J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alisa laughed, "Ok!" She called to him after he left. She stood up and walked to her drawers and closet, picking out her clothes for the day. She chose to wear a white blouse over a grey undershirt, denim skinny jeans, and the necklace that Adrian had given her a few months ago. She threw her pjs in her hamper, and made her bed. After making her bed, she walked to the bathroom where she combed through her hair a few times and pulled her hair into a little side braid. The smell of the chicken, rice, and soy sauce waivered throughout her entire dorm, her stomach growled as she did her makeup and only put a little on. She walked out to the kitchen when Adrian had called her out to the kitchen, she took a seat at the barstool and looked at her food. "It looks delicious!" She told him with a smile, she took one of the meat chunks off of her kabob and ate it with a little bit of the rice. "And it tastes even better." She told him eating a little bit more of the wonderful food he had prepared.
"I know. You don't have to tell me twice. My cooking could never be bad." He winked cheekily and stuck his tongue out. "I'm just kidding. OH! And before I forget, don't forget to pack your suitcase. We leave in two days time, remember? And also, I hope you didn't forget my birthday. It's tomorrow you know." He added nonchalantly. "I've already packed. So if you'd like, I could help you with your packing after lunch? Or would you prefer to do it alone?" He scooped up more of the rice and slid a chunk of chicken off the skewer, piercing it with his fork and popping it into his mouth. Dabbing the corners of his mouth, which marinade had managed to smear halfway up his cheek, he threw Alissa little smiles, giving her the occasional wink.

Alissa giggled, she walked over to the sink and washed her dish. She turned around and walked to her bed, pulling her suitcase out. "How could I forget about your birthday?" she said with a smile. "It would be great if you could help me pack." She told him with a smile. She walked over to Adrian, and wiped some of the marinade off of his cheek. She walked to the fridge, and took a little bottle if Snapple Tea out. "You want one?" she asked Adrian before taking a sip from the tea bottle. Alissa stayed standing just in case he did want the tea, she cleaned the table so no more rice or marinade were sticking to it. She couldn't wait for his birthday, she had the perfect idea on what to do for him on his 20th birthday, an She couldn't wait to do it.
"Sure I'll have a Snapple. I don't even have any idea what it is, but I'll try it." Adrian grinned and popped open the lid when Alissa handed him one. Sipping it, he smacked his lips together, trying to figure out what it tasted like. "Hmm, it kind of tastes like the peach and mango iced tea that my mum used to make in summer. It's nice though, yum." He walked over to Alissa and planted a kiss on her sweet lips, the taste of Snapple making him shiver. "You know, if they ever made a Snapple lipgloss, you should buy it. You taste yummy when you've had some." He gently trickled his hands up from her hips and started tickling her ribs. "Right, so let's get started. You have a lot to pack, it's going to be hot remember." He tapped his temple wisely and lead the way to her bedroom and sifted through her drawers and closet, picking out the most suitable clothes.


(Agh! I know I haven't been on much, life is hectic. But I should be online more now, so you won't have to wait as long to reply. :D )
Alissa smiled, "That is the flavor." She said with a little giggle as he came over. She rubber his arm as he ran his Han from her hip to her ribs. She kissed him back, pulling away with a smile She squealed when he hit the mos ticklish spots on her ribs. She followed him to her room and took some of her shorts out. A few short sleeved shirts, underwear, a few of her tanktops that weren't hanging up, and almost all of her bathing suits. She walked to her bathroom where she got all of her toiletries in a bag and brought them to her room. Then Alissa started packing her clothes, toiletries, and under wear.Once she was all packed, she looked over at Adrian, stood up, and walked over to.him. "Mmm, thank you for helping me pack." She thanked him before She kissed his lips. Alissa also hugged him before she zipped her suitcase, She took his hand and pulled him towards the door "Come! I need to give you an early birthday present." She said with a smile, she lead him to the back room, "Close your eyes." She said with a little giggle.
"Oooh, I'm excited!" Adrian asked. He clenched his eyelids shut and covered his eyes with his spare hand, as his other was taken by Alissa. It was a peculiar sensation, being blind. He stepped cautiously, as if he was trying to feel the ground in front of him. Even though Alissa was leading him, he still felt unstable and bent his knees slightly as he walked. He heard a door handle rattle and the creak of hinges swinging, and stepped into what was obviously the back room. His feet felt soft on the plush carpet, but other than that, he couldn't tell what the room looked like. "Okay, so can I open my eyes, or should I turn around and let you get it out?" He gently removed his hand from hers and waited patienty, his eyes still covered up.
Alissa smiled, she opened the door for the back room and dropped Adrian's hand. She had made a big framed poster that had a lot of pictures of them. She had glued little stones to the frame, and written a few things in the white spaces, she had made it just for Adrian. But one thing on the poster stood out the most. Their song "When we're together, nothing else is better. Cuz out love makes the world stand still." But she had finished it, so all of the lyrics where on a side of the poster. "Open your eyes." She said, kissing his cheek, and smiling. The other thing she did was get him his very own recipe book entitled "Adrian's Cook Book." She couldn't wait to see his reaction to his early birthday present.
Adrian stared at the poster, his heart filling with love and happiness. He even felt tears form in his eyes. Wiping them away, he smiled. "It's absolutely amazing. You're too good for me." He took the frame and went over the photos, remembering fondly each event. He read their song, which she had finished, and the little messages in Alissa's neat hand. When he set the frame down and Alissa gave him the cookbook, tears fell from his eyes. Smiling broadly at Alissa, he gave her a short, but powerful kiss on the lips and flipped through the book. He found many of the recipes he had cooked for the two of them, even finding some recipes that he didn't recognise. They must have been Alissa's. He set that down with the frame and embraced Alissa, holding her in a warm hug. "You truly are too good for me. I could never give you anything more special than what you've given me."
Alissa couldn't help but smile when she saw Adrian looking over each of the pictures, she felt good. She returned his kiss and rubbed his back as he looked through the cookbook. She looked over the pictures, clearly remembering each and every moment. She hugged him and put her head under his chin and took one of his hands into hers. She wiped his tears from his face, she looked up at him and smiled. "I am in no way too good for you Adrian." She told him sweetly. She shook her head squeezed his hAnd "But you have." She said as she moved closer to him "You've given me your love, affection, and promise to one day marry me." She told him and she popped up on his shoulders and kissed him sweetly. "And that's all I could ever ask for." She whispered into his ear.
Adrian pulled Alissa into a tight hug. Her words moved him more than her gifts, and he could barely contain the overwhelming emotions that were struggling to burst from him. Placing gentle kisses from her scalp to her jawline, he moved his way to her lips and pressed firmly, but passionately. He translated his emotions into his kiss, and immediately felt their lips connect in an almost indestructible bond. Wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, he lifted her up and stumbled onto her bed, feeling as though he could never part. He even felt as though he didn't need to breathe, as if Alissa was his oxygen supply. Still locked in the kiss, he gently ran his fingers across her collarbones, fondling with the collar of her shirt. His fingertips lightly stroked her soft skin, sending tingles through his body.
Alissa placed her hands around his neck. She kissed him as they stumbled onto her bed and laid down. She enjoyed everything that they had done together, and kept the kiss going. She moved her hands to his back where she slipped her hAnd under his shirt, and she was met by his warm, soft skin that made her smile a they kissed. As the kiss wore on, Alissa did stop for a nice breath once s so she could continue what they ha started. She ran her hands up and down his sides, and up to his neck. She rubbed the sides of his neck with he fingers. "Hey, you want to watch a movie?" she asked as she pulled away from their fairly long an passionate kiss.
Adrian narrowed his eyes at Alissa, his lips thinning into a tight line. "You know how to tease me don't you?" His lips unclenched and a smile broke out across his face. Rolling off her, he leapt off the bed and onto the floor, holding his hand out for Alissa. "Come on then. What kind of movie did you have in mind?" Curling his fingers around hers, he lead her into her lounge room. He plopped himself onto the floor and browsed through her DVD's, pulling her down with him so she could search too. Familiar titles flashed across his eyes and a thought came to him. "Okay, how about we pick three movies that we both want to watch, and from there we compromise on what we watch. Sound good?
Alissa giggled "You bet I do." She said poking his stomach. She though as she sat down next to him, "Have you seen Here Comes The Boom?" she asked him as she pulled it out and held it in front of them. She looked at him with a funny face be for She kissed his cheek. The lights were hitting his hair just right, pulling her in closer to him, she wrapped her arm around his back and laid her head on his shoulder as she Waite for his response with a smile on her face. "And you can pick out the other two." she said with a little giggle. She pressed her nose against side of his head with a soft smile on her lips.
"I've never heard of Here Comes the Boom, so let's give it a shot," Adrian said, his fingers tracing over the cases of many DVD's. "I pick The Godfather," Pulling out the case, he laid it on the floor in front of them and then he gasped as he saw one of his favourite movies. "I know I sound like a little kid, but I love Tangled!" He pulled that out as well and held it before him, gazing at it as if it were an expensive chunk of gold. "You know, the relationship between Flynn and Rapunzel kind of reminds me of our relationship." He said, popping the disc out of Here Comes the Boom and sliding it into the DVD player. "I don't know why, but whenever I think about the movie, I get the feeling that your my Rapunzel and I'm your Flynn, who saved you from the tall tower of loneliness." He smiled brightly at Alissa and pecked her lips before jumping onto her couch, getting cosy to watch the movie.
Alissa smiled, "I love that movie too!" she said with a short giggle. She watched as he put the movie in, she pressed play then scootched over a little bit. "I have to agree, that Tangled is a lot like our relationship. Beccause without you, I will have to talk to my toaster all day." she said with a little laugh. She wrapped her arms around his stomach, and pecked his jaw. She pulled a blanket over the two, then she snuggled up to his body z laying her head against his shoulder. As the movie started, Alissa couldn't hep but laugh, it was one of he favorite movies, and she was watching it with her favorite fittings while entire world.
As the screen flickered with the movie, Adrian was engrossed by the imagery. The more he watched of the film, the more he began to enjoy it and soon he was totally lost in the screenplay. So much so that he didn't even realise he was gripping Alissa so tightly that his nails were digging into her skin. He felt her squirm, and snapping out of his stupor, he immediately released his grip. "Oh sorry Honeyqueen! I was just really invested in the movie. I actually really like it." He said softly, but not so quietly that he couldn't be heard over the blaring noise. He gasped suddenly. "Oh my god! I can't believe we forgot to make popcorn!" He slipped out from Alissa's grasp and ran lightly to the kitchen, placing a bag in the microwave and getting out a bowl.
Alissa stopped the movie, she stretched a little bit, and rubbed her eyes. She took her phone out, and sent a text to some one to make sure that what she had planned for his birthday would happen. She then quickly put her phone on the table next to her. She heard the beeper go off, and Adrian putting the popcorn in the bowl. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom, then undid her hair and took off most of.her makeup. She came back and stretched on her way back to the couch. She got a phone call, so she went into her.bedroom, it was the dorm supervisor. She had gone along with Alissa.request for anyone present. She walked back to the.couch again with a smile on her face and her.mind filled with happy thoughts.
Adrian walked back over to the couch, the bowl of hot popcorn steaming in his hand and plopped himself down next to Alissa. She unpaused the movie while he stuffed his mouth with a handful of the buttery goodness. "So who was that on the phone? Is everything alright?" He glanced sideways, a tiny smirk easing up the edges of his mouth. Popping some more popcorn into his mouth, he stretched his legs out across the floor and slumped in his seat before slithering to the floor. He enjoyed watching movies on the floor. It just made the movie feel so much more realisitic in his opinion. Propping the bowl onto the edge of the lounge, right in between him and Alissa.
Alissa giggled, "Everything is perfect." She said with a soft smile. She refrained from telling him who is was though, thinking it would ruin the surprise. She took a little bit of popcorn, and ate it, she then looked down at Adrian and ran her fingers through his hair. "You're so cute." She said with a soft and gentle voice. She slowly slouched next to Adrian with a big smile on her face. She took some more popcorn, keeping her eyes on the screen, and occasionally on him. The movie was almost done as she looked at the time, "Hey love, it's 6:30, what would you like for dinner? Because I'm making it." She said with a little chuckle.
Adrian thinned his lips at Alissa's comment. "You know, I don't like you making me dinner, I prefer to make you dinner. But since you insited, I'm in the mood for grilled salmon and waldorf salad. Do you have the ingredients to make it? Because if you don't, I have got some in my dorm." He got up and flipped the lightswitch so the room was bathed in a warm glow. Heeding Alissa's words, he walked back over to the couch and flopped onto the floor, even though he deeply desired to pull open her fridge and prepare dinner for her. Running his fingers through his hair, he added, "Oh, and before I forget, you're pretty cute too. In fact, you're of the radar on my cuteness scale." He poked the tip of her nose and kissed her softly, smiling his crooked, cheeky smile.
Alissa looked at her hands, "Oh... I..I can go get the ingredients." She said softly. She wondered why he didn't like it when she made dinner. She shrugged it off, she rubbed her arm with the palm of her hand. She pushed her hair out of her face and looked down at Adrian, who was laying on the floor. She blushed, "Thanks, you're pretty adorable yourself." she said, kissing his cheek. "I'll be back in a few." She said, sitting up and walking out of her dorm, and down to Adrian. She opens his dorm and taking the salmon and the waldorf. She closed the fridge, and brought the ingredients with her as she locked his dorm door and walking back to her dorm. She set the ingredients on the counter and started to prepare the pan and salad bowl for his dinner.
Adrian sat at Alissa's kitchen table, his plate of steaming salmon and crisp salad tantalizing his tongue. "It looks and smells absolutely beautiful. You are truly good at everything, aren't you?" He leaned over the table and pecked her, before digging into the flaky salmon. Adding some salad, he closed his eyes and made a noise of approval. "Oh my god, this is amazing! I've had this in some restaurants and they don't make it this good. Honestly, it's the perfect dinner to celebrate our day last in the USA for a while." He smiled broadly before piling his fork up and shovelled the delicious dinner into his mouth. Whilst he was chewing, he noticed a bit of a sad look in Alissa's eyes. "What's wrong Honeyqueen?" He thought about what he had said and his previous statement popped in his mind. "When I said that I don't like you cooking, I didn't mean that your food tastes awful. I love your cooking. I just don't like you cooking for me. I prefer to cook for my lady."
Alissa sat across from him, eating quietly. She nodded "Thanks, that's very sweet of you." She said with a little smile. She scraped the last of the salmon off of her plate, and chewed what was in her mouth. Alissa watched him eat; it brought a smile on her face to see someone so engulfed in something that she had prepared. She looked.down at her plate andand started to eat the waldorf. She stopped eating and took a swig of the water in front of her, "I can't wait to see where you grew up." She said to him with a cute little smirk. She finished the waldorf, and stood up, taking Adriana plate with her. She stuck then in the sink, and started to clean the counters and the utensils that she had been using to make the dinner. Alissa looked over at Adrian as she finished cleaning, listening to him as he explained what he meant by his earlier statement. "Oh.. I thought you meant you didn't like my food." She said softly. She walked over to him, and kissed the top of his head, and hugged him gently.
"I could never hate your food. You always make everything delicious." Adrian hugged her back, pushing his love telekinetically into her. He felt his stubble brush against her chest, reminding him that he needed to shave. "And I'm glad you'll get to see where I grow up. It's a little suburb in Melbourne, very peaceful and not too far from the city. But before that, I lived in Brisbane at the orphanage." He smiled as he heard his phone beep from inside his pocket. "Ooh, I wonder who has texted me." Reaching into his pocket, he tapped away at the screen and saw that there was two messages, one from his mother and one from his sister. His moth'er's read: Hello sweetie, I've just got a quick question for you. Does Alissa have any allergies? I'm planning a special dinner for you tomorrow. Love you lots xoxo. "Hey Honeyqueen, do you have any allergies?" As he waited for her response, he read his sister's message: Hey brosef! I'm really excited to see you tomorrow and meet your new girl. I hope you haven't developed an American accent though. I would miss the Aussie Adrian. Adrian smiled at the messages, his heart swelling with love.
Alissa blushed "Thanks Adrian." She said softly. She nodded "It sounds amazing, and wonderful." She told him with a little smile. She thought, "Mmm.. No I don't have any allergies." She replied sweetly. As she continued to stand up, she began to rub his shoulders and upper back. Alissa moved one of her hands behind his ear, and moved her fingers through his hair. "Hey Adrian, what's your favorite color?" she asked him as she walked around him, took his plate, and brought it to the sink where She cleaned it and then put it on the drying table. She walked over to the table again, and sat next to Adrian with a loving smile on her face, she out her head on hi shoulder and then looked up at him with a smirk. She put her arm.around.his back.and then pecked his cheek, she giggle a little as she put her head back down, and on to his shoulder again.

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