Does Not Know Kung-fu
- Group
- Nation Building
Turn 3 Processing
Ezrin's psionic scouting had revealed much and yet not nearly enough. A 'tidal wave' of thoughts and souls, hundreds, at last. Perhaps more, and 'Veera Dragonbreaker' did not sound like an easy foe, unless he was supremely lucky and it was merely a name someone gave themselves to inflate an ego, but considering the raw fear all the souls had for them, that seemed doubtful. Still, even if all those souls just had knives, could they even hope to hold this fort? Should they bother? But if they abandoned it, it was doubtful this 'Tithe' would stop. They'd push on, and with Roggar under their belt, they'd likely bring more and more of their forces. If they didn't stop them hear, could they be stopped at all in the future? The battle here likely meant far more then just Roggar, if they won, they would stop the Tithe in its tracks, if not.. If they failed, the floodgates could be opened and who knows how far they would sweep into the Wasteland before anyone could stop them...
Two units of Lumber and One Unit of Concrete Mix are used to turn the Scrap Fort into a real Fort. The scrap walls are torn down, replaced by a concrete and wooden wall. The base of the wall is solid concrete with large, thick timber emerging from the base to complete the top, large enough and wide enough for people to walk on. The gate is replaced with a sturdy wooden one that is covered in thin metal plates to keep it from burning. Towers are erected along the wooden wall to help give a eagle eye view over the nearby area.. A ditch is dug with large wooden spikes slammed into the ground to impede any potential climbers.
The fort is considerably more resistant to rams, bombardments and other such means of siege. This small action could mean the difference in holding out long enough for Nigel and Anaya to arrive... Or it may just get them to the point of failure, but either way, the die was cast.

Ezrin's psionic scouting had revealed much and yet not nearly enough. A 'tidal wave' of thoughts and souls, hundreds, at last. Perhaps more, and 'Veera Dragonbreaker' did not sound like an easy foe, unless he was supremely lucky and it was merely a name someone gave themselves to inflate an ego, but considering the raw fear all the souls had for them, that seemed doubtful. Still, even if all those souls just had knives, could they even hope to hold this fort? Should they bother? But if they abandoned it, it was doubtful this 'Tithe' would stop. They'd push on, and with Roggar under their belt, they'd likely bring more and more of their forces. If they didn't stop them hear, could they be stopped at all in the future? The battle here likely meant far more then just Roggar, if they won, they would stop the Tithe in its tracks, if not.. If they failed, the floodgates could be opened and who knows how far they would sweep into the Wasteland before anyone could stop them...
Two units of Lumber and One Unit of Concrete Mix are used to turn the Scrap Fort into a real Fort. The scrap walls are torn down, replaced by a concrete and wooden wall. The base of the wall is solid concrete with large, thick timber emerging from the base to complete the top, large enough and wide enough for people to walk on. The gate is replaced with a sturdy wooden one that is covered in thin metal plates to keep it from burning. Towers are erected along the wooden wall to help give a eagle eye view over the nearby area.. A ditch is dug with large wooden spikes slammed into the ground to impede any potential climbers.
The fort is considerably more resistant to rams, bombardments and other such means of siege. This small action could mean the difference in holding out long enough for Nigel and Anaya to arrive... Or it may just get them to the point of failure, but either way, the die was cast.