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Futuristic Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

Verse Zero

Senior Member
The Applications For Enlistment and Service

(Delete Everything in Parenthesis)

Note: If an Officer you can control all the personnel under your command as NPCs. So if a player is the Commander of the Marines aboard the Valkyrie and no one else is a Marine officer said player can control all the Marines as they


Personnel Files


Date of Birth:


Place of Birth: (If not from Earth you can make up a name)

Prior Criminal Record: (If Applicable)

Prior Service: (If returning to military service or going from reserve to active status. Please denote prior term of service and what branch(es))

Character Description: (Detailed Description or photo)

Family: (Tell us about your family)

Biography: (At least a few paragraphs about yourself)

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:

Current Rank:

Past Rank & Service History: (Your past ranks and when held along with years of service)

Crew Structure

Officers of the Ship

Commanding Officer:Commander Victoria Starling

Executive Officer of the Ship: Lt. Colonel Jacob "J" Takashi

Officer of the Watch: (At least Lieutenant Grade but below Major and oversees Command and Control Room also known as the Bridge when CO and XO are not present. Also responsible for Navigation and tactical assistance to XO and CO)

Chief Communications Officer:

Chief Gunnery Officer: (Coordinates the ships gun and gunnery crews)

Chief Medical Officer:

Chief Engineer: (Must be Lieutenant or Captain rank and responsible for ship maintenance and propulsion)

Junior Officers and Enlisted

Master Chief Petty Officer: (Lieutenant grade and may hold specialty badges. Is the Officer of the Deck (OD) and responsible for the maintenance of the Aerospace Wing and deck areas. Usually the second in command to the Chief Engineer in matters of ship maintenance.)

Chief Petty Officer (Mechanic/Technician: (Oversees technicians and mechanics aboard the Valkyrie, Sub-Lieutenant grade)

Petty Officer: (Minor position that supervises the lowest ranks and given to those of senior position)

Crew member: (Lowest rank)

Officers of the Aerospace Force aboard the Valkyrie

Commander of Aerospace Group (CAG): (Open to Senior Pilots badge bearers and those holding the rank of at least Captain but below Colonel)

Squadron Leader: (Lieutenant rank and can command up to 12 craft)





Ensign Anastasia von Sylmira



Colonial Marine Corps Detachment Valkyrie

Commanding Officer of Marines: (Must be at least Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel)

Second in Command of Marines (SCM): Major Nicholas Firentis

Company Commanders: (Commands up to 100 Marines and holds rank of Captain)





Junior Marine Officers

Platoon Leader: (Commands up to 50 Marines and holds rank of Lieutenant)




Squad Leaders: (Leads a squad of Marines and holds rank of Sub-Lieutenant)



'Enlisted and NCO's

Master Sergeant: (Administrative Officer and responsible for Morale and training)

Gunnery Sergeant: (The Master-Of-Arms aboard the ship and its fire arms and non-ship-to-ship ordinances)

Staff Sergeant: (Can lead a platoon and senior sergeant)

Sergeant: (Leads a squad of Marines or fireteam)



Corporal: (Can lead a fire team)



Lance-Corporal: (Usually a Marine with a few years of service and experienced)



Private: (Basic enlisted rank)



The Terran Defense Forces Rank System


Note: The Navy, Colonial Marine Corps, and Aerospace Force use the above ranks. Medical Corps and Investigative Corps of all branches use the same rank system.

The Army and Army Guard of the Colonies uses NATO ranks.
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Reserved for GM Apps

Personnel Files

Name: Victoria Starling

Date of Birth: March 15th, 2297 (Age 41)

Homeworld: Mars

Place of Birth: Pembrooke, Olympus Mons District

Prior Criminal Record: Not Applicable

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:

Family: Victoria Sterling was born to Admiral Honor Starling and Stephanie Starling (nee Greensworth) in Pembrooke Municipal Hospital on Mars. Admiral Honor Starling was in the Terran Navy and had commanded a string of military vessels before being appointed Flag rank and put on the Command Staff at Fleet Headquarters in Luxembourg. Moving the family to Earth in 2308 meant that the Victoria and her mother Stephanie were not trapped on Mars when hostilities started five years later. Honor Starling at the time was commanding the 9th Fleet in Sirius System when hostilities broke out and he was soon cut off from the rest of the TDF and Earth. Honor Starling fought tenaciously against increasing amounts of Sirius ships and fighters. Ultimately facilitating an evacuation of as much personnel as possible from the star system on a perilous journey back to Earth. Arriving just in time to participate in the atomic bombardment of Mars a few months later. However, Admiral Honor Starling met his end when his Odin-Class vessel, Terra Nova, was destroyed in action over Venus in 2316. Stephanie Starling would later take her own life in 2326 on the ten year anniversary of her husbands death.

Biography: Victoria grew up in Pembrooke and Luxembourg. While at Pembrooke the young Victoria attended the Olympus Municipal District School until her move to Earth in 2308 at the age of 11. At age 17 she graduated the from Secondary School in Luxembourg and entered the Navy as a Crewmember of the Odin. She survived the year of 2314 and the atomic assault on Earth in which many close friends of hers perished.

Following the incentive of her friend and then lover, Charles D'Marie a Gunnery crewmember, Victoria transferred to the Aerospace Force and attended Basic Flight at Marimar, California. After her completion of Basic Flight the young Victoria was transferred to Luna for space flight training. Graduating top of her class she was stationed aboard the Odin during the battles over Pluto. Winning a citation for destroying four space craft in a single combat mission. Earning her Junior Pilot Badge and due to battle losses advanced to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant.

That was when the death of her father reached her and Victoria thought about resigning from the military all together. Only the words from the CAG of the Odin, William Lorde, prevented her from doing so. Becoming squadron leader of Black Squadron in early 2317 Victoria fought until the end of the war in 2319. Exiting the conflict with 81 confirmed space kills, 7 aerial victories (in atmosphere), destruction of 203 ground targets, and assisted in the destruction of the Martian Frigate MMS Maricinus, and flying over 500 sorties. Exiting the conflict at the rank of Lieutenant with the Elite Fighter Pilot Badge.

At the urging of Odin CO Henry Calum, Victoria entered the Naval War College on the Moon and graduated in four years with the rank of Captain. Becoming CAG of the Odin in 2323. There she stayed until 2326 when the suicide of her mother occurred and Victoria returned to Earth as a director of trainees and the promotion to Major. There she stayed until 2330 when she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and placed in command of the 112th Aerospace Wing operating out of Marimar. But teaching and managing was tedious for Victoria and she hated it. Urging to be back in space and command her own vessel. Entering the War College in 2331 Victoria exited in 2333 as the CO of the Destroyer TNV Mississippi and serving in the outer colonial system of Lalande. Running anti-piracy operations Victoria ordered a controversial firing of a 50 Megaton nuclear warhead at a registered installation in the outskirts of the Lalande system. She was later triumphant as the wreckage was shifted through and it turned out to be an smuggling center. Her reasoning was that the Mississippi didn't have enough Marines to stage an assault without severe risk of failure or high casualties given the number of armed smugglers and pirates.

Following this Victoria was put in charge of the veteran but aging Odin-Class warship Valkyrie in 2335. She was double promoted to the rank of Commander but she saw this as a sentence to live out her career aboard an aging starship that should be mothballed in a few years.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: Navy

Current Rank: Commander

Past Rank & Service History: 2314-Present

-2314: Crewmember (Ensign)

-2315: Transferred to Aerospace Force as Fighter Pilot

-2317: Sub-Lieutenant and squadron leader of Black Squadron.

-2319: Lieutenant and Elite Pilot

-2323: Captain as CAG of the Odin

-2326: Major as Director of Trainees at Marimar

-2330: Lieutenant Colonel of 112th Fighter Wing at Marimar

-2335: Commander as CO of the Valkyrie
Personnel Files

Name: Jacob "J" Takashi

Date of Birth: May 16th, 2302(36 years old)

Homeworld: Earth

Place of Birth: Kanagawa, Japan

Prior Criminal Record: Not Applicable

Prior Service: Lieutenant in the Colonial Marine corps for a few years before leaving to join the Terran Navy.

Character Description: Jacob is a Asian male that is very tall standing at 6'2". He has a lean and athletic build to him. He keeps his uniform up to date and is very clean. He wears glasses and has bright blue hair with blue eyes. He has a very kept beard when not shaving after short periods of time. He also has a large scar that goes across his left eye after a training accident.

Personality: Jacob seems like a shy person that only talks when talked to, but once you get to know him he is very social and talkative. He is kind and caring, he trusts and respects all of his subordinates. He is usually calm, collected and focused. He is highly intelligent and excels under pressure. He tries to have a tight bond with every crewmember, he tries to have a bond between them, letting them know they can have faith in him.

Family: Jacob was born to a Japanese man named Kiritsugu and a Caucasian woman named Sarah. His father was a former Lieutenant in the Terran Navy and his mom was a Doctor aboard the ship his father served on. He was born in Kanagawa, Japan as an only child. He lived with his Father and mother for most of his early years. At the age of 7, he and his father moved to Luna and lived with Jacob's uncle, Emiya. His Mother died in 2314 when the atomic bombs were dropped on Tokyo. His father died in 2317 due to a heart attack. He continued to live with his uncle until he was 18. Emiya is still alive.

Biography: At the age of 9, Jacob and his father moved to Luna to live with his uncle. His mother died during the atomic assault on Earth. His Father died 3 years later due to a heart attack. His Uncle adopted him and began to teach him various things; languages, fighting styles and various technologies. Jacob excelled in school and was the top student throughout high school. When he was 18 he enlisted in the Colonial Marine Corps and went to the most prestigious school on Luna. He graduated as a sergeant and become part of the famous 112th battalion. He saw very little action while in the Colonial Marine Corps but did excel in paperwork and training new troops, at the age of 24 he was recommended for officer school by his XO. He was accepted into Luna's Officer academy. He Graduated as Lieutenant, and was in charge of his own platoon. At the age of 27 he asked to be transferred to the Terran Navy for unknown reasons, his request was granted and he began training at Luna's Naval Academy. He graduated with the 200th class and as a corporal. He was stationed aboard the Destroyer TNV Mississippi in 2328, under the command of Major Victoria Sterling. He saw action while he was there and was promoted three times for courage and bravery. He was a Master-Sergeant when he was transferred to the Destroyer TNV Tennessee in 2330, where he saw more action under Lieutenant Colonel Satoru Iwata, after a skirmish with the Martian Destroyer MMS Frontier, in 2331, he was promoted to Lieutenant for saving a group of trapped engineers in the crew quarters. During a skirmish with the Martian Cruiser MMS Sovereign in 2232, he was promoted to Captain after saving Lieutenant-Colonel Iwata from being killed. In 2334 he was promoted to Major for dedication and bravery. In 2335 he became the XO of the Tennessee and helped Itawa make it one of the most famous destroyers in the Terran Navy. In 2236 after Lieutenant-Colonel Iwata died from natural causes he was promoted to Lieutenant colonel at the age of 35 and became the CO of the Tennessee. In 2337 he requested a transfer to Odin-Class Warship Valkyrie as the XO under Commander Victoria Sterling, his old CO.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:

Current Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Past Rank & Service History: 2323-present

-2320: Sergeant in 112th Battalion of the Colonial Marine Corps

-2326: Goes to Luna's Officer Academy and graduates as a Lieutenant.

-2326: Lieutenant of the 6th Platoon of the 112th Battalion of the Colonial Marine Corps

-2327: Transferred to the Terran Navy

-2328: Corporal on board the Destroyer TNV Mississippi

-2330: Transferred as a Master Sergeant to the Destroyer TNV Tennessee

2331: Promoted to Lieutenant after a skirmish with the Martian Destroyer MMS Frontier

332: Promoted to Captain for saving Lieutent Colonel Iwata's life in a battle with the Martian Cruiser MMS Sovereign

-2334: Promoted to Major

-2335: Becomes XO of the Destroyer TNV Tennessee

2336: Becomes Lieutenant Colonel and CO of the Destroyer TNV Tennessee

2337: Transfers to the Odin-Class Warship Valkyrie as the XO under the command of CO Commander Victoria Sterling.

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Personnel Files

Name: Nicholas Firentis.

Date of Birth: March 7th, 2302. (Age 36)

Homeworld: Luna.

Place of Birth: Athenia, Armstrong City.

Prior Criminal Record: N/A

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:​


Family: Virgil Firentis is his father. Current CEO of Firentis Arms & Tech. The relationship between father and son has been cool, but never chilly. While Virgil has tried to be a good father, he was always better at inventing and understanding new techology than his youngest son. His is deeply grieved by the loss of his wife, and has never truly recovered.

Selene Firentis his mother, was killed visiting family on Earth during the Nuking of 2315, something that would motivate his future signing up into the CMC. Nicholas was always closer to his mother and took her death harshly.

Tychus Firentis is his older brother and heir to the Firentis fortune. The brother's relationship, while not the best, is friendly. They try their best to keep in touch, and have a good working relationship especially where Firentis Arms & Tech is concerned. Tychus often calls upon Nicholas' practical experience, asking for opinions on the various weapons and gear their family supplies to the TDF.

Warning: Long Bio is Long.

Nicholas Firentis is the younger of two sons of Virgil Firentis, the founder and current CEO of Firentis Arms & Tech. The current lead in research and development of Military hardware for the Terran Government. The company was established in 2289, with Virgil Firentis building up his company in the wake of his then, revolutionary design of a mechanized suit to serve as a weapons platform. The development of this new weapon consumed his father, even Nicholas was born in 2302, his father missed the entire labour period and only arrived after he'd been delivered. He grew up in luxury, money from research grants given to Virgil kept the family living comfortably even as tensions rose across the galaxy. But Firentis Arms & Tech truly made it's mark, and logo, in what Virgil would always refer too as the 'bloody gift.' The Great Colonial War not only offered the arms company the chance to show off it's designs and production capabilities, but it's crown jewel, the MKIX Stryker.​

Nicholas was always more grounded in reality than his father or older brother, courtesy of spending more time with his mother. Whilst the both worked day and night in labs to dream up crazy contraptions, using work to cope with losing Selene, Nicholas spent the wartime in the repair bays. Watching the mangled, ruined forms of various Firentis products come back in for 'performance checks'. Performance checks. He could still see dried blood where their products had failed, blackened, charred pieces of uniform melted into seats. Armour plates pocketed marked or shattered where they had taken too much punishment.

By war's end, 17 year old had made his choice. The very next year, with a disapproving father and quiet brother behind him, he signed up at Luna's CMC recruitment center. Despite his relatively afluent lifestyle, the youngest Firentis found

himself enjoying the hard life of a Marine Trainee. Excelling infront of his instructors, motivated by failures and with an eagerness to put himself in the shoes of the soldiers his family helped equipped, Nicholas graduated 8 months later a lance corporal.

There could not have been a better time to graduate, in his opinion. Whilst the War might have ended and majority of the galaxy were weary and ready to settle for peace, others were not so. For the next five years Nicholas Firentis would serve aboard the Malevolent. A capital ship assigned to patrol still volatile Lalande system. His battalion, the 75th 'Rangers', saw some of the fiercest fighting outside of the war itself. Religious rebels had dug themselves deep, melting into the civilian population and establishing hidden bases across the system. With the Malevolent and her task force charged with rooting out the remaining rebels, it was up to the Rangers to perform the dirty ground work. With the Terran Army having their hand's full just keeping the bloodied systems from falling into anarchy, they simply didn't have the manpower to spare.

The fighting was dirty, quick and bloody. The Marines had to react quickly to tips of Rebel base or personnel locations, whilst the Rebels were paranoid and more often than not, heavily armed at all times. Nicholas was part of 2nd Company, Bravo platoon. His first drop into combat went disasterously. The 75th was a new Battalion, cobbled together from understengthed companies. With wounds still being licked, tensions brewed between old and new Marines. Resulting in a lack of efficiency, a fatal lacking. Bravo platoon was sent to discreetly eyeball a target location, to confirm a tip given. They walked right into a trap. Heavy weapons tore through the lead squad, killing their lieutenant, lead sergeant and communications officer in the first three seconds. Bravo fell apart in moments, frenzied shouting, screams and unorganized return of fire only added to the chaos. Frightened and unsure, Nicholas' only thought was to survive, and the only way to survive was to disrupt the weapon positions raining death upon them. Rallying the shredded remains of his squad, Lance Corporal Firentis sneaked away under the guise of retreating, flanking the well positioned but untrained, and un-suspecting enemy. In a flurry of weapons fire and desperately lobbed grenades, his depleted squad took out the heavy weapons. Giving Bravo the reprieve it needed to get a hold of itself and fall back to call for support.

For his valor and quick actions, Nicholas was immediately promoted to corporal on return to the ship. While 23 out of their original 40 had not made it back onboard, it could have been far worse. Firentis continued on for the next five years of service, emerging from the final raid a full sergeant.

The next two years were quiet in comparison. Patrols, the occasional pirate board and seize, or interstellar fugitive hunt. Nicholas' next great adventure came when he recieved a rare message directly from his father, wanting the Sergeant to return home and help test out with the latest in infantry support. The Type A, Heavy Combat Suit. The bigger brother to the Stryker Close Combat Support weapons platform, the T-A HCS prototypes needed experienced soldiers at it's joysticks. Having witness the power and grim beauty of the Stryker in action, Nicholas agreed to return back to Luna and assist in the family's deadly trade. In exchange the CMC promoted Nicholas to Lieutenant, then promptly informed him that the project was black - Top Secret, approved access only.

The first four suits produced, Nicholas and three other vetted, sworn to secrecy pilots, were then put into a rigorous six month boot camp, for the HCS was even harder and more complex to control than your average Stryker. The Type A's first field test, like it's smaller predecessor, was a trial by fire. A Terran super weapon had been stolen, courtesy of a traitor, and the thieves had fled deep inside an asteroid field. Any ship blasting it's way through the field would be noticed, as would any large scale infantry assaults, not to mention the casualties.

The assault went smoothly. Fitted with highly experimental thrusters, the Mech Suits were able to slip past conventional sensors easily enough. Surprising the unaware thieves with four, seemingly indestructible, 9 meter tall metal giants. The weapon was retrieved, all enemies neutralized with only one Typa A taking significant damage.

With the help of his sons, and now some very impressed military brass, Virgil continued to experiment and develop the Mech suits until it's final unveiling in 2333. In the five years since, Nicholas had partaken of many more.... delicate operations. He remerged back into public a full captain in the Colonial Marine Corp.

He continued serving with the newly formed 212th Heavy Weapons Support battalion, nicked named 'The Babysitters.' The 212th's main role was for experienced Mech pilots to lead rookie pilots into field operations, maintaining a sort of fallback whilst the new Stryker and HCS pilots learnt how their vehicles performed under fire.

Three year later, He was promoted once again. This time as a Major, Second in Command Marines (SCM) aboard the TNV Valkyrie. Whilst the Valkyrie was in need of experienced officers that could still deploy to the field, the Valkyrie was also one of the few Capital ships left in the navy that could support the massive, walking warmachines.The Odin class of ships had the space and resources required to store and maintain the HCS suits, whilst the newer, smaller classes could only carry Strykers.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: Colonial Marines Corp.

Current Rank: Major.

Past Rank & Service History: 2320 - Present.

2319 - L. Corporal. 75th Ranger Battalion, Bravo Platoon. TNV Malevolent

2320 - Corporal. 75th Ranger Battalion, Bravo Platoon.TNV Malevolent.

2325 - Sergeant. 75th Ranger Battalion, Bravo Platoon, Squad Leader. TNV Malevolent.

2327 - Lieutenant. [Classified.]

2333 - Captain. 212th Heavy Weapons Support Battalion. Luna.

2336 - Major. 2nd Heavy Weapons Support platoon. SCM. TNV Valkyrie.

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Character Completion

Personnel Files

In the military, as in any organization, giving the order might be the easiest part. Execution is the real game.
Pluto Carver

Name: Samuel "Pluto" Carver

Date of Birth: August 23 2311 (27 years old)

Homeworld: Mars

Place of Birth: Kal El

Prior Criminal Record:

- 1 count of petty theft

- 1 count of failing to pay child support

Prior Service:

CMC [Reserve to Active - February 2334]

Mother Kaja Dahl-Carver: Dutch seamstress born on Mars in 2282. Seeing the Martian revolts struck fear into her heart, and at age 31 she fled with her only son and lover to Luna.
Father Jon Carver: An ex-CMC Sargent born on Earth in 2274 living in retirement on Mars. He fled with his lover, Kaja, to Luna to hopefully find shelter from the Martian revolts.
Brother Daniel Joseph Carver: (January 12th 2315- ?) A CMC corporal who is currently missing on Mars.
Child Kobe Daniel Carver-Pettigrew: Born June 14th 2336, Pluto's only son. Named after his missing brother, Kobe is currently in custody of his mother on Luna.
Lover Vivienne Pettigrew: The beautiful but spiteful lover of Pluto. Their relationship is acidic in the wake of a vicious court case that labeled him a loose cannon after he was discovered to be having an affair with another woman.

Bygone Days


Loyal, steadfast, and calculating, Samuel is practical in his decisions and strives to shield others from the harsh realities of life and war. His collected and grounded nature is undoubtedly taken advantage of, and because of repeated breeches of his trust he believes most of his upper officers have a vendetta against him, which is usually false. Unknown to others, within his heart he carries a decent dose of guilt from the affair. Emotionally exhausted from pulling it around all these years, he's lately become hardened and more withdrawn than he usually is.

That aside, Pluto is reliable and does what he is told (most of the time) by upper officers without a word otherwise. Diligent, methodical, and consistently labeled a realist by his fireteam, he's steady and committed to keeping his team safe. He keeps himself mentally occupied with a deep sense of responsibility to others. He focuses on fulfilling his duties, particularly when he's are taking care of the needs of other people, including his fireteam whom he considers his family. He wants others to know that he is reliable and can be trusted to do what is expected of him in spite of his stained consciousness.

Pluto is characteristically humble and unassuming, and rarely calls attention to himself. He can often be found offering assistance to others in a modest, understated way that usually goes unnoticed. He often commits to tasks and projects with the aim of being helpful to his friends and community. Typically when he IS involved in social groups, he doesn't want the spotlight: he's more likely to be found in corner collecting his thoughts.

He rarely discloses personal information quickly; he tends to be focused and aware of his surroundings, and relate details from his own personal experience whether or not its welcomed. He does often converse in terms of what has happened to him or one of his family members and what he has seen first-hand. However, he is a compassionate listener, and typically he remembers details about people, but he doesn't recall names of others too well.

He appreciates tradition and likes knowing how things were done in the past, and usually he tends to do things the same way out of stubbornness. He is very loyal to established methods and values, and wants to observe the proper, accepted way of doing things. He places great importance on fitting in with established institutions and contributing what he can do maintain strong, stable social structures. When in his position of power, he often takes on the role of educator, ensuring that new recruits respect and value the established customs.

Pluto values his interpersonal relationships highly and his strives to cooperate and maintain harmony with others among his fireteam. He tends to insert himself within disagreements in hopes of lessening stress put on that particular relationship out of fear of losing it. Stability and longevity are two key characteristics he wants in his relationships, and he tends to maintain a deep devotion to family.

Pluto's hobbies outside of tactics include cooking, gardening, painting, crafts, picnics, nature walks, and watching movies. He's also often found supporting his friends in their interests and activities.

"You tryin' to poke around a little? Well, alright."

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: CMC

Current Rank: Sergeant

Past Rank & Service History:

Private: Enlisted out of Academy [2320-2325]

Lance-Corporal [2325-2330]

Corporal [2330-2336]

Sergeant [2336-present]
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Personnel Files

Name: Patrick "Patty" McConnell

Date of Birth: December 12th, 2306. (Age 31)

Homeworld: Bernardine's Stars, New London.

Place of Birth: Governor Hills, Gordenshire

Prior Criminal Record:

- 1 count of theft.

- 4 counts of public intoxication.

- 1 count of possession of illegal substances.

Prior Service: Private in the Colonial Marine Corps (as part of the penal battalion initiative for reduced/no jail time)

Character Description:

Personality: Always following commands and open minded, Patrick's personality shifted dramatically after his time in the Colonial Marine Corps. Before, he was not willing to listen to anyone, preferring to enter a fist fight rather than talk. His heavy Irish accent made other people talk down to him, considering him an uncultured garbage. That was the thing that made him crack under the stress, especially after his father's death.


  • Henry McConnell. Deceased. Pastor and a severe father, 'old coot' McConnell as he was known in his city spoke softly and carried a big stick, literally. Whenever he missbehaved, even if he dared stutter at the supper prayer, Patrick received a beating. He died of a hearth attack in 2319.
  • Mary McConnell (nee Laurent). Alive. Member of the Colonial Marine Corps and holding the rank of captain, Mary was a soft and caring soul, who always cared for her children. She never approved of her husband's punishing methods, but considered it necessary for a good upbringing. She accepted to retire when her husband deceased to take care of her children.
  • Gary McConnell : younger brother of Patrick. Was educated at the Catholic reformant school for young students, before being transferred to the Colonial Engineering Institute, due to his good results and faster understanding. Certainly not following in his brother's footsteps, he is a model citizen.
  • John McConnell. One year younger than Patrick, is currently serving in the 41st fighter battalion. Not showing any special talents, he is a jack of all trades, performing acceptable in each engagement.

Biography: Patrick was born on a stormy day, to parents Henry and Mary McConnell. Patrick's childhood was full of religious teachings and scripture learning, as his father wanted for him to follow in his footsteps, but Patrick wanted everything but. His fiery attitude and rebellion made him a prime example to his younger brothers about how not to behave.

After he was caught with someone else's wallet, he was brought to the local police, all full of bruises and with his fists bloodied. No charges of violent beatings were pressed against him, but was convicted with theft and was offered community service. Of course, that night, his father offered him a beating worse than death, after witch Henry allegedly grasped his chest, yelled in pain, after succumbing. Gary saw this and stated to cry, and John phoned the police and ambulance service to try and save his father. Patrick was still in shock, standing down and shaking, looking in the distance.

That day would be forever seeded in his mind, and the reason of his intoxication. After that, he took a punk-ish haircut, along with a similar attitude towards life. His mother was dissapointed of him, but didn't want to say anything that would hurt him. At age 17 he was caught with illegal substances in a friend's house. After being tried, he was faced with a choice : either face jail time and possible a sentance to work in the titanium mines, or be part of the new 'Penal Battalion', a sort-of Foreign Legion unit formed from people who want to shorten their jail time.

Of course he chose the latter. The training was brutal to say the least. The first 3 months, he was full of bruises, and more quiet than usual. He was let to see his family only once per month. After 2 years, the unit was disbanded, but Patrick still wanted to pursue a career in the army. His rank was transferred to the Colonial Marine Corps, and soon, he was still a private, this time in the 24th Rangers Battalion, nicknamed "Roughnecks", Omega Platoon. He rose through the ranks, his fiery attitude and rebellion being represed and eventually replaced with respect and experience.

Recently he was transferred to the TNV Valkyrie, to serve as a lieutenant.

Enlistment Files

  • Current Service Branch: Colonial Marines Corp.
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant.
  • Past Rank & Service History: 2223-present.

- 2323-2325 66th Battalion, 'Penal Battalion'

- 2323-2327 Private, 24th Ranger Battalion, Omega Platoon.

- 2327-2331 Corporal, 24th Ranger Battalion, Omega Platoon.

- 2331-2335 Sergeant, 24th Ranger Battalion, Omega Platoon.

- 2335-2336 Staff Sergeant, 24th Ranger Battalion, Omega Platoon.

- 2336-present Lieutenant, 1st Marine Battalion, Delta Platoon. PL. TNV Valkyrie.
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Personnel Files


Charlie Mathers

Date of Birth:

January 18th, 2320 (Age: 18)


Moons of Jupiter (Ganymede)​

Place of Birth:

Jane's Landing, Settlers District

Prior Criminal Record:


Theft of government property

unauthorised communication of national defence information

Prior Service:


Character Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/asa2.gif.7450b8fc02cf2c3bbdaa1292b4025a81.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/asa2.gif.7450b8fc02cf2c3bbdaa1292b4025a81.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Charlie was born to Jessica Wilthy and Private Adam Mathers in 2320. Jessia was only twenty three when she became pregnant with Charlie and bore him in the raw aftermath of The Great Colonial War, after that she took the next few years off working as a nurse to raise Charlie but when their financial situation became increasingly dire, she was forced to return to work, often having to bring Charlie with her. Adam Mathers joined the Terran Army in 2315 after Earth was bombarded by Nuclear missiles, He returned to Ganymede in 2320, just after Charlie was born, as a private after being honorably discharged from service, although that wasnt the only thing that he had brought home, in february 2321, Adam died from severe radiation poisioning caused from the war.


Charlie was born on the 18th of Januarary 2320 at Jane's Landing Memorial, Jane's Landing in the aftermath of The Great Colonial War. The first years of his life were rough on hismelf and his widowed mother as war had taken a toll on Ganymede's economy as inflation rised, When Charlie was two years old his mother suffered a breakdown due to their severe poverty and shortly after return to work as a Nurse, not being able to afford Child care or a babysitter, Charlie also went to work with her. At age six Charlie started his schooling but it wasnt until the fourth grade that Charlie's interest in computers came about after first using one at his school, only a few months late Charlie was suspended for crashing the entire school's system accidently. At twelve years old just before he started his schooling at Middle School, Charlie was recommended by one of his teachers to the Granymede National School of Science and Technology, Junior Program. He almost ended up not going due to his Mother's displeasure and the distance from his house meant that he would have to live there aswell. Charlie flourished there for the next six months, surpassing all other students even senior students in his programming and hacking skills but was expelled due to his low marks in every other subject. During HighSchool, Charlie began to explore skills differently, hacking the school systems and even the personal systems of the teachers themselves. Although High School also took a toll on Charlie's health as he sunk into a deep depression which soon led to him abandoning his classes. Driven by anger and resentment of the government, Charlie spent a year coming over the Terran Defence Systen, looking through every fine grain of data for a vulnerability and in mid 2337 he found it and subsequently stole just under one million confidential documents of the Terran Government, sending it to multiple Wistleblower websites and journalists. After that Charlie fled his home in Jane's Landing after hearing rumours of a large scale operation to find him. He soon became a national fugitive and was caught a few months later.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:


Current Rank:


Past Rank & Service History:


((May have made some mistakes, really tired!))



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Personnel Files

Name: Allen Regallin

Date of Birth: March 12th, 2319 (age 19)

Homeworld: Earth

Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada

Prior Criminal Record: One Speeding Ticket (Paid in Full)

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:



  • Jane Regalin: Allen's mother, a stubborn woman who never really took no for an answer, but meant well for her son, self taught mechanic who took up the family shop when her husband died
  • Jacob Regalin (Deceased): Allen's late father, a brilliant mechanic who taught Allen all he knows about repairing spaceships and mecs. Died in a workshop fire while trying to save some documents
  • Tessie Regalin: Allen's Young sister, at age 7. Allen's always had a soft spot for his sister, and one of his major motivations for joining up was to help send some money back home. (Side note: About half of Allen's pay is wired home whenever he receives it.)


Even from a young age, Allen loved fiddling with parts. Be it with little scraps around his father's shop, or little lego's around home. The Young boy always seemed to be building something or taking it apart. As he grew older, his father stregnthened his passion for making, and he soon became apprenticed in his father's mechanical shop in Toronto. Life was normally pretty tough, as they weren't the richest sort.But they got by. As the years progressed, he became more and more advanced in his training, until he was almost on par with his father.

Eventually however, disaster struck. One fateful night a fire broke out in the garage, and while Allen's family, (Including himself) never knew what started the fire, they knew his Father perished in the blaze. The family was in deep trouble for a time, until Jane took up the reigns in a storm of production and stubborness. The woman always had a knack for machines as well, but never tried to sell her craft. But she learned. Quickly too.

Eventually, to help pay the bills as well as be one less mouth to feed, Allen decided to join up with the navy as a mechanic. Offering his services to build, repair, jury rig, and rip apart various mechanical devices. A bit out of his depths, all Allen knows is his parts, and he intends to do his best to keep the wheels running for as long as he can.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: Navy

Current Rank: Mechanical Engineer (Rookie/recruit)

Past Rank & Service History: N/A
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Personnel Files

Name: Amanda Buck

Date of Birth: August 2nd, 2310

Homeworld: Luna

Place of Birth: New Roma

Prior Criminal Record: N/A

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-23_22-22-52.jpeg.31a6c71df9c1740b6692d14105df4ee2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-23_22-22-52.jpeg.31a6c71df9c1740b6692d14105df4ee2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Father: Her father was General Michael S Buck of the Colonial Marine Corps. Famous for being close to his troops and gaining swift victories in the wars against the Martial Communist. He is currently still in the military. Was never that close with Amanda, with fighting wars and all.

Mother: Dead, died at child birth while having Amanda

Brother: Jack Buck, also known as Captain Jackie in the Colonial Marine corps is the leader of the infamous 601st Special operations platoon. Currently still enlisted. Very close with Amanda.

Biography: Amanda was born on Luna in the city of New Roma. Her mother died at child birth and was pretty much raised by the families butler, Samuel. She was young when the Martial Communist bombed earth so she doesn't remember much about it. While in school she excelled at it, always being the top student. She also had a knack for making friends outta anyone. Due to being in a military family she was taught many military things, from history to fighting styles they used.

She was expected to join the military, which she did, at the age of 18 she joined the Colonial Marine corps. She graduated boot camp at the age of 19 at the rank of corporal in the 99th Infantry Brigade. While enlisted she saw much action. Fighting on Mars, Phobos, Valan and Kolab. She partook in the famous battle of Logioum, the capital of Kolab where the Colonial Marine corp lost.

She continued to see action from time to time, mainly just skirmishes. She partook in a major skirmish on Phobos, where the Marine Corps won but lost a significant amount of 99th Infantry Brigade. She was one of the survivors and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2333. At the age of 25 while on board the Cruiser TNV Roma the ship had been boarded by Martial communist, most of the officers had been killed but a few, due to extreme circumstance she was promoted to Sergeant Major. There she helped build the morale of the rest of the crew and repel the invaders that had wished to take the ship.

She continued to serve on the Roma, seeing much more combat, from naval skirmishes to boarding parties. At the age of 28, when she heard that the Odin-class Valkyrie needed a new Master Sergeant, and she was recommended for the job for being able to easily relate with most troops and keep a close and fun bond with crewmembers as well as be able to lay down the law and train them. She applied for the position, being accepted she arrived on the ship on March 31st.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: Colonial Marine Corps.

Current Rank: Master Sergeant.

Past Rank & Service History:

-Private in the Colonial Marine Corps, Infantry school.(2328)

-Corporal in the 99th Infantry Brigade(2329)

-Sergeant in the 99th Infantry Brigade(2333)

-Sergeant Major of the Roma(2335)

-Master Sergeant of the Valkyrie(2338)



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Personnel Files

Name: Max Beckham Jr.

Date of Birth: August 4th, 2316

Homeworld: Earth

Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas (USA)

Prior Criminal Record: N/A

Prior Service: Private in CMC until promotion to Lance-Corporal

Character Description:




- Anna Beckham Jr. -Caucasian mother born in America working as a successful banker for almost 15 years as of 2338. Anna was the origin for Max's softer side, her gentle air used to nurture the life of her only daughter.

- Miles Beckham Jr. -African-American father of Max who is currently enlisted into the Aerospace Force since 2320 using his piloting skills ferrying soldiers to and from battles with the always-reliable Vulture airships. Miles is a rougher, more cynical man, foul-mouthed and at times violent, this was the man responsible for instilling combat/self-defense mechanisms into his daughter, though his volatile attitude never becoming an attitude Max inherits. While Miles comes off as a bit of a prick, he is never shy in displaying a caring attitude towards family...and only family. After the nuclear bombing of Earth on 2315, Miles has held deep disgust and anger towards basically anyone outside of the Terran forces, especially Martians. However he holds in his rage and reluctantly works with other forces in the time of peace.

Biography: Born as an only child to an interracial couple in Dallas, Texas, Max led a life of normalcy, her mother and father working jobs of a banker and mechanic respectively and bringing in enough income to run a solid life and support their only child through certain hard times. Like many others, Max had gone through the classic K-12 education system, never an overachiever and never a slacker, nothing was expected much of the lady and Max herself expected herself to follow in the footsteps of her father as a mechanic, never interested in the seemingly boring aspects of a banker.

At the age of 18, Max had decided to join some kind of military force following her father's departure 4 years after her birth. Finding herself in an academy/boot camp for the CMC where she finally found a purpose for the hard and brutal lessons her father drilled into her mind. Max showed great stamina and skill in close-quarters and ranged combat as well as

an aptitude for following orders. While the woman showed great skills for combat, her general unfamiliarity with military life did hold back Max in her studies learning varieties of army lingo from callsigns to ranks to weapons and beyond. Max would graduate the next year at the rank of a Private where she was immediately assigned to a Terran cruiser named Vulcan. Aboard the cruiser, Max saw little action, spending her time patrolling the halls of the ship and doing menial tasks for the higher-ups aboard the ship.

After serving about 3 years aboard the cruiser, a band of marines began to wreak havoc from within the cruiser, sabotaging the engines and communications, effectively rendering the ship dead in space. From there the traitors began to slaughter anyone they had come across leaving a trail of death on their way to the bridge. Rallying every officer and soldier not dead, forces were ordered to hunt and kill the traitors and prevent the bridge from falling into the wrong hands. Joining the hunting party for the traitors, Max, with the help of 3 other marines, ambushed and cut down the traitors in a short, but bloody battle. After scouring the many notes the traitors had stashed in their personal belongings, investigators determined the cause for the attempted takeover was the marines' dissatisfaction with the current commander citing many incidents of severe neglect for the ship and it's occupants among other things. Some had believed, others are still uncertain.

Commended for her part in the preservation of the cruiser, Max received a promotion to Lance-Corporal and was relocated to a new ship, but also aging ship by the name of Valkyrie.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: CMC

Current Rank: Lance-Corporal

Past Rank & Service History:

- Private (2334-2337)
Personnel Files

Name: Alexis Martins

Date of Birth: October 31, 2309 (Age 29)

Homeworld: Earth

Place of Birth: Calliope Station (L-4 Earth/Sol orbital)

Prior Criminal Record: Expunged

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Alexis.jpg.7b23b07396c43f4bdc194a90d1d19029.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Alexis.jpg.7b23b07396c43f4bdc194a90d1d19029.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mother: Elise Martins. Electronics engineer specializing in prototype fabrication and design.

Father: Jacob Martins. Theoretical physicist specializing in detection/sensing systems for long range survey missions.

Siblings: None

Note: Both parents were lost in the Calliope Station incident of 2318


Alexis is currently a cool, rather stand-offish woman, which is in complete contrast to the sunny disposition she had as a child aboard Calliope Station. She grew up as part of the extended family that all good space stations seem to evolve into, getting into the usual mischief, then keeping those younger than her out of mischief as she grew older. She also loved to learn, absorbing everything that the various scientists and researchers aboard were willing to teach her, as well as tinkering on anything her mother would let her touch. She was four when the war broke out, and remained oblivious to its ramifications until just after she turned 9, when one of the war's last spasms of violence reached out to Calliope, causing the deaths of 80% of the stations 350 inhabitants as a fanatic splinter of the remnants of the Martian fleet tried to duplicate the nuclear strike on Earth by dropping shielded missiles into a retrograde orbit far in advance of Earth's position. Calliope station detected the stealthed missile flight however, and transmitted a warning to the Terran Navy. The missile flight was intercepted and destroyed, but the cruiser that had deployed them took exception to Calliope's interference in its plans, bombarding the station with its cannons for nearly an hour before being driven off by a flight of fighters. Alexis was one of 70 survivors lifted off of the ruined station and taken to Luna, her parents were not among the survivors.

In an amazing display of compassion, Mardec, the consortium behind Calliope, found foster homes for the 7 surviving children and arranged an endowment for their educations. Alexis was placed with Edward and Sheila Hartwell in Armstrong City. It was with the Hartwells that she rebuilt her life, coming to terms with what she had seen and endured during the bombardment, and the loss of her family. Alexis became quiet and reserved, though she developed a deep affection for the Hartwells. She excelled in her studies thanks to the early tutoring in subjects fit for most college coursework and due to the fact that she spent no time socializing. When the time came for her to begin her secondary education Alexis took stock of her situation. The endowment set up by Mardec was not going to be enough to see her through to the level she wanted, though it would be enough to guarantee her a useful skill-set. Dispassionately she weighed all her options, then headed for the nearest TDF AF offices.

Her next six years were spent alternating the heaviest course loads in advanced electronic engineering she could get her advisors to approve and the various training and command schools the AF decreed she would need prior to her actual commissioning and pilot training. She graduated with honors, a commission into the AF wing of the TDF, and orders to report to Earth for CAP (Combined Aerospace Pilot) training. Once she had earned her wings, Alexis was sent back to Luna and assigned to Project Oracle as a test pilot. This was unheard of normally, since test pilots were normally drawn from the best of the best senior pilots, but this was a special case. Project Oracle involved modified Raven class scout craft, and Alexis' background in sensor tech and excellent scores on the psych tests for prolonged deployments made the position tailor made for her. She became heavily involved in the development of the new sensor systems and the retrofitting of them into the Raven aerospace framework, and has received an accelerated promotion to allow her to command the first flight of Oracles on their first in-field deployment.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: TDF Aerospace Force

Current Rank: Lieutenant

Past Rank & Service History:

2328 - Signed Advanced Enlistment Directive.

2334 - Graduated, commissioned, and reported for CAP training.

2335 - CAP training completed, Junior pilot status awarded. Reported for Raven AP training.

2336 - Promotion to Sub-Lieutenant approved in zone, transferred to Project Oracle.

2338 - Promotion to Lieutenant Below the Zone approved. Assumed command of Panoptes squadron. Report to TNV Valkyrie for primary deployment of Oracle system.



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    Name: [Gallen Brook]

    Date of Birth: [December.7.2304; Age: 34]

    Homeworld: [Alpha Centauri; Taurus]

    Place of Birth: [City of Persephone]

    Prior Criminal Record: [N/A]

    Prior Service: [N/A]


    Neth Brook Father;Deceased. Age at time of death: 40. Death; Work-Related; Arc Flash. History: Mechanical Engineer, Persephone Hydrostation, [2302-2324]

    Ilya Brook-Alistar Mother. Age: 52. History: Botanist, Persephone, [2302-2310]; Horticulturalist, Persephone Scientific Academy, [2310-Present]

    Jenna Brook Former Wife;Deceased. Age at time of death: 24. Death; Homicide; Unsolved. History: Ensign, Alpha Centauri Naval Academy [2322-2324]; Sub-Lieutenant, Alpha Centauri Naval Academy [2324-2328]


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    Name: [Kaywinnet Lee "Kaylee" Frye]

    Date of Birth: [April.21.2303; Age: 35]

    Homeworld: [Alpha Centauri; Aerolin]

    Place of Birth: [serenity Valley, Hera]

    Prior Criminal Record: [N/A]

    Prior Service: [N/A]


    Mal Frye Father. Age: 54. History: Rancher, Serenity Ranch, [2300-Present]

    Inara Frye Mother. Age: 52. History: Vetenarian, Serenity Valley Vet Tech, [2302-Present]

    Jayne Frye Brother. Age: 38. History: Rancher, Serenity Ranch, [2321-Present]

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Personnel Files

Name: Wilhelm Stutz

Date of Birth: November 21, 2314, 24

Homeworld: Mars

Place of Birth: Laconia

Prior Criminal Record: N/A

Prior Service: Received Marine training but never joined. Served in Aerospace reserves before beig assigned to the Valkyrie.

Character Description:


Father: Wolfheze Stutz, served as a Martian Airmen, but was shot down and killed when his X7 gunship was attacked by Martian Communist Rebels. He survived the crash but was later publically executed. He died at 36.

Mother: Greta Stutz, she was an Army nurse who assisted in treating wounded at a Martian Aerofield, that's where she met Wolfheze, who she would later marry in 2310 before his next tour of duty. Wolfheze returned and decided to have a child with Greta which he did. However he would die before she gave birth to their son, Wilhelm. She is now 54 years old.

Biography: Wilhelm was born during the end years of the war and grew up to hate the Martian Communists who killed his father in 2313. However his mother was unable to care for him much as she was need for the service, which forced her to place Wilhelm in a Martian Military School. There he was drilled day in, day out to be a prime example of Martian Soldiery. When the war ended he was invited to return to his mother and get a normal education, but Wilhelm denied it, hoping to follow his father's footsteps.

When he was 16 he was shipped to a Martian Boot Camp to be trained for the Marine Corp, which he nearly did but after his completion at age 20, he was approached by an Aerospace Force recruited and invited to be a Pilot like his father was. He accepted and underwent flight school, which he passed in 2337 and earned his pilot wings. He was then shipped to the reserves for a year before finally getting his first assignment aboard the Valkyrie.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:The Aerospace Force

Current Rank: Airman

Past Rank & Service History: Has No prior combat experience outside of simulations. Has only received the rank of Airman.
Personnel file:

Name:James Murphy

Date of birth: 12th January, 2298 A.D, 40

Homeworld: Earth

Place of birth: Glasgow

Prior criminal record: assault

Prior Military service: aerospace engineer working in the shipyards. James later applied for the rank of chief engineer on the Valkyrie.

Character Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.5422d5a9662183134826cd617f3f636d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.5422d5a9662183134826cd617f3f636d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Father: Alfie Murphy, Was a doctor who worked upon a medical cruiser. Later committed suicide due to depression and the fact his wife left him penniless.

Mother: Samantha Murphy, a waitress who worked in a local cafe in Glasgow where she met James father. Samantha later ended up leaving

James father after she couldn't bear his alcohol abuse. Whereabouts unknown, however she gave James to her sister so she could look after him.

Biography: born at the end of the 22nd century in Glasgow to Samantha and Alfie Murphy, although his family wasn't rich James had a decent upbringing. However that was cut short by his mother leaving his father, dumping the confused James in the hands of his aunt. After leaving high school with good grades James eventually enrolled in the naval academy, earning A's in engineering and piloting. This enabled him to join the navy as a engineer. However after many years of service working as a lowly engineer in the shipyards, James applied for the role of chief engineer upon the newly commissioned Valkyrie where he has stayed since.

Enlistment files:

Current service branch: TDF,The Aerospace Force.

Current rank: Captain.

Past rank and service history: has received basic combat training in case of an attack, previous rank was as an engineer which he received in 2319.



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Personal Files

Name: Andre "Hare" MacTavish

Date of Birth: Feb/3, 2317 (20)

Homeworld: Mars

Place of Birth: Julianos, KU

Prior Criminal Record: N/A

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/24e50dcda28117fb1a0ec9afba72fcb1.jpg.fb0074dcc8679bf0a1e0f9637262aa2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/24e50dcda28117fb1a0ec9afba72fcb1.jpg.fb0074dcc8679bf0a1e0f9637262aa2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/567x850_377_Black_Man_2d_sci_fi_gun_male_city_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.9a81f9b8e175159f6ede87da80287eed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/567x850_377_Black_Man_2d_sci_fi_gun_male_city_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.9a81f9b8e175159f6ede87da80287eed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Father: Stan MacTavish

Mother: Makayla MacTavish

Brother: Christopher MacTavish


Even at early stages in his life, Andre was always attracted to guns and weapons. He was fascinated by how they worked this is probably the reason he decided to join the military in the first place, that and the fact that his father was in the military. As he grew he begged his parents to buy him toy guns, his parents had no qualms about doing so and decided to buy him a couple. Soon that couple went to a dozen and then bundle! His bought him so many toy guns they began to go low on funds. Everyday he would go outside and play with the other children, letting them borrow his many toy guns. Some of the neighbors thought this was a bad influence on their children and decided that Andre couldn't play with them anymore. He didn't mind, he still had targets in his room to keep him entertained for years. When he turned thirteen his parents decided to buy him a BB gun but only after they told him all the rules about it. The thing that disappointed him most about the BB gun wasn't just the rules. But that his parents only let him shoot it while they watch.

A few years later his father was deported to Earth to fight in the war. His mother and brother were sad but Andre wasn't. I mean sure he was disappointed but he wasn't anywhere near sad because he knew his dad wouldn't have anything happen to himself. His mother and brother however, thought otherwise. The next week a doorbell rang, his mother went to go answer it but who she saw made her fall to her knees. Two men in black, who seemed like they were from the military. Stan MacTavish was KIA. A bullet between his eyes. That day was a sad day, the thing he enjoyed so much... Killed his dad. He now understood the danger of a gun and would always treat it with respect.

After he finished Highschool he decided to go to go to the military once he thought he was ready, he was gonna take any chance he got to fight the people from Earth. During boot camp he made good friends that would last him a life time, sadly most of them were KIA. Looking on the bright side, at least Andre was alive. More years passed and he finally earned his current rank, Staff Sergeant where he now serves proudly.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch: The Army

Current Rank: Staff Sergeant

Past Rank & Service History:

-Private [2327]

-Private First Class [2328]

-Specialist [2331]

-Corporal [2332]

-Sergeant [2334]

-Staff Sergeant [2338]



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Personnel Files


John Briareos

Date of Birth:

January 17th, 2307





Place of Birth:

Great Britain

Prior Criminal Record:


Prior Service:

Second Lieutenant in the CMC until promotion to Captain.

Character Description:


Although John's body is almost completely artificial, he suffers little loss in humanity. His outer skin is elastic, capable of feeling sensation, and the temperature can be adjusted to the cyborg's preferences. He has eight eyes mounted on his head, four in his face. the large sensor in the middle being his nose, two at the bases of his "rabbit ear" sensors facing rearward, and two at the tips, which allow him to safely look around corners. His human brain is augmented by an auxiliary "brain" that acts as an information processor, and is capable of handling information in a conceptual format rather than hard numerical data.


Father: John's father died due to the result of an accident at his work mining. This was the result of the cave collapsing. He kept to himself mostly, only talking to those he needed to.

Mother: John's mother was working at the hospital until an explosion claimed her life during rush hour.


Originally a British man from the UK, John was kidnapped and used as a test subject for genetic enhancements. He sought political asylum in the former Britain after escaping the laboratory he was held in. He enlisted in the Colonial Marine Corpse as an officer, soon serving multiple years in combat, slowly rising up the ranks. Caught in an explosion during a raid on an enemy stronghold, John helped evacuate his team to a rescue helicopter, despite having lost an arm. He was than caught by a second explosion, the 31 year old only surviving by undergoing a full cyborg body replacement - and has been making modifications ever since.

He was promoted to the rank of captain thanks to his outstanding gallantry and courage in the face of battle, and was upgraded to the latest of cybernetic technologies. Soon after, John was recruited to the special forces as a Sniper and has been serving with them ever since.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:

Colonial Marine Corps

Current Rank:


Past Rank & Service History:

Lieutenant (2329-2336)

  • Name: Tatyana "Baba Yaga" Vasilyev

    Date of Birth: November 7, 2310

    Age: 27

    Homeworld: Leonis Prime

    Place of Birth: Yakovlev Memorial Hospital, Krasnodai

    Burglary: Thirteen

    Assault: Fifty-eight

    Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Nine

    Impersonation of a Police Officer: Two

    Resisting Arrest: Eighty-four

    Assault of a Police Officer: Sixty-three

    Grand Theft Auto: Twenty-two

    Street Racing: Six

    Armed Robbery: Eleven

    Vandalism: Fourteen

    Arson: Five

    Street Fighting: Fifteen

    Illegal Gambling: Fourteen

    Domestic Disturbances: Thirty-seven

    Domestic Violence: One

    Manslaughter: One

    Prior Service: None

    A tall woman of extremely athletic build, with strong features and short hair, there have been a couple of occasions in which Tatyana has been mistaken for a man. Atop her head, Tatyana has her raven-black hair shaven down nearly to the scalp, in accordance with penal division protocol. She also has her identifier tattooed onto the base of her skull, left cheek, both biceps, and the sole of her right foot. (These tags are to identify that a criminal was killed in action, and not faked in order to escape, as well as to visibly identify them from peers.)

    One amberlike eye rests beneath a heavy brow, the other socket concealed by a simple utilitarian patch. Besides a number of other small and superficial scars, there are a pair of marks near Tatyana's temples, where a round tore through her skull in an ill-adivsed gamble.


    (The above is a photograph taken pre-conscription)

    Family: Losing her mother from birth, and her father run off, Tatyana fell through the system's cracks for the most part, and ended up being raised in a convent. As such, her "Mother" is in fact a "Matron Grigorovich" though the pair haven't been on speaking terms for quite some time.

    Biography: Left to only her father on the day of her birth, Tatyana's father, who she still doesn't know by name, decided it best to leave her with the sisters of Krasnodai's Lady of the Just convent. Somewhat ironically, while she had been raised among the sisters, and educated by them, Tatyana went beyond general childhood mischief, and rapidly involved herself in criminal affairs, and destructive habits. When confronted over such wrongdoings, her hot-blooded nature took hold, and things quickly descended to violence, regardless of who might be involved. After assaulting police officers, friends, and neighbours, Matron Grigorovich reached out again, staging an intervention for the then adolescent girl, an event which also erupted into violence. Since that day, the Matron held no more patience for Tatyana's ill behaviour, and barred her from returning to the convent.

    Without the sisters present in her life, Tatyana spiralled further into the seediest parts of colonial life, resorting to theft, robbery, and gambling to get by, though the acts themselves were more reward than the money usually involved for her. By the time she was seventeen, Tatyana was in and out of the police stations and their holding cells often enough to know some officers by name, and living with her girlfriend Nika in what time she didn't spend in police custody. This regular criminal lifestyle drew the attention of organized crime boss, Kirill Konstantinov, who took her in first as a pit fighter, and occasional hired muscle. It was in the pits that Tatyana found what she loved. The feeling of beating men and women to a bloody pulp with her bare hands was the most gratifying experience she'd ever had, at least when it was people that fought back. The fights before she'd gotten into the pits had been almost boring, more like a game of 'tag' than a real fight.

    The spiral neared its bottom then. Eventually, even being hit brought about as much pleasure as landing a blow, and in her recovery periods, Tatyana had taken to organized violence, and dangerous bouts of gambling, the latter of which costing her right eye in a primitive game of terran roulette. Arguably it was still a win, seeing as the bullet didn't kill her, but it disconnected something in her brain, the tiny little part of her mind that still told her what was right and wrong. In the next year, before she turned twenty, even the pits weren't enough to release all of her aggression in a day, and Tatyana started taking that anger and violence with her around the city, attacking random passersby for nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When word reached Konstantinov, he had her barred from the pits, and stopped calling after her for jobs. He backed away from the animal she'd become before he could be bitten.

    It was in this time, without an outlet for her violent tendencies, without work to keep her mind occupied, Tatyana began to dwell on every facet of her romantic life, as it was the only part of her life left. Every day, her outlook grew a little bit darker, and she began to doubt that Nika felt anything for her, that she felt anything for Nika. Sure, they had been happy enough together for about four years by then, but had Nika really been around all that much? Yeah, she came to cheer for the fights in the pits, it was certain that she helped patch up and tend to the wounds that Tatyana came home with, and she'd been the one that got her to the hospital when she shot her eye out. Every slight in all of those four years started to come up too though, and every one was brought back up and polished so many times that they started to outshine the kindnesses and the warmth that she'd always been shown. When exactly it happened she doesn't really remember anymore, but it was when Nika had come home with takeout, she'd stabbed her between the ribs with a kitchen knife, without really realizing that she'd done it. Both girls looked down at the knife, then up at one another before Nika collapsed. The rest of the night was a blur, snatching the phone, calling Matron Grigorovich, and getting no answer, calling the bookies for the pits, the only other people she could really call friends, who had blocked her number.

    The next morning, police officers arrived, on a tip from the neighbours, and found Tatyana laying on the floor beside Nika, who had long since gone cold, knife still in her hand, and lying in a pool of congealed blood, staring at the ceiling with a nigh unblinking gaze.

    Instead of fighting for her innocence, in her days of clarity, Tatyana admitted to her guilt on all counts. Afterward, she was presented two options, a life in prison, or a life in the penal forces.
Personnel Files

Ferra Kolvokich

Date of Birth: Unknown

Age: 22-24

Homeworld: Mars

Place of Birth: Unknown

Prior Civilian Criminal Record:

  • X4 counts of petty theft
  • X3 counts of breaking and entering
  • X1 Count of minor assualt

Prior Service: N/A

Character Description:


Well toned and with a dangerously subtle wiry strength, Ferra's body is more than capable of meeting the demands of a soldier in the Marines.

Her skin itself is a myriad of scars either picked up off the streets or off missions, as well as numerous tribal and skull pattern tattoos she adorned herself with post-civilian life. Her eyes are a grey-blue and she keeps her platinum blonde hair tied into a pony tail most of the time.

Ferra stands at a diminutive 4'10" but her muscle mass brings her to a decent 98 lbs.

Family: Ferra knows little of her family. She believes her mother was a junkie living on the streets for a time, but while she was still young her 'mother' disappeared one night and never came back. Ferra grew up bouncing around in the foster care system and hasn't done much to form a new family since.

Biography: Joining the Marines as soon as humanly possible, Ferra used the hardcore training and highly regimented lifestyle as an escape from the actions and events of her less than stellar child hood. Where most broke down, either in anger or defeat, Ferra was well known for forging ahead, simply adding the emotional baggage to that which she already carried.

She rose easily through the ranks after exiting training and eventually reach Sergeant, and quickly made a name for herself as a proficient marksman and skilled close quarters militant, and it would be only a short time later she would begin serving either specialist missions, or missions providing over watch for a team.

Despite her success in the technical and practical exercises of the military, it would be the less technical practises, such as respecting snot nosed, fresh faced, punk officers giving foolish orders that would eventually land the woman in hot water. Three cracked ribs, a bloody nose and a broken arm after an overtly friendly pass at her as she practised sparring with other soldiers would see her thrown in the brig for the next four days as discussions were made on how to handle the woman.

With the soon to be underway mission for the Valkyrie being prepped, and with Ferra's sturdy and well built military career to back her up, her terms were mitigated as she was dropped to rank Lance Corporal and assigned to the ship.

Enlistment Files

Current Service Branch:
Colonial Marine Corps.

Prior Military Criminal Record:

  • X1 Assault on and Officer
  • X1 Verbal Abuse of an Officer
  • X2 Assault on Security forces

Current Rank: Lance Corporal

Past Rank & Service History: Redacted
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