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Graded [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2


Roleplay Artist
Hello! Welcome to my thread! This rp is part of the larger Isekai Hell RP community! If you are interested in Anime, open worlds, and or Fantasy, please feel free to check out the above links!
For those participating please link your participating character’s character sheet in your first post!
Time: Night into the Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Experimental Airship

The night on the airship went smoothly as it continued toward its destination, when all was said and done when the morning light came through, the ship was about halfway to its destination: the Hallson tribe’s land in the Sky Kingdom.

During this night period some units patrolled the ship while others rested. There were also feedback sheets which had been provided outside of everyone’s room to be filled out regarding the first day of travel to be filled out at their convenience. While the doors of the rooms looked pretty much identical, one would have stuck out to someone passing by denoted by the armed guards who had been standing out all night and switching places, it was pretty clear who had been staying there from those who were on the ship. Eliza Talton would have made her way out of her room a bit later in the morning at a more leisurely time making her way out to the dining area.

A fairly extensive breakfast offerings was made available fairly early in the morning with all sorts of beverages, baked goods, fruits, cheeses, dried meats, and breads. There was also a modest sized more formal dining room type area with some elegant metallic tables. There were also place settings, cloth napkins, glasses, and silverware throughout. There were also more matching advanced magitech lanterns within the space which currently were not lit due to the space possessing windows for plenty of natural light to enter the space. The carpeting looked expensive and there were a few more art pieces placed on the walls. A similar looking unit from before had been stationed in space.

For the time being Copper was nowhere to be seen, more than likely out and about.

Kane Blackburne

Kane had taken advantage of the interesting shower amenities last night to get clean which he had found to be effective and unlike anything he had experienced before. As of Current he had woken up and had gotten ready to head out and about on the ship, figuring he’d probably get some grub eventually but not before hitting up the observation deck, still carrying his executioner’s axe sheathed on his back for the time being. It wasn’t something he was planning on parting with anytime soon since it was such a vital part of his identity. For now Kane looked out the observation window at the bright sky below seeing some clouds in the distance. Not having much else to do at the moment he figured he might as well make as much use of the unusual view as possible. Being up here really did feel like being one of the elites. which he had been so pessimistic about.

(Narrator Note: Feel free to go wherever during this morning period)
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She'd slept like a charm. Perhaps having sobered up from last night's drinking or being in madly comfortable beds had aided there. Either way, she woke up feeling refreshed. Not only that, however, the showers. ACTUAL SHOWERS. She was over the moon. She'd missed them, but bloody isekai hell did she underestimate how much she missed them until she got into one. She was instantly thinking about her past life for the entire time she was taking one, which was quite some time.

On the sheet for feedback, she'd note down a few things.
Service 10/10. Good Units. I'd like to consider buying one if they're for sale.
Utilities 10/10. Love the shower. Where can I buy one from?
Information 2/10. Be more clear about where we're going. Or why we're going there.
Entertainment 6/10. Good to have smoking places. Books aren't challenging enough.

Upon entering the dining area, or breakfast area, whatever, she couldn't help get a bit excited. Perhaps it was her inner halfling acting up, but the sight of all this made her drool a bit. Upon confirming she was alone, right now, she figured there was no need to hold back. She'd gather some dark ale, some milk, some tea and some orange juice, a freshly baked croissant, some eggs, an apple and a pear, two types of cheese, a sausage, a baked potato with butter and herbs, some dried turkey, a loaf of bread and some beans with mushrooms and tomato. Nobody would stop her from going full-on-halfling on this breakfast.

She wasn't sure which part of the halfling genes was responsible for it, but she always felt like her stomach had turned into a bottomless pit compared to when she was a Human and had to worry about diets and whatnot. It was pretty neat. One of the few good parts about being a shorty that most folk tended to mistake for being a child.

Carefully putting it all on a table, she took a short moment to just admire it all. Her heightened senses got her the idea that this wasn't exactly fine dining, but it was definitely good grub. She had to resist the urge to stuff half the breakfast menu in her [Pocket Dimension] to save it for later, as she instead finally started to eat, staring with the warm stuff, before it'd cool down.

Illya had enjoyed a comfortable night, sleeping up in the rafters near a warm pipe. No strange men were chasing her and she'd had a pleasant enough conversation with the other passengers. So things were smooth sailing. When the light began to filter in, she stretched and yawned. Eventually getting up to trot along the rafters. She saw Kane walking somewhere and decided to tail him for a moment, staying just out of site.
No particular reason other than she didn't know her way around the ship and he was the first one she'd seen. When he walked into the observatory she had to come down from the rafters. It was a quick step off the beam, and the rush of the fall; before the mechanism in her wings kicked in and she began to hover with the low hum of her wings behind her. She buzzed in after Kane and found a place to perch not too far from him, getting a good view herself of the sky around them. She let out a small gasp of awe as she took in the scenery.

"Quite the view." She rubbed her eye a little as the glaring sun became too much for her so early. "Even if I had my old wings, I could never reach these heights I suppose." She crossed her arms as she gazed out the window, before grinning up at Kane. "It makes you feel pretty small doesn't it?" She chuckled a little at her own joke. Though it might not be that funny to anyone else.

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Squink stretched as she woke up, the kind of person who always woke up tired no matter what. Yawning softly as she made her way to the dining area, she thoughtlessly sat down and didn't register anything going on for about a minute as she tried to wake herself up. The first thing she saw was plentiful food awaiting her all in the morning and she didn't even have to lift a finger, striking her tired expression right off of her featureless ilithid face as she delighted at the banquet.

"O-oh, this is for us, for free? I am flattered, this is such a kind gesture for who would do this~!" she answered with glee as she took a breadroll into her hands and quietly nibbled on it with her obscured mouth, her facial tentacles gently wrapping around it as if it was going to run away. She didn't really have any thoughts about what was going to happen today or what she was planning to do, perhaps she would try to see if any of the other people on board had anything interesting to do or say about, but she just wanted to relax and have a nice time this trip. Being gluttonous? I mean, they were offering it, who wouldn't turn it down? That'd be a rude waste of a kind gesture.
(short bost am busy )
ArthurPendragonPrototype_WhiteRose (1).png

"mmhmm..." a blonde knight grumbled groggily, coming to the table with lazy hazy morning eyes... He wandered his way into the breakfast wearing little more than white pants and shirt he wore to bed. "Gmrnin..." he spoke up toward the hazy presences in the room as he sat down and slowly began to wake up...


That was a big pile of food...

Maybe he had been served an he didn't notice?

Well, he'll start with that croissant... Surely nobody would mind right?

( Elvario Elvario Victorique's croissant is in danger)
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

How. Dare. He.

Victorique had finally felt good waking up in the morning, having gotten with the wrong foot out of bed often enough to have almost forgotten how it felt to wake up and not be instantly grumpy. She'd even been able to carry over her good mood into the breakfast, upon seeing what this place had to offer.

Yet then HE arrived. She'd finely selected which of the items she wished to consume and she'd selected that croissant out of all of them, for it'd looked the puffiest and most buttery. Yet then HE just... he just walked right up and reached out to take it.

Needlessly to say, she hopped over at [Halfling Parkour]'s lighting speed and agility, snatching what was rightfully hers away from his greedy hands.

Halfling Parkour - Fast B, Water Speed B, Wall Bouncing F, Wall Running F, Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Acrobatics D, Perception C, Energised B - Character uses their senses and movement abilities to parkour through the environment. - Grade B - 3 Post Cooldown

Even so, that alone wasn't enough. “As if it isn't enough to instantly get chummy with the noblewoman I've been trying to curry favours with and steal away my chance at getting to ride a mecha.” She huffed. “You'd even go as far as to take away part of the breakfast I selected, even though there's still plenty left?” She pointed at the actual breakfast bar.

“Playing protagonist and being greedy? Tssk.” It's like they were in some bad fantasy series or something. “To not even have the sense to get decently dressed either...” She shook her head. “This world is a lost cause and even my detective talents will be able to help your find your dignity and manners at this point.” She scoffed, as she debated putting all her food in a [Pocket Dimension] and just eating it in her room, yet not it'd gotten somewhat personal. Like a claim of ownership and right to be here?

Either way, she did recall one thing. “That reminds me, what are you even doing on this airship? Did you come here just to flirt with noblewomen, hang out with fairies and steal croissants?”

"Ah-!" Ah he was being scolded... He mustve... Ah he sees it now... This wasn't buffet it was... Actually it kinda looked like she brought half the buffet over, hmm... Odd... Alright then.

"Sorry, sorry." He held his hands up, backing off the woman's food...

"You're still pinning me as the protagonist huh...? Man... Abit early to be snapping..." the blonde man grumbled before letting out a big sigh... He suppoused she was making good points here... So, why not answer her questions.

"The reason I'm here, well, I got invited and wanted to go.

It was only luck that I managed to get on the very same voyage as you and Ms.Talton, and good luck it was as I finally have a foothold into actually putting a stop to the looming horror of those monsters... I've seen what they do, once their dealt with, we can all actually breathe a sigh of relief... And focus on fixing the problems cause by more home grown evil." The young man let out a deep sigh.

"...That, and I nearly disregarded the whole venture, till my dear little sister asked me what a cloud tastes like." The answer was... ice... oddly... So he had noted yesterday.

HE smirked "Not good, unfortunately for Mimi." He chuckled abit light heartedly, before looking towards the small woman.

"I answered, so i'll ask, what brings you to the sky kingdom? You spoke of wanting to come here by Fuller, and you don't look like the usual type to rummage around in new lands... A detective on a case?"
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She blinked a few times, as for a second there, she thought she'd been looking at the guy change from some adult fancy-dressed folk to a kid that hadn't even finished high-school. Probably just some remaining sleep though.

Either way, he backed off, which meant she could stop snarling at him. Then again... “If it's not too early to try take someone's food, it's not too early to snap at them for it either.” She retorted.

“A stop? From what I know there's still plenty of them, especially on the first continent.” She thought back on some of the horrors she'd seen in her own adventurers. “New ones seem to just appear out of nowhere as well, for that matter.” She sighed. “Then again, wanting to eradicate all monsters perfectly fits your protagonist vibes, so thank you for your service.” She stated the latter with a slight bit of a chuckle, in a slightly better mood now that her food was safe.

“A little sister huh?” She tried to imagine a younger, female version of this man. “{Let's hope she took the better half of the genes.}” She mumbled to herself in Sylvan.

“Clouds? How could you expect mere rainwater to have any taste to begin with?” She shook her head. “A bit of common sense could've saved you a lot of time.”

As expected, she got the return question. “I'm investigating the exact workings of [Titles]. The ones that seem to get stuck to your being. After visiting a library in Ryke, in the Magic Duchy and one at the bottom of the Continental Lake and after trying to get a clue on [criminal titles] in the Kingdom, I'm now hoping to figure out more in the Sky Kingdoms, as they're rumoured to have some more ancient knowledge on it.”

She scoffed at one remark in particular. “I'm a [Lightfoot Halfling]. Wanderlust is in my veins, just as much as playing protagonist seems to be in yours.”

There was one more thing she was curious about. “By the way, what was up with this 'home grown evil' thing? You're talking about [criminals] or slavers and the likes? I heard both Empires got a lot of the latter. Or you mean the many racial tensions? You do seem the virtuous type to worry about all such things. Ah, but the noblewoman we're invited by has a bit of classicism to her, even though she's not the worst sort among them. You should ask Kane about it at some point. He'll tell you the juiciest details on how classist nobles from the Kingdom can be.”
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy

Eliza Talton

It wasn’t all that long before Eliza Talton arrived on scene in the dining area probably toward the end of the ongoing back and forth between Finn and Victorique , “Hm, what do we have here?” She asked looking between Kane and Victorique like she was assessing what was going on, a bit of a giggle following after as it was clear she picked up they had been going at it and it struck her as humorous somehow. Not all that far away from her was about two guards or so as perusal.

Instead of getting food from the get go as others had she made her way over and sat near Squink.

“Morning, did you sleep well Squink?” She inquired politely. It would become more apparent as to why she hadn’t gotten herself some food.

Not that long after she sat down a young woman came in standing by her side respectfully wearing what one could only assume was the garb of a more formal serving sort in maid attire.


“How may I serve you my lady?” She asked with a polite bow toward Eliza.

“Oh come now, I think you know what I’d like by now Pandora.” Eliza replied in a bit of a teasing tone.

“Understood my lady, right away.” Pandora replied with a small smile.

Pandora diligently and quickly went off and proceeded to populate a plate with various fresh fruits which were syruped as well as some breads which had been heated and buttered along with a generous cup of some sort of juice blend. All and all the offering was modest sized

She placed it all down gently and respectfully in front of Eliza.

“Very nice Pandora, your service and presentation is immaculate as perusal."

Pandora appeared to light up at these words with a hint of pink on her cheeks, giving another diligent bow.

“Of course my lady, praise of that caliber from you is priceless, I’ll be on standby and just say the word and I’ll be at your service.”

“Hm, Pandora, why don’t you join us? There’s nothing that comes to mind that makes me think you shouldn’t have a break every now and again yourself, you always work so hard appease me, it’s only fair..”

Pandora appeared to pause for a moment as if she was hesitating.
Kane Blackburne

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"​
Meanwhile Kane was a bit surprised when Illya first made herself known looking over at her his face not exactly unfriendly.

“Huh..yeah I guess the view up here is pretty cool, and..what’s the term those more articulate sort use?..for lack of better words? Yeah I think I’ll go with that for lack of better words..it must have been rough losing your wings sorry about that..but the new ones look pretty rad. I mean there aren’t that many who got cool ones like those.”

At first Kane looked a bit puzzled when Illya made her joke before his expression began to shift into a grin again as he began to chuckle “Hah nice one, you know you got some guts getting on this ship the way you did, gotta say I can respect the hustle to getting to the Sky Kingdom.”

“Anyway, I dunno if it’s really your thing but if you’d like to join me and get some grub, I’d be down.”
Kane replied.

“ When you’re in Rotia you learn to take advantage of every free meal you can get out of situations like these.” If Illya was agreeable he’d start to head toward the dining area too.
Illya Melondew

Illya smiled and scratched her cheek, a little bashfully. His praise for her scrap shouldn't have caused her any sense of accomplishment, and yet. At the mention of free grub, she jumped up and did a spin on one foot. "Who would not be interested in free food. I most graciously accept your invitation, I suppose. " With a quick running start, she dashed off her perch, and started to fall for a full second, before the mechanism kicked in, and she started buzzing up to follow and pass Kane. She may have rushed ahead a little, following the scent of food.
When she arrived, she saw the short blonde yelling at the taller blonde. Landing on a table with a heaping plate of food, she walked up next to pull off a fluffy looking croissant and sat down to take a bite out of it. Watching the two bicker. She waved over to miss Talton.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She was a bit surprised when Eliza joined them, with them being commoners and all, but then she realised that this whole ship was basically a luxury experiment. In that regard, it was them who'd be out of place here. Then again, you had queen above queen, as Elizabeth had seemingly whisked a maid into existence out of nowhere. It was enough to catch Victorique's attention for a bit, as she watched the maid go about. The idea of having staff of her own was still appealing. Some maids like that, or maybe some really tall and buff butler to scare off annoying people trying to take her food. Or perhaps some of both! Perhaps she could even get some [Beast] servant or [Construct] servants to get that exotic look along with it! Then again, her way of life probably wouldn't allow bringing servants, so she'd best do without, for now at least. One day she'd own her mansion and servants, once she'd travelled enough and investigated all she wanted, but for now...

For now...

For now...

For now she just saw that someone had taken her croissant!


Worse, even, it was the fairy that did it. How did she even react to that? If she'd get as angry as she did with Finn, she'd probably just be deemed a bully, right? Yet... She was thoroughly annoyed. She scoffed. “I hope that tastes well, for it was the one croissant I personally selected as the best possible option from the buffet right over there. The one I was, by far, most eager to consume this morning.” She stated, pointing at the buffet and making no efforts to hide any of her dislike of the situation. “The croissant I even had to challenge this protagonist looking fellow for, in order to keep it.” She nodded in Finn's direction. “Yet it seems that even at the pinnacle of aerial luxury, a single moment of distraction can take away the joy and sense of control like a snowflake in the western deserts.”

That's what she figured she'd go with. She'd be a bully if she was too mean with one of the few creatures smaller than her, but she surely couldn't just silently accept it either. Then again, she wasn't the type to just create a 'heaping plate' of food. What kind of barbarian would do that? No. She'd placed carefully proportioned plates across the table in a strategic distance from herself. Starting with the warm foods and ending with the cold ones. Thus, the croissant had been furthest from her immediate vicinity, even after protecting it from the protagonist's greedy hands.

Then again, an idea came to mind. “Excuse me, is there a Unit around?” She called out, seeing if one would pop up from the vents somewhere. If that would be the case, she'd had the perfect command for me. “Is it possible to get an even fresher croissant? One that's just out of the oven?” After all, if one of her joys was stolen, it didn't mean she couldn't demand an even bigger joy in turn. “Oh, also, is there any strawberry jam that I might've missed?” She asked, not sure if they had it and she hadn't noticed or if it wasn't there to begin with.

For that matter, she'd gone through a fair bit of the food and drinks already. It was... not ideal that everyone could see her eating habits were a tad peculiar, something she'd rather avoided, but perhaps it was a price worth paying if she could keep eating like royalty in turn.

On the topic of royalty, she realised the opposite of it had also entered. “Good morning.” She called out to Kane. They were friends, after all, It'd be bad not to greet him, no matter how annoying her morning had turned out to be.

She'd have called out to Eliza as well, but the latter seemed preoccupied, between her maid and Squink. Ah, when did Squink even enter? Victorique wasn't sure. She sighed. Were her senses dulling? That wasn't great. She grabbed the dark ale. The perfect part of any breakfast, as she got to it. It was rather refreshing. Enough to make her a tad more relaxed again, as she turned to the Fairy. “So... what was your reason to join this trip?”
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Happily enjoying their own breadroll, Squink heard Eliza's questioning as the girl had chosen to sat near her, surprised since most of yesterday had she felt the girl was distracted with the antics of Finn. From the looks of it, said interactions this morning would probably become the matter of someone else yet if it were to truly fall to becoming Victorique's conversation partner atleast for a little while then it would instead be a burden. Otherwise, she focused her mind on Eliza for the moment rather than the others on board for the trip.

"Oh, hi, I slept very well, it's a really nice and fancy place they have here, it's surprising that they can put all of this on an airship and fly people around while they enjoy their stay. I wonder if anyone's done the idea of a travelling hotel yet, you could make a vacation place that flies around to different vacation destinations, I'm sure that would probably be very popular with some people. You could go to sleep on one side of the world and wake up on the other, and you'd get to see something truly new everyday" Squink rambled as she considered such silly little ideas, although it probably wasn't what Eliza was expecting. Blushing softly and clearing her throat, she fidgeted a little.

"I-I mean, I'd just think so, just a random thought... was your night okay?" she asked in return, gently kicking her legs as she enjoyed her own breakfast quaintly with no complaints, it had been a while since she could just so enjoy herself like this rather than travelling around to all different places with strangers and unknown faces. Noticing Pandora when she had come over to give assistance to Eliza gave Squink a small thought, of which she hesitated to ask.

"S-so are you some kind of fancy noblewoman? I saw your guards and stuff yesterday, is that kind of thing really necessary, are you in danger if you go around or stuff? Did you get rich or famous by doing a bunch of dangerous stuff and adventures like that so you go to a lot of places you need help in? Do you like in like a super big mansion or estate or something, your outfit is really pretty and royal-looking, is it like a family or house thing?" Squink asked curiously, a small innocent joyful expression on her face before she realised she was getting quite forward with curious questions.

"O-oh, sorry if it's a bit much, I get carried a way a little, I just think it's a little bit interesting is all... " she mumbled as she fiddled with her hands before picking up some tea.​

"Evil is evil, cure, we could bicker and say what is and is not acceptable in society. But then, people normalize evils that break down and shread what would be common decency because of the mere fact of "Well everyone else is doing it so it's okay if I do." or, simply looking away because they want to do something but the judgement of their peers means damage to their social station.

Yes, its an extreme black and white wording, but when you boil down it all to do whats right, and people get killed or wish they were for doing it... It means we're ruled by evil." Finn speaks up, before the... commotion began...

"Evil can be a concept, an act not thought of, a piece of one's day that harms another not even in your sight... Most nobility don't even understand the severity of their actions and whim, most people who work their daily jobs don't understand their work keeps the world around them moving, the beggar who steals bread to feed themselves for just another day, I want to fight so that these things need not happen.

My aims are ephemeral and dream-like, an unreachable star I shall chase no matter how many scars I acquire..." the knight stands up and moves to the buffet, gathering up apple... Wait.. why was it square..? no, a cube apple. A squapple.

Yes he'd grab a squapple or two and return.

"..But honestly your research into titles seem more prudent. I've taken them simply as a part of this world... A cheat to see what a person is perceived as before even speaking to them. it's something I avoid even if given the ability to do so.. If speaking honestly...

I've taken a new chance for granted and never asked about the particulars... I suppous that to is an evil."
Illya Melondew

Illya chewed up the bite she'd taken of the croissant, staring over at Victorique with a look of confusion. She looked down to the pastry for a moment and then to the assorted plates, and then again the apparent Other buffet table. She swallowed down the bite, and cleared her throat.

"I had heard there would be free food. My deepest apologies miss. I did mistake these plates to be a part of the buffet. I fear I may not be able to make up the misdeed I've done you. Though it seems you're on the way to rectifying your situation already. Are you always so territorial over free food?" She took another bite, looking at the halfling with a blanky curious expression. She looked up to Finn as he walked back up to Victorique with his two apples. "Hello again Mr. Finn. Have you seen the view yet?"
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mention: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo

Kane Blackburne

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"

Kane was pleased to hear that Illya was intent to join him, even if he didn’t outwardly express it all too obviously. The spin was cute to boot.

“Great.” He replied simply. Kane chuckled by the time he had got into the dining area, looking around at the scene, this wasn’t anything all too unusual, though he himself was also surprised to see that Eliza had made her presence known, causing him to roll his eyes a bit by the time he noticed the maid with her.

However he did give an upward nod of acknowledgement to Victorique’s wave. “Mornin’.”

Perhaps somewhat surprisingly it wasn’t long before a unit did actually come out of one of the vents in the walls and stood up straight giving a salute to Victorique.

It was none other than Unit #2 AKA “Iro”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

“Saallllutations! Yes!” It’d point over to what appeared to be an assortment of jams toward the end of the table near butters near the bread section, at least one of which included strawberry.

“Right over there!”

“I can also do that for you! Be right back!”
Iro then promptly made his way back into the chute and after some time came back with a small pile of croissants all of which appeared to be freshly made, the tray below glowed faintly, perhaps to keep them at the same warmth to which they came out and were comfortable to eat.

Iro presented them to Victorique on the table, along with some more Strawberry jam on the side.

“Here you go!” He cheerily exclaimed. He then gave a very friendly wave in Squink’s direction.

Kane’s selection of food and drink was pretty straight forward, taking some of the cured meats, some dark rye bread, as well as lighter breads, and cheese, along with some fruit, as well as some juice before making his way over to sit near Illya and Victorique, giving Finn a look of acknowledgement too.

“Mornin’ to you too.”

He then took a seat and got to dining at a moderate pace


Eventually after some encouragement from Eliza, Pandora eventually found herself making up a very modest plate and diligently sitting a respectful distance away from Squink and Eliza, staying rather quiet and exuding a high grade of etiquette for the time being.

Eliza Talton

Eliza gave a warm smile and cheery wave in Illya’s direction when she caught the wave. “Good morning dear!” Her tone was overly positive with almost a maternal edge.

Eliza looked a bit surprised when Squink started to talk to her in detail about a prospect like that.

“Glad to hear it. Hm..I imagine something like that could be pretty popular..with Nobles and perhaps those wealthy enough of course, I can’t imagine many of the common people could afford to ride like this on the regular unless it was large scale enough that the operation costs could be reduced..”

“But I do agree it is a marvel, given how well you got along with..’Iro’, perhaps you’d like to meet Merasmus Juepreld one day, perhaps if you’re still around after this with Victorique, I can introduce you to him, as they’re the one who made Copper..who made all of this.”

“Oh my night was quite alright, perhaps the lodging isn’t as comfortable as my room back home but It was more than adequate given where we are.”

She looked to Squink and almost giggled a bit but stopped herself. Instead of making a dig at Squink like a duh isn’t this obvious? Moment, instead she took a more polite route

“Why yes, actually I am a noble, from House Talton. Truthfully I don’t think that the airship is the most dangerous place for me, it will be where we are heading into a foreign land,which I am a bit more concerned about. But even then if I didn’t want the guards my father would insist regardless, so with me they come, in a way even if I don’t want them around always..I suppose there is wisdom in better safe than sorry, as ridiculous it can get at times.”

“And thank you! I would expect nothing less of my tailors to make sure that I am as presentable as possible..and gods no! I was born into the Talton family, if you are looking for distinguished adventurers and those who had great martial feats, you need look into my family tree of Noble Lineage, to which I am descended from but I would not claim to have done anything like that, my money is inherited, and my Fuller is…more so for my enjoyment then going on dangerous adventures I’m afraid..you know when I was younger, I always thought it would be fun to go on them, defeat monsters..and all that, but my father made it pretty clear he had no intention of letting me do such a thing..but that’s okay! I help the Kingdom which I love in other ways as..mother said, not everyone must be a fighter..”

“As for my family’s holdings yes, my family owns some high quality land in the Kingdom including a private estate which could certainly be classified as having a manor on it.”

“And it’s quite alright, It’s only natural, who wouldn’t be interested to know more about House Talton?”
She asked rhetorically, looking a bit proud, before turning to Squink.

“Well I certainly told you quite a bit about myself, Is there anything about yourself you’d care to share?” Eliza proceeded to dine at a steady pace from that point on.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She silently munched on some of the remaining food as she listened to Finn's deep philosophical thoughts. Truthfully, she was more of a intelligence type, not the 'deep wisdom' type. Then again, perhaps she could humour him a little. “Then, who or what is to say what is evil and what isn't? Wouldn't imposing your own believes on others be equally evil as nobles not understanding the severity of their actions?” Truth be told, it was a pretty common counter-argument, but she was still curious to see how he'd reply.

As for her own research, she raised her shoulders. “I'm one for truth, not for moral wisdom. Titles are one of the things that captured my interest the most...” She got a fun idea. “Ah, but on the topic of reading titles. Would you be interested in reading mine?” She wasn't sure if he even could considering she was A-grade, but she wouldn't mind him giving it a shot.

Victorique gave the fairy a bit of a glare. She wasn't sure if she was being mocked or not. The question about being territorial seemed to suggest she was. “I've learned to appreciate it, enough so to dislike my selection of it to be altered against my wishes. That said... It's more the rudeness of not even double-checking.” She made sure to add that bit. She was a halfling, but not that much of a foody... She thought, at least.

The next few events likely countered that self-perception. She was pretty happy to see the Unit appear and fetch her fresh croissants and strawberry jam. “Excellent. Good unit.” She complimented the thing. Honestly, she really wanted to have one of her own by now. Picking the best looking croissant and enjoy the freshness, she put the exactly right amount of strawberry jam onto it. “Hmm.... good.” She concluded, after silently finishing it.

She yawned, standing up and stretching a bit. That's when an idea arose. She could really test the limits of this ship whilst possibly also impressing some folk... like rich folk that she wanted to own more favours to her. “Say, unit, does this airship have any way or place to get in some exercise?” There were two things she was proud off above all else. Her athletic ability and her investigative skills. She figured she could show off the second one and work off some breakfast in order to have a good appetite again for lunch... or second breakfast. “Perhaps one of you gentleman would even wish to join me? I'm not a fighter, but I do like to think I can dodge like few others.”

Her gaze was slightly challenging in the direction of both Kane and Finn. She wasn't sure why, perhaps the load of food she'd eaten, the fact they were in the sky, or a lingering annoyance from having her first choice of croissant stolen, but she was feeling a tad combative today.
Illya Mellondew

Illya munched away, content to eat her unintentionally stolen pastry. She looked over to Kane as she tried to follow the conversation between Finn and Victorique. Tilted her head and lifted her shoulders, as if to say beats me.

"Not to come into such a philosophical discussion as to what is right and wrong I suppose. But does it not come down to survival in the end? I have seen in many cases I suppose, where the survival of one culture caused issue with the comfort of another culture. But who can say who is right or wrong? The invaders for seeking a safe homeland, by force if necessary? Or the country that ignored a neighbor in need and struck out in retribution?" She took another bite of the croissant. Watching Victorique butter her fluffy warm new selection. "You certainly know how to get what you want I suppose." She gave a light chuckle and stood, dusting off the crumbs from her dress. She grinned as Eliza waved back to her, then turned to Finn. "Say Mr Finn, why aren't you over there keeping Mrs. Talton company? You two were hitting it off so well last evening I suppose." She stretched her arms up and started to twist and loosen up more or less. As if getting ready to go out for a run. "I suppose you could do a lot worse than her. She's a very pretty human. And you seem to be a handsome human as well. You two would make excellent human babies."

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
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"And theres the thing. Who am I to judge, who I am to be an arbiter? Morality is impossible to arbitrate, all I can do is my best. Its an unreachable dream, but in reaching for it I shall grasp onto points that are worthy achievements.

I already have done that much, and thats all the proof I need to keep going trying my best to be a force for good." The young man smiled, the reasoning was cyclical and not answering anything really, but it was what it was.

"It my efforts bring a wave of good for the common folk, it is worth every scar I gain..." he scratches his left arm, a thing that had house a curse he gained from releasing an entrapped and pained ice elemental... A guardian of the ice flows of the kingdom, he took that curse upon himself... So it may once again find purpose.

The scars were plain and ugly, his veins blackened at parts, but it was worth it.

At Victorique's request however, his eyes flashed for a moment, and he smiled... But his eyes looked like he was reading a long list. "You've a long list of skills, rare to see somebody not combat focused these days with troubles abound.

Even rarer somebody as well rounded as me." He blinked and cleared the appraisal, he didn't want to snoop further. "Look yourself if you want to, i've nothing to hide." He paused to take a drink of water from a jug... Rather pouring it into a glass first at second though.

But at Illya's words he spat out and coughed, choking on the water.

"Good gods Illya I swear you timed that to kill me!"

He composed himself, abit, before speaking. "I-If I were to be that type of man I'd have a trail of bastards from here to the duchy... Goodness, I try to be humble about these things, its a good problem to have I suppous...

And Ms.Talton is a beautiful woman, but I hardly think being beside her every moment is any ingratiating. We've only just known each other a day..." a stray finger taps the fairy's head softly, lacking a chance to truely pat her head. "Shes not even met Mimi yet... I doubt I can be with somebody who cannot abide Mimi..."
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“You sure 'suppose' a lot. Are you that uncertain about even basic thoughts?” Victorique remarked, noticing the fairy's odd speech pattern. She wondered if it was some underlying self-doubt that made the fairy use such language so often, as she'd carefully try to analyse (insight B) the reply. “You're supposing that correctly.” She replied to the statement about how she knew how to get what she wanted. That's one of the things that carried through between both lives.

Upon the last statement, however, she couldn't help burst out in laughing. “Oh... boy...” She stated between laughs. “Mister protagonist is getting his happy-ever-after written out for him already.” She managed to calm down a bit. “Well, she's not wrong. With how strongly she was coming off on you, it seems you can have your rich-noble-happy life with her if you'd want.” There was only a slight bit of jealousy there. Not for getting the girl, but for the rich-noble part of that statement.

She sighed a bit at Finn's reply, but realised his first statement. “It seems the existence of monsters is perfect for you, in that case. If anything is 'pure' evil without much need to question morality and figure out what the Common folk would or wouldn't want, it'd be slaying [monsters] through-out the continent. I'd not be able to imagine any other place having a more clearly hated universal threat.”

A slight scoff would escape her upon the 'not combat focussed part'. “I use my brain first and foremost and my ability to run if I have too. That's more than enough for me.” She could, perhaps, learn some more magic. She was still Fae, after all, but she honestly didn't wish to spent any time on it when there was still so much else to learn, to do and to figure out.

That said, upon being offered the chance of a counter-appraisal, she'd gladly take it. “Pfft... Attention Hog...” She chuckled. That was just as bad as being an [Annoying Pursuer]. However, one thing stood out even more. “Oho... a Human that went against the East Empire and is working with the See? How'd that happen?” That was an interesting find. She also wondered what got him Traumatized, but figured that wasn't worth asking about. “Grave... Elves?” What in the world were Grave Elves? Some undead cult? Did he get a Curse Cleansed by joining Elven Undead cults?
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"A long time ago I joined the warfront, in aid of the See, the mission was to stop a plot that used a type of insect from the See wilds to infect the Empire and cause mass devestation to put fire into war against the See.

You may have heard of the events, needless to say we failed to stop the empire's own plot to sacrifice their own to hordes of insects on the altar of war. I have no proof, beyond knowing the one responsible for it hired two people I knew to aide him and the small war party.

One was a monster that I believed kind and good.

The other is gone.

I Can do nothing for the Empire's people but die, for they would never accept my help as I was branded responsible with a handful of others. Others who... did their bests" he clasps his hands together.

"So yes, say what you will. I know evil, and I know good. I have been betrayed and stabbed in the back more than thanked. But I wont stop and nothing can stop me till my heart is cold and dead.

I don't fight for myself, I fight for those who cannot." He closes his statement with a small drink of water.

"...As for the Grave Elves their nothing that scary, abit more secretive, which is saying something for elves, but they tend to protect ancestral tombs of the sort, I slew a mechanical monstrosity for them." He added, motioning his hands as he spoke.

"Used to be an adventurer, but... doing this for coin ill sits well with me." The man all but admits hes broke.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Oho? You were involved in that mess. I heard a fair bit about it. I'm just grateful Widersia wasn't dragged into it.” She did like that place a lot, as it was technically, sort-off, her 'home' country. “That said, your retelling of it sounds like it'd make a rather intriguing investigation...” She sighed. “Though I doubt I'd be able to investigate freely without continuous assassination attempts, so I'll abstain from it.”

There was some bitter irony to it. “To think someone so protagonist is hated by the country most of his own race resides at.” What he said next did add some context. “Trusting a monster? I think that's mistake #1 in this world. From what I've gathered, evil desires are about as inherent to their nature as breathing is to ours.”

His follow-up was also interesting. “Those who cannot, or those that do not want too?” She looked at him straight. “There's a lot of ways to fight, between magic, weaponry and raw talent. Who's to say you're the one that should take his arms up more than any of them?”

She shook his head at the mention of Grave Elves. “No matter how you phrase it, it keeps sounding like a freaky undead cult. Are you sure you didn't just slay a construct that was guarding a grave they wanted robbed?” He did seem like he might be the manipulable type.

“I used to be an adventurer like you...” She muttered, upon hearing him start the line. She was quick to correct herself. “I'm technically still with the Ryken Guild, as an investigator, as you might've seen.”

"Alot of context and understanding is missing in my short forms of telling. But I cannot say your words aren't true, who am I to fight when others don't? When I get stabbed in the back by obvious foes that should have been culled.

I've done plenty good, however, by simply trusting.

The monster of the grave elves haunt was a machine of immence malice, made specifically to destroy elves and beasts, self destructed rather than be simply defeated as well.

The monster was a long time companion, a bird small as a fist, betrayal was as harsh as it was akin to a feather across the face.

As for if I even should fight for others..." he paused to consider it...

"It is a luxury I possess from work over the years and denying many a reigns over my neck and a bridle in my mouth. I've many opportunities to give up my life of self imposed poverty and self allegance, I'd have a life of luxury and duty, honor and priveledge. But I've chosen my path to be righteous by my own measure, not anothers.

If I am to make my bed with another, it is at my own discretion. I shall be joining Rotia to secure her, to grow her, and protect her. I am a knight who reaches for the Unreachable, and I shall make the dream a reality.

For, what happens if Rotia falls?

The other nations have likely not a thought towards it, but I see it plain as day. Overrun, and they'd be too busy laughing at their neighbors woes to notice the smoke filling their lungs. They will get in the way of those like you and I who strive for bigger things... For nary a reason more than the clinking of coin... But, back to morality, can we blame them making their own life and work?

In the end, we are just crabs in a bucket... Its awefully vexing." The man grumbles but raises from his seat.

"Best we call it here and continue another time, conversation with you has been very enlightening, I hope I meet many more willing to put me and mine into question. If you've need of aide in your search for answers, don't hesitate to call." He gave her a small smile, aiming to end their battle for now. He didn't find her troubling, her words were important and quite enlightening.

"If you've need of a moralist, or a knight. My lady."
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Squink quietly listened to what Eliza had to say about herself and other things, curiously listening in as she responded.
"Huh, so someone else made Copper... I guess that would make sense, it'd be interesting to meet him if he was smart enough to be the origin of all of this, perhaps he can teach me a little thing or two or something neat. If someone can make another someone who can make a bunch of smart robots and other cool things, they must really know a lot and be really good at their work, I wonder how they managed to get there... " Squink uttered softly as she nodded.

"Mhm, I think history and learning and stuff is really neat, maybe I could go to a big manor or something sometime, it'd be really cool" she added as she thought for a moment having been asked about anything she wanted to say for or about herself.

"I don't really think there's anything interesting or that I can say. I met some nice people and went on a little trip with some big name blue adventurer guy called Michael before but otherwise I'm not particularly interesting or special like everyone else I've met, not like the things you could probably tell about".​
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry

Kane Blackburne

Kane didn’t really have a ton to add to this conversation as he ate his breakfast at a modest pace, listening to Victorique and Finn have their deep dialogue.

Unit #2 “Iro”
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Iro spoke up at Victorique’s inquiry. “Yes actually! There is a nice gym area which takes into consideration the most up to date understanding of exercise science! I or another can show you there at your convenience and leisure.”

Kane found himself pausing eating and chuckling some when Victorique asked if either of them wanted to join her.

“I’ve seen you move before, if you and Finn’ wanna go at it I’ll come watch less you really want to show how many of whatever you can do before I can” He said unprompted using a shorthand for Finn’s name since others had started too, the tone a bit more light hearted than usual from Kane of all people. But it seemed that Kane wasn’t lost on the fact that he had seen how quickly Victorique was capable of moving and just how agile her movement had been when she retrieved those items from that monster situation.

Kane looked to Illya, even she was getting in on this philosophical discussion which just reminded Kane of those sorts at the Valcori church he’d seen debating before. Even if he hadn’t really thought much about all that considering whose actions were more just or not and based on what criteria, as Kane was rather intuitive in what he thought was right and wrong more often than not wth a lack of a more academic background, he couldn’t help but start chuckling in a more pronounced way when Illya spoke of the lovely humans Eliza and Finn would make together.

“Say Illya if you ever wanna help me out like you’ve been ‘Sir. Finn’ here, just let me know, but I should warn you I’m probably a pretty hard sell.” He spoke light-heartedly. Indeed it seemed that Kane was in a pretty good mood all things considered.

What Kane was a bit more intrigued by was the appraisal of each other, something which he couldn’t do yet but would probably be pretty helpful if he could get something that would let him. Maybe they’d give him gear or something but from the looks of things Finn and Victorique could appraise naturally which was impressive.

"...Wouldn’t have guessed that..” He commented, sounding intrigued rather than positive or negative when hearing that Finn had been working with the Fae See.

“Sounds like you’ve had your own trouble then. Thanks for trying to look out for Rotia anyway, I can respect that much, even I can admit it’s not all bad, there are plenty of people living there just trying their best to survive, if anything doing it for them, even with these odds, is a noble cause.” Kane decided to speak on what he felt he could at least, after listening to the conversation he felt like he could say he respected Finn more.

Eliza Talton

Eliza and Pandora eventually finished off their respective breakfasts over time as Eliza’s attention went back to mostly Squink.

“My family has helped to fund quite a bit of his work.I may be able to..send some lessons your way from him, perhaps you’ll end up joining us back at the estate and then you would be able to say you’ve been to a..manor as you say.”

Eliza replied with a smile.

“If you were to meet him you could ask him those questions and get answers in person after all.”

“On a bit of an unrelated note, perhaps Copper would allow Iro to join us on our journey if he doesn’t need him on the ship since he seems to be fond of you."

“Oh come now Squink now you’re sounding like poor Pandora sounds, you should think more highly of yourself! You’re plenty more interesting than you’re describing yourself as. You’ve gone out with an adventurer on a trip and now you’re on a ship to the Sky Kingdom! If you don’t mind me asking you seemed to also be familiar with Odin..was it?, what’s the story with her?”

When Pandora's name was dropped she looked over at bit bashfully before looking away again, every now and again looking over at Squink with innocent intrigue.

"Many cannot say that they've been on adventures never mind come all the way up here, so please do credit yourself more, I'm telling you from personal experience as someone who is..far from ordinary~ That your story is worth telling." She spoke assertively and encouragingly.
Illya Melondew

Illya listened to Victorique question her speech habits. She crossed her arms and almost seemed to pout for a moment. The slightest pink tint shading her cheeks. It looked as though it wasn't something she did entirely consciously. When she spoke again, her words were slow and precise.

"I do apologize. I usually speak the fae tongue. I speak too fast, and the words spill out." She turned her head a little as she continued to pout. But when Kane suggested that he would be a hard sell, Illya tilted her head and looked up at him with honest curiousity. She seemed to consider him for a moment, before speaking. "Why ever would that be? I find you to be fairly handsome. Were you but a pinch of the size you are now. Is it your personality that is lacking? Such things can be worked on I supp-" She clapped a hand over her mouth and shot a look towards Victorique. "Besides you should not have to be sold to enjoy the company of a mate. It should be mutually beneficial." She finished, straightening her dress out and trying to act like she hadn't slipped.

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Elvario Elvario
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