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Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek

FloatingAroundSpace said:
Anyone alive?
WitchOfTape said:
I am! Mostly...
I'd like to apologize for not keeping this thread running. It's the time of year for me where I get really bad migraines and I physically cannot look at light, let alone a computer screen. I'm still here, I just might vanish sometimes since I have migraines due to the change in pressure in the air. I promise though this roleplay shall continue to run! I just had a couple days of shakespeare hecticness and then over the weekend I got a migraine so bad I couldn't see my entire right hand.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]I'd like to apologize for not keeping this thread running. It's the time of year for me where I get really bad migraines and I physically cannot look at light, let alone a computer screen. I'm still here, I just might vanish sometimes since I have migraines due to the change in pressure in the air. I promise though this roleplay shall continue to run! I just had a couple days of shakespeare hecticness and then over the weekend I got a migraine so bad I couldn't see my entire right hand.

Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better. My mom gets really bad migraines sometimes too. Don't worry, I don't think anyone's given up on this yet! At least, I haven't. Here's hoping.
WitchOfTape said:
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better. My mom gets really bad migraines sometimes too. Don't worry, I don't think anyone's given up on this yet! At least, I haven't. Here's hoping.
Thank yo! That sucks, I hope your mum gets them at least few and far between. I hope no one has either, since I do have plans I've just been slow going with things lately.

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