had cooled. The potion she had taken earlier was doing its job. She felt completely cold. It was as she preferred. The prince was grating. She wondered how he would react when she killed his father. She wouldn't stay long enough to enjoy his pain. Halia bagan cleaning the dagger she had used for her spell. It had been a gift from her father when she had surpassed him. It had been meant to be an insult that she would need a blade and couldn't deal with anything with her magic. Halia had instead enchanted it to help her in her spell casting. It was a beautiful blade with many long grooves running over it's surface and a large ruby at the base of it's hilt.

Tameron saw June shiver when she talked of the prisons. Did she spend any time in them? He didn't like that thought. Tameron accepted the jerky. It would be his first bite of meat in years. The prisoners were fed scraps of half rotten junk when they were fed. He brought the jerky to his mouth before slowly taking a bite. He savored the taste for as long as he could before swallowing. Some might take offense that a woman would be hunting for their meal, but he had seen how skilled she was with a bow and knew it would be easier for her.
She hopped off her horse and let him run to the water Zek stayed atop his till it got to the river and jumpped off. He sat under a tree in the shade the young prince was still a tad bit tiered from the healing spell's he had to use on Tameron. "I'll ask's dads map the easiest rout to our destination," he said.

June dismounted her pony and watched Vin though instead of going to the water like the others hel once more lowered himself to let his rider off. "You got Vin's coat dirty," Zek said to Tameron
Tameron looked at Vin. He had, indeed gotten the horse dirty. He ripped a bit of his shirt off, dipped it in the water and washed the blood from the horse. He patted Vin's neck and smiled at the horse. "There you are. clean again." Tameron was carefully ignoring what the prince had said about the map. He walked to the stream to drink some mater himself.

Halia climbed off of her horse. She sat upon a rock beside the stream and watched the water rushing down it. Melody stood beside her, drinking. Most other animals avoided her, as if they could sense the destruction she wrought. The only animals that sought her out were the insects and the reptiles. Even as she thought this, a snake climbed onto her rock to lay beside her, it's tongue lazily flicking the air.
June looked up in the sky "Why do you dark elves still hold ill will towards other elves?" she asked Halia "The wars have been over for generations," she pet her horse as it greedily drank the clear clean waters. Zek looked at the elves "Also Halia do you think ill of me i do have elven blood in me," he said his stone gray eyes locked on her. Vin pressed his nose into Tamerons side in an affectionate manner before going of to drink.
Halia picked up the snake that lay beside her. It wound itself about her hands. "The dark elves think ill upon everything and everyone that isn't our of own kind or made by us." There was a trace of bitterness to her voice. Even she could hear it, but hadn't been able to stop it from escaping. Her people looked down upon everything that disagreed with. They favored strength and cruelty. Anyone who was weak or kind was ridiculed. She also blamed them for Amedia's death. The others of their kind had hated her. She was small and weak and kind. She was everything that they were not. They had driven her sister away, which had in turn led her to her death.
"That is a stupid mindset," Was kai's only reaction to that. He watched the river "Father tolerates everyone andhas many allies... not that he needs them," June nodded Knowing the extent of the king power. June looked up "Elves don't like me much," she commented "I killed too many students... not my fault they couldn't dodge," she said dryly
"If a student cannot learn then they deserve to die." The snake had climbed to her neck. It sought the warmth of her body and crawled inside of her robes. Halia did not mind. It found it's way to her waist and wrapped around her. "I have taught many of my people magic. Half of the students die."

Tameron sat on the ground beside Vin. The sun felt good upon his skin. He was happy here, though he knew he shouldn't be. They were on a mission to find his grandfather's sword, something he had once sworn he would never allow to see the light of day, but he was healed and outside. He was fresh from a fight ond was regaining his strength.
Zek watched Halia she was pretty he noted as he watched her play with the snake. The snake didn't spook Melody she blew at it and laid down in the grass by the stream. Vin however gave the snake space as calm as he was she was still a horse. "You require new clothes," Zek said to Tameron "Come here," he becconed the shifter.
Tameron looked at his clothing. They were covered in blood and dirt. The blood had hardened and was a little uncomfortable, but they were still cleaner than his old clothes. Vin stood beside him, keeping a distance from the snake Halia held. It was pure white. He had never seen it's like. Tameron stood and walked to Zk. He wondered what the prince had planned.
Zek stood and put his hand on Tameron. "I won't have my commpanions in rags," his clothes cleaned themselves then began to change he felt soft cotton against his skin as the shirt became a well fashioned if not simple tunic a leather belt made it'self and a brass buckle. then his pants changed to sturdy tanned leather that fit him well Zek pulled away his hand as leather boots fit temselves to his feet. The young mage staggered "i am loosing my tough it's all the fresh air," he muttered.
Halia watched the young prince make clothes for the shifter. They were simple, but well made. He didn't appear to be at his strongest. She knew that he had healed Tameron earlier and that it had taken a lot out of him. He must still be weak from that. Halia had never healed anyone. Her powers were to kill and destroy, not to heal or help. She wondered if it took more power than normal magic. A part of her whispered that she could kill him while he was weak. He would be angry when she killed his father and might try to attack her. It would save time, but she didn't want to. Especially not when he was weak. If he came looking for her later than she could kill him easily enough, but for now she needed him. She remembered when his younger brother had stormed into their meeting. He had seemed to genuinely love his elder brother, so surely he couldn't be a bod man. Or maybe she was hesitant to steal the boys father and his brother. To leave him all alone in the wold, not even able to care for himself. At one time Halia wouldn't have even hesitated to kill him. She would have seen his weakness and attacked. But then, they never would have gotten this far together. She would have killed his father and stolen the descendant, then tortured him into telling her where the sword was. Once, when she was young and angry, she probably would have killed Amedia herself.
Zek looked at her "If you think I am defencless you are wrong," he said "I'm not my father but I'm not an amature," he leaned against the tree. "No you are a sixteen year old boy," June said "a little boy with too little common sence," she splashed him and the now wet Prince stared at her wide eyed. "That's it," he flicked his wrist and she was splashed with a huge wave of water she squeeled as it hit.
"I have no intention of attacking you. I still have need of you." Halia was tired. Not physically, but mentally tired. Just before Amedia's death, she had plans to leave her people. She wanted to live quietly with her sister. Before Amedia the idea would be completely unthinkable to her. But as she raised her sister, she wanted to be a better person. She was cruel and cold, but she living that way was so tiring. Never trusting those around you, not even your family, never being able to relax.

"Your sixteen? I knew you were young, but I hadn't realized how young you were."

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