It's Abuse [Inactive]

Zoey snickered at Vincent's comment, a tiny smile adorning her face.

"Wasn't sugar every five year old's way of life? And, while that would be entertaining and highly delicious, I'd think that they'd all get pretty fat." She piped up in amusement, glancing up at Vincent as she did. After giving him a quick smile that blossomed on her face with just that glance, she turned her attention back to Ghostbusters once more and was thoroughly surprised to see the fact that it was getting pretty close to being over. It seemed that the movie went by faster with both of their jokes and playful banter continuously being thrown at each other throughout the film.

"Wow, this seemed to go by faster than it usually does whenever I watch it alone."
"Everything goes by faster in good company." Vincent pointed out.

It was getting late, the sun was replaced by the pale moon outside. The view wasn't great through his small dorm room window, but it was enough to know that it was far past the evening hours and working towards night. Vincent would have to rummage to find the extra blankets he kept in the closet, but Zoey should have been fine there. It was comfortable enough. The girl's bathroom was one floor below, but it was only a minor inconvenience.

With that, the final scenes of the movie came up, and they were both quiet and intent on not missing it. Vincent mumbled to himself once the marshmallow man appeared. "Mmm." And he licked his lips in relation to what he'd said about the s'mores.
Zoey just barley kept her laughter at bay, settling for a smirk instead at Vincent's obsession with the marshmallow man. While it was something she found positively hilarious, she unconsciously thought to bring some s'more ingredients for the next time they met up or she came over to his dorm. Maybe they could get some nice wooden logs and start a little bonfire somewhere nearby to just get out and do something, the stars and moon doubling as their natural light source.

With the credits all said and done, Zoey let out a tiny yawn but made no further move to get up, not wanting to trail away from Vincent now that she was so comfortable and relaxed. And, if she was judging accurately, then she'd even conclude that Vincent was just as comfortable in their setup as she was.

"Thank you, Vincent, for the movie and snacks. It's a pretty effective remedy if I do say so myself."
"Anytime." Vincent said sweetly, his arm again trailed over hers gently with tender affection.

As Zoey had suspected, Vincent was just as comfortable with his feet up on their makeshift cardboard table, his arm wrapped around his best girl friend, but not girlfriend he thought, she was Matthew's. The thought was repulsive, but it passed quickly. She was tucked so tightly to hist chest, that when he breathed she moved in tune with the rhythm.

"One more movie, or are you gonna call it a night?" Vincent murmured to her.

(Sorry about the delay. I didn't expect to take a break, or at least a week long one, and forgot to tell you ahead of time.)

Zoey thought about his question but knew the answer right after she yawned, a small tendril of fatigue settling in her body.

"I think I'm going to call it a night. Getting some rest may help me feel better in the morning anyways." She replied, her body gently rising and falling in time with Vincent's own breathes. Even though she was tired and knew that she should probably move so he could get up and go to bed himself, she just didn't want to. She was content and comfortable exactly where she was and, as selfish as it may seem, wanted to enjoy this little bubble of peace for as long as she could.

Sitting there in the quiet of the night, tucked against Vincent, she allowed her eyes to flutter close. Although, even with such thoughts of staying in that position in mind, if Zoey was asked to move over or away then she'd do so without protest.
Vincent didn't have the heart to move her, not when she was so happy. He reached beneath the futon, only rustling her for a second, and pulled a blanket from beneath it. He draped it over Zoey and tucked the edges around her back so she wouldn't get cold, he'd be fine just where he was, reclined back a little with his feet up. There were worse ways to fall asleep.

"Let me know if you get cold." He murmured, rubbing her back softly until she'd fall asleep.

He hated to think this was a kind moment for her, because for him it seemed so basic. Such a natural human tendency to comfort others and make sure they're just as well off, but for Zoey? That was never the case. Every day, beaten, abused, tricked into believing it was in some way her fault when it wasn't.

Soon, he closed his eyes and gave in to the temptation of sleep. He was her sheltering pair of arms, the friend to lean on, and here she might get one night of peaceful rest.
Zoey was restless for quite a bit of the night as usual, gently rustling about in her position, although never enough to awaken Vincent. Eventually, an hour or two after the night sky had been replaced by a pale blue and the sun had risen over the horizon, she finally woke up for good. And, no matter how hard she tried, just couldn't fall back asleep again.

Sitting there after some time had passed with her being conscious of her surrounding did eventually get quickly boring and, restless to do something, the brunette female slowly and reluctantly moved out and away from the man she had just been nuzzled up against, doing her best to make sure that he still stayed asleep. No need to unnecessarily wake him up if it could be prevented.

As she padded softly into the kitchen once free from the tangle of limbs Zoey almost instantly found a coffee maker and, with a relieved sigh, began to make herself and Vincent some nice cups of caffeine like she always did in the mornings. It admittedly took her a bit to actually start brewing the coffee though, mainly because the supplies had to be hunted down, but once it was all set up she allowed herself to lean back against the counted and take a short time relax.
Vincent was awoken by the bitter smell of coffee in the air. He lolled his head around and stretched his muscles, sore from their position, before he smacked his lips to announce he had woken up. Once he opened his eyes, he checked the watch still on his wrist, only eight, which was decent really.

"G'morning." He said between yawns. His hair stuck out at odd ends after being pressed against the futon all night. Vincent didn't try to remedy this, and slowly rose from his spot, stretching again for good measure. "Did you sleep alright?"
Zoey smiled in amusement as she took a glance over at Vincent, his hair sticking up in all sorts of directions. Although, she didn't really fair any better herself. After hearing the beep from the coffee maker that signaled the hot liquid to be finished brewing Zoey got both of them a full cup, making sure to only add some extra little things for flavor into her coffee, before she finally made her way back over to the futon.

"Here." She murmured in acknowledgement while handing him the steaming cup, taking a few measured sips of her own. It was comforting, as always, to drink the familiar drink and she took the time to relish in the feeling of it warming her up before she finally answered Vincent's question.

"I slept as best as I could. I will admit that I was a bit restless from time to time though." Zoey's words paused as she took another sip from the cup and let her brown eyes roam over to Vincent's, a small smile adoring her face. "How about you?"
Vincent accepted the cup graciously and sipped at the hot liquid. He preferred his coffee dark, so he couldn't complain about the brew. "I slept alright, can't complain." He sipped at his coffee again.

Usually he spent his mornings alone, sleeping in past noon until the sounds of some violent video game woke him from his slumber. Not having Thomas around was a luxury he hadn't realized he enjoyed so much. The morning light lit up the room enough for him to appreciate it's light, and not burn his eyes. Vincent continued to slowly sip at the coffee, it tasted better because someone else made it.

He wrapped an arm around the futon as he had last night, setting the coffee on their make shift table. "So, what would you like to do today?" Also the equivalent to, when do you have to go back? Vincent was worried Matthew would notice her absence.
Zoey thought about it for sometime before shrugging her shoulders, the occasional sip being taken from her drink. She didn't really have anything in mind planned for the day, mainly because she didn't really expect the outcome she was presented with, so all possibilities were open.

"It's Saturday, right? Matthew usually has school this day but, because of work, isn't usually back at the apartment and inside the door until around seven-ish. Although more often than not it contributes to him going out with his friends. Anyways, with that being said, I don't really have anything in mind. I'm open to all options and opportunities." Her tone was contemplative and she spoke, her mind instantly recognizing most of Matthew's schedule.

A few months ago she made herself pay extra attention to the working of Matthew. When he leaves in the morning, when he comes home, when he has school, when he has work, etc. She tried her best to familiarize herself with all, or most, of his schedule so she could be prepared. It was sad, really, that she had to do that but it had honestly saved her skin more times then she'd like to count. Although Matthew didn't always follow those times so Zoey was usually kept on her toes.
Vincent let his head fall back on the futon as he thought about what they could do. He thought about whether or not she'd gone anywhere fun in a while, if there was something she wanted to do for herself. Vincent didn't even have to come with if she didn't want him to, because how often did she really get a day to herself with an abusive boyfriend? No idea.

"We can literally do anything you want." He suggested, lifting his head finally. "If you want to go shopping, it's on me. Bowling? Say the word. If you want to stay inside and watch movies all day, I'm the guy...with Netflix." Vincent grinned, knowing this was something he could do. Help her have a little fun.
Zoey placed her coffee down on the makeshift table as well, settling herself onto the futon right next to Vincent as she continued thinking. Although she very quickly became uncomfortable with her current position and, like she often did on her own couch, situated herself to where she was upside down on the futon, her back resting against the bottom cushions where others would normally sit with their rear ends while her feet were slightly hanging over the back of the furniture, her head just barley resting on the edge of the thing to where her hair tumbled to the floor and her vision was looking up at the ceiling above. Once settled down and satisfied Zoey let out a sigh of contentment and relaxed once more. Sure, it wasn't the ideal or normal sitting position but who really cared?

Zoey had listened to Vincent's suggestions while moving around and, after thinking them over, voiced her opinion.

"Bowling or shopping doesn't really appeal to me." As if to further prove the statement, as soon as the word 'shopping' was past her plump pink lips her nose visibly crinkled in distaste. Sure, if it was a necessity then she didn't mind but if there was an available option then she'd rather not.

"How about we go out and do something? Although I don't still don't really have anything in mind. And you don't have to pay for everything. In the end I'll make sure that we both pay half of however much the expense is. No 'ifs', 'ands', or 'buts' about it."
Vincent would make sure to push those 'ifs', 'ands', or 'buts' in order to make sure she had a decent time out with him. Still, he tried to pinpoint somewhere fun, coming up empty with options. It was up to her, really, because this day was going to be all about Zoey.

"Really, Zoe." He pressed. "What would you like to do when we go out?" Vincent again paused in thought, he picked up his coffee to sip at while he did so. "We could go on a walk, anything fun you want to do? Movies, coffee, well I suppose we've got that."

In a dinky little college town, there was plenty to do. Now it was simply a matter of narrowing down their choices.
She let out a huff, biting her lip as she listened to Vincent once more. It seems as if they were both clueless about what they wanted to do.

"You know what, why don't we just go on a walk like you said. It's a nice day that has a cool breeze and we may even find something along the way to do that interests us."

It was the only thing Zoey could think of that would benefit the both of them. Plus there were plenty of sights to see so it would be kind of hard not to find at least one thing that they would want to do. All she could really hope for though was that Matthew wouldn't be walking around the campus in between classes. If so, then it could result in a problem for Zoey and Vincent.

"So, how does that sound?"
"Wonderful." Vincent grinned and set his coffee down. He was alright without eating anything in his dorm room, there wouldn't be much besides a box of milk-less cereal or a few stale pop tarts. If they were going out anyways, there was a small bakery near a park they could head to. It had doughnuts, fresh bread, and different sweets every once in a while.

When he was ready to go, he got up and went to his closet. As best he could without Zoey to worry about, he stripped off his shirt from the day before and replaced it with a lighter tee. He threw on his lazy day gray sweatshirt and shut the doors.

Vincent held out his hand to the girl when she was done, "Right now. I know a little place, we can pick up some food there. Come on, Zoey."
Zoey, after correcting her position on the couch, took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. A faint blush was still tinted on her cheeks even after Vincent was completely covered once more in a shirt. She wasn't necessarily blushing because of the act itself but more because of the fact that Zoey couldn't help but... admire the view. Without any sense of subtly whatsoever.

Releasing a couch to clear her throat, along with her thoughts, Zoey let her hand linger in Vincent's own and dragged him out the door before closing it behind them. The only thing she could hope for right now was that he wouldn't be put off in any way by such a small action and bring his hand back along his side, away from her's.

"Alright Vincent, lead the way."
Vincent wasn't bothered by the act at all, in fact, he did his best to keep his fingers locked with hers as they walked out to his car, separating only when they went their separate ways around the car. The place he was thinking of was close, but just far enough where he would've rather taken his car.

The short ride there was through back roads, where small houses and parks littered the view. Tall trees and patches of flowers dotted the landscape. It was a cute little route. Soon though, they arrived outside the shop he'd mentioned and he shut off the car.

"Do you want to get something to eat first, or are you even hungry?" He asked, flustered he hadn't even bothered to ask her before they left.
Zoey laughed softly and nudged Vincent's shoulder with her own once they had rejoined side be side again, extremely pleased and slightly flattered at his flustered questions.

"If I recall, the last thing I had to eat was some popcorn and, while it was very tasty and great for the previous circumstances, it wasn't all that fulfilling. So, yes, I do want to eat first and I am hungry."

After she was finished reassuring him that she wanted to go into the bakery first and foremost, she finally looked over at the aforementioned shop and was surprised at what she saw.

"Oh, I haven't been to this place in quite some time! Man, it's going to be nice to see everyone again... crap... they probably think I'm dead or something. You know, I really shouldn't make a promise to visit once a week when I know that I'm not going to be able to fulfill it." While the words were spoken aloud they were mostly just Zoey's own thoughts and she mulled over the information, trying to think of an excuse that she could tell the people inside.
"I love it here, and I figured you might like to come back and say hello." His stomach grumbled. "That, and I'm starving."

Vincent got out of the car and hurried around to open up the door on her side. Inside the shop, the air was cool and smelled slightly of frosting and fresh baked bread. He could spend hours here with the calm atmosphere and sweet scents.

"Whatever you want, on me." He declared. It was genuine kindness, and not any sort of pity that prompted the offer. Vincent decided on a large cinnamon roll and some orange juice before turning to Zoey. Surely, there would be a few hellos before their order went through.

Not that he minded.
Zoey narrowed her eyes at Vincent's offer but, since she had forgotten her wallet back at his place, she decided to let it pass. For now. She'd make sure to pay him half of everything once the day was done and they were back over in the dorms. As she pondered over more random nothings she ordered a croissant along with a blueberry muffin and bottled water, saying thanks once she was satisfied.

"Zoey, dear!" At the sound of her name she turned around and, with a smile one her face, gave the women before her a hug.

"Judy, it's so nice to see you again. I'm sorry I haven't visited in the last month. Life has been a little hectic lately and I haven't been able to get around and do very much." Alright, it wasn't a lie in any way but the topic was pretty broad. Oh well.

"Hun, you practically gave me a heart attack. One second you were around practically all the time, laughing and just taking pleasure in being inside this bakery, and the next you're gone without any warning. My thought were running rampant without any form of contact and I couldn't help but think the worse. You should know better." While the words were stern and strict, the woman's face was anything but. Zoey just couldn't help herself and leaned up to hug the owner once more with a promise to try and visit more often.

"It seems as if I haven't had time to greet Vincent over here with such chaotic pleasantries. My apologies and it is nice to see you here again as well." Judy, giving one last pat on the back to Zoey, turned over to Vincent and gave him a blinding smile like she did to Zoey. "I take it you two came in here together?"
"Yeah, we did! I told her it's my treat, but she insisted otherwise." Vincent beamed back at Judy. He'd seen her several times before, but hadn't learned her name. It was nice to finally know, at least. The woman laughed, and it was infectious enough to make even Vincent crack a smile over nothing.

It wasn't long before the three were sat down at a table. Vincent didn't mind at all, seeing as Zoey used to work here. It would be good for her to talk to her old coworker. Boss? He wasn't quite sure, but, if it made her feel good, they'd stay. He leaned back at bit around the roll until only the gooey center was left. The best part, in his opinion. Vincent plopped it in his mouth and sat back, satisfied.
While Zoey talked to Judy about life and how everyone was doing, basic conversations, she occasionally let her eyes wonder over to Vincent. It was amusing how he left the center, obviously his favorite part, of the cinnamon roll for the last bite. It was interesting to see little random eating patterns that most don't even think about while they do it. Although she wasn't any better considering that when Zoey started eating the blueberry muffin she would bite the top part first, slowly working her way down until she had to peel off the paper holder only to repeat her actions.

"-and then Monica decided to leave because she wanted a more stable job that would pay better, to support the family of course, which led to us trying to find a new employee. Actually, we're still looking for someone to hire... So, Zoey, what's your job as of right now?"

It seems that the girl in question had zoned out of her former boss's ramblings but she had heard enough to know what Judy was suggesting. While Zoey couldn't outright lie about having a job to such a good friend she tried her best to make it seem as if she was doing just fine.

"Oh, I'm actually unemployed. Working here at the bakery was the last job I have taken in quite some time. But there's no need to worry because everything is alright and Matthew is doing a wonderful job at taking care of me."

It practically pained her to say that Matthew was being kind to her in any way and making sure she was taken care of but it was better for everyone else if they thought he was a perfect gentleman. After all innocence is bliss.

"But it must be pretty boring doing nothing for most of the day then, right Zoey? If anything, working here would keep you busy and help you earn some cash all for yourself. And it would just be so nice for everyone working here to see you again. Hell, even some customers would be happy to have you back since a lot of people have become quite fond of you."
Vincent grimaced at her blatant lie. Matthew was doing anything but take her money and pull support away. He wasn't giving her anything. She was so good at telling the lie though, and it pained him to think she'd been doing this for so long.

"I think it'd be nice if you came back." Vincent put on a smile and propped his head up on one hand. Judy wholeheartedly agreed with him, maybe for different reasons, but it helped. "I mean, yeah. It would get you out of that apartment every now and then, wouldn't that be great?"

Get away from Matthew really.

His hidden implications wouldn't go unnoticed by Zoey, maybe for Judy though. Zoey was a good girl, loved by even the customers. It would do her some good to get out of the house. How could Matthew complain when she was only bringing in more cash anyways? Not that he wanted her to lose even more, but, maybe it would take off some of his edge.

Damn, I really need to find an apartment.
Zoey bit her lip as Vincent joined in, feeling anxious and slightly scared. She longed to be able to say yes, to be able to once again have a few hours during the day that she could spend doing something she enjoys while also being away from Matthew. Although it was he who made her leave the bakery last time as well. He made her quit so she could become a sort of 'housewife' to do all of the cooking and cleaning.

Although, what right did he have? He shouldn't be able to make such decisions for me without my consent. If only I could tell him that... but I'll never be able to unless I'd have a wish to spend some time in a hospital.

Zoey barley contained the snort that sounded form her rampant thoughts, replacing the action with a cough instead. If she ever tried telling Matthew anything about what she wanted then there wouldn't be such thing as a future for her anymore. Or at least a happy and painless one. Even so, she desperately wanted to except the offer that she was being given. Maybe there was a way to hide it from Matthew?

The risk would be too great to take.

"I'll... I'll think about it. I'm sorry I can't give you a definite answer, like usual, but I promise to at least think about it. Maybe there's a way to fix my schedule around and make this all work out?" The question was direct more towards Vincent than anything else, hoping that he'd be able to understand how much of a risk it would be and perhaps give her a bit of help on the matter later.

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