It's Abuse [Inactive]

Zoey let a small smile form her lips at her friend's affection, happy to have someone else take care of her for once. It was nice having a little break. "I'll put some faith in your promise, Vincent." She had mumbled to him afterwords, thinking about the question he had asked.

"As for your question... well I'd be happier. I'd be free from the pain and sorrow he brings. And I do admit that it'd be nice to be able to do things on my own schedule and on my own time. I'd also be able to get my own job again." She said the last part wistfully, a sad smile adorning her face. "That's one thing he holds over my head, you know. He thinks I owe him and wholeheartedly deserve what I get because he's the one out making money. I just don't know why he punishes me for it though because he's the one who made me quit the job I had at the local bakery. I try to stop by there whenever I can, since I feel guilty for leaving without any excuse, and they've told me more than enough times that I'm always welcomed back."

She closed her eyes again, squeezing Vincent lightly to remind herself that she wasn't alone, and continued on with contained disgust evident in her voice. "The only way I can get money now is if I wait for the small amounts my parents send me, if Matthew doesn't take it first that is, or I have to earn it from him. I'm pretty sure that was his plan all along though."
Vincent hushed her, his hands rhythmically brushed her hair without him even noticing anymore. How he wished he could convince her to come stay with him, to get away. He wanted to pluck her out of the apartment and place her right into a dorm. Even better, an apartment for herself. That would be a challenge, though.

"The bakery just outside of campus?" Vincent grinned. He loved the little shop, they always had the best doughnuts in the morning. Normally, he wouldn't buy the bread, but if he got up early enough to snag one of the treats, the day was guaranteed to go well. "I love that place."

Earn money. The way she said it made him knit his brows in disgust. She lost her job, was forced out of it more or less, and had to beg for money because Matthew deemed her worthless. It made him mad. There wasn't a thing he could do that would satisfy the situation at hand, it was frustrating. Gods, how he wanted to scream at the man, knock him out, make sure he'd never put a hand near Zoey again, but he couldn't do that. Zoey was so petrified he would get hurt himself, and Vincent couldn't bear the thought of making her upset either.

"You need to get out of there, Zoey." Vincent begged. "I'm looking at apartments, and if you need a place to run away to, I'd be more than happy to share the space. Please, Zoey, please." He pressed his cheek against her head and closed his eyes. "You deserve so much better than this."
"Vincent, I've already told you why I can't. Matthew has made numerous threats to me about what would happen if I ran off or even told someone and he found out, since it would undoubtedly make him end up in jail. None of them were remotely good." She couldn't contain the shiver that shot down her spine, her hands burying themselves into Vincent's shirt just for something to hold onto.

"Most of the threats ended up with him seriously harming or killing me somehow, whether it be from being beaten to death or perhaps even a well planned out 'suicide' that in real life was murder. Actually, a few months ago I got drunk, and yes I know I shouldn't be drinking, over at this old friend's house and let one thing or another slip out. She decided to have a chat with Matthew and he ended up making it seem as if I was only unhappy and that he was the overall good guy in the situation. Once he and I were alone that night he got so mad from the fact that he had almost been caught that he smashed a plate against the wall and used the sharp pieces to his... advantage, for lack of a better word. It was like he wasn't even thinking any rational thought he was that furious with me. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that one was the worst out of everything I've gotten so far. After all, 'drastic times call for drastic measures'."

That was one of those memories that Zoey doubted she would forget anytime soon if at all. In the end, he had slammed the door and drove off afterwards, leaving her bleeding on the floor. It took forever for her to pick up the huge mess along with getting the stains out of the floor and even longer for her to bandage herself up. By now all of the wounds from that night had healed as smoothly as they could without any professional help, some scars being left behind as a permanent reminder. And to top it all off she lost the friend in the end as well.

You know, come to think of it, she wouldn't be at all surprised if Matthew killed puppies and tortured kittens when he was younger. It actually would explain quite a lot of things.

"I just want you to understand why I'm so reluctant to receive any help whatsoever. The first and last time I tried, which was on that night, ended up with that friend bailing out on me because Matthew made it seem as if all I wanted was pity and attention. I really only want the opposite actually."
Vincent shivered along with her. The thought of Zoey, helpless and alone, forced to clean up her own blood. He was sick. This wasn't right. He tucked Zoey closer to his chest, as if to protect her from the outside world, as if it were even possible. What fortune made it so one girl had to go through the terrors of an abusive boyfriend.

"I know better, Zoey." Vincent tried to assure her. "I've seen the bruises, I believe you. I will not leave you alone, not ever."

Even he felt like he might tear up, but out of frustration and anger compared to her fear. There was no other word, he was just so angry.

"Just come here." He mumbled, keeping her close to him, not caring how deep her nails dug into his shirt. "I'm going to get you help, I don't want you to doubt that, don't doubt me Zoey.

"Your days with him are going to be over soon. All over. If I have to, I would bust into that apartment and face him myself if only to get you safe. You don't understand, it's so important to me, seeing everyone much safer, much happier, and you..."

He trailed off. She what?

"I know it's a lot to ask, but just believe me. What he's doing is criminal."
"It's not like I don't know that! I've seen and felt it all first hand!" She snapped at him, instantly feeling guilty for her actions afterwards. She was just so... so frustrated and absolutely exhausted and tired with everything. Even tears were welling up because of the pent up emotions.

"Shit, I'm sorry Vincent. I jus- ugh! I can't do any damn thing right!" It was rare that she'd get so upset to where she'd yell or lash out at people but when it did happen she just couldn't help it. At least the moments were very quick and never passed without guilt, like now. Not knowing what else to do she just followed along with Vincent's action and buried herself deeper against him, her hands clenching together as if to stop herself from doing anything rash.

"I'm so tired, Vincent. But no matter how much I want to, and oh how I want to, I know I can't just give up." Zoey felt as if she had been laying in his embrace for hours, and perhaps she had, but all she knew was that she didn't want to leave it anytime soon.

I'm going to have to eventually though. There is simply no way to escape the inevitable.
"That's not true." Vincent shook his head so she could feel his response along with his words. "And if you want to cry, Zoey, it's okay." She was curled up enough in his chest that he honestly wouldn't see. "You're sweet, funny, great at badminton even though you've never played, and when you worked at that bakery? You had the cutest smile, and don't you dare say it's not true, I saw it." He teased her if only to rid the atmosphere of the negative feelings.

No, she couldn't give up. Vincent wouldn't let her even if she tried. She could hate him, abuse him, but so long as she was free of Matthew, he swore she'd get out of that situation.

Why the hell am I trying so hard?

Maybe it was because she'd had a boyfriend, or maybe he was too scared to admit it, but Zoey was more than a friend. Deep down, he knew that. It was fair to say he liked her, among all his friends, the most.

I'm falling hard.

That was it, the simplest answer really. Vincent had long fallen for the brown eyed girl. They clicked together whenever they were close, in their humor, their moods, among other things. He never had an off moment with Zoey.

"Despite whatever you say. You're going to get out, get help, and he will get what's coming to him."
The snort that Zoey let out at Vincent's teasing was quite attractive if she did say so herself. It wasn't necessarily a laugh but it made her feel better all the same. How was it that Vincent could cheer her up without even trying? She felt so loved and cared for when around him and it was such a relief. She had long ago concluded that without him she'd be absolutely lost.

"Are you saying that I still don't have the cutest smile? Way to make a girl feel flattered." Even though her input was teasing, it made her feel better all the same that after talking about something so serious they could both still be comfortable enough around each other to tease and toss playful banter back and for between them.

"In the end, that's all that really matters, right? That I'm away from him, everyone's safe, and he's paid for every little touch he's every inflicted upon me." At least that was all that really mattered to Zoey in the end. She didn't really care about how it would happen, just that it eventually would.

"Vincent, I have a question. And please don't feel inclined to say yes just because it's the right thing to do. Anyways, I was wondering if it'd be alright for me to text or call you whenever I need it. I just feel like I have to know that I'll always have someone to talk to no matter the day or time. For a bit of motivation, I guess."
"Can't you already do that?" He teased, comfortable now in doing so now that she didn't sound as upset. "Of course you can, Zoey. I might not always respond as quickly as you'd like, but I'll be a phone call away for you."

Vincent let her cling to him, seeing as it must have helped. All the pent up frustration, the year of abuse she'd endured, she did very well for talking about it and he was thankful she had. If Zoey hadn't said anything, she could have died. And what's up with that? Death threats, my god, she's in a bad situation, that's light.

Her situation pressed his need to find an apartment, and he wouldn't admit it to her in case she ended up feeling guilty about it. If she just had somewhere to hide, somewhere even Matthew wouldn't find her, it would make a world of a difference. A small two bedroom place would be cheap enough, then she could have her space, and he his. Vincent wanted to see her at her best.

"And Zoey, I want you to text me immediately if you need to get out. Promise? Call me if you need, but I will find you as fast as I can." Vincent asked this of her, "I'm not going to let him hurt you."
"Vincent, if there is any chance that you'd get hurt, as in Matthew is still there, then I can't promise that I'll call. I'm pretty lucky that I even still have my phone actually. He almost smashed it against the wall on Wednesday, once I got home." All because he thought I was using you for a quick f*ck. Of course, the last part wasn't said aloud, only added to the previous sentence inside her head.

It disturbed her how easy Matthew thought she was. Like he truly believed that she was a wh0re or a s!ut, which of course he did. He acted as if every time she went out of the house she was with a new guy, and every time she talked to one she was flirting. That was the opposite of her true personality. She didn't hook up or flirt with random strangers, didn't even flaunt around her body or assets like most of the other college girls did. A lot of times Zoey wondered if that was the only reason why Matthew got with her in the first place, and the answer always made her feel sick.

"And, no matter how hard you may try, you can't promise to not let him hurt me. Not without raising any suspicion at least. Plus, by the end of the day I'll be back at the apartments with nothing to stop him." She hated the painful reminder that by the end of the night she would only be back at square one but knew that she had to get her point across.
"I can still try, Zoey." He mused. Vincent hugged his arms tight for just a moment and then relaxed his grip. "It's hard, knowing I'm sending you home to him. You know? It would just be so much better if you stayed here."

With me.

Again, he searched for some perfect answer as to how he could solve the whole situation. As it was, Matthew only needed to be taken out. If he was gone, everything would work out just fine, but it was more complicated than that. Zoey still had to get over the belief she deserved any of this. What's more, she needed to know that she was much more than a punching bag, that she did have worth, and she was not as disgusting as Matthew made her out to be.

"I'm sorry, Zoey." His words fell short, not knowing what else to say. At least if she had cried, he could've stroked her hair, or whispered soothing words, but she was so sure about everything, she knew exactly what her position was. "I wish it weren't you. I'm sorry there isn't more I can do for you."
Zoey looked up briefly and gave him a a sad smile, her eyes showing only honesty and warmth. "Better me than someone else, I guess. No one else should have to endure anything like this.Plus, you've done all you could do, which is more than enough. At least you decided to actually look close enough and notice a difference, no matter how long it took. Better now than never." And she was glad he had found it out because never could have been too late.

"Vincent, I wish you didn't feel the need to apologize. Non of this is at all your fault. I even met Matthew before I met you so any opportunity wasn't ever variable to you."

She let her words sink in for a minute before asking a question she didn't really want the answer to, only knew that she had to know so she wouldn't make it any worse on herself. "Do you know what time it is? I would check myself but I really don't feel like moving right now."
Vincent begrudgingly pulled his arm away and checked the time. "Just before two, give or take five minutes." Concerned, he looked down to her and asked, "Do you need to get going?"

He still held her tight, the idea of her leaving so quickly didn't sit right with him. Already, images of her, and Matthew towering over her already broken frame. How far would it go before she really got hurt? When she broke a limb, or was put in the hospital, then what would she do? Vincent couldn't let it escalate that far, he had to act, something.

Come on dumbass, think, there's gotta be something.

"You're welcome here anytime, you know. Alright?" Vincent wasn't pressuring her to say anything, just so she knew this was a safe place. He tucked her hair behind her ears, careful not to hit the mark on her face, and left his hands just touching the bottom of her jaw. This was the closest he'd been able to really get a look at her. Her face was soft, but not like a child's, it was more round in shape and the way her eyes looked so innocently up at him drove him crazy, made him want to keep her all the more protected.
Zoey let her eyes flutter shut at the close proximity between her and Vincent, her heart beating fast and her mind willing time to stop in that moment forever. I don't want to leave. That was what she wanted to stay but instead just nodded her head in confirmation.

"Yeah. I only have two classes on Friday's, which both are finished by two, and Matthew has this day off just like you. I need to get going if I don't want to rouse any suspicion in him. He keeps a pretty tight leash on me." She hated how, once again, her voice began to waver but at this point she just didn't really even care.

Slowly, as slow as she possibly could, Zoey untangled herself from the embrace and was startled at how... cold she felt as soon as she was completely free. The feeling unsettled her and she didn't like it one bit. Although, she managed to push it to the back of her mind for now and focused instead on gathering up the rest of her materials and items that had been scattered around on a table top. After everything was back into her possession and her jacket was placed snugly on her shoulders like earlier, she let out a silent sigh and turned her attention over to Vincent.

"I'll keep in mind that I have someplace available where I'm welcomed and safe to go if I ever need it. I'll make sure to try and call or text you later tonight, okay?"
Vincent hated to see her go. He stood up and crammed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Awkwardly, he waited for her to pack up. Once her jacket was back on, he hated to admit how easy it was for her to cover it all up. He never would've known she was being abused until he'd seen the bruises for himself. Zoey was good at hiding it.

"I'll be waiting." He said lamely. Vincent didn't know what else to do. He felt wrong trying to keep her here, but watching her leave was just as painful. As soon as the door shut behind her he groaned and dragged both hands across his face.

You let her go. You f*ucking let her walk out that door.
Right after Zoey had walked out the door and closed it behind her, she took a few seconds to just lamely stand there staring at it, thinking about how easy it would be to just walk back inside and stay safe, if only for an extra night. But then Matthew would have a fit once he saw me again and that would be the end. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. With that last though in mind she turned around and walked away from the dorms, back to her truck.

Once inside the familiar hunk of worn metal and onto the road, Zoey was shaking all over. She couldn't help that this was how she reacted. In fact, she was shaking so badly that she had to pull over a few times and take a few deeps breaths just so she wouldn't be afraid to end up in a car accident. Wouldn't that be a way to go. She thought bitterly, those god forsaken apartments getting closer and closer to her line of vision until it was the only thing she could see, her hands numbly turning the wheel and cutting off the engine after safely parking in her usual parking spot. Sadly, she could see Matthew's black Jeep Compass only a few parking places away from her.

Well, time to face the music.

After getting out of the car and climbing up the stone steps leading to the second floor, she stopped in front of door 117 and mentally prepared herself to enter, her hands shakily turning the knob and opening the door wide open. The first thing she saw was Matthew standing only a few feet away from her, like he was every day, watching as she closed it softly behind her. She held her breath and stood ramrod still as her abuser walked over to her, the closer he came towards her the more her nose scrunched up in distaste.

Ah, he's been drinking with his buddies I'm assuming, and very recently too. His breath practically reeks with the potent smell of alcohol. Well, this should be interesting.

Most of the time when Matthew came home drunk he was either horny, angry, or the combination of the two. Not that she had a preference for either one.

Keeping her well composed posture in place she internally flinched back as his large hands came down on her arm, forcing her towards him. As soon as she was close enough his lips crashed clumsily down onto hers and it took everything she had to not pull away, her lips staying still and closed while her disgust flared up. So this was how it was going to be.

"Zoey, why aren't you obeying and kissing back?" Matthew said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world for her to do and she bit back a snort, her eyes going towards the floor. She could only respond with, "I'm not in the mood."

Obviously that was the wrong thing to say because he pushed her back against the wall with rough force, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Did I ask if you were in the mood? No. Now I expect you to listen to me this time." And he went in for another kiss, the force even more rough and painful than before. As soon as she saw on opportunity open, Zoey tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips together, her lashes blinking back tears for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.

Because of her defiance and reluctance to obey back, she got 'rewarded' with a punch to the side and a rough hand grabbing onto her shoulder, effectively slamming her very hard against wall, her head hitting the plaster with painful force. Before she even had time to gather her breath, Matthew's hand grabbed a hold of a large cluster of her hair and yanked it over towards him, a cry of pain sounding out from her throat.

"Fine. It's really only your loss anyways." With one final tug to her hair that would surely leave it sore, the force pressed against her body and hand altogether left, the bedroom door slamming shut not too long after. Zoey slid down the wall her back was already pressed against and buried her head in her knees, her breath coming out in shaky gasps.

It could have always been worse. Much, much worse.
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Vincent was restless in his lofted bed. He lay with his phone resting on his chest, his other arm supported his head beneath the pillow. Zoey hadn't texted him, which only made him worry. He knew exactly what was happening. Somewhere, in an apartment nearby, Matthew was beating her senseless. Now that he knew, it made the silence all the more eerie. Before, it only meant the girl was busy, now it meant she was in danger.

He checked his phone in case he hadn't heard the noise. Still nothing.

It's getting late. I really hope you're okay, Zoe.

He drummed his fingers on his stomach and hummed towards the ceiling, it made the time go by all the slower. But there was nothing else he could do.
Once Zoey had controlled her fluctuating emotions and had her breathing back to normal, Matthew still locked inside the bedroom doing one thing or another, she picked herself up off the floor, wincing as she stretched her tender skin.

She wanted to occupy her mind with something, anything, but didn't know what to do so just settled on making some early dinner. It was only around three now, meaning that she had been laying on the floor for well over thirty minutes. Although she couldn't really help that that's what she did. It was one thing for Matthew to be sober and hit her but a whole other and scarier thing when he was actually drunk. The alcohol only seemed to make him even more rash and unpredictable, two things Zoey just didn't know how to handle.

Letting out an angry breath of air, her hand running through her hair as a distraction, she got out the ingredients for a dinner consisting of tender steaks, hand peeled mashed potatoes, a bowl of fresh green beans along with some salad for a little something extra. And, on a whim, decided to make a simple strawberry shortcake for dessert. She already had all the ingredients and recipe memorized, as it always was a great source of comfort food to her that she liked to have on hand. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to make something slightly nice for dinner. It may even put Matthew in a better mood.

Yeah, 'cause that's likely.

It seemed as if time flew by rather quickly as Zoey made the meal, her mind only focusing on preparing and seasoning everything to perfection just like she used to do with her mother in her home kitchen, so once she was done with the dinner and dessert all together she was quite surprised to see that it was already five thirty, only slightly early. Cooking had always been a sort of remedy for her because in the kitchen she could control everything and anything to her liking, a reason why she always was in the kitchen.

With the table set and the food all around the dinning ware, Zoey finally let herself take a break on the couch although not before taking a few pain pills. Phone out and at her exposure, she sent off a text to Vincent.

Hey, sorry for letting you stew in your worry. I became a bit preoccupied, although I'm pretty sure you already knew that. Matthew was... intoxicated once I arrived home and after a few unimportant things happened I got busy cooking up an early dinner.
Vincent struggled to feel any comfort as he normally would on a Friday night. He fumbled with his phone when it buzzed in his hands. As quickly as he could, to see who sent it. His face scrunched up when he saw who it was from. Thomas.

Hey, Vince, I need a quick favor.

He didn't even bother to respond. Whatever it was couldn't have been good. It never was. A few seconds later, a second buzz went off, and he groaned, thinking it was Thomas. To his surprise and relief, it was Zoey. She'd finally responded.

I'm glad you made it home, but, sorry for everything else. If you need something, let me know. I'll be right here.

Vincent smiled and tucked the phone close to his chest, his worry lifted some. She was mostly safe, and well enough to be comfortable sending him a text message. Matthew, if his luck was good, maybe would pass out. Sometimes drunk people did that, he hoped that would be the case.
Zoey looked back down at her phone once it started buzzing, meaning that she had just received a text. Glancing down at the device, she smiled as she saw it was from Vincent, reading it over quickly.

You don't need to be sorry for anything because none of it is your fault. And you already know that I wouldn't ask you for anything while Matthew is still here, which he is. Although, I really do appreciate the sentiment. I just hope that I'll never have to use it.

After sending off the message herself she barley had any time to get up from the couch, the bedroom door opening and banging against the wall with a loud crash that made her eardrums hurt. Take a second to gather her wits with her once again, she slowly walked over to the dinning room and made sure everything was in place..

"I made some dinner if your hungry." Zoey murmured to Matthew as he lumbered into the dinning room himself and sat down, not bothering to give her a 'thank you' or anything resembling it. That was perfectly fine with her though because she'd rather have him not talk to her at all.

She bit her lip and sat down at the table too, gathering a little bit of everything that was prepared before settling down and eating. Dinner was a quite affair as always, both not bothering to acknowledge one another, and after Matthew was finished he went into the living room and turned on the TV which left Zoey to clean up everything. And that's exactly what she did.

She put away any leftovers and placed them in the refrigerator before loading up the dishwasher and wiping down the table of any access crumbs. It was a normal routine that she was comfortable doing and good at, the work making her feel less antsy with her hands and mind both occupied. It also made Matthew more tolerable to deal with since it was one less thing he could yell at her for.

Isn't that a bonus?
Vincent made sure she would be alright. How many times could he be angry that there was nothing he could do? A thousand times over, only in a few days, he would curse at himself for not having a good solution. This only prompted an early apartment search. At least this way, she really could be hidden. Matthew wouldn't know where the place was, and if Zoey and Vincent played their cards right he never would.

After clambering down from the loft, he sat at his desk and turned on his laptop. With a silent whirring, it sprang to life and loaded up the desktop. The search was on now. Before he got too involved, he sent off another quick text.

Well, still. Just, damn Zoey. What a situation we're in now.

We. It wasn't just her anymore. Once she'd told Vincent, it was their problem. If Zoey tried to dispute it, she wouldn't allow it. After all, she was his closest friend and he couldn't abandon her to Matthew's hell. Together they'd get her out.

Again, his phone vibrated, and he was excited to see Zoey's reply, but it was Thomas. He didn't even bother to look.
Zoey got out her phone after feeling another buzz, her eyes glancing at the messages with guilt.

'We're'? It should only be me. I mean, dammit, I'm sorry for getting you involved. It's really just an unnecessary burden that should only be held on my shoulders, since it's completely my fault for getting in such a stupid situation like now. There should have been something to warn me of what he really was like, right?

And it really was her fault, or so she thought. There seriously must have been some signs before she moved in with Matthew that hinted at what a horrible person he really was. Maybe if she had just looked hard enough, she could have found something. Hell, she should have at least tried to leave him after that first hit she got because now she was in too deep.

"Zoey! Get me another beer from the fridge!" Startled from her revere, she rolled her eyes in annoyance yet cooperated with his request, grabbing one of the beers they always seemed to have in the fridge and opening it. She brought out the beverage and placed it gently in his awaiting hand so as to not spill even a drop of it, her stomach churning like it always did when being in such close proximity with Matthew.

A grunt was her only response that she got from him, a noise the pretty much qualified as her signal to leave him alone, and she happily complied. Like Zoey usually did once she was dismissed or all alone, she went into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. After sitting herself down onto the bed's sheets she awaited a reply from Vincent.
No, we. Dammit, Zoey, let me help you. I want to help you, you're my best friend.

Vincent didn't know what else to say to her. She had a year of manipulation against him. She would believe it was her fault, again and again, and there were only a few things Vincent could do to get her to think otherwise. If she knew that he actually liked her, as quite a bit more than a friend, it could damage her. He feared she'd feel guilty again, and that was the last thing he wanted.

Somewhere beneath the scars, he liked to think, was a gorgeous girl waiting to have her freedom back. She could go back to the bakery, play the guitar she loved so much every day until her fingers hurt. None of it would earn her a slap or a kick. Instead, she should be feeling the warmth of an embrace from someone she loved and cared about. The gentle kindness they could give each other. How badly Vincent wanted to say he could be there for her, but to what end would it hurt her? Would she feel scared Matthew would find out? Or would she be happy to know that there was a different side to the human hand?

It is not your fault. Zoey, what he's doing is wrong and you yourself said he can be unpredictable. The things you do, just breathing in his space, that's a normal human thing. We breath, we live, eat and cry, and instead of responding as another human, he treats you like dirt and abuses you. That's not right!

I want you to think of before you met him, don't you think that time was better? Weren't you happier? I'd damn hope so, because I can't sense any happy emotions right now.

I want to see you smile.
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Zoey read through Vincent's recent message over and over again, her heart constricting each and every time. Why was he so damn set on helping her? What did he get out of it? What made her so lucky to have such an honorable friend in the first place? Nothing. Although she was too selfish to let him go at all. She wanted some light in such a dark abyss and she was afraid that if the light ran out, she'd never be able to find it again.

Best friend? She though to herself, a small twinge of something she couldn't name settling in her stomach. Perhaps disappointment? Although she didn't really know why. All she knew was that her and Vincent had been through too much to only be 'best friends', and just then she had the entertaining thought of them being more. It was hopeless, she knew, for him to want someone as broken and battered as her though. Plus she had nothing to offer to him, nothing at all. He could always do so much better.

Zoey blinked back a few intrusive tears that threatened to break away and licked her parched lips, her fingers flying over the keyboard to form her own message to send him back.

Of course it was better and of course I was happier before I met him. Well, before I moved in with him. I actually had people I could confide in and talk to about random nothings without being afraid of accidentally letting one thing or another slip past my mouth. I didn't have to worry about not covering all of my bruises are scars just in case someone got a peak at something they weren't supposed to.

Although, do you really blame me for thinking it's my fault? Honestly? How am I supposed to feel when he makes
everything I do into something that was bad or wrong. It has to be to his perfection and nothing less. If it isn't then he belittles me until he thinks I've learned a lesson. And this happens almost every day. I made out to be worthless and a waste of space in his eyes, something that he's ingrained into my head so much that I can't help but at least entertain the thought that it's the tiniest bit true.

And, Vincent, you don't really need to try all that hard to get me to smile. You always find a way to do so no matter what. This may be cheesy, and frankly I don't care, but when I'm even just near you it's like I have the option to forget what my life is really like and I can
live, if only for a little bit. It's so refreshing, like a breath of fresh air.

Zoey nervously sent the message with a click of a final button, laying back onto the mattress to wait for another message from him.
You always find a way to do so no matter what.

At those words, Vincent broke into a smile. He did the same for her, whether or not she knew it. Together, they could be so natural and ever conversation was a good memory. As quickly as he could he responded. Vincent wanted to make her feel better. She thought too negatively about herself, and that had to stop.

You aren't supposed to feel good when he makes it your fault, no. Does that mean it is? Of course not.

Zoey, if his words mean so much, maybe I can do one better. I could tell you every day that you-

Vincent paused, his thumbs hovering over the touch screen of his phone. What he wanted to say, he'd been convincing himself not to. Bit by bit though, if he let his feelings be known, it might not be so bad. He reasoned this in his head and went back to typing.

-are beautiful. Negative words are always easier to believe than positive ones. You aren't a waste of space. Have you listened to your voice, or heard yourself play guitar? Remember that time you showed me? That's talent Zoey, and the way you cook reminds me of home. Even though we haven't known each other long, there are so many good reasons for you to be more than just Matthew's version of a waste of space.

You're so, so much more than that, Zoey. I want you to believe me, trust me. If I need to I'll tell you every day until you forget about the things Matthew says. Every single day.

Vincent felt like he was confessing to her. It was dangerously close. Screw it, he said. Zoey wasn't just his best friend, because some time ago he fell in love with that brown eyed girl. Now that he knew her story, he'd do his best to give her the happy ending she so deserved.
Zoey's breath caught in her throat as she read over the message, a tiny laugh of disbelief and joy somehow squirming its way past her lips. Beautiful? Was that how he saw her? Surely not. She tried to reason it inside her head. He could only be saying that to make me feel better. Although I highly doubt that he would lie to me just for the sake of temporary happiness.

She bit her lip to try and stop the smile that threatened to split her face in two from appearing, only barely managing to be successful. It may take her some time to actually believe those words herself but if she heard them every day, especially from Vincent, she doubt it would take too long.

Geez, way to charm me. There you go again, making me smile with barley any effort at all. And I'm happy that I could bring some more positive aspects to your life. If you'd like, I could always perhaps cook both of us a nice, warm home cooked meal. I may even play a few things for you on my guitar since you seem to like it so much.

She paused there, wondering what else to put without making her sound stupid.

But you really have know idea how much your words mean to me. It's nice to be complimented, although you don't have to go to the extent of doing it everyday if you wouldn't like to. It'd seem like too much effort, really. Do I... do I really mean that much to you though? If I'm being honest then I'll go ahead and say that you are by far one of the best and most important things I have in my life right now and I'm just so afraid to lose you in someway. If I did then a part of me that you have inevitably captured and stolen would disappear and there would be no way I could function or go on without being whole. That's a fact.

I'll try to trust you on that by the way, Vincent. I don't think you really know how much I want to completely believe you.

Zoey was actually a bit scared, feeling as if she was revealing to Vincent a pretty big portion of herself that no one else had ever gotten access to. It was unnerving but she had to suck it up and only focus on how he would react. All she could hope for though was that he wouldn't ignore her or be unnerved by how much she truly depended on him.

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