It's Abuse [Inactive]

Zoey stuck her tongue out at Vincent for his mocking comment and positioned herself to play badminton when she heard a comment on her wardrobe attire. "No! I-I mean, it's a pretty thin and light shirt if anything. Plus, the heat shouldn't really bother me all that much..." Jeez, way to be rash huh, Zoey? She internally berated herself for the slip up of throwing out her response too quick and defensive to be normal.

Most of what she said though was true. And the heat would barley bother her just like she had stated because it was a fairly normal occurrence these days for her to be dressed in either a hoodie, jacket, or something else long sleeved and either jeans or leggings. Maybe a long dress or a long skirt if she ever felt like it. Main message though was that she wore the same kind of clothes no matter what the weather was like outside.

"Honestly, Vincent, I'll be perfectly fine." Zoey tries her best to reassure her friend while she got around three feet behind the short service line, the birdie hanging loosely from her fingers. She let her body get as relaxed is it could while still being somewhat posed and tense, placing her left leg in front of her body while her right went behind. She held the birdie in a straight line in front of her racket and, letting it drop lightly from the grip that had just occupied it, swung the racket in one fluent motion which followed through until the birdie was high up in the air. It somewhat has the same concept of tennis. In at least one way for sure. Expect for the fact that I'd have to take in the weight of different proportions between the two sports and try to even them out. Especially since the birdie weighs much less than a regular tennis ball but demands more attention when trying to hit it.
"Whatever you say." Vincent teased from behind the net. Zoey was so precise, so intense as she got into a position to hit the birdie over the net. Even so, he couldn't help but wonder. Her odd behavior, certain things he pushed to the back of his mind. It didn't bother him, he was more interested in how she could wear a sweater on a sunny day like it was. Even now, Vincent only wore a short sleeved tee, and he was sweating a bit. In a few minutes, if the heat got to her, he was worried she would pass out.

She hit the birdie high, and both boys went for it. Peter stumbled into Vincent, accidentally knocking him over. Peter turned his attention from the birdie as it smacked him delicately on the head. He swung his racket in a last ditch effort to get it back over the net and missed completely. The birdie fell to the ground in silence, and Vincent let out a deep laugh at the disgrace his team felt. How easily they'd lost a point over their own tactical errors.

"Vincent." Parker was shaking his head, embarrassed.

"Don't say a word." Vincent was still laughing, laying on his back in the grass. "Let the shame soak in for a minute or two."
Zoey, by the time both Vincent and Parker had come to a complete stand still, was on her knees laughing herself. She hadn't expected to be able to hit it over the net as well as she did and she couldn't help but feel the least bit of pride shining through at her accomplishment. She also couldn't help but feel pretty smug as well for making two other grown men fall all over each other because of their coordination, or lack thereof.

Once she was sure that she had gotten all of the laughs out of her system she pulled herself back up onto her feet and brushed off the dirt from her pants, a smile etched onto her face even with no more giggles to accompany it. "Now that we've all laughed ourselves out for the day, I say it's time to have a serious game of badminton. After all, it's past time for Blake and I to win. So, let's get this show on the road."

And with those final playful words Zoey awaited a long game of badminton to begin once and for all.
"She can come, every time. That stance, such grace, the way she made two grown men stumble to the ground." Parker chuckled and stood ready to serve, at the last minute he turned to Hannah and winked. "But I've only got eyes for you, babe." Vincent rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same.

He served, and the birdie went back and forth. Both teams had an equal amount of wins to losses in terms of points. Zoey seemed to be doing alright, from what Vincent could tell. A slight sweat on her brow, still, he didn't want her to overheat as the temperature rose with the day. Blake was doing much better than he seemed to be doing at first. That same coordination he had with Nathan he showed with Zoey, the pair never stumbled like Vincent and Parker did. They were simply too big for each other. There was too much power between the two of them, and they both wanted to be in the center of the action when the delicate birdie made its way over the net. They both wanted to smash the thing into the grass on the other side.

A few points here, and there, and Vincent had started to work up a sweat. Nathan still sat on the side, but even he looked a little hot the way he pulled at the edge of his collar. Hannah cheered on her boyfriend as she'd been doing the whole afternoon, too excited for a friendly game of badminton, her cheer would've been more appreciated at a football game.

Parker ended up smacking Vincent in the face with his racket on the serve. He stumbled to catch himself, and Parker was in his own zone, controlling their entire side.

"Hey, watch it!" Vincent urged, as he pressed his hand to his eye. Parker turned to apologize and they lost yet another point. "And that." Vincent quickly pointed with his racket to the fallen birdie and smirked.

"Sorry, Vince." Parker shrugged. "You wanna serve this time? Don't let them win."

Vincent picked up the birdie with two of his fingers in the wearing plastic. Already the thing was torn along the side, a cheap toy that wasn't made for the arm of Parker. He raised his racket and threw the birdie. Only so many points left, he wasn't sure his team would actually win.
Zoey had to admit that the heat had been steadily increasing over the entire span of the two badminton games combined and it was starting to get to her. The jeans she was wearing were sticking to her skin quite uncomfortably and her shirt didn't fare any better, the material from the garment slightly wet with Zoey's sweat from both the exercise and heat all at once. Plus, her breathing had become a bit more erratic as well.

After shaking her head to try and focus back onto the game instead of the pounding heat rays coming from the sun, Zoey ran over to catch the birdie that had been tossed over the net by Vincent on his most recent serve. While she was on her way over to hit it with her racket she stumbled on the pavement but managed to catch herself just before she completely fell towards the ground, the little plastic game piece falling uselessly to her feet as it had done many times that day.

Bending over to rest her elbows on her knees, Zoey started to take in deep gulps of air to control the slightly more rapid breathing, brushing a few tangled brunette hair strings away from her eyes. Once she was well enough to talk she addressed the other members of the group.

"Ah, I think I'll stop playing for now. If either Nathan or Hannah want to take up my spot for the remainder of the game then come on over here. I just need to take a few minutes to calm down and catch my breath."
Vincent handed off his racket to Hannah, so she could be on the same team as Parker, and made his way to Zoey to help her to the side. At the touch, her sweater was soaked through with sweat. He pursed his lips and took the racket from her hand without hesitation, handing it off to Nathan just after. Once safely to the side he sat the both of them on the grass and fanned her with the plastic bag the net had come in. It wasn't much, but, Zoey looked like she needed it.

The other four members of the group didn't pay much attention to the pair once their new game started. Parker dominated the field, serving, returning, and diving for the small plastic birdie. Hannah didn't have to so much as lift a finger as he showed off his skill easily. Nathan and Blake didn't stand a chance now that he was out to impress his girl.

"Hey, you ok?" Vincent whispered, hand cupped around his face. "You look terrible, no offense, and your shirt is soaked." Casually, he reached towards her sleeve and tugged on the end of the fabric to help roll it up. She had to be hot with it on, and he thought he would be doing her a favor. As he rolled, he continued to whisper. "I can go get a water or something, you look pretty tired."
Zoey gave Vincent a grateful look as he helped her off to the side and started fanning her gently, even the small breeze from the plastic bag seeming like a luxury in that moment. She let her eyes flutter close in order to help her relax further so she could once again become calm but as soon as she felt a tugging sensation on her shirt the chocolate orbs automatically shot wide open.

She quickly looked down at her sleeve to see Vincent trying to roll them up and, even if it was a very nice gesture, she was horrified to already see a discolored bruise peeking out from the skin he had managed to uncover from the dreadful cloth. Reacting quickly she swiftly reached down, gently pried his hands off, and bundled her hands into her lap in an action that she hoped would stop him from trying again.

"I appreciate the gesture, honestly, but I think that some water is all I need to be feeling better. I'm just... tired as you said. Well, exhausted would be a better term but once I get home I'm sure a cool shower would help wonderfully a- oh shit!" She let out a curse while sitting her back stoically straight up, a surprised look dawning over her features.

"Vincent, I left my phone inside my track back over at the cafe. Do you think you could tell me what the time is right now?" While Zoey was happy to have finally spent some quality time among other people she had promised herself to be back at the apartments around 5:30 to be able to have the house a bit cleaner and dinner prepared before Matthew stepped foot inside that door. But, with her current streak of luck, she doubt she'd get her wish filled. I can only hope that he had to work for tonight as well.
As hard as she tried to hide it, the panic was clear as day in her eyes. Vincent's own eyes shot down to her arm just in time to see the discoloration on her arm. He wanted to reach out to take a second look, if only to confirm what he saw. Maybe she'd bumped into something, still, her shock which coincided with her quick cover up seemed suspicious to him.

"What'd you do?" Vincent asked, as if it really was a bump on her arm. She knew. He didn't.

Whether or not she'd answer was up to her entirely, so he checked the watch on his arm, hand raised in the air in front of him. The little hands under the glassy surface displayed the time, "It's about 5, almost. Why? Did you need to get back soon?" He put his hand down and rested his arms on his knees.

That was how Zoey was. Always at home, always with Matthew. They must have really gotten along, that or she had a deadline somewhere else. Either way, he was prepared to make a quick getaway if she needed to get home. The others in the group were having a decent time without them, and wouldn't miss the presence of Vincent and Zoey too much if they had to leave. There were other days, other times to explore which sports were easy and which destroyed friendships (board game night had long been banned because of this).
Zoey wanted to tell Vincent want actually happened so, so badly but she knew that she couldn't If only to spare his own feelings. Instead, she opted to just ignore the entire question overall so she wouldn't have to lie or tell the truth to her friend, a truth which she was almost certain would shift his feelings about how he saw her. And she really didn't want the one person she actually looked forward to seeing everyday to think of her any less than what he thought of her now. Just the though of that made her heart constrict with a pang of hurt.

Choosing to answer the second question instead, she slowly stood up from where she just was and looked back over at Vincent, a nod making her head bob up and down. "Yeah, if you and the others don't mind then I'm going to need a ride over to my truck by the cafe, so I can drive home without having to come get it later."

As she slowly started to make her way to the door of Vincent's red sedan passenger side, her thought's heavily plagued with her own internal musings, she placed her attention once again on Vincent, her teeth biting the skin of her lip on a sort of shy gesture. "If you wouldn't mind then could you not bring this up to anyone? Or at least rigtn now.
She avoided my question.

"Hey, guys, we've gotta get going." Vincent said his goodbyes as quickly as he could, without disturbing the game at hand. He followed quickly after Zoey while jumping on each foot to put his shoes back on. It was an awkward dance to say the least, but he made it to his car with Zoey in the passenger seat, no problems.

He started the sedan up and adjusted the fans so it blasted as much cold air as it could manage. It was for Zoey, even then she looked like she was still covered in a sheen layer of sweat. Her face glistened with it, beads of it stuck on her forehead. How she hadn't passed out was beyond him. The only kindness he'd offered was to help her with her sleeves, but even then she shot him down. Air conditioning would have to do.

"Bring up what?" Vincent asked curiously. He checked the street behind him before pulling out and returning to the road at hand. "We just played badminton together, it's not a big deal." It really wasn't. So why did she want him to hide it?
Zoey practically moaned at the feeling of cold air rushing over her heated skin, her muscles relaxing from their tense posture as she rested her body back into the passenger seat.

Good. He obviously didn't know that I was talking about the bruise which would mean that he thought it wasn't that big of a deal, right? She thought to herself while thinking of something to say as an answer to his question. "I didn't necessarily mean the badminton game, hell you can bring that up as much as you'd like because I owned you and Parker, but I meant me almost passing out. It's not the smartest thing I've ever done." There, that was a pretty good answer if she did say so herself.

"Hey Vincent, when's the next time you want to get together for coffee? Although, I can't necessarily say that I'll be able to be there."
"Zoey, we can get coffee any day of the week. I will be there." Vincent assured her with a smug grin on his face. She may have won, but, he still felt confident there were other sports he could dominate in. "Just give me a heads up, alright?"

She looked so relieved to be in the cold, it was somewhat amusing. The way she sighed at the air cooling down her whole system. If he had any water in the car, he would've gladly given it to her, but he didn't have anything today. They were near enough now to the little cafe that he considered buying a water bottle inside just to hand off to her. If she'd almost passed out, he didn't feel comfortable with her getting in her own car which had been baking in the parking lot since they'd left.

"I'll get you a water if you need. You look really hot." Vincent observed. He wanted to add on a joke, just to say it again, but it wouldn't be appropriate of him. She had a boyfriend, and it wasn't his place.
Zoey snickered at Vincent as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the air-conditioned car, her feet carrying herself over towards the big rusty truck placed against a curb near the cafe. "So I look hot? Well thanks, I do try my best." Once she had gotten her keys out of her side bag she placed them inside the key slot on the door handle, immediately opening it and checking her phone first thing.

1 missed phone call from 'Matthew'' The screen declared, the words glaring back at her as if it could actually taunt her, which is exactly what it felt like it was doing. He's going to be pissed that I didn't answer his call. Zoey thought to herself as she grabbed the small rectangular device, unlocked the screen, and called him straight back. All the while leaving Vincent to be sitting in his truck.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded unusually small as she utter that one word into the speaker, her nerves increasing tenfold for the shouts that she undoubtedly knew were coming.

"Zoey, why the f*ck did you not answer my call? I've been waiting for almost an hour near my phone. You've highly disappointed me, and you know perfectly well what happens when you do, don't you?" Those words brought a shiver of fear to shoot up her her spine, leaving her feeling weak. Yes, she knew exactly what happens when Matthew isn't pleased with her.

"I-I'm sorry." She loathed how her voice wavered on such a short sentence. It made her pause to take in a deep breath before speaking up once more. "I woke up late and decided to go and get some coffee in a nearby cafe. I was about to hit the road to go back... home." It's wasn't a complete lie but also not the complete truth either. "I lost track of time and accidentally left my phone inside the truck."

Silence greeted her on the other line for a short while and it did nothing to relieve her of the nerves running through her stomach. In fact it almost made her feel sick.

"You woke up late. You spent well earned money on a stupid drink, money that I had probably earned. And you also left your phone in the car. How f*cking stupid can you possibly be? While I go into work early for you to have a place to live your wasting money on useless items and being irresponsible. What, were you whoring around as well? A piece of shit like you can't do anything right! You're lucky you have someone who actually chooses to care for you and you better not forget who that is."

By the end of Matthew's rant he was practically screaming into the phone, each word cutting into her heart like a knife. Sometimes his words hurt more and cut deeper into her body than his fists and feet ever did. With tears swimming in her eyes and shaking hands she said she'd be home within twenty minutes, his response leaving confusion in it's wake. "I'll see you there."

Was he home already? He was supposed to be back no later than six but well after five-thirty. Shiiit... Her thoughts were chaotic and all over the place, making her head pound with a heavy oncoming headache that medicine probably wouldn't cure. Zoey closed her eyes tightly and dropped the phone inside her bag, her hands holding onto the car door handle so tightly that the knuckles were turning white.

"Vincent, thanks for the offer to buy me water but it'd honestly just be an unnecessary waste of money. I'm going to head on back home. See you later." And with those parting words she hopped into her truck, turning on the engine that roared to life with a thunderous purr, and drove away from the curb to the street ahead.
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Vincent returned to his dorm and fell into the futon beneath his lofted bed. Beside him, Thomas played on his PS3 while simultaneously nursing his black eye. They didn't exchange any words, and Vincent was fine with that. His thoughts were more focused on his odd day with Zoey.

Her behavior was only a touch out of tune, but the last phone call bothered him. He could almost hear the screams coming out of the phone from his car. The way she drove off without so much as a second glance, it bothered him. Something did sit right with him the way he'd just let her go. Now though there wasn't anything he could do. It was getting late, and he'd have to be up early for classes the next day anyways.

Vincent got up and went to his desk to mindlessly scroll through Facebook and check his e-mails. He shot a quick text to Zoey. Glad you came today, we should do that again! He meant no harm in the words, didn't know what it could entail. To him nothing was wrong. Zoey was a clever girl he'd been friends with for a long time. Such things were normal.
Zoey was a mess as she trailed back home into her car, the music blasting out of the stereo falling into deaf ears. At this point she didn't think anything could calm her nerves. With one last turn onto the correct street, she arrived in front of the apartments, parking in the parking lot offered to residents of the area.

She considered turning back and going somewhere else, anywhere else, but she knew that the consequences would just become even more harsh and painful than anything else so the risk wasn't something she would take. Zoey climbed up the ragged stone staircase to the second apartment floor, twisting the handle to door 117 open as slowly and as quietly as she possibly could. If she did it that way then it felt as if she was making the inevitable seem a bit more far away.

Once the door was closed back behind her and she had fully stepped inside the first room, she couldn't help the silent gasp of breath that escaped her mouth. There was Matthew, standing only two feet in front of her with a murderous look twisting up his face. Before she even got in one word uttered to him there was a noise that closely resembled a smack deafening the silent air, her cheek flaring up in pain that made her vision cloud up with stars.

It was completely unexpected on her part the slap to the face she had just gotten, mainly because Matthew tried to hit her in places that could be covered easily, meaning that her face usually wasn't touched. Although today he seemed particularly mad and he wasn't going to hold back as much as usually. The thought scared Zoey to no end.

"It's about time you got back." He snarled at her, stepping forward menacingly. His advances made Zoey take a step back until she couldn't anymore, the wall blocking any chance of escape. "You seemed surprised to see me here even when I warned you in advanced. Expected me to be at work longer, huh? Well they decided to let me off early since I had been working hard all week. Working while you did god knows what."

It seemed like he was about to hit her again, his fist raising up in the air, but he was suddenly stopped by Zoey's phone going off with a new text. Curiosity seemed to get the best of Matthew and he grabbed a hold of her bag, yanking it off of her arm with her not putting up any fight. She would have lost anyways. As Matthew turned on her phone and scrolled through her apps until he found the messaging one, reading the text to himself, his eyes became even more furious than before. What could possibly make him that mad?

"Zoey, who the f*ck is Vincent? And why the hell dd he reply 'Glad you came today, we should do that again!'" Matthew paused to take a deep breath before looking back over at Zoey, the latter of which was trying to make the wall swallow her whole. Sometimes Vincent had the worst possible timing.

"You lied to me! You said you got coffee by yourself when obviously you didn't. And I bet you didn't even get coffee, now knowing that you were for sure whoring around like I had previously predicted. I mean, I'm the only actual person who cares what happens to you so what else could this mean? You're just a pathetic little s!ut!" As if to but enphasis on the word 's!ut' there was a punch to the stomach right after, the loss of breath sending her bending over, gasping.

"Matthew! Vincent is only a fr-" She was cut off with a swift kick to the side which effectively knocked her on the ground, a cry of pain tearing from her throat. The sound only seemed to spur Matthew on even more, his advances on her becoming more frequent and more rough, harder in force. And there was nothing Zoey could do to try and stop it.
The next day passed in a whirlwind of assignments and projects coming up for the Spring midterm. By the time his classes were over, he was exhausted to the point where his head subconsciously drooped towards the table he sat at. Inside the library, he knew it would be quiet enough in one of the private study rooms. Thomas would be too noisy, and there was nowhere else he could go except home. Even then, his two sisters would never let him just sleep.

He wanted to see what Zoey was up to, worried if she'd gotten enough rest. Hopefully after a full day she was feeling better. If not, then his worry would only increase. His friends were his life, eternally loyal to them, he always would make sure they were alright. Just like he'd check up on Thomas after a fight. It was almost a fault.

Lazily, he flipped open his phone and sent off a message to her. Just a simple. Hey, what's up Zoey? Feeling better?
That night, after the abuse had stopped and Zoey had taken a scorching shower while tending to the wounded flesh, it took forever for the brunette to fall asleep like the previous night. And when she did it was only with the help of her salty tears sending her into a drowsy state of unconsciousness.

In the morning, once Zoey had fully awoken, she felt like she had been hit with a train repeatedly. Her cheek was tinted red with the outline of a hand print on it, her arms, legs, and torso screaming out in pain and protest with each tiny movement that she made. There were blue, red, purple, and green blotches littered over her entire body and it absolutely sucked overall.

After getting up, with many complaints and very explicit curse words following after every movement, she had a cup of coffee and tried to get dressed. It didn't work very well. In fact, it made her decide to just stay home and try and sleep for the rest of the day. Lord knows how much her body needed it both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

She only woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing with a text, her hand grabbing the cellular device so she could read the message. She couldn't help the snort that resounded out of her throat after reading the text from Vincent, her fingers moving over the keys in the form of a reply.

I'm not doing much better at all actually. I got even less sleep last night and felt pretty much like shit when I woke up this morning. Still do actually. Huh. Wasn't that the understatement of the century?
Vincent had nearly decided to take a nap in the study room when his phone beeped, alerting him to a new message. He unlocked the screen and wasn't surprised, Zoey.

Ouch. Sure you're not dehydrated or something? Should've taken the water! But seriously, feel better.

He hoped the joke would be taken alright on her end. It was so hard to indicate when he was only playing around through words on a phone, it didn't have the same feeling as sarcasm or a tilt of the head might. Even so, Vince was always so lighthearted, it was surely implied well enough. After assuring himself he would have to stay awake, he grabbed his heavy navy colored backpack and heaved it over his shoulders.

Phone in hand, he exited the library and returned to his dorm. To his surprise (and luck) Thomas was gone. A small note on their shared whiteboard indicated he was heading home for an early weekend. Parents are probably pissed about his grades. Not only was he a hothead, but Thomas was a slacker as well. His grades flat lined at an F. He put no effort forth to do anything other than procrastinate.
Zoey rolled her eyes as she read the most recent text.

You know, If I was standing next you I'd have hit you. And yes, I did get plenty of water. It's also not like we don't have air conditioning, dumbass.

She knew that Vincent would understand her teasing and playful tone, since that was just how they communicated with one another, and was happy that she had someone that she could act like herself with. It was a relief to be able to laugh and smile in a place of despair and darkness.

Oh, and I'm sorry for not replying to the text from last night. I was a little bit preoccupied with other things but I just want to say that I'd love to hang out with you again. Although, I'm going to have to say that today is out of the question, sorry.
Jeez, Zoe, you really feeling that bad?

The dropped 'y' in her name was a mistake, but he liked the way it sounded. Aloud, he would never admit his thought about the nickname. He lounged on the futon and browsed the local channels available on the small tv he'd brought with him to school. Not only was an apartment starting to sound better, but cable, too. He felt lucky to know his parents would support his getting an apartment, even split the rent with him 50/50 so long as it was cheaper than the dorms. The offer was too good to pass up, and he wouldn't have to live with a roommate either.

Over the summers, Vincent worked a part time job at an electronic store in the area. He made quite a bit only because he knew how to build the computers themselves, putting him in an ideal spot to do tech repairs and maintenance. Having a job throughout the school year was difficult, but he still went in on weekends from time to time. The money flowed nicely into his pocket, and sadly back out towards his loans. A deal he wouldn't trade soon.

He checked his phone again and sent off another quick text.

No, seriously, did you even go to class?
Zoey's head cocked to the side as she look at his reply, a small smile finding it's way to her face. It wasn't as if saying or spelling 'Zoey' was all that hard but for some reason, having Vincent give her something resembling a nickname felt... nice. Like it was meant for her only, and no one else would have access to the word except him. Especially Matthew.

Was that intentional? The misspelling of my name? Although... I do kind of like it. But don't expect me to make one for you because I like it the way it is now. And yeah, I'm not feeling all that hot.

She sent the text and leaned back against the headrest of her bed, the dark blue sheets crinkling beneath her legs while she tried to get the least bit comfortable. She had been lightly dozing off into a dreamless rest when she was shocked out of the numb, dazed state, her hand once again reaching automatically to her phone. Man, it was a really good thing Matthew actually went to school himself.

... Um, no? I'll be honest with you and say that I wouldn't have been able to last all that long if I'd have gone anyways. I'll just make up the absent work tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be at least a little bit better then.

She'd have to be better by then no matter what though. And if she wasn't then she'd just have to force herself to go and endure the pain and consequences. It's not like it'd be anything new.
As worried as he was, there was nothing he could do for her. Vincent sighed and pushed back against the futon, stretching his tired muscles throughout his body. There was homework to be done, and tests to prepare for. Although he would've loved to stay and chat, there simply wasn't enough time. Not today.

Well, I hope you feel better. We're still on for coffee though, don't forget. I've gotta run, heavy workload today. -Vince

With that final message, he put his phone back into his jean pocket and forced himself to rise from the comfort of the futon. His body fought every step it took towards the small wood desk, the creaky red swivel chair that came with the room. Alas, he sat down and pulled some notes from his bag to begin the long and tedious study process.
(I'll just skip to the next day since I don't have much else to put)

Zoey, in the last wakes of the afternoon, did her best to finish up any leftover housework that was to be done. She cleaned the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom then occupied herself with vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting all rooms. It gave her something to think about so she didn't have to dwell on any other thoughts or feelings, namely the painful ones. Although, once she was done she was plentiful exhausted. Her body just wasn't used to pushing itself like it was.

Since it was only around six once she had completed everything, and Matthew still hadn't shown up yet, she got out the necessary ingredients to make a simple chicken and dumplings recipe for dinner, the aroma of the homemade food filling up the house with a comforting and welcomed warmth that it brought every time she cooked.

By the time dinner was done and she had finished up her meal until she felt like she'd burst Matthew still wasn't back and, even with how unsettling it was, it still felt like a huge relief. It was always nice to have the house to herself but, while she would normally whip out her guitar and play a few tunes with the instrument, she decided to get another dose of sleep.

By the time her head had officially hit the pillow by the end of the day she was ultimately out like a light.

(Time skip whenever you feel it's needed, totally fine!)

Vincent awoke in the morning, again pleased at the absence of his roommate. He stretched and yawned. It was Friday, which meant no classes for him. After preparing an easy bowl of cereal, he opened his laptop to do the usual rounds. Facebook, E-mail, check the phone, and finally, he was able to goof off and do whatever he liked.

On days like this, he felt blessed to have Friday's off. Sleeping in was a pleasure he rarely was able to enjoy. Usually, he'd go outside and mess around with Parker, play soccer for a bit, but not until much later at night, after the other had finished with his classes. Parker was a year older than Vincent, and was studying more seriously than the lackadaisical twenty year old. With nothing else to do, he headed towards the campus cafeteria to pick up a lunch.

Later, he'd have to check on Zoey to make sure she was still alright.
Zoey begrudgingly got out of bed that morning, a soft groan resounding throughout the small bedroom she was currently in. Once she was sure that she was fully awake, or close to it, she got out of the bed for a shower as usual, a black tank top and regular blue jeans being brought along with her. Once she was fully clean and was perfectly dry she dressed into her clothes along with a casual pair of black and white converse, a light jacket being draped over her shoulders to cover over her arms and the bruising hiding on the skin there.

"Hmm, I'm going to need to do something about the faint bruise on my cheek." Zoey murmured to herself, grabbing the dreaded concealer from a small makeup bag that was stuffed inside the bathroom, her nimble fingers spreading the skin-colored cream over the discolored are until it was as even as she could possibly get it with the rest of her face.

Grabbing her coffee as a last touch for the trek to the campus, Zoey got inside her truck and steadily made her way closer and closer to her classes, planning to look as inconspicuous and invisible as physically possible. By the time Zoey finally arrived though, she was pretty hungry and decided to go to the nearby cafeteria on campus to grab some lunch. Man, I'm so happy I didn't sign up for morning classes.

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