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Lore [Isekai Hell] Vivi’s Lore Thread


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Tatsumi-Gawa River

Source: Uncharted Drake's Fortune Concept Art
Flowing through the western front off the Republic of Kuridan, originating from the wellpsring of life that is the Continental Lake, the Tatsumi-Gawa is the largest river upon the Second Continent even with how short of a distance the river flows till it hits the ocean beds to the north. Converging together with other small rivers originating from the Continental Lake through this travel, as well with many smaller rivers and creeks originating from the Paizu Mountains to the north east. To the people of Kuridan it is a sacred river which feeds much of the nature surrounding it. Seen often as the representative even within the Republic of Kuridan of the Divine Dragon Spirit within their religion. Whose wrathful nature may result in flooding along the riverbed. Or as occurs when there is much precipation throughout the year.

Though flooding as such is not a bad thing, certainly it hampers those who live close to the river as their belonging become sodden with water, or elsehow. However it is not a bad thing for the woods itself, as it makes way for new life to spring forth. Whether that'd be ferns or rodents dependent on more flooded environments against other predators.

Due to this religious nature of this riverbed, most of the transport across still occurs through riverfarers who carry people or goods when crossing, as though there was much trepidation and cibtriversy around the idea of building a bridge. Because of the effect it could have upon the environment and the whims of the divine spirit. As such they've carried on this tradition, and it is seen as an exemplary role within society even which requires much skill due to the many mangrove trees which grow near the riverbed.

Causing troubles for new initiaties who learn under experienced teachers who might have been doing this very same job for their entire lives. Though the clear blue waters of the river make certain it is never dangerous as long as one does not panic. As one travels along the snakeing Tatsumi-Gawa one needs to be additionally careful of the rockbeds beneath and close to the waters. Using poles to correct their course as they row their oars. Some scant few do not require such tools, though it is not looked down upon if so, as they go into the profession with skill in the manipulation of water. Often seen as a blessing of the divine spirit. Travelling through the river rather through a dance of movement.

One must be careful though, as the river is not without danger. The river is often fared across, but many beasts still inhabit the waters. Though some have become docile as they've slowly accustomed to being fed or the constant presence of people in general, many wild creatures still lurk in the waters as well. Devouring the scant few unexperienced or overly daring travellers who fare through their territory.

Tatsumi-Gawa flourishes with life, whether flora and fauna, and is therefore along with the sides of the rolling hills and scant few cliffs a wonderous sight to behold for many. Much diversity whether in the trees which grow, sometimes of magical origins, or much variety of birds who need not worry for their survival and instead focus on variety in colour and ever complicated mating rituals. Finding major success to an extent of excess tourism even, as people with money to spare flock from the east of the Republic to far south from the See of Chearon. However, this has become a worry upo itself as citizens who treasure its beauty do not find that every tourist is as respectful of their cultural heritage. Whether through harming wildlife, or pushing riverfarers into unknown danger for the sake of their own curiosities.
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Tatsumi-Gawa Woodland

Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PDxrZ
Untamed wilderness. A poinyant summary at the heart of this woodland. Formed by the moisture of the Northern Sea which wafts southward through the Northern wind, along with the Tatsumi-Gawa river which snakes through the land converging of many small creeks and rivers coming from many angles within these rolling hills and small mountains which have eroded over many many years. This corner of Kuridan is an abudance of life only normally seen in scant few places besides the See of Chearon. And rivals even at some scant few locations the magical nature found within the roiling woods in which the Fae make their home.

Like the Tatsumi-Gawa river, which charters its course through the northern parts of this woodland, many of Kuridan descent view this place as spiritual and religious importance. A place of cultural heritage which should not be touched beyond the very necessity, yet abudant in resources and exotic wildlife the other countries which border this woodland, or more specifically the unsavoury individuals who make those countries their home do not see eye to eye with that mindset. Nevermind the scant few of citizens within Okiro itself who partake in the practice of poaching as well. Searching for magical flora and fauna to be used in experiments, or magical rituals. Or in general exotic rare animals seen in scant few other places of the world which are wanted as semi-domestic pets by the wealthy and corrupt few.

But only those with proper experience and equipment would choose such a profession, as without such the chances of making it back out alive might be slimmer then one would first imagine. Besides the enormous wild beasts which make their home within these woods, few but scattered about lie monsters which have become so submerged in excess mana that they've warped to little of what first remained. Such monsters are often killed by the wildlife around here, as many simply kill for the matter of killing, and find themselves quickly pounced upon in return. Whilst others are far more cautious and tactical. Growing into terrifying predators which pick their fights well.

Some beastkin tribes make this land their home, avoiding the many troubles and positives that civilization brings with it, and rather being one with the nature around themselves. An almost spiritual reverence which some of the citizens found within Kuridan look up to as they look back upon their olden days of warring tribes where might made right. Whilst others look down upon the beastskin tribes who do not conform to the more accepted standards of living of nowadays.
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Bromelicaea O’ Corra



Character Information
Cultural Origins: See of Chearon
Pronouns: They / She
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 2.13 m | 7’1”
Weight: 80 kg | 175 lbs



A commanding officer still leading the army of Chearon, who was present during the attack upon Chachail by the Empire itself. Her body scarred by burns from the fire of Semetres, and a fury which burns on from it. Though their injuries maimed them, they endured such a folly, and through such have gained an affinity for fire.


Interests / Involvements

Revenge against the Otenzian Empire, the obliteration of the Scourge, killing the unknown man who started this all, and tea-making. The commanding officer, who will have trained Watching of Reflection during the aftermath of Rico’s Raid in a spear fighting style called “Sgàile Sleagh”. Due to losing a bet on whether it would survive with a fellow officer.
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