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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth? (Out of Character/Lore)

i went ahead and just posted for hasan since i had the time and also i wanted to have him stir the pot >:]
Damn Hasan just wanted free food and now someone dropped dead in front of him, wild night 👀

Otherwise Rurra could come save Hasan. It isn't like such commotion flies under the radar of a deity, especially one who is bursting with knowledge about many things.
He won't be opposed to it for sure but he's likely going to end up running away after that whole ordeal 💀 mans is probably convinced he's gonna get accused for murder.

alsoooo idk if you're still around but if you'd like i could have Hasan (literally) run into Mercher to rope you into the interaction? Unless ofc you don't want to, which is fair! :']
Damn Hasan just wanted free food and now someone dropped dead in front of him, wild night 👀

He won't be opposed to it for sure but he's likely going to end up running away after that whole ordeal 💀 mans is probably convinced he's gonna get accused for murder.

alsoooo idk if you're still around but if you'd like i could have Hasan (literally) run into Mercher to rope you into the interaction? Unless ofc you don't want to, which is fair! :']

He’s not dead!
Hasan doesn't know that LOL, for all he knows the guy just had a heart attack right in front of him 😭

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