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Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek

FloatingAroundSpace said:
@Tiny Turtle
Would personal plots possibly work? Clearly, Elizabeth and Hanuel have some serious shit to deal with in the form of pretty much a human gang with a few supernatural creatures sprinkled in the mix. Perhaps they show up in town to make a deal or trade with some shady supernatural creatures over spells and the like and stuff goes downhill.
Eunoia said:
Yeah and there's the whole Persephone thing for the twins.
Embry's pretty chill, just trying to get on Broadway. No worries about her.
My goal is for this to be a character driven roleplay, so personal plots between characters are highly encouraged, yeah. I'm hoping that this really does become a roleplay where all the characters weave together their own sort of stories.
Okay but like

Emilie's faceclaim reminds me of this handily screenshotted(by pinterest) tumblr post:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/32949a20b4d96051a5affe973130282d.jpg.1aa1394bac0603188f2d9ec5d8844da1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/32949a20b4d96051a5affe973130282d.jpg.1aa1394bac0603188f2d9ec5d8844da1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And is it just me or...?



  • 32949a20b4d96051a5affe973130282d.jpg
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@Tiny Turtle

Can some humans know of the supernatural if they met with them outside the town?

edit: And also, are there certain drugs that supernatural creatures may be addicted to or are highly prized? For example, is the hide of a werewolf seen as expensive and a status symbol to vampires? Is vampire blood a drug used by magic users?
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I mean, 8 characters a friend of mine and I created for rp, are the main characters in a book I'm writing. Other characters I make just end up being side characters in other rol

WitchOfTape said:
Okay but like
Emilie's faceclaim reminds me of this handily screenshotted(by pinterest) tumblr post:

View attachment 247769

And is it just me or...?

Hhhahah Perfect! Emilie so would do that too. She'd just be like "Oh please! She's not cute enough to be a fairy. But she taste yummy!" and flash her fangs xD
Nat said:
Hhhahah Perfect! Emilie so would do that too. She'd just be like "Oh please! She's not cute enough to be a fairy. But she taste yummy!" and flash her fangs xD
Glorious. It should totally happen.

Who's the most emo chick in the rp as yet who's human?
I almost said Pandora before I read that because she's an emotional roller coaster but then I read human and I have no idea.
WitchOfTape said:
Glorious. It should totally happen.
Who's the most emo chick in the rp as yet who's human?
Elizabeth, Insaf, and Embry are all human women.

Elizabeth has the most shit going on in her life. Guilt complex hey-o.
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Elizabeth feels bad for the deaths of her friends and Insaf feels bad for all the bad decisions she's made in her life. Both of them are bad at emotional processing but I wouldn't count them as "emo".
Embry has a fairly good handle on her emotions I'd say, so I don't guess any of them are really emo
Nearly all the girls are emo/goth compared to Emmie xD She's just a dancing little ball of fluff and love xD

Nate will have more of a connection to to the Twitches and their mother than anyone can bargain for.

Can There be a hospital? Or a blood bank? There has to be an alternative for those vampires who are more "docile" than others.
i was honestly thinking about ways to get blood tbh....

gonna get a Paxton post up in a minute, working on something for some other rps first :)
If nobody else is emo enough I'll gladly volunteer Willow because she could use some more confusion in her life :D

Also, autocorrect keeps wanting me to say "Elmo" instead of "emo"...
What is the definition of "emo" is my question? Someone with a troubled past that is very angsty about it? (I tend to play those characters accidentally, and a lot of people find it annoying in the end. I get it; angsty characters are only good in small doses.) Or is like a fashion or style group?

My mind is going straight back to middle-school and all the kids that had hair covering half of their face and scoffed at everyone...
I define emo as emotionally unstable rather than the emo style. So technically, Pandora is emo. But she's definitely not the stylized emo. i play a lot of emotionally unstable characters don't feel bad
My brain associates "emo" with "goth so basically that whole thing I guess. Generally dark characters would likely work if that makes sense...?

(I apologize if it doesn't make sense, I'm pretty tired.)

(And I also play a lot of emotionally messed up characters it's a feature not a bug)
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i can see where your brain would make that association, due to stylized emos. *has war flashbacks*
Sorry I didn't go online yesterday I was helping Noah with making cookies and then he only left at like 11pm and I fell asleep. I'll be online more though since it's march break now v-v

FloatingAroundSpace said:
@Tiny Turtle
Can some humans know of the supernatural if they met with them outside the town?

edit: And also, are there certain drugs that supernatural creatures may be addicted to or are highly prized? For example, is the hide of a werewolf seen as expensive and a status symbol to vampires? Is vampire blood a drug used by magic users?
Nope. I'd really like if none of the humans had any idea about supernaturals so that way when people in the town accidentally reveal it (or maybe it's like a confession it's up to you guys) they're not like "ah yes. I know of this." I'd rather just see their raw reaction I guess.

I'm debating on if I'll introduce some supernatural drugs. If I do I guess I might introduce some pixies and the like (unplayable since they'd live deep in the forest. They'd be NPCs) I'll write up a lore page for things that supernaturals may find expensive. Vampire blood is a drug for anyone who drinks it, and can also be used in dark magic spells. *Note that it is very hard to come by unless a vampire is willing to give, but that'll force the vampire to be apart of the spell which could have consequences for them so good luck* yeah. I'll write up a lore page for this actually. It'll just be there for anyone who wants some extra details.

RedIncubus said:
Nate will have more of a connection to to the Twitches and their mother than anyone can bargain for.
Can There be a hospital? Or a blood bank? There has to be an alternative for those vampires who are more "docile" than others.
There is a hospital, yes. I put it up in the locations tab if you want to check it out. There is a blood bank in there (I'll write that part up), and if anyone would like they can write up some restaurants on Zodiac Avenue that are catered to vampires.
@Tiny Turtle

I mean like human characters that are NPCs that come to town that know of supernatural creatures. I was thinking of including the Bad Man and his gang. I thought of having humans in that gang that had knowledge of the supernatural. If that's ok, I'll get to worj on it tonight.

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