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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth? (Out of Character/Lore)

Sorry folks, I'll be dropping off from this RP. I don't feel inspired to write in this story anymore.

Wish you guys a lot of fun 👋

Nooooooo!!!!! I’m sorry, wish you could’ve stayed, I was really looking forward to our adventures. Is it because of me??
I do hate to say this after Vox left, but perhaps without Rosearia. Ephelina and Sasha’s adventure might prove to be more interesting
I do hate to say this after Vox left, but perhaps without Rosearia. Ephelina and Sasha’s adventure might prove to be more interesting
It is sad since Rosearia was like a "childhood friend" of Ephelina's. Maybe we can get someone to play a character who knew Ephelina when she was still Felis.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf if you hadn't read my first post. Ephelina used to be a male healer/priest apprentice named Felis. But he fell in battle and his body was simply abandoned. Felis was saved by Rurra and through a mix-up was reborn female. No one recognized her as Felis anymore and eventually she became Ephelina.
It is sad since Rosearia was like a "childhood friend" of Ephelina's. Maybe we can get someone to play a character who knew Ephelina when she was still Felis.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf if you hadn't read my first post. Ephelina used to be a male healer/priest apprentice named Felis. But he fell in battle and his body was simply abandoned. Felis was saved by Rurra and through a mix-up was reborn female. No one recognized her as Felis anymore and eventually she became Ephelina.

No i did
I have skimmed through the rp to get a grasp of what's going on, so lemme know if i got this right: there's currently a festival/ceremony happening for Rurra, is it the one being held in the hall of minor deities at the main temple or the one at the adventurer's guild training ground?? Also around what time would it be in the day?? Just tryna figure out where to squeeze in :']
I have skimmed through the rp to get a grasp of what's going on, so lemme know if i got this right: there's currently a festival/ceremony happening for Rurra, is it the one being held in the hall of minor deities at the main temple or the one at the adventurer's guild training ground?? Also around what time would it be in the day?? Just tryna figure out where to squeeze in :']

It’s in the hall of minor deities, the adventure guild one is later in the day, and if I had to guess, and I can’t tell you the precise time as I don’t know it myself…
Okay cool thanks! I'll just assume its some time in the day for now :']
I have skimmed through the rp to get a grasp of what's going on, so lemme know if i got this right: there's currently a festival/ceremony happening for Rurra, is it the one being held in the hall of minor deities at the main temple or the one at the adventurer's guild training ground?? Also around what time would it be in the day?? Just tryna figure out where to squeeze in :']
What Rcticwolf said. Time of day is late morning to noonish.

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