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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

Finally started my CS...and this is basically a sausage-fest...may have to slightly change that...

MY GOODNESS! Started CS at 10 pm and now it's 3 am...feel free to point out anything wrong with it...I'm sure there's some.
But I'd also like to justify me taking so long!

I decided to start the CS after what I like to call, "Super Session", at my gym. 3 hours of working everything rather than two body parts a day. I get home and I just feel fried for the night. But I powered through!

And thank ye for the nice words yo.


So would my character happen to be accepted or nay?
Good morning. The concept of this has caught my eye, but could I get a few things cleared up before I go through the process of creating a personality?

I noted by reading the first few entries that this universe has artificial gravity generators. Do these generators also act as inertial sumps, or do all personnel have to report to acceleration couches during accel/decel periods? On a related note, what are acceleration curves like for the various aerospace units listed? The Raven may be very fast, but without any form of inertial compensation it would be limited in its sustained acceleration, making it vulnerable to missile interception and extremely hard to maneuver at speed. Since this universe is primarily projectile style weapons, I am assuming that combat is taking place at close range and slow (relatively) speeds. Is this accurate? Also, what are the protective devices/shielding used to mitigate radiation exposure? Layered composite armors?

Sorry for all the technical questions, but the idea of a wing of Ravens modified for long range scouting popped into my head as I was reading the tech guide, and I am trying to figure out if it is possible or would even be considered if I put it forward.
Hey! I'm sorry for y week and half dissapearance.... *bows low and begs for forgiveness* A family member of mine kinda sorta maybe got into a car crash and I had to fly over. Terribly sorry!

@Tarmagon The Raven already is designed for scouting though .-.

I think inertia sumps, just to make things a tad simpler in this universe. Otherwise any pilot would have to decompress after a short time of flying, especially during combat with all it's breakneck manuvering, angles and dogfights. Not a very efficient fighting force if your pilots had to rest for 12 hours after flying for less than half of that time.

As to le maneuverability of the Raven, or all aircraft for that matter, just assume it has some sort of inertial compensation/counter generators till the boss says otherwise. Also yes, composite armours and futuristic alloys. There does not seem to be any form of generated shielding or force fields in this universe. Considering that even beam weapons are quiet rare.
Yes, the Raven is listed as a scout craft, but the sensors are optimized for planetary work. I was thinking of a new class, the Oracle class Raven fitted for extended deep space scouting, with specialized sensors and long term life support. Specifically, I'm working on a CS for an Lt leading the first flight of this class, just arriving on board for their first deployment test. Think that could work?
I'd be dubious of how you could retrofit the Raven to support long term life support without completely gutting the frame. Packed with sensors and data recievers, with only a pilot seat... long term scout craft would have a crew of two atleast and some living quarters, even if they're tiny. You've have better luck creating, or asking Zero Verse to create a new kind of ship to add to the Valkyrie's hangars. Though.... Long range scouting, would be done by patrol craft... as I'm sure there are ships already built specifically for this task, no need to modify anything. And as a main ship of the line, a battleship, the Valkyrie should have formidable deep space sensors.
Gaaarg. Sorry I haven't had a chance to post. I've just been busy Q_Q

QUestion! Are there any sort of reporting stations for new recruits? I have a feeling it'd be sense to be there of all places
No big deal. I'll wait until I get a better idea of the science of this universe before working any more on a CS.
Well if you are a new crew member you would be stationed to do what you have been trained for. A new mechanic will be in the hangars doing mechanical things. Pilots will probably be prepping for their first sorties. New Marines will probably be either patrolling, eating, sleeping, on guard duty etc etc.

@Tarmagon This universe is similar to Battlestar Galactica and a little bit of StarCraft Terrans in that its more rustic, down to Earth (figuratively), and tries to portray a more realistic form of science fiction like the Honorverse novels.
Ah, I see. New Battlestar or original? I'm assuming new with some of the technology. To help me decide, what kind of detection technology are you using and what kind of acceleration curves do the various ships and fighters have? I ran the numbers on 1.9 Au in 303 hours and arrived at a cruise velocity of. 03 C. Was that about what you were assuming? I'm guessing there are no FTL sensors, and with the displayed tech, I'm guessing detection is limited to a few light seconds at best for combat /low albedo targets, but probably a few light minutes for cruiser and above. Close?

Ps, I loved the Honorverse until his last couple of books. Keeping up with Safehold right now.
So, a carrier class vessel would always maintain a CSP of light scouts to extend detection against kinetic weapons or missiles on ballistic paths, or even uncharted rocks, with heavy fighter units ready. Is the Raven currently the paramount long range scout craft? What's its operational duration? I didn't see that in the tech base.

In case you can't tell I'm very interested in joining, but don't want to step on any toes or break any tech limitations.
Its the current "mainline" scout craft. Usually all craft can operate on their own for a few days until Oxygen depletion occurs. Larger craft like transports can survive up to a week on oxygen reserves but their power sources will deplete on sustained acceleration and maneuvering.
Makes sense. Maximum duration of 4 days with a single occupant, 2 with sensor tech along? 16 or so hours at combat speeds or flat out speed run? I don't think tweaking the sensor suite for deep space work only, or removing the sensor tech station for an automated system would be too far out of bounds. What say you? Develop for your approval, or forget the whole idea and start over?

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