Does Not Know Kung-fu
- Group
- Nation Building
Turn 6
Perhaps, under more sane circumstances, someone would have cautioned against using white phosphorous to light entire sections of the forest on fire especially in an environment that was as dry and how rare it rained as the wasteland... but the X-Raiders were many things and 'sane' was not one of them. It certainly worked as the trees and grass caught aflame with each thump of the guns [Consume all four White Phosphorous Rounds]. The forest grows ablaze in moments and the fire grows and grows, spreading at a terrifying pace... So fast that any chance of stopping it is long gone as the skies fill with smoke. Hordes of mutated animals and monsters come pouring out of the burning forest, trying to avoid the flames, so many that it becomes like a massive horde of locust... Of which many giant mutated grasshoppers are, indeed, spotted...
The X-Raiders are able to kill quite a few, herding some of the massive swarm into their traps... but sadly they don't truly 'catch' anything, as all those that fall into their traps and become immobilized are quickly crushed by the massive stampede coming from behind them.. The sheer amount of animals they harvest means they have an Abundance of Bone, Leather and Meat [Don't need ot write 'units', you have gathered so much that no matter what you do, you aren't likely to run out of them anytime soon]. The sheer amount of meat gathered means that the Beast of Rohgen immediately grows 1 additional size this turn.
... Everyone else in the world is far less lucky... To the north, the massive stampede runs straight into Tolius... Where Zora [
] has a front row seat to the mass of animals and monsters beign consumed by the Flesh Abominations.. giving them many new forms and some very, very large ones.. The Flesh Grows In Power. South, the fires and animal horde keeps going.. heading straight to Greensville..
The people of Greensville have a choice. They can try to hold the walls against the tide of animals and monsters coming to them and pray they have the strength, if they even survive, to fight the fire, or they can run in a mass exodus and abandon the entire region to be consumed in wildfire... [
The X-Raiders work on creating armor worthy of 'Daddy's Girl', of the Beast of Rohgen... But the question is.. what spoils where they going to use for this? Did they wish to use Black Lumber and Silverite Ore? Or, perhaps, they wished to crack open the Premium Spare Parts and, as a insane man once said, truly spare no expense? [Let me know what spoils you are using to augment your crafting!
A suit of monster bone and leather is made for the Beast of Rohgen, human leather added so that all can see the past victims of the growing girl eternally screaming in suffering from her flanks.. Beast of Rohgen is now Lightly Armored and is somehow even scarier looking then before
Turn 6

Perhaps, under more sane circumstances, someone would have cautioned against using white phosphorous to light entire sections of the forest on fire especially in an environment that was as dry and how rare it rained as the wasteland... but the X-Raiders were many things and 'sane' was not one of them. It certainly worked as the trees and grass caught aflame with each thump of the guns [Consume all four White Phosphorous Rounds]. The forest grows ablaze in moments and the fire grows and grows, spreading at a terrifying pace... So fast that any chance of stopping it is long gone as the skies fill with smoke. Hordes of mutated animals and monsters come pouring out of the burning forest, trying to avoid the flames, so many that it becomes like a massive horde of locust... Of which many giant mutated grasshoppers are, indeed, spotted...
The X-Raiders are able to kill quite a few, herding some of the massive swarm into their traps... but sadly they don't truly 'catch' anything, as all those that fall into their traps and become immobilized are quickly crushed by the massive stampede coming from behind them.. The sheer amount of animals they harvest means they have an Abundance of Bone, Leather and Meat [Don't need ot write 'units', you have gathered so much that no matter what you do, you aren't likely to run out of them anytime soon]. The sheer amount of meat gathered means that the Beast of Rohgen immediately grows 1 additional size this turn.
... Everyone else in the world is far less lucky... To the north, the massive stampede runs straight into Tolius... Where Zora [

The people of Greensville have a choice. They can try to hold the walls against the tide of animals and monsters coming to them and pray they have the strength, if they even survive, to fight the fire, or they can run in a mass exodus and abandon the entire region to be consumed in wildfire... [

The X-Raiders work on creating armor worthy of 'Daddy's Girl', of the Beast of Rohgen... But the question is.. what spoils where they going to use for this? Did they wish to use Black Lumber and Silverite Ore? Or, perhaps, they wished to crack open the Premium Spare Parts and, as a insane man once said, truly spare no expense? [Let me know what spoils you are using to augment your crafting!

A suit of monster bone and leather is made for the Beast of Rohgen, human leather added so that all can see the past victims of the growing girl eternally screaming in suffering from her flanks.. Beast of Rohgen is now Lightly Armored and is somehow even scarier looking then before
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