Auriel Maza
Professor of Cuddles
- Group
- Nation Building
- Off-site
Camael scanned the landscape. More greys, browns, and death. Wonderful... Enlightening. A change of scenery was likely not to be helped. It could be done, but what was the worth of that? But, Camael would silence such thoughts. The raid on the earthlings of Gator town was a massive success with Camael successfully managing the earthlings with no witnesses. Good... Good. They would not need to know. Now this location could be useful, but that was left to be decided... So, it was time to move on. To greener pastures and all.

1. The Steiff's Rangers will pick off lone Earthlings of one settlement as they can with their range. Using dance and other distractions to lure earthlings away. Camael will use his Hug-A-Porter to teleport onto earthlings and slit their throats with his knife. They will position so that their trap will go off should they be discovered. They will loot the settlement once the earthlings have been defeated. [Pathfinder, Interpretive Dance]
Move: Move 1 to Howl.
2. Explore Howl for natural resources, points of interest, and possible base locations.
Personality: Free-thinking, meticulous, hedonistic.
Skills: Machining, Geology, Computers, Chemistry, Interpretative Dance.
Weapons: Lasers [Most reliable and accurate]
Camael Blóð
Steiff's Rangers x5 [Medium Armor, Laser Rifles]
You find: - Two units of Scrap - A small gilded 'trophy' that was likely won from a 'game' back in the day. It is worth 1 Scrap. - Three units of Ol' Papi's Finest, a highly potent liquor that was being made in a basement. It can be sold, traded or even used as an explosive. - A crate of Dynamite [Can be sold or consumed to give an entire unit dynamite]. - Ol' Beaten Up Junker: An old truck that Camael is sure he can get working if he uses some scrap [Can make run again for 2 scrap. Truck can be upgraded like any other vehicle, and with your small unit size, would give you movement 2] Also: In a small shack, that from the size of the door, likely belongs to Gatorboy, you also find Gatorboys unique Water Cleaning System. It seems the Gatorboy has a weird fascination with water and ensuring everyone has a never ending supply of clean, cool, refreshing water.. The Water Cleaning System can be sold or torn apart for components. Until it is sold, or torn apart, it will produce a unit of Purified Water every turn. Purified Water can be traded or sold for Scrap.
Steiffs Rangers were said to be the first of their kind, and the tradition stills holds true to this day! They are expert scouts and outdoorsbears and so have the [Pathfinder] Descriptor. There is nothing a Ranger loves more then laying a trap and watching the silly earthlings walk into them! As such, Rangers come with landmines and disco grenades, but a Ranger is above all, cunning, so they prefer to keep away from melee combat and use laser rifles and knifes.. As why poke an Earthling when you can just blast them full of holes! They wear the 'T.E.D' Armor which is a medium armor that comes with a helmet that has various vision modes including Night Vision and Infrared.
Hug-A-Porter [Light Armor], the hug-a-porter is the latest and greatest from the homeland. It is a light armor that has a strange antenna on the back, it will allow for personal teleportation 3 times an event [If someone holds onto you, you can bring them, but a max of 1 person can be carried this way]. If your life is in danger, there is a slim chance that this suit will teleport you out of danger.
Laser rifle and knife.
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