It's Abuse [Inactive]

Next time I see you, I'll say it out loud. I was so scared to find out you were being abused, and the first thing I wanted to say was that it was a damn shame. You know why? Because when you smile, there's nothing else I find to be more attractive than that. And how can you be happy with a jerk like that guy. Yes I mean it, every word.

Remember what I said? I'm not going anywhere, silly.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. There they were, both admitting some deeper feelings. Vincent was happy she'd gotten away from the idea she wasn't worth jack from the last few texts. At least she was starting to lean towards him in some way.

I'm glad you hold me in such a high regard. I'm important? That's wonderful to hear, as strange as it sounds, I'm so glad there's someone you can depend on, you know? Even if it weren't me, it's just great to hear.

Of course he meant every word. Even he felt some butterflies in his stomach in the simple text. He'd have to make sure to repeat it out loud, it held more meaning to him to have to say the words. To actually hear the words come out of his mouth, and for her to smile and remind him he was important to her.
Who else would I depend on? If me revealing what's been going on with Matthew and everything else in the last year to you today wasn't any indication with how much I trust you then I can say that I don't know what is. It was a pretty huge step I took, admitting something like that when all I'd like to have done was hide it, and I don't regret it at all. In fact, it's a great relief to have someone know and believe of what I've said.

And of course your important, more so than anything else. Also, as I've previously stated, I am seriously flattered that you think so highly of me as well. Nice to be depended on too, you know? And you better remember to tell me next time we meet again, just like you said. The word 'beautiful' coming from you just has a certain charm that I love. Especially when it's directed at me.

Like I've said before; I can't be happy with a guy like him. I'm not even close. With you, I can feel things in ways that I just can't with Matthew. Whenever I'm around him I'm scared out of my damned mind no matter how much I hate admitting any weakness. When I see him I literally have to resist the urge to flinch back or stop myself from cowering into a wall for fear that It'd only anger him more and I'd get hurt worse. I've become great at masking my feelings and emotions most of the time, as you've learned first hand, because it seems to only spur him on when he sees my fear or hears my pain. Although, I usually can't stop the cries that come out when he's volatile.

Everyone has their own form of kryptonite and he just happens to be mine.

After sending out the text, Zoey hated how vulnerable she sounded towards the end of it. Even so, she was pretty relieved that she was letting Vincent inside her walls a little bit more, any form of progress satisfactory. She only wished that she could have somehow made the mood a bit lighter when handling such a dark topic, although, she doubted that Vincent would have appreciated any humor when conversing about her pain and the abuse she's endured.
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You're getting of there, I promise. I know words might not seem so important right now, but, it's all I can do. Other than say I'm sorry this happened to you, Zoey.

It was a weak response to her long release of emotions, but she needed to let some of those things out. He would listen to her talk all night if it helped. It was such a shame he couldn't be there to hold her again. The comfort of a warm body did wonders beyond simple words through a phone. Even if he called her, it wouldn't help much. Vincent didn't want her to be overheard.

Their exchanges had moved along the night substantially, and Vincent had received a few more calls from Thomas. He begrudgingly called the guy back and waited for him to pick up, making sure if Zoey texted he'd respond quickly.

"Vince, my maaan." Thomas answered. Even over the phone it was obvious he was wasted. If the scent of alcohol on his breath could travel through the phone, Vincent probably would've wanted to puke.

"Thomas, what do you need? Make it quick." Vincent said impatiently.

"So, I actually am at a buddy's right now, we just got back from the bar." This is what Thomas sounded like he said through the slurs. "Met an awesome dude there and some of his buddies -"

Vincent cut his story short, not really caring about what his friend was doing. Friend, even that was an overuse of the word.

"I need you to come get me." Thomas declared. After some banter back and forth, Vincent discovered his friend was sitting in jail after trying to drive drunk. There was no way in hell he was going to get the guy. It was his own fault, and Vincent quickly hung up, ignoring the incoming texts and calls.

Zoey is far more important than him. Vincent groaned. How did the two stay so close?
Man, if she could then she'd slap Vincent through her phone. How many times did she have to say that he didn't need to apologize before he actually listened? Quite a lot of times, it seemed. Letting out a sigh she rubbed her eyes with her hands, sending a reply back once more.

No more apologies. It reminds me of pity and that's an emotion I don't need to deal with right now. Anyways, I'm just glad that you listened and gave me time to vent all of these pent up feelings. It's nice to be able to tell someone, and I bet you're pretty annoyed with me because of it. Anyways, th-

Being so caught up in trying to figure out something else to text back to Vincent, she was startled to hear the bedroom door suddenly open. With only a second to spare she threw the phone haphazardly underneath her pillow, wincing as the tale-tell ring of a message being sent sounded off. Damn, and I didn't even get to finish what I wanted to say.

Zoey let out a tiny breath of air and closed her eyes for a split second, opening them back up only to see Matthew grabbing some clothes to change into for bed, the thought making her think that a few hours must have passed. And, sure enough, when she glanced out the window it was pretty much dark already. At least her time was spent wisely.

She watched Matthew go into the bathroom and come back into the bedroom with the new clothes on, the man in question pausing at the side of the bed so he was looking down at Zoey. He stayed staring at her in the same position for a few excruciatingly long seconds before it seemed as if he finally came to a conclusion inside his head. Although, it wasn't one Zoey was all that expected to hear.

"Hurry up and gather whatever you need to sleep. Since you insist that you don't want to do anything with me, and I really don't want to see any part of you right now, you're going to be sleeping outside. Who knows, maybe it'll teach you a thing or two. You've got a minute before I kick you out and lock all the doors."

She was surprised at his demanding request but wasted no time gathering a pillow, along with her phone that had been thrown underneath, and a nice enough blanket. As extra, and just in case she happened to need it, Zoey speedily grabbed her purse, her phone charger, and her car keys. Exactly a minute later she was left standing in the cold night air, the lock on the door and windows clicking shut only to be left behind as an echo in her ears, the noise seemingly taunting her.

"Well, fan-f*cking-tastic. Looks like I'll be sleeping in the truck tonight." And that's where she went to next, happy she had brought along her car keys. After she and everything she had brought along with her was inside the vehicle, she made sure to lock the doors. It was a bit disappointing that she couldn't turn on the heater or the car but she didn't want to waste away gas if it could be prevented. It's only be a waste of money anyways.

After Zoey had laid there for a few silent minutes she finally got out her phone and created another text.

Hey, sorry about my message getting cut off earlier. Matthew came into the room and when I threw my phone underneath the pillow it must have hit against the wall as well because the incomplete text got sent and I didn't have any time to reply again until now. Geez, it's been one hell of a night, hasn't it?
The ring from his phone alerted him to a new message, but as he stared, it was incomplete. Puzzled, Vincent could only stare at the phone without a clue as to why it had cut off. Of course he had some idea, but he didn't want to say it, it only made it all the more true. To his relief, another came sometime after, and he punched out a quick reply so she didn't feel abandoned.

You can say that again. Are you alright?

Pauses were worrisome, Matthew must have been around. It would be hard for Vincent to send messages from now on without thinking of the consequences. What if Matthew saw the texts and exploded?

No, he told himself. Vincent had to continue to act normal, for Zoey.
Yeah, I'm alright. It's just that, after I got home from your dorm room, Matthew tried to get a bit too 'touchy-feely' with me so I got fed up and basically told him no. It seems as if he finally found out what he wanted to do with me after that dispute and so here I am now, sitting inside my truck for the rest of the night. I managed to bring along a few things with me though, so I guess it isn't all that bad.

She sent the message and sighed, feeling awful for making Vincent worry so much. It couldn't have possibly been good for him to be in such a state of anxiety. Psh, hypocrite much? And it's not really your fault if he feels obligated to look after you. Just except it and be thankful. Zoey shook her head, feeling an oncoming headache prodding at her skull, and wondered how her thoughts could hold so much casualty.

She tried her best to just forget everything, to clear her mind, for the tiniest bit and focus on just relaxing. It wouldn't do her any good to be full of worry herself. Always better to be calm and prepared for anything, no matter what. Well, that's at least what she liked to tell herself. Great motivation.
That was that. Vincent wouldn't let her sleep in the rust bucket. If he had to, he'd come get her so long as she didn't make a big deal about it. Which she would, so, he did his best to convince her.

Well, there's a futon here with your name on it. How's that sound?

He climbed down from his loft and started to get ready to scour a parking lot or two for the girl. If she was afraid Matthew would hear? He'd come get her. If she was afraid he'd be mad she left? She never had to go back. This was wrong for her to sleep in a car, this he couldn't stand for, especially not when there was a perfectly empty bed and futon a few feet away from him.

If you don't say yes, I'm going to come find you ;)
Zoey pouted in the darkness of her car, not wanting to accept Vincent's offer just out of pure stubbornness but also wanting to sleep indoors that night. In the end, the positive aspects outweighed the negative and, with reluctance, wrote up a quick text to answer Vincent's question.

As long as you don't mind, it sounds pretty wonderful. Although, I won't be intruding any, will I? And if not then I think it'd be best for you to come by and pick me up in your car instead of mine, since my seems to make way too much noise to be inconspicuous. I also don't think we need to worry too much about grabbing any unwanted attention since I park at the end of the park lot, plus Matthew is a pretty heavy sleeper so he should very well be passed out on the bed by this time.

To wrap up the message she gave him generic direction to where the apartments were located, sending it off with a simple press of a button. Now, all she really could do was anxiously wait for him to come.
Don't worry about it. I'm here for you.

It wasn't long before Vincent spied the old rust bucket, and he parked a few spots away. As best he could, he reminded himself to keep the location in mind so he could quickly make his way back. Just in case. One never knew what could go wrong with abusive relationships and Vincent needed to be ready at a moments notice.

Eager, he jogged up to the side and gently tapped on the window. There was Zoey, just as she'd said, forced to sleep in her car. He carefully opened the door and leaned against the frame in the growing dark, his face barely visible.

"Hi there." He said quietly, a growing smile on his face. Only she could do that. All he had to do was see her near, and his reaction was to smile. He made her feel so damn good. "I'm here to save the princess, or is she in another car?"
Zoey let out a sigh once she was fully out of the car, taking the time to lightly stretch her stiff muscles. It had been a relief to see Vincent arrive in the parking lot and, like always, it made a smile appear on her face instantly. It seemed as if he also had the same reaction as her, which made her stomach flutter restlessly.

Not bothering to take the blanket or pillow, since Vincent more than likely had some extra ones over at his and Thomas' dorm, she locked up the truck and turned back around to her friend once more, making sure to halfheartedly swat at his arm.

"Hello to you too. It seems as if you did indeed find the correct car. And, just in case you weren't aware, I'm most certainly not a damsel in distress." While she loved to watch a huge variety of Disney movies, tons of them being the princesses such as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty/Aurora, Rapunzel, Ariel, just to name a few she considered herself far from being a damsel in distress. Kind of like Meg from Hercules.

Shaking away the random incoming thoughts about Disney, wondering why she even started the topic in her head in the first place, she stuck close by to Vincent as they both headed towards his Sedan that he had brought along with him. After both of them were in the safety of the vehicle, she placed her purse along her lap and leaned her head and shoulders against the closed car door.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, by the way. I honestly didn't expect the night to happen like it did, and I'm pretty sure you didn't either."
"It's no trouble, really." Vincent assured her. He took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it over Zoey's as he drove, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "I told you I'd always be there for you if I could."

The drive back was comfortable. Vincent kept his hand on hers for as long as he could, unless he had to turn onto a new road. Again he wanted to prove that hands could be safe instead of harmful. It was hard to believe he'd only just learned about her situation today. The morning was a lifetime away.

"Besides, the company is nice." Vincent was happy to have the girl around, really he was. Afterwards, he sighed. "Thomas won't be back for a while anyways. Apparently he went out drinking with some new buddies of his. I don't know what I'm going to do with that one."
Zoey would occasionally squeeze back Vincent's hand with her own, that being the only way she could non verbally express the fact that she was comfortable with the action. Her eyes grew almost forlorn as she heard Vincent bring back the topic about Thomas and his actions, her lips pursing together in both concern and annoyance.

"Sometimes I get the feeling that you more like his guardian or parental figure than his friend, always having to watch his back for him. I swear that he is the most immature person I currently know when it comes to common sense." While she was friends with the man, she just couldn't understand how someone could be so... irresponsible. She was pretty impressed that Vincent had stuck by him and tolerated him for as long as he has.

"Although I will admit that you are a good friend for looking after him all the same. Still, it just makes me feel as if he's using you for certain things, like he's using your loyalty to his advantage. Call my opinion silly but that's all that it is. An opinion."

She let the silence stretch on for another moment before adding on to her previous statement. "So, what are you going to do about him anyways?"
That was exactly how Vincent felt about the situation. He was more like Thomas' parent than he was his friend now. In high school, the immaturity was easily justified. Everyone was the same exact way, even Vincent was a bit of a jerk then. However, there was a time and place for such behavior, and it was not here in college.

"I don't know." Vincent responded through pursed lips. "We're almost done with the year anyways. We'll see. The guy is, or was, great. Good sense of humor, smart actually. He just." Vincent stopped and exhaled through his nose angrily. "He's with the wrong crowd now."

Vincent pulled up to the dorm's parking lot and turned the car off, his hand still rested with Zoey's, not yet wanting to pull away in case she had something else to say.
Zoey leaned back in her seat once the car's engine was turned off, the silence between the two not at all uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and just let the lack of noise rush over her body, enjoying the emptiness it brought along with it. Once she wasn't as tense as she had previously been, the silence was again broken.

"It's too easy to get into the wrong crows these days, since fewer people are becoming as sincere or as knowledgeable as they should be. I just think that they want to fit in, or feel a bit more useful in something, so they find whatever opportunity opens up first and take it without thinking it through." Her words faded out as she thought over her words carefully, a contented sigh slipping through her lips softly.

"You know, I haven't been this comfortable with someone in quite a long time." Zoey murmured, her eyes still closed and her chest rising and falling with deep, even breaths. "It's nice, although a bit confusing at times if i'm being truthful. But I'll take what I can get without complaining further on the issue. After all, beggars can't be choosers."
"Well Zoey, good for you that you're not a beggar." Vincent joked, doing his best to keep the mood light. "So, you do indeed have a choice. If something is bothering you, if I'm doing something that bothers you, I hope you would tell me."

Finally he let go of her hand and quickly got out of the car so he could open up the passenger side for Zoey. He was doing his best to be polite, after all, she'd just been kicked out of her apartment. A dorm room was nothing compared to even the smallest apartment, but it would have to do. Vincent had to believe it wouldn't happen again, else he might just keep her there for as long as he could, she'd be safer.

"How about you and I take it easy for the night, alright?" Vincent asked, one hand gripped the top of the car, the other was held out to Zoey as he leaned towards her. "We can just sit down, watch a movie, and you can do whatever you like. How does that sound?"

He hoped it sounded halfway decent. Again, if she wanted to cry she could, if she wanted to complain about Matthew, power to her. Anything was on the table so long as it gave her some form of relief. Vincent still had to try to get her to be positive. It would have to work eventually.
Zoey smirked over at Vincent, taking his offered hand in her own so she could get out of the car easier.

"Aw, look at you, being such a gentleman!" She teased over her shoulder at him, the smirk easily transforming into a radiant smile that lit her eyes up with a tiny glimmer of amusement. It was so easy to go from such a serious topic to little nothings with Vincent and she hoped that t would never change. Although she highly doubted that it would.

"And a movie sounds really good right now. How about a comedy? I'm pretty sure we could each benefit from it after such a disastrous day, huh? We'll both just relax and have a few nice laughs together. Beware though, because if we're actually going to be watching a movie then i'm going to raid your cupboard for popcorn and hot chocolate as soon as I get into the dorm room."

It was a weird combination, popcorn and hot chocolate, and she knew that but, in her eyes, it was a decision full of logic and it made perfect sense. You can't have a movie without popcorn obviously and, really, what better thing is there to drink when you're feeling down besides hot chocolate? Not much.
Vincent didn't let go of her hand and led her into the dorm room. Smirking, he finally told her once inside, "What size marshmallows would you prefer?" Of course Vincent had a variety of instant foods, living inside the dorm. There was a box of popcorn just above his desk on some built in shelves. Just next to it was a microwave, so Zoey would have no problem with her request.

He let go of her hand and gently nudged her towards the futon so she could sit down. Vincent grabbed a bag of popcorn and set it in the microwave, pressing the assigned timer for the treat. As soon as that was done, he opened his closet to find the one man coffee pot his aunt had given him as a Christmas gift. It came in handy every so often, but Vincent always forgot to buy coffee, so it wasn't used a lot. Now it would be perfect for heating a pot of water for Zoey's hot chocolate.

"So, what movie do you want to watch? I can get Netflix going if you want." He said absentmindedly as he prepared the hot drink. "Whatever you want."
Zoey gave Vincent her thanks as she scrolled through the comedy selections on Netflix, hoping that he had indeed heard her voice. After scrolling for a few minutes, her frustration growing with each passing second, she finally gave up with a huff.

"Why don't you pick? I don't really know exactly what I want to watch and I have no clue what your general preferences are for these kinds of things."

She'd rather have them both come to at least a mutual agreement on one thing than for her to pick the movie and have Vincent not like it or the other way around. Even then she kind of doubted the she would mind too much what was playing as long as it entertained her in the grand scheme of things though.

She had stood up from the couch while she was talking and had steadily made her way over to where Vincent was preparing the hot chocolate, her hands opening up the microwave to take out the now completed popcorn. After adding a bit of salt and some seasoning in her own little bowl she absently began to munch on the delectable treat, her eyes following the movement of whatever Vincent was doing in that moment. It was a pretty good pass time if there ever was one.
"I did say whatever you want. Don't worry about me, alright?" Vincent poured the now boiling water into a mug and stirred the hot chocolate powder in, adding a few small marshmallows afterwards. This was something he enjoyed as well, a good cup of hot chocolate when he wasn't feeling well.

He grabbed a small box from when he moved in, and set it up so Zoey could use it as a small table. It was the best he could do under the circumstances, they didn't have a table or anything close in the room. All the same, he set up the hot chocolate and placed the bag of mini marshmallows beside it.

Vincent still scrolled through the options for movies and decided on something simple, and an all around classic. "How does Ghostbusters sound, I can't even decide on something myself." He sat down and patted the seat beside him. "Now come on. You're supposed to be relaxing."
Zoey sat down, nodding her head thoughtfully. "Ah, a classic. Plus, you can't go wrong with Ghostbusters." She took a sip of her steaming mug of hot chocolate as she waited for the movie to start, popping a few more marshmallows in the mug until it was to her liking. After taking a few more measured sips she placed the hot beverage down onto the makeshift table that had been carried into the room and brought her feet up underneath her body to be a bit more comfortable, her side lightly leaning against Vincent's for slight support.

"And I am relaxed. I can't remember the last time I had a good movie night to where I just kick back and get fully absorbed into the screen for a few hours. Who knew such simple things could be so pleasureful and fulfilling?"
Vincent kicked back himself, propping his feet up on the box he'd provided as a table. He wrapped his arm across the back of the futon, and at the same time over Zoey's shoulder so she could cuddle up next to him if she needed.

"That's good." He started to smile, glancing down to get a good view of Zoey's face. He couldn't see the bruises or scars, but even if they were visible, he'd say the same damn thing. "Remember, I told you, you're much too beautiful to hide behind your scars. You can do whatever you want tonight, tomorrow, and whenever. I really love having you around, Zoe."

Every word rang true. Her smile, her face, and the way her eyes lit up when she got excited. Even when she was close to tears, Zoey would always be beautiful in his eyes. She was more important to him than anyone else, and that was before he even knew what she was going through. Now it only presented an opportunity for their bond to grow even closer.
Zoey gave a soft smile to Vincent, taking the opportunity of his arm across the futon's back to move herself closer to him, contentment filling up a good portion of her emotions. It took pretty good force and will to keep a small blush at bay from him calling her beautiful. Sure, she's technically already been established as that by him but just to hear it aloud, in a real voice instead of on words, made it have so much more meaning. It was wonderful and scary all at the same time, the multitude of emotions a bit overbearing but mostly in a good way.

"It's even better to actually hear you say it. And I find it great that you aren't tired of me yet but don't worry, because I feel the same exact way about you as you feel about me." Although to what extent his emotions and feelings were about her was unknown to Zoey herself. She couldn't necessarily just burst out and say, 'You know, I think I've slowly been falling for you even while I already have a boyfriend. If you think you can keep this a secret from him though then let's hook up!'

Jeez, just the thought of doing that was highly ridiculous, especially with that extra dose of bluntness. Seriously, even for her that was a bit too straightforward, which is surprising considering the fact that she is far from being one of those people who sugarcoat everything they say.

Man, those people make me hate humankind, basically. There is a point where you can either be too blunt and straightforward or too easy and actually take the time to sugarcoat everything. The best thing to aim for in that case would be the middle since it means that you can get it over with quickly while still taking into consideration others feelings.
"Why would I get tired of you?" Vincent raised his eyebrows and turned his head to stare. "I keep telling you Zoe, I like having you around, remember?" He grinned and bumped his head against hers lightly.

He was glad she looked happy, that was the whole point after all. Everything he was doing was to help Zoey, make her feel better, to get her out of the horrible situation she was in. It was all for her. Vincent realized in his head that he fell hard for her, and he'd go the extra mile if it made her any happier. In his own selfish way, his greatest desire was for her to be whole again.

She was so close to him. Vincent wrapped his arm around her and rubbed his hand carefully down the side of her arm. The bruises were still there, but he could be a comfort to her. Instead of another bump on her head, he leaned his cheek into her hair and sighed, completely content with the moment at hand. He wanted to blurt out how he felt. Wanted to tell her to leave Matthew and come stay with him, forever, but it was so blunt.
"Yeah, I remember. And I doubt you'll let me forget anytime soon."

She ignored the slight tenderness on her head from just the bump Vincent had given her, the area not fully comfortable because of the way Matthew had slammed her up against the wall earlier, and allowed herself a moment to enjoy the way she fit so comfortably and snug into Vincent's side, the sensation very different from how it was with Matthew, in a good way of course.

As the movie progressed into the actual story line and plot, Zoey couldn't help her thoughts from shifting to her thinking of how... intimate the current position her and Vincent were in right then. Not intimate in a sexual sense of the word but more along the fact that it really was the closest both of them have been with one another, besides earlier in the morning, and it really did feel like something greater than friendship. The whole thing seemed somehow personal and for some reason just all around familiar, although she couldn't place why.

Blinking her eyes quickly, as if that would send the thoughts away, Zoey once more tried her best to focus back onto the movie in front of her, taking a sip of the hot chocolate and grabbing a few bites of delicious popcorn.
"Never." Vincent replied, a huge smile on his face.

He had to admit, they were very close, and Vincent found no problem with it. If Zoey did he would stop, but, he didn't hear any complaints. The position was so casual for him, it felt as natural as breathing. He'd glance down at her every so often to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable. As the movie progressed, their chatter was minimal between the occasional joke along with the movie.

It just feels so right.

"I always hoped they would make a giant s'more out of the marshmallow man. Shared it with everyone." Vincent shared. "Then again, I think I was five, and sugar was my life."

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