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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

Del looks back at Stone, saying, "Well, it would seem that you have a few years on me. Yes, I am an Exalt, but not a Solar or Lunar the way the members of you Circle are. I am a Sidereal, just like my master, Korran, specifically, I am a Maiden of Venus, a Joybringer in the service of the Bureau of Destiny in Yu-Shan. I am a member of a Faction that strongly believes that the Usurpation all those years ago was a drastic mistake, and we work to restore the rule of the Solars over Creation as is their Celestial Mandate from the Unconquered Sun."

"A Sidereal...I vaguely recall such a term being mentioned the last time I came to this place," Grey Stone replied, pinching part of his beard between his thumb and his index finger as he tried to find the memory. It seemed unusually elusive, even for a resident of an old man's brain. "I don't remember being told much more than that, though. What, precisely, is your purpose as an Exalt?"

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Delilah replies, "The Order of the Sidereals are fate weavers, preventing tears to the Loom of Fate. The five Castes have slightly different mandates, as depends on the Celestial Maiden that they are attuned to. As a Chosen of Venus, I help to make sure that relationships happen as they are appointed to, be it between two people on the personal level, or on a much vaster one, entire cities and nations. I mostly work in the Threshold and Eastern Regions of Creation, plying my influence in those areas."

"I was selfish...and Amara must be allowed to fulfill their own destiny, as do I. I became too comfortable with Amara, with the Circle and denied my own destiny in doing so. That will no longer be the case. We have a lot of work to do to fight the Empress. I can no longer hide who and what I am from the world, I need to step forward and use the fire of the Unconquered Sun forth to free the world."
O Mighty Fat Cat is pleased at first when Mercy sees Amara's departure for what it appears to be. And even more pleased when Mercy doesn't hold Amara at fault for doing what she must. But these new dangerous tones? He doesn't know about those - he simply keeps these thoughts completely to himself.

"I trust you, Mercy, to live your own life de same way Amara is livin' hers - freely!"

O Mighty Fat Cat smiles warmly to the sorceress. He has no idea what hells she has been through - certainly hers have been greater than his own. And yet here she stands, still alive, still breathing, still ready to do as she will. As a fellow survivor, he smiles upon Mercy because he admires her.

"You ready to leave Rathess now? We have a promise to fulfill, yes?"

Da Chonk glances to the sky and then looks back to her, waiting patiently for her answer. "I rememba how you enjoy De Lucky Fat Cat Express on our first journey! Which seat you gonna choose in me howdah? You get first pick - dat is me price for de journey dis time."
Delilah replies, "The Order of the Sidereals are fate weavers, preventing tears to the Loom of Fate. The five Castes have slightly different mandates, as depends on the Celestial Maiden that they are attuned to. As a Chosen of Venus, I help to make sure that relationships happen as they are appointed to, be it between two people on the personal level, or on a much vaster one, entire cities and nations. I mostly work in the Threshold and Eastern Regions of Creation, plying my influence in those areas."

So a diplomat and a...matchmaker, I suppose, Grey Stone thought to himself. "I trust Antonia has already told you about us, and our own Exaltations?"

As he considered the possibility of Antonia being a source of information though, he glanced towards the spider creature she had with her. He'd never seen anything quite like it in all his decades on Creation, but from what he had witnessed of its earlier communication with the Sidereal, it seemed to know about him to a degree.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
. "I rememba how you enjoy De Lucky Fat Cat Express on our first journey! Which seat you gonna choose in me howdah? You get first pick - dat is me price for de journey dis time."
Mercy's look softened and she gave a slight grin and a nod. She still loved to fly. She silently walked over to the front side of the Howdah and made herself comfortable, and then spent most of the journey looking out over the lands, lost in thought.

Mercy jolted back into reality from her memory, standing on the hill of the manse being introduced to this new exalted, who had explained themselves, in very suspicious detail. She knew she had read of the Sidereals before but was not clear on their details at the moment.

She addressed Delilah, not trusting her yet, but wondering what the first steps would be towards getting a 'weapons, an army, and a symbol to be able to draw in the needed Exalts to lead this army'. The Sidereal seemed to have some sort of plan in mind.

"Are those of your Deliberative who were previously opposed to us, still opposed to us? Will we have to fight the Empress and them? Also do we have any information as to the activity of the Deathlords now that one of their own have been supposedly slain?"
Del smiles. "Oh, how sweet of you to say! I like you. Yes, I am far older than I appear, maybe even older than you." She looks down to the dog-sized spider next to her, and she asks, "Cid, how old is he?"

The spider waves its front legs in the air, and in Old Realm, replies, "Grey Stone is sixty-four years old."

Del looks back at Stone, saying, "Well, it would seem that you have a few years on me. Yes, I am an Exalt, but not a Solar or Lunar the way the members of you Circle are. I am a Sidereal, just like my master, Korran, specifically, I am a Maiden of Venus, a Joybringer in the service of the Bureau of Destiny in Yu-Shan. I am a member of a Faction that strongly believes that the Usurpation all those years ago was a drastic mistake, and we work to restore the rule of the Solars over Creation as is their Celestial Mandate from the Unconquered Sun."
Aredin considers the claim with a thoughtful, if skeptical look, still anxious in light of ill news. "Depending on how long you all have been working on this goal of yours, I hope you have something in mind for the recent return of the Empress. I might like to think myself competent with scheming and all that, but you'll forgive us if we've lacked the free time to gain the momentum we'd need to resist such an organized opponent."

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. The merchant then turns to the fat cat with a smile. In spite of all the recent twists and turns in their journey, his large friend remained a living reminder of what blessings they still have. "I suppose I should relax at least a little though. After all, our Lunar friends have held out on their own for this long in the face of an active Empress."
So a diplomat and a...matchmaker, I suppose, Grey Stone thought to himself. "I trust Antonia has already told you about us, and our own Exaltations?"
Delilah smiles over at Antonia, and says, "Yes, she has told me some about you and the task you have taken upon yourselves to help the spirits in this manse. Korran has also shared some of his own knowledge of you, but I am hoping to be able to get to know you all a bit better on my own."
"Are those of your Deliberative who were previously opposed to us, still opposed to us? Will we have to fight the Empress and them? Also do we have any information as to the activity of the Deathlords now that one of their own have been supposedly slain?"
Looking to Mercy, she nods. "Simply put, yes. These Exalts are an integral part of the Wyld Hunt that have been after the various rogue Solar Exalts that have popped up in Creation over the past centuries, along with any Lunar that the Hunt has been able to track down. Thankfully, with the sudden return of hundreds of Solar Exaltations and the chaos caused by the disappearance of the Empress, that has put a real strain on the ability to mount an effective pogrom against the Celestial Exalts. Now, there is even more chaos with the return of the Empress, with all hands of the Sidereal order struggling to find out where she was these past five years and what she plans on doing now that she's back."
Aredin considers the claim with a thoughtful, if skeptical look, still anxious in light of ill news. "Depending on how long you all have been working on this goal of yours, I hope you have something in mind for the recent return of the Empress. I might like to think myself competent with scheming and all that, but you'll forgive us if we've lacked the free time to gain the momentum we'd need to resist such an organized opponent."
Del says to Aredin, "Yes, there are plans to deal with the Empress, and they all have one thing in common: the joint cooperation of both the Solar and Lunar Exalts of Creation. There are many secrets that I have under my belt that you will find very useful to you, if you so choose to accept my aid."
As the Circle was preparing to leave Rathess, Glade seemed pensive. For a moment, he seemed on the verge of walking away from the circle - but then Amara stepped in and announced her difficult choice to leave. After seeing the effect it had on Fat Cat, the rest of the circle would note that Glade seemed to change his resolve, and packed to leave along with them - but still something troubled him.

It wasn't until Fat Cat was in the air that he looked over the side of the howdah with some surprise - then walked forward to the great Lunar's ear.

"My furry friend, whether by design, by fate, or simply by your own whim - this is not the route we took to reach Rathess; and I know these treetops. My village is down there; my people, those who look to me for guidance. They will have heard the Empress too. My duty is still to them - I must calm, reassure and guide them. But I will return. Look for me at Antonia's manse - I hope I will not be long."

Turning back to the other passengers, he said much more briefly to Grey Stone who is nearest: "Worry not, I will be back".

So saying, Glade clasped his hands, and his muscular form shattered, sundering into some score or more brightly-coloured parakeets, which swiftly lifted from Fat Cat and headed off to the south-east.


Now, as the rest of the Circle is getting acquainted with this strange new companion, and plans are being laid, you all notice an identical flock approaching from the east - flying fast and direct. Swooping to the ground, they swirl in a dizzying array of colours until Glade steps forth and the birds are gone. When there is a moment's pause, he speaks briefly.

"I have given my tribe what reassurance I can, and appointed a shaman to lead in my stead for now. And, as promised, I am returned. Who is this?", he adds, gesturing to the new young Exalt.
Filial Wisdom gives a grunt of recognition to Silent Glade as he reforms from the flock of birds he had transformed into, then says, "This little girl seems to think that she has in her back pocket what we will need to wage a war against the Scarlet Empress. How she plans on doing this, we don't yet know."

Antonia looks up at the big Solar and says, "Underestimate her at your own peril, Noble Exalt. She is more than capable of taking care of herself, and I wouldn't discount the value of whatever information she may have for you."

Wisdom gives another grunt. "Really? I find that hard to believe. She seems to be more looks than substance. How are we supposed to depend on her in a fight?" He turns to face off against Delilah and steps into a fighting stance, fists raised up. "Come, little girl. Face me in a friendly sparring match. I won't even use my Daiklave. Just fists. Show me what you can do."

Sherwood Sherwood If you accept the challenge, give me a Join Battle roll. No Decisive attacks; just Withering strikes. First to get Crashed loses the match.
With a raised eyebrow, Del reaches over her back to undo the two large starmetal rings and set them aside before she also strikes a combat stance. "Very well. No lethal damage done, just a sparring match. No weapons. I am ready when you are."

Total Initiative of 7i
Health Levels
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Join Battle: 8 +3i

Essence: 2
Personal: 13
Peripheral: 37 / 31 /
Committed: 6
Willpower: 7

Defense Values
Dodge DV: 6 [+1/+2 from Demure Carp Feint, 3m]
Parry DV: 6
Resolve: 3
Guile: 5

Natural: 3
Hearthstone: 2
Total: 5
Heroes Iron Skin: +4 (+6) [4m, Instant]
Pearlescent Filigree Defense: +3, [+5 with Form Charm active], [1m for one Scene], +5 from Appearance, 10 Hardness [+5m additional]
The big Solar puts on a grin, saying, "Little girl, I'm going to toss you over my knee and give you a good spanking." He swings his big fist in a strong right cross.

4 Successes to hit. I presume that it doesn't match your DV.
Sherwood Sherwood is up

Initiative Order
11 - Filial
7 - Delilah <====

"My furry friend, whether by design, by fate, or simply by your own whim - this is not the route we took to reach Rathess; and I know these treetops. My village is down there; my people, those who look to me for guidance. They will have heard the Empress too. My duty is still to them - I must calm, reassure and guide them. But I will return. Look for me at Antonia's manse - I hope I will not be long."
O Mighty Fat Roc turned his enormous and currently-feathered head to Glade. There was a smile-like expression out of the corner of his beak - it looks could say "fair weather and good travels," this one did as he silently winked to Glade and flew on.

Then he marveled at the site of Glade turning into a score of small pretty birds - a feat that the Lunar himself could not match!

His smile and admiration for the man grew as a Glade flew away.
With a nimble dodge, Del sidesteps out of the way of the big fist that was headed towards her. In response, she spins around and lashes out with a dainty foot at him, hoping to knock him off his feet.
Activating Form Charm for 8m and Pearlescent Filigree Defense for 1m out of Personal Essence. 2m on MA Excellency to reduce the target number to 5.
Attack Roll: 5 Dex + 5 MA + 2 Stunt = 12 dice

Eight Successes to Hit

Health Levels

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Join Battle: 8 +3i

Essence: 2
Personal: 13 / 4
Peripheral: 37 / 31 /
Committed: 6
Willpower: 7

Defense Values
Dodge DV: 6 [+1/+2 from Demure Carp Feint, 3m]
Parry DV: 6
Resolve: 3
Guile: 5

Natural: 3
Hearthstone: 2
Total: 5
Heroes Iron Skin: +4 (+6) [4m, Instant]
Pearlescent Filigree Defense: +3, [+5 with Form Charm active], [1m for one Scene], +5 from Appearance, 10 Hardness [+5m additional]

"I have given my tribe what reassurance I can, and appointed a shaman to lead in my stead for now. And, as promised, I am returned. Who is this?", he adds, gesturing to the new young Exalt.
"I think we about to find out." O Mighty Fat Cat studies both fighters with his full attention as they spar.
"I think we about to find out." O Mighty Fat Cat studies both fighters with his full attention as they spar.
"From what I can tell, she's a friend of Antonia's and another kind of Exalt," Grey Stone said to the Lunar as he folded his arms and observed the match.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
It quickly becomes clear that Filial's fighting skill is more focused on the sword instead of with bare hands, but even so, he is no easy opponent. The kick manages to score a hit on him with two successes. Go ahead and roll your damage.
Sherwood Sherwood

Initiative Order
11 - Filial
7 - Delilah

Round Two
OOC I forgot to add the Accuracy of the unarmed strike of +4 dice, but it was my own mistake so I won't ask for the extra dice. BTW, what is his Soak?

Damage Roll: 2 Successes + 2 Str + 7 Damage - Soak =
Rolling one die for damage.

Connected. +2i for me, -1 for him.
Filial lets out a small grunt as Del's foot smacks into him, and as he swings again, this time he says, "Not bad, little girl, but you'll have to do better than that to stop me from giving you your punishment." Once more, his fist lashes out, this time, though, he adds a bit of Essence to increase his hit.

7 Successes to hit
Sherwood Sherwood

Round Two - regain 5 motes
10 - Filial
9 - Delilah
Del moves quickly, her dodge enhanced by her own Essence with a flourish of her robes to throw off the concentration of Filial.

OOC If his Resolve is less than 5, I gain a point of Initiative and he loses 1.
Form Charm and Pearlescent Filigree Defense Active. Spending 3m on Demure Carp Feint to raise my Dodge DV to at least 7, possibly 8 if his Resolve is less than 5.
The Dreaming Pearl Courtesan dances away from the blows of her enemies without effort, as if her body was nothing more than so many cherry blossoms caught on the wind. Demure Carp Feint adds +1 to the martial artist’s Evasion, or adds one success on a roll to disengage. If the martial artist’s Appearance is higher than the Resolve of her attacker, or of all enemies she is disengaging from, this increases to +2. Successfully defending against or disengaging from an enemy whose Resolve is beaten by the martial artist’s Appearance grants her a point of Initiative, as her provocative elegance and sinuous grace gain her an improved footing.
Mastery: When the martial artist gains Initiative with this Charm, her attacker loses a point of Initiative as well. When disengaging, all enemies whose Resolve is beaten lose the point of Initiative (although this does not increase the amount the martial artist receives).

Health Levels

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Join Battle: 8 +3i

Essence: 2
Personal: 13 / 6
Peripheral: 37 / 31 /
Committed: 6
Willpower: 7

Defense Values
Dodge DV: 6 [+1/+2 from Demure Carp Feint, 3m]
Parry DV: 6
Resolve: 3
Guile: 5

Natural: 3
Hearthstone: 2
Total: 5
Heroes Iron Skin: +4 (+6) [4m, Instant]
Pearlescent Filigree Defense: +3, [+5 with Form Charm active], [1m for one Scene], +5 from Appearance, 10 Hardness [+5m additional]
His Resolve is only 3, so you gain your Initiative and he loses 1. Del is now up for her action.

Round Two - regain 5 motes
10 - Delilah
9 - Filial

Sherwood Sherwood
Del looks like she is dancing more than she is fighting, letting the long train of her sleeves whip and spin about as she continues to spar with the Solar. Suddenly, she reverses her spin and strikes out, not with her own hand, but with her sash, threading through the cracks of his armor to strike home, biting into him. She replies to the Solar's taunt, "If it is more out of me that you want, who am I to turn that challenge down?"
Form Charm and Pearlescent Filigree Defense Active. Spending 3m 1wp on Flurry of August Leaves to negate his armor, setting its base soak to zero. 2m on MA Excellency to reduce the target number to 5, and 5m to increase her MA Dice pool. Last 5m are from Peripheral Essence.

5 Dex + 5 MA + 2 Stunt + 4 Accuracy + 5 Excellency = 21 dice

Holy crap. 20 Successes to hit. What is his unarmored Soak?

Health Levels
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Join Battle: 8 +3i

Essence: 2
Personal: 13 / 1
Peripheral: 37 / 31 / 26
Committed: 6
Willpower: 7 / 6

Defense Values
Dodge DV: 6 [+1/+2 from Demure Carp Feint, 3m]
Parry DV: 6
Resolve: 3
Guile: 5

Natural: 3
Hearthstone: 2
Total: 5
Heroes Iron Skin: +4 (+6) [4m, Instant]
Pearlescent Filigree Defense: +3, [+5 with Form Charm active], [1m for one Scene], +5 from Appearance, 10 Hardness [+5m additional]
Filial's eyes widen as Del suddenly moves almost faster than the eye can see, with the edge of your sash slipping into his armor and reducing his soak. He tries to block the attack with a flare of his own Essence, but you still manage to hit with 12 Dice. His natural soak is only 4.
12 successes + 2 str + 7 damage - 4 Soak = 17 dice.

5 Successes, +6i for me, -5 for him

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