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Graded [Isekai Hell] A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe!

Time: Mid Morning

Place: Ryke, Ryken, Taaj Undecim Temple

Mention: RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Karsten Geissler
Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3.29.28 PM-1-1.png

“Come on now Aria, for your reaction speed to be this strong, you can’t be telling me you don’t know what I am?.Surely you’ve ascended too to be able to keep up like this.” He continued to telepath to her.

Karsten’s eyes appeared to take on a unique glow of power at one point like they were completely white with a similar black in color energy that was on his blade sparking around them.

A look of frustration fell upon his face as she successfully deflected the two attacks having ample time to react thanks to her precognition.

“I See the spark in your eye! You’re just playing with me aren’t you?!”

He exclaimed trying to block her teleport strike but he wasn’t quite fast enough as she nicked his armor again.

This time instead of following up with a strike Karsten ignited an aura around his body within 5 ft which looked similar to the one in his eyes and sword as a means to try to hit her back.

“We! humans! We have been chosen by the gods to ascend! What right do those beasts have to take place in the temple!? Why should they hold authority over us!? I know this to be true for I am a Nephilim!” He finally revealed.

"You aren't that much unlike me! Look at all your power! Why won't you understand our calling?!"

"You were bestowed that power by the gods! Why squander it?!"

Given Aria’s agility she could possibly get out of the way of the aura if she foresaw it going off, or counter attack and perhaps take some damage to win the duel then and there. Besides the duel tension running high it looked like Karsten was getting caught up in expressing his beliefs.

(Aria +1 point for sword body armor contact Total: 2)
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"Ascended." She stated coldly as the two duelists broke apart, stepping back some to maintain proximity. "You sound like my father. No. I have not.." she tilted her head as she changed her stance, her sword hilt was instead brought up with both hands instead of to the side. "..I've sacrificed everything for those who have no say, to those who struggle just to keep their home, their bedrolls in the alleys, for the poverty ridden slums that support the rich who continue to exploit them. I am their voice; their hope."

After deflecting Karstens attacks, she once again stood in guard. The paladin seemed to become increasingly upset and frustrated. Her grip tightened upon her weapon as she gazed through her silver hair at the glowing white and black orbs of her challenger. "I must disappoint you, Sir Karsten. There is no intention to play any sort of game."

Then the two continued to make battle, it had seemed that Aria was inching closer and closer to a favorable outcome in this duel. However, her impeccable sense of focus and duty kept her from wavering or becoming overly confident. This was more than a duel, to Aria, this was a challenge of honor; a way to perhaps maintain Regulas partner and her servants honor amongst humans. Although this Karsten seemed unlikely to change, it was her hope that in the very least a mutual respect could be reached.

A cause apparently lost when the paladin ignited an aura around himself. Much had Aria known about martial magics that enabled an aura around a combatant. But never face to face. She'd squint and grunt with concern as Karsten spoke. Then when he declared to be a Nephelim, worry overcame her gaze, but quickly regained her courage. "Authority? The rule of law can be equally upheld by beast or human. Can you not see past your blind prejudice? An army diverse in its troops would be formidable by flexibility alone! Much could be achieved through cooperation, including warfare should it be given a chance."

Arias eyes fluttered with confusion again as the paladins voice seemed to echo ever louder within her mind. The shaming the paladin expressed to Aria, the opinion of wasting her power on lesser people's causes. "I am rooted firmly in my cause, paladin. The gods may have intervened in my favor, but my only intention is to see the peasantry uplifted, upheld, maintained, treated justly and fairly."

It was then that the marshal would draw a dagger from within her sash. "I am but a spirit within a borrowed body." She said bowing her head. Then her mithril legs hummed to life before bursting with great speed towards Karsten. [Mithril Legs Enchantment (Fast B)]

Once within range she'd activate her ability, jumping into a teleport, once out of the teleport the dagger which remained held within the sword maidens grasp was thrown with full force as the dagger burst with silvery spirit fire mid air aimed carefully underneath the knights compromised plated armor plating. "Warp Blades!!!" She cried out her ability before pulling her sword from within the ether or the space from which she used to teleport within, ripping through into a slash headed straight for the paladins side.

Warp Blades - Fighting style - [Swords B] - Continuous (Bleed) Blight (Spirit Fire F) - Fighting Style - [Throwing Daggers D] - Range E 30ft - Blight F (Spirit Fire) - Steady Hands D - Teleport F 10 ft - Focus E - Hot Shot F Teleports with a dagger in hand, re appearing within 10 ft of target throwing her dagger as her body spins to gain momentum for a follow up strike with her sword. - Grade B post cooldown 4
Last edited:
Time: Mid Morning

Place: Ryke, Ryken, Taaj Undecim Temple

Mention: RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Karsten Geissler
Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3.29.28 PM-1-1.png

“Then perhaps your father is a wiseman..such potential and you say you have not? Then I can only imagine what would happen if you strode toward it Aria! You should join me so you can see what I speak of! Words only do it so much justice!”

Karsten was less pleased when she said that she was working to better those who were on the lowest of the totem pole of society so to speak. Like there was some kind of disconnect for his understanding of why she would do such a thing. The realm of Isekai Hell only had so many who were willing to help the lowest of the low, and Aria proclaiming herself as one was clearly puzzling to Karsten at minimum.

“You disappoint me because you don’t seem to understand what’s at stake here! You could do so much beyond that if you can hold your own against the likes of me!”

Karsten’s facial expression shifted once again, his eye which were still completely whited over taking on a disgruntled confused look when Aria explained what a diversified army could achieve as well as through cooperation.

“Enhance our military? I’ve seen them in our order for it is not restricted by race but, how can the superior properly lead any of those who see themselves greater than those who should lead them..”

Karsten looked like he was getting ready to strike her again as she continued speaking, perhaps charging something up his blade slowly gaining more energy as its appearance intensified.

“And why are these people worth so much to you? Someone whose so strong, Tell me Aria!” He’d exclaim as his blade intensified even more before he attempted to swing it at her with conviction, after her spirit in a borrowed body bit. Thankfully for Aria his powerful attack did not land, but his aura continued to radiate as she teleported to help her get in a decisive blow to win the duel in the weakened area in the armor,

As she struck him, the black and white aura proceeded to spread quickly from the contact point onto her and a most unusual burning feeling would wash over her form, and it wasn't before long Karsten’s words weren’t just echoing in her mind but some sort of extrasensory invasion on her mind had been made like he was prying to find out information about her father and what the situation was or why she held her convictions , however it was not clear if he was consciously doing this or not as Aria was able to clearly see into fragments of Karsten’s mind, him being treated as an outcast as a child for seemingly only being born with one parent to supernatural means , his experience of having frequent nightmares into other supernatural realms, as well as the scene where he was told that he should not be ashamed of himself but that he had ascended. During this particular scene there was a familiar figure who was conveying this looked a lot like Somur Rutsk but with a much younger Karsten.

When all was said and done Karsten’s aura and eyes returned to normal as he was left leaning over his sword, his armor damaged as he was practically hyperventilating when the connection finally broke, looking over to Aria almost like he was bewildered.

“You..won alright…Spirit…” He managed to get out as he was regaining his composure…

(1+ point Karsten +1 point Aria, Duel Winner: Aria)
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"Join you?" She replied with surprise. Karstens words continued to echo within her sword maidens mind. As much as they've been speaking with one another now, it was nonetheless unsettling. "My father is not a wiseman. He's quite the opposite, an ambitious fool. You may scoff at my purpose, but know that one day, you shall understand just how much you depend of the populace." Her sword lifted as she paced carefully in a circle around the paladin in a fighting stance.

"There is talent that you fail to see within the beastkin. Is it not duty that keeps guards in place? Is the guard captain any less valuable if he or she upholds their oaths?"

Pointing her sword at the knight. "The people matter to me because of people like you whom have turned their backs on them. They're born, raised, forced to work strenuously with little more than a loaf of moldy bread at the end of the day. They build your castles, grow your food, maintain your roads, go to war for you and line your coffers with treasure! The people deserve more, and I shall see to it until my dying breath."

Then, when her dagger struck something strange would appear to spread from the wound. The strange magic radiated further and further until the radiance penetrated her mind. Aria dropped her sword at once, her eyes widened as she clutched her head. Falling to her knees she'd cry, "Wha- what is happening!?" With her hands over her head she'd touch the ground with her forehead as it felt like her thoughts were spewing out from her memories. "No!" She cried as there was nothing she could do but surrender to the enchantment.

Images flashed before her mental screen, it was all white at first as her voice could be heard but of a different timbre. "I have killed them all father. Now, they have no choice but to declare war and purchase our weapons." Laughter could be heard from none other than her father Marcus. "Yes, my child. You have done well."

"What shall I do now?" Asked Aria, she was dressed much differently, military yet strangely modern almost synthetic.

"There is a secret book of magic that I have obtained. It's been a frustrating twenty years of endless searching. It is without a doubt that this magic will secure our hold upon these lands and ensure our legacy is never broken. Aria, I have chosen to enchant you with these ancient magics."

Aria grinned, "Yes, very well. When shall we begin?"

The memories once again flashed ahead, this time her father Marcus and her brother Leo reciting an incantation as Aria stepped into some sort of cylindrical device. Then the vision flashed forward, within the stasis cell, floating in a transparent plasma like liquid as she ate and breathed artificially through devices connected into her body through the mouth.

When the vision then continued, Aria was standing in some sort of altar, the ground revealed all manner of symbols and words of power, it was then that she was offered a dagger from her father. Taking it in her hands she ran her fingers to the tip of the blade before holding it pointed towards herself and stabbed herself slightly below her heart. Then.. the vision exploded with colors. Until finally, what could be seen was the tavern inn in High Grove, her room as neat as she remembered keeping it and all the various things she did in those days routinely. Finally the vision ended. Aria had tears running through her eyes. Then she whispered, "So it.. it is true.." she started crying, "..this body is of someone meant to do evil upon this world."

Aria didn't know just how much was seen or known, but surprisingly it felt like she was watching his vision simultaneously. Could it be the paladin had experienced the same?

"What happened?" She asked Kiersten as he stood panting. "Did you.. see what I just saw?"
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

Truthfully, Regula was a tad bit surprised that the Archbishop actually wanted the paladin to be humbled, but that would definitely make it easier to cheer for Aria. She watched the exchange of words and actions happen between the two warriors... or well, the mostly one-sided words of Aria, at the start. It seemed she was being talked to telepathically. That said, Aria's words and the general manner in which the paladin behaved were enough to get a solid idea of what was going on.

Upon seeing the paladin fall down and seeing both the warriors clearly tired, however, she felt like something was off. Using her own [Take It All] ability, she'd attempt to take them out of the Pocket Dimension.

Take It All – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

“Are you alright?” She'd asked, heading over to Aria. However, having heard the latter's words and seeing Aria crying was enough to give her an answer. “Don't be ridiculous.” Regula replied, upon hearing the comment about Aria's body being of someone meant to de evil upon this world. “I don't know what you saw or what you think you saw, but I know you're you and that you're my precious sister and noble Marshall. Whatever your father, your past or anyone or anything else wants with you doesn't matter.”

She gritted her teeth. She'd known Aria was still stuck up on her past, of course, but she'd always thought that was due to her brother Leo and due to the influence of her father. The idea that even Aria's 'own body' might be part of the equation was just too much. She'd gently offer Aria an arm for a bit of support, should she need it. “I don't, for even a single second, believe that you'd do evil upon this world. So don't you dare start doubting yourself either.” She added.

She then gave a bit of an apologetic look towards the paladin and archbishop. “It seems Meldaron has been playing his part in our lives in more ways than one.” She stated as a manner of apology for the sudden scene, realising that her own reincarnation, Aria's claim to be in the body of someone evil, the reawakening of Mictlantecuhtlian people, the shrine... it all seemed to be interwoven with the theme of Death and Transition.

To that extend, she did know one thing she wanted to reaffirm with Aria. “Regardless of what you were, I'll support you in any way I can with what you want to be.” She told Aria.
Time: Mid Morning

Place: Ryke, Ryken, Taaj Undecim Temple

Mentions: Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Regula was successful in removing them from the dimension, which from that point closed after they were safely removed, Karsten’s absence seemingly contributing to it disappearing.

Karsten Geissler
Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3.29.28 PM-1-1-1.png

Karsten looked between Regula and Aria, before he gave a single nod in confirmation at Aria’s prior question. He then telepathy to both of them.

‘Yes, I saw, and..even myself I’m not entirely sure I understand myself, but Aria, it was clear from what I saw that you had ascended in your own way..you’re cut above others, I don’t meet many others who can duel with me and keep up yet you did…”

“But you are not here to do evil! You were given this power to do great things! Even I can agree that protecting people is good!”

“ I never claimed that I had given up on those beneath me, I protect the righteous and those who honor their true gods properly, good citizens of Ryke who understand their purpose and place..but I struggle to understand why my scope of view should be changed..from my experience these..they are not the same. ”
They clearly meaning the beasts given the context of the conversation.

“If I saw what you saw then you must have seen what they did to me.”
He continued.

“But now, I’ve become stronger, even if it was through my father’s foolish actions..I am who I am because he went with her.”
He spoke a bit more cryptically, but with context clues it was pretty clear he was referring to the fact that his father, a human mortal, had decided to get intimate with something advanced and beyond their world.

Karsten paused, looking like he was in reflection, looking intensely to Aria.

“I just wish..that more people understood what it’s like to be different..that you’re nothing different than a tool..I know it feels hard but..you can get through this Aria. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

“I may not hold identical convictions but maybe I just need to learn..”

He then gave a bow to Regula.

“Your Marshall was most skilled, and knowing what I know,

Archbishop Neror Bidag

While this transpired the Archbishop made his way over to the extraction site.

“Ah..yes I see so he has..regardless, congratulations. Given these circumstances, considering our business is pretty well taken care of, you are..more than forgiven and are..more than welcome to stay here as long as is needed for..recomposition or even just touring..”
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As Aria reeled from the visions, Regula appeared to pull both the paladin and herself from the pocket dimension. Her sword lay beside her, as her eyes revealed the cold bitter truth of her existence. So many questions demanded answers, so many pressing matters had been kept at bay for too long. Was her spirit sent to intercept the malicious intent of the ritual her previous embodiment had attempted, or was she meant to directly affect the outcome much mire personally? Regulas words rang in her ears, then turning to Kersten she listened as well. She nodded and took Regulas arm, her mechanical legs interpreting her mental exhaustion. "I do not wish to change anyone's mind." She replied to the knight, "I simply wish for these lands to build on a foundation of peace, instead of strife." Her father's words echoed in her mind. Was peace ever truly possible? It was here she was beginning to doubt.

"Forgive my accusations sir Kersten. I seem to forget myself when I attempt to express emotions. I'm sure you could understand. As for ascending, I cannot be so sure." She looked down slightly as if in thought for a moment. "However, I thank you for the privilege to have dueled with a worthy warrior. The arch bishop is indeed in safe company with you by his side." She bowed.

As the knight expressed his thoughts on Aria, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, was jt empathy, sadness, inspired, she could not tell as a knot formed in her throat. "Your words reach their mark sir Kersten." She said with a slight bow of her head as a stray tear trickled and sparkled down past the side of her nose and cheek and finally her chip before dropping onto the alabaster floor. "I'm not quite sure how to proceed, but your thoughts on my matters give me courage. Thank you. Sincerely, Sir Kersten."

Turning to Regula, "My apologies m'lady for such breaks in my character. I shall do more to maintain my mind stronger. Please do not trouble yourself with my burdens." She was clearly trying to mask her troubles in presence of higher authorities. Regulas image was everything even though it appeared the paladin and bishop were somewhat understanding.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

Upon Aria's reply, Regula shook her head. “I shouldn't have started calling you my sister if I'd be okay with that. Your burdens are my burdens.” She stated firmly (Baroness' Word B). “Besides, I don't think it's a break of character. I think it's your character shining through.” She'd lean in to whisper. “To really become stronger, you should face your emotions more, rather than suppress them... but we can talk more about that later.” She didn't want to stir more trouble in front of the Archishop and paladin.

Baroness' Word B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Culture B, Etiquette B, Insight B, Leadership B, Persuasion B, Religion B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula studies, convinces, inspires or otherwise engages in social conversation. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

She's reply to Kersten's last words. “Thank you for duelling with her.” She simply stated, not wishing to spent more words on it right now.

Instead, she'd turn towards the Archbishop. “Once again, I thank you for your time and consideration. I'm sure any future dealings, be it directly or through our servants, will be most fruitful for the both of us.” She stated, not necessarily hiding the fact she was talking about the option of continued tithing for favours from the church.
Time: Mid Morning

Place: Ryke, Ryken, Taaj Undecim Temple

Mentions: Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Karsten Geissler
Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3.29.28 PM-1.png

Karsten gave a bow to Regula and Aria both. “Thank you for the opportunity, even I can admit it would appear I have some thinking to do on these matters.” He then turned to Aria more specifically.

“I understand, that is not an unwarranted desire. Should you come to the understanding that ascension is nothing to feel ashamed of but something which you can leverage and be proud of, I will be around here for the foreseeable future should you wish to discuss.” He extended the offer out to Aria.

Archbishop Neror Bidag

“Yes I think that is most agreeable Baroness Caelia, we may continue to discuss further through those we trust or you may arrange meetings with me personally again at a later date if need be. I hope that you are left understanding today, I have laid everything out of necessity for what I believe will yield the most beneficial result for both parties. I know this church body well and what they will be receptive and I only have the best intentions.” He reaffirmed.

“As I said, feel free to stay as long as you’d like, I myself have other matters to attend too before I receive the outcome of the arrangements which I will then propagate to those whom it concerns.”
With all said and done and things settling after the duel, the Archbishop went back to business, once Regula’s trusted beast allies finished meeting with Somur Rutsk, Regula, Ringo, and Aria, as well as them would be left to do whatever else they pleased for their time in Ryke. According to Lowrence and Nightshade, they thought that the meeting went well, feeling that they had negotiated a deal which would allow Regula to keep the Shrine through repentance and giving the church body something to work with in accepting the Mict god of passage as just another ancient perhaps forgotten manifestation of Meldaron rather than a separate potentially hostile false god. However only time would tell (s) this rp getting graded(/s) if the meeting and arrangements had the desired effect.
(Narrator note: Thanks to everyone for partaking in this rp and seeing it through particularly since it was an objective based RP which I tried to make interesting. Hope to do more IH things with all of you in the future.)

(Do not add suggested rewards to your character sheet until they have been confirmed by a grader mod)

Narrator Rewards:

A grade character narrator bonus

Regula Caelia:
Optional Title [Amiable] Character has a knack for making other people feel more at ease. People character interacts with may feel less guarded in social interactions than usual.

(Narrator Bonus) Asset:
[ Ryke Church Affiliate C] (or as high as allowed)
Character has been graciated by the Ryke Church faction for significant reason(s). Character is more likely to receive preferred treatment and or be granted favors.


Optional Title [Duelist] Character has proven themselves capable in a duel. Character is more likely to be recognized for combat prowess in the context of dueling.

Optional Title [Ghosts of the Past] Memories of character’s past surfaced reminding them of significant events. Character may more readily recall information about their past, good, neutral, or bad alike.


Optional Title [Corde Fideli] Character has demonstrated that they are caring, loyal, and honest, over an extended period of time. People are more likely to think positively of and trust character.
Isekai Hell Grade
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal RavenSong RavenSong

Arguably few cathedral rps despite the setting and holy characters. Shame. This rp did the job of saying hey to some religious folk though. Some extra knight on knight action. I suppose its one of those things where the retainers needed something to do while the adults talked shop xD

No one present had the religious standing to move the needle satisfactorily in Caelia Barony's favor. However, Archbishop Bidag was not a heartless man. Despite the bureaucracy of the church federation, the Archbishop would assist the Caelia Barony. He would appoint a bishop under him to a temporary position as the head clergy for the shrine in the Caelia Barony. He would oversee the rites and rituals of the shrine's former faith as recorded in what history remains of it. Ringo would assist him in this endeavor. After a period of time, the Bishop would return from Caelia and if the original god of the shrine revealed itself and its intentions by that time, then the shrine and its faith would be permitted to continue operation in the absence of the bishop. With the appointing fo the bishop to oversee the shrine, other federation priests would be permitted to return to their perishes within the barony. With the return, must of the barony would return to normal.

1717725283819.pngA native of Ryken of a well off family, Castello spent his early years in study and showed promise as a scholar. He was particularly fascinated by ancient civilizations. He would not join the academy as one in pursuit of knowledge but as a young cleric pursuing faith and the best means to leverage it in service of the people. His early work for the church would consist of several missionary endeavors into the wilds of the world meeting with savage beastmen gone feral from poor treatment by slavers or left too long in isolation to maintain their mental faculties. He even braved the no go zone of the fae see, a particularly dangerous area for humans, much more clerics of a foreign faith. His return to Ryken would see him elevated several times for his many accomplishments in the field for the church, but he would always return with a trove of shared knowledge from the natives of the older world and its cultures. It is freshly returned from one such mission trip, that Bishop Castello would be given the directive to oversee the faith of the people of the Caelia Barony. While confused by the sudden request, he was quick to act. His charismatic presence and well rounded insights from a life of world travel, made him revered in the circles of Ryken and inspiring for the clergy of the Caelia

(this mechanically buys the barony time to raise up a B grade church faction character among their number assuming something doesn't f with the bishop or those who control him)



TheTimePiece - 20pts (narrator)

Regula - 36pts
optional title acquired [Amiable] Character has a knack for making other people feel more at ease. People character interacts with may feel less guarded in social interactions than usual.
optional asset acquired [Bishop Amadeus di Castello] - a B grade clergy of the ryke church federation. Particularly wise in the ways of the world and knowledgeable of ancient histories. Will aid Caelia Barony for a time.

Ringo - 15pts
optional title upgrade [Priestess (Caelia) E]

Aria - 39pts
Optional Title acquired [Duelist] Character has proven themselves capable in a duel. Character is more likely to be recognized for combat prowess in the context of dueling.

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