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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

Glade listens to Fat Cat's reminder that they need to free Cadence, and to Dunbar's explanation of how they do it.

"This is wisdom. Let us fulfill our promise. I would say this task is yours to perform, my lunar friend; but I will stand with you and defend you from Cadence if need be"

Grey Stone gave another nod, then turned to look at Fat Cat.

“I'll go with you, to help with Cadence,” he offered. “Even with Spellbreaker, dealing with an angry and old ghost is not a task I can ever see going completely smoothly.”
O Mighty Fat Cat turns to his Circle with an appreciative grin. "My Circle? You are more dan welcome to be joinin' me! Ain't no way I wanna deal wit dis alone!"

Yes Please Want GIF by LION

He chuckles and mutters. "Blessed Luna and me village didn't raise no stupid kitty! I know betta dan to be foolin' wit' dis by meself!"

He looks to Antonia (if she is nearby?). "Afta dis, I give you dat hug I owe you! But promises and duty first, oh gracious wood elemental!"
"I started this whole mess, so of course I'll tag along. This is all part of our deal, so he can't retaliate against the diplomatic immunity without severe consequences." Aredin adds. "Just give me a chance to explain the situation to him first before we begin the unbinding process so he doesn't get the wrong idea."
Mercy thanks Dunbar for the book, then stands up and looks at the others.

"We are all in this together. We are one circle. We will see this business through."
For some, you have been in the other tower before to have seen the workshops that Dunbar had used in life and where the angry ghost of Cadence is currently trapped. For both Fat Cat and Delilah, this is your first time making your way through here, seeing and feeling the unpleasant chill from the howling spirit. The ghost is as Aredin remembers; standing over the mummified body that he was once in life. The ghost doesn't automatically attack, but looks surprised to see you all again. With an angry sneer, he says, "You. I remember you. The fact that you have returned means one of two things: You were able to get something to break the curse binding me here to let me go, or you have failed and now you are all out to destroy me. Which is it?"
"We have indeed found an artifact that can bring the lingering curse holding you here. Took awhile for us to bring it back given how far away it was after all. Anyhow... Once the curse is broken, our priest here should be free to give you last rights and see you onto your next life." Aredin replies with a satisfied grin. "I'm not quite privy to the exact workings at play here, but if you're willing to let us proceed, we can get this done here and now."

Aredin turns to Da Chonk, Mercy, and Grey Stone. "Everyone ready?"
Mercy nods and takes a few steps back, drawing Black Wind. She had cast her usual protection spells before arriving at the manse just in case the Wyld Hunt had caught up to them.
Dunbar looks at Fat Cat and smiles. "You are truly a wonder, Noble Exalt, to be able to bring this wondrous item here and offer it to cleanse the manse of my ill-mannered house guest. I cannot use it, but I can tell you what needs to be done to free the spirit of Cadence." He points to one end of the chain. "Wrap that end around your wrist and let the rest of Spellbreaker dangle free. It will show you flows of Essence of active spells and ones being shaped. The lines of power binding Cadence will look like . . . glowing lines that ensnare him and keep him from being able to leave and move onto Lethe for reincarnation. Swing the chain at these glowing lines and they will be severed, freeing him from his bindings. This will free Cadence and let him go. You should be able to find his angry shade howling in rage in the other tower. Use caution when approaching him; he is filled with anger and a dangerous opponent."
O Mighty Fat Cat looks about these new surroundings and does what he most often does in these kinds of potentially-dangerous scenarios - he bows his head and prays for Luna's guidance for her own ends, not his. He also adds a prayer for protection of his Circle. They've been through enough recently!

With an angry sneer, he says, "You. I remember you. The fact that you have returned means one of two things: You were able to get something to break the curse binding me here to let me go, or you have failed and now you are all out to destroy me. Which is it?"
"Dead one... Cadence..." O Mighty Fat Cat speaks with respect. "I am O Mighty Fat Cat of Luna. Me Circle? We wish to provide you liberation - freedom - so dat you can 'move onto Lethe for reincarnation.' No ill will is meant to you. I hope your next life, all of your anger can turn to... someting more peaceful, someting betta for you and de people you meet dere. If it is Luna's will to bless you, let it be so!"

Once everyone is prepared (OOC: this includes Players who have not yet posted!), O Mighty Fat Cat draws out Spellbreaker. Link by link, he reverently loops the chain about his right wrist so that the chain can dangle as it will. He only wishes Amara were here to see this moment that she risked so much for.

Then with a deep breath and another prayer, he looks for the magic that binds Cadence to this place.
When Fat Cat wraps the chain around his arm, it doesn’t feel like cold metal, but instead it is warm to the touch, almost as if it were a living thing instead of a length of inanimate metal.

Then, when you look up at the ghost, just as promised, you can see what looks like a spiderweb of Essence binding the spirit to this place. One of the lines appears to be larger and filled with more power than the other lines and seems to be the anchor on which the binding is holding onto. You believe that severing that line will undo the entire binding and will free Cadence Raff.

Purr Purr Do you swing the chain at the line?
Del is curious as to just what will happen when Fat Cat uses the chain, saying, “Just a fair warning to all; if this is like the spell disruptions I’ve seen before, it may get a bit flashy as the Essence of the spell is released. I’ve not seen a spell of this Solar level broken, but one of the Celestial Circle make quite the spark. Be prepared.”

She takes a moment to arm herself with her rings, just in case the ghost decides to attack.
"We have indeed found an artifact that can bring the lingering curse holding you here. Took awhile for us to bring it back given how far away it was after all. Anyhow... Once the curse is broken, our priest here should be free to give you last rights and see you onto your next life." Aredin replies with a satisfied grin. "I'm not quite privy to the exact workings at play here, but if you're willing to let us proceed, we can get this done here and now."

Aredin turns to Da Chonk, Mercy, and Grey Stone. "Everyone ready?"
Grey Stone gave a nod of his head. "Yes, I am ready to begin."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Sorry, yeah, was reading not responding

Trusting Aredin's assurance about the sanctity of his diplomatic immunity, Glade feels reasonably safe...

...but not safe enough that he doesn't draw Root and Branch, and adopt a position on the balls of his feet, ready to spring in any direction.
Using the sight granted by Spellbreaker, Fat Cat swings the chain at the lines of Essence binding the spirit of Cadence in place. A brilliant flare of light and sparks fill the air, blinding all but Fat Cat. As the vision of the others starts to clear, the ghost is still standing there, but not so angry anymore.

He says, “You have freed me. For that I am grateful. You kept your word, and so shall I. There may be some validity to the claims that not all of the Solar and Lunar Exalted are unworthy of their gifts. Perhaps I was wrong. Time will be the true judge.”

Unless there are any comments made to him, the ghost begins to fade away, leaving his withered body behind where it fell so many years ago.
Del looks at the body and kneels down next to it, gently placing her hand on the shoulder of the body. In a quiet voice, she says, “I don’t agree with most of what he stood for, but in his own way, he was trying to serve the needs of Creation the best way he could. He was a good man, just misguided. He deserves to be laid to rest properly. It is something I feel should be done. “
He says, “You have freed me. For that I am grateful. You kept your word, and so shall I. There may be some validity to the claims that not all of the Solar and Lunar Exalted are unworthy of their gifts. Perhaps I was wrong. Time will be the true judge.”
O Mighty Fat Cat bows deeply to Cadence and when he rises, it is with the widest of smiles. "May your next journeys be peaceful... or at least exciting in good ways! Luna bless you, Cadence. Fare you well!"

Da Chonk means every word. Cadence did not have to hold his part of the bargain, but he did. Perhaps for other people, this was a thing taken for granted, easily overlooked, brushed aside. Not so for the gentle-hearted Lunar.

Cadence had left peacefully. His last words in this life were words reaching for understanding. "Perhaps I was wrong." How many of the living could speak these words and honestly mean them?
Del looks at the body and kneels down next to it, gently placing her hand on the shoulder of the body. In a quiet voice, she says, “I don’t agree with most of what he stood for, but in his own way, he was trying to serve the needs of Creation the best way he could. He was a good man, just misguided. He deserves to be laid to rest properly. It is something I feel should be done. “
"May I help? And.. ah... mebbe we should be askin' Antonia about dis first, yes? She be de Wood Elemental here - dis beautiful place? It is all part of her." Looking back to the first tower, O Mighty Fat Cat ruminates. He speaks to everyone present.

"Me thinkiin' we should be tellin' Dunbar Kirk too. I imagine he will want to know. Dis I should do before I return to Rathess. Spellbreaka has done its work! I promised me Blessed Luna I would return Spellbreaka unless she willed otherwise. Since she has not, then after some food and rest, it is back to Rathess for De Lucky Fat Cat Express! Only den will my soul be at peace to continue our journeys togetha."
Antonia smiles at Fat Cat, saying, “You are a rare one, noble Chosen of Luna. Most would not hesitate to just keep Spellbreaker for themselves and to hell with the consequences. I hold you in high regard.”

Then to Delilah, she says, “I also see much good in you, my friend, to think of providing Cadence a proper send off. I am pleased to know all of you, and would call you friends if you would allow it. We can make a bier outside, or if you think it better, we can bury him in the garden. Return his body to the earth.”
“A proper send-off would be good,” Grey Stone replied. “But I do not know the preferred burial customs of this man's people.”
Del says, “That is easily found out. Cid? Where was Cadence Raff born? And what are their typical funeral arrangements that we can replicate here?”
The small Pattern Spider jumps up and waves out front legs, saying, “Cadence Raff was born in the city of Great Forks. The standard funeral involves burning the body, or for the wealthy of the city, sending the remains to Sijan for interment there. The simplest way to honor him that can be replicated here would be a funeral pyre.”
Mercy had remained silent for the release of Cadence's soul. She did not feel much sympathy for him given her strong connection with her past lives and dark fates which befell them thanks to people like Cadence. There was perhaps a slight pang of sympathy for him with his final words but that was about it for Mercy.

"I hope he has that sympathy in his heart when he reincarnates...as he and people like him have done nothing but hunt us down and kill us, life after life after life. The memories of my lives deaths haunt my nightmares. Given the track record of what I have experienced in those lives and this one..I do not see much changing. Words are words, but those words must have action to show those so called feelings are legitimate. I guess we will see in the next life."

Mercy sheathed Black Wind and turned and looked at Fat Cat. Something had been bothering her.

"Fat Cat, I know you promised Blessed Luna that you would return the Spellbreaker, and I am all for keeping that oath, but could we not perhaps ask Luna if we could use the artifact to fight the Empress? She had commanded some very powerful sorcery. Such an artifact would be a valuable asset in our fight, which right now the odds are definitely in her favor. I am not saying to just take the artifact, no, I am just asking if we could somehow ask Luna to use it for this fight which is affecting all of Creation."
Delilah looks over to Antonia and says, "It sounds like cremation is the most appropriate means of giving Cadence a proper service. I would take you up on your offer of building a bier for his body. That feels better to me than just leaving him here. Let us not disturb his body any more than we have to, so lets prepare the pyre before moving his remains."
Glade nods his approval to this plan. "I shall help build the bier. I know woods like these, and which trees will burn cleanest and hottest."

He then squats down for a closer look at Cid: "Your spider intrigues me. I have communed with many and more beasts of the woods, but never one so well-spoken and informed. How does he know all that about Cadence?"
Del smiles down at her familiar and says, “Cid is a Pattern Spider, albeit a young one, and I rely upon him to help me out with getting nuggets of information like that from the archives of the Loom of Fate. If it is a part of Creation, and I know the right question to ask, he can probably tell me what I need to know. A very handy fellow to have at my side, right Cid?”

She reaches down and rubs her hand over the spiders back and smiles as the creature wiggles its front legs and fangs in a happy motion for the praise. “Yep, I would be lost without him, and I’m very thankful to have such a smart friend helping me out.”

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