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Fandom Into the fire (1x1 MzHyde/Gallifrog)

Rinaa's shipment container

Fia listened to everything that Rinaa said, taking it all in and knowing that what was spoken had to be accepted no matter what. If she has realised that once she did have an idea what had to be done she probably would have been able to possibly help in being that ear for Rinaa, but that couldn't be the case now her mind had that block on it. "I respect that you feel you can't tell me stuff, I do. Obviously I don't know why you can't, but I respect that decision because you say there'll be consequences. I may not know exactly who you are, but the person I have gotten to know I admire and respect greatly and I want you to know that." She told her.


Kay nodded at his words, taking it all in. "It seems to me this place would both teach and learn from Earth. As like Earth it has it's good and bad parts and I know like everyone I'm not going to be completely unbiased on my views of the place, but I do try and everything about this place outside of our biased opinions on the minute few in the great schemes of things. Like back home...the actions of the few reflect others views of the many. It's an ugly way of living but that's life...no matter where in the universe you are" she spoke, knowing her opinion probably wasn't perfect but it was hers.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa had many reasons for not being able to speak her mind. "Well there's a long list of reasons why, but the important ones are related to our timelines and their divergence, I'm not gonna risk screwing that up more than it already is. There's some things I can't say, as I'm pretty sure they'll incriminate your Leah and if she hasn't told any of ye, then it's not my job to do it. And there's some stuff I won't say because I don't trust myself to." She explained, pushing her hair back behind her left ear. At Fia's next remark she snorted, scoffed and rolled her eyes all at once. "Now I know you're making that up, pretty sure I'm the one with the diagnosable mental conditions that make me prone to saying things, not you." There was disbelief in her voice that Fia could say such a thing without having even seen some of the really intersting things Rinaa had done.

John listened and nodded, agreeing with quite a lot of what Kay said. He had devoted far more years to studying the differences between humans and other beings. Not intentionally, but in his line of work, it just sort of happened as a side effect. "Yeah, I agree on the whole teaching and learning thing. Attil are more advanced with tech and acceptance in most things than Earth, but still the people in charge here abuse their power. But Attil really need a better leadership system, not saying Earth is any better, giving what out lot have come up with- Brexit being example number one. But it does seem that some less desirable traits are universal, its not just a human thing, it's across all various races and species of conscious beings."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia nodded, "like I said, I respect the reasons why" she said back to her, letting go just enough to let Rinaa tuck that bit of hair behind her ear. She chuckled at her reaction to hearing that she did actually admire her skills from the bit she had seen for herself. "Alright smartass! But I'm serious, I know I haven't seen most things you've done, but I have witnessed your smarts to some degree and I am amazed by it and I'm not just saying that coz you made my violin. I mean it, you're fricking awesome Rii" She told her. She had no idea where the shortened term of her name came from, but it just felt right to be using it in this moment.


Seeing John nod at what she was saying, showed she was conveying her opinions well enough. She listened to what he said with his agreement of the whole teaching and learning comment. She nodded at his words, not being able to disagree with the whole last part of what he said. It really did seem like the negative sides of beings were the things that were incredibly universal. "Agree with that." She simply replied. "When you really think about it the more you realise how fucked up the universe is" she smirked. "And we all, whether we're human, alien, any other kind of being, are just trying to survive and make the most of our lives. Whether it's a wrong way or right way. It's all relative really" she commented.
Rinaa's shipping container
If'I respect the reasons why' was code for'I have no intention of asking prying, probing questions about the reasons why' then Rinaa was 100% on board. She'd always known that one thing she had that her Fia didn't was the crazy intelligence and the engineering skills, but when put into perspective with the things Fia had that Rinaa didn't -a father, two parents who loved her unconditionally, the ability to actually go to a family gathering, the ability to use magic, the musical ability, he confidence in her own skills- it never seemed like that big a deal to Rinaa. "Haven't seen is an understatement of epic proportions, believe me. And if the Leah you know has done any of the same things that I have, and knows any of the same people.... well" she smirked. "I think you're all in for a shock at just what she can and does do."


John nodded, running a hand up the side if his face, making a mental note to shave before the stubble got too long. "Fucked up universe? Yep always knew that was a thing, it's not supposed to be perfect or correct and mistakes are inevitable, though sometimes there are clearly blown out of proportion." He was a big fan of the sentiment of 'the universe is a fucked up as me' . It wasn't a reassurance, yet it definitely helped him to cope with the amount of fuck ups in his life which had to be greater than the amount of an ordinary human. " And that's my allowance of deep thoughts used up for the next few years." He added with a chuckle.
Rinaa's shipment container

The way she worded her opinions to Rinaa was definitely her way of saying 'I won't pry'. She just didn't want to say it blandly to Rinaa and thought saying it the other way just sounded so much better and much more mature. She also knew Rinaa saw Fia as the luckier one out of the two of them, and she had to admit she was, there was no denying that. But because of that, it made her admire Rinaa and what stuff she has accomplished for herself in her short life. "If that's the case then I hope I can see it from her at some point. But I'm still impressed by what you have accomplished in your life. So yeah...your life might be small in the sense of how boxes it fits into, but look at this Rii. You accomplished being able to be the most badass mechanic and student I know next to Jay, you're insanely smart, you may not feel confident playing in front family but you got serious skills!" She told her.


Kay listened, agreeing with him yet again. They both seemed to just naturally think on the same wavelength when it comes to opinions on nearly anything. When he said his next thing she chuckled, "likewise. That was rather deep for us" she chuckled. "I guess we should think about something less deep next" she commented with a smirk.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa couldn't say for certain if Fia's Leah was indeed involved in the same things as she was, but there were two pieces of judgievidence that suggested to Rinaa that she may be. The first was the outfit she was wearing the first time Rinaa had seen her. The second was the advanced bionic arm she possessed at the so-called 'Council of Leah'. It wasn't Deke's work, so there was only one other place she could think of that it could have come from. A very slight smile spread over Rinaa's face at the praise from Fia. It was only a minute curling at the corners of her mouth, but it was there. She could tell the praise was genuine and it meant so much to her.

Though she did raise a skeptical eyebrow at the last part. "I still don't believe there is a timeline where I can play in front of large groups of family without the joys of crippling performance anxiety." In her timeline everyone finding out had had been an accident. Trish happened to be out one night at the same place Rinaa was singing. From there it spread to Chas and John who was with him at the time and being nosy and looking over, wondering what on Earth she could be sending texts about at this hour of the night. There's even attatchment, a slightly blurry photo that's unmistakably Rinaa, with John's old guitar, singing. Up until that point they hadn't even known that Rinaa and Jay were on Earth. "Which means I gotta know, have you heard Leah play, or is this just heresy?"


John knew that a lot of people he appeared just to be a simple enough guy at first glance- trenchcoat wearing, magic using arsehole, with a dark past. But pretty quickly people figured out that he was an onion with layers if secrets, a complex personality and quite often left a bitter taste behind after him. Elliott had summed it up very well as a teenager back in his mute phase, with the caricature of John the trenchcoat wearing onion. "Probably wise, the universe might collapse if we didn't." John couldn't think of what would be a good idea to talk about, things at the front of his mind were about Elliott and would happen next, Attil and what would happen next or the time-travelling teenagers.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia wouldn't expect Rinaa to says nothing that could cause problems for her Leah, just like she wouldn't want to say anything that could cause problems for her Fia (if she knew of anything), despite wanting nothing more than to knock some sense into the girl. She noticed the small smile creep onto Rinaa's lips and felt like for once she was finally starting to help lift her spirits just a tiniest bit in some form. Even if it wasn't in every aspect, she considered a smile at something a success. "You know what? That's okay. It really is. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She told Rinaa. She really didn't believe there was anything to feel bad about having anxiety towards performing Infront of their large bizarre family.
When she asked the next question, she thought about it for a couple of seconds but decided it was only fair to tell Rinaa. "She doesn't know but I have heard her play and sing yeah. At least... I don't think she knows. Can never be certain with Leah." She smiled, "she's insanely good and I've always wanted to team up with her but I know if I tell her she's good and such, she may shy away from it, so I keep it to myself and duet with Ell instead" she explained.


The one thing she did quickly learn about John was that he had layers. She also remembered about the drawing of John as an onion from child Elliott when she was told about it. That's what she loved about him though, he wasn't this one dimensional person which she loved. She loved learning more about him, and she hoped it was the same for him about her as like him, she's been proving there's a lot to her as well. She had to chuckle slightly at his comment about the universe collapsing if they didn't stop being so deep. She didn't fully know what to talk about either if she was truthful, especially as part of her did keep wondering if she would ever be home before Fia came into the world or if she'd end up still here. She felt like there was so much to think about and to prepare for but they couldn't do any of it whilst on Attil.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa had never purposefully performed in front of the entire family, but they had all been in the one place at the same time watching her. She knew the performance anxiety was all in her head, if she thought about family it dragged down such an emotionally charged path that she began Overthinking to the point where she thought she'd black out. At Fia's remark she just shrugged, not being able to think of anything to say either way. Rinaa remembered that in Fia's timeline Fia and Elliott were able to duet together, but Rinaa couldn't relate that to anything in her life. "If I had to make an educated guess on that, I'd say that if she did know, she'd have changed her practice location to somewhere else, somewhere presumably where she thinks none of the family would be." Rinaa ran her hand across the three guitar cases in thought. Her own case was covered in various signatures and drawings. "There's somewhere else I need to go."


Fia being born on Attil hadn't even occurred to John, he just wasn't wired that way. But if it did start looking like that, he'd be getting through the nearest portal to a none magically shielded planet and summoning The House. It could damn well travel across space, he'd had no need to ever do it before, but he knew it could. He had asked Cliff about her home world, and she'd confirmed that it wasn't magically shielded, Attil was an anomaly among planets for being shielded. So he was planning to summon The House there anyway as a place to stay, considering how many of them would be attending. He couldn't help but wonder what the wedding was going to be like. They had said that most of the people there were pilots, medical staff or fighters of some sort and armour was allowed. And there was a threat of a shopping trip looming in the near future. And Elliott had agreed to the ballgown.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia found what Rinaa was saying did echo her thought process and just elaborated on what she initially said. "Exactly why I don't bother" she clarified. She watched as Rinaa ran her hands over the three guitar cases, noticing how hers was pretty much the same as Leah's. "Where's that?" She asked, curious.


Kay had only started thinking about where she'd possibly be having Fia the other day, and that was mostly because she started to feel the pregnancy excelerate which brought all those future plans to the surface. Ideally she really didn't want to have her on Attil, she wanted her somewhere she felt was recognisable and calming for her. Yet she also knew a normal Earth bound hospital was out of the question because they had no idea how the birth was going to go. Not to mention she was pretty sure John wouldn't like that option when Hell would be after her and Fia. She glanced down at herself then back up again. "John? You know we're gonna have to think about the due date soon...right? And where I'm gonna have to be to be safe" she finally said.
Rinaa's shipping container
At the question Rinaa took in a breath, blowing it out slowly, steeling herself to say the words. "Attil" she admitted quietly, not looking Fia in the eye as she spoke. "In this timeline I mean, not back in time..... There's....." she paused, unsure of how to phrase the next part without saying the words 'Elliott's grave, located at the exact spot where he was killed. The point that diverges out two timelines." "There's somewhere there that I need to go to." Rinaa knew she couldn't have spoken more vaguely if she tried. She took her own guitar, slinging it over her shoulder.

At first John didn't say anything, taking a leaf out of Chas' book and collecting his thoughts before he went to speak. He nodded and sighed. "Yeah, we do. We don't have an exact date, so it's all guess work. Your other half says six months, but that doesn't take into account her being early or late. As for where, not Attil, that's a last resort and Cliff wouldn't let it happen we both know that. I'd rather not the apartment, I have neighbours and its not exactly the most secure place." By that he meant the League and a dozen or so others knew its location and would definitely show up at the wrong moment. "I think really The House is the only proper option we've got, we know that it's 100% safe so long as I still own it."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia looked at Rinaa as she quietly spoke, taking in her entire body language along with her tone. She didn't like what she could be possibly needing to do if it was Attil in this timeline she had to go to. Fia knew that if Rinaa was being this vague then it was for a bloody good reason. "I'm guessing you might need to do this alone if you're being this vague? Want me to hang back here with your stuff? If needs be if anything goes down I can cloak your stuff and myself for protection" she suggested.


Kay, being on John's shoulder, felt him take in the deep breath before exhaling to think about what he had to say first. She listened to what he had to say as it was as much of his decision as it was hers, so in her mind it was only right to ask him his opinion. Not to mention she knew out the two of them, he'd know the safest place better. "Then The House it'll be. As for date we never truly worked that out from the date Cliff told us we were even having Fia. If we did it would have life easier" she smirked. "Times like this I wonder if teenage Fia would disclose that piece of information of her birthday because then we'd be able to be prepared" she added.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa nodded, relieved that Fia wasn't going to come with her. She wouldn't have let Fia near the grave anyway, or if she did, she'd unlock the memories so Fia would see it, but not be able to recall it or say anything about it later. Fia was right that she needed to do it alone. She was like John in that regard, seeking solace from dead family and using it as a way to talk to somebody without a chance of them being able to judge or rat him out. "Yeah, it would be best that way." She looked at the stuff around them, the piles of boxes all neatly labelled by place and person. The only two things not dismantled were the generator and computer terminal. "Thanks, its a good idea. If you want you could start bringing the boxes in just to make the side more accessible and I'll re-arrange them later?"


Thankfully Kay agreed with him on that he really didn't want to get into a debate about it, and The House was the obvious choice. And if something did go weird or there was something noticeably different about pheonix births than human births he'd rather that happen in The House and not a hospital with most people. Or anybody who connect all this to him and sell the info to the highest bidder. "Well, she herself couldn't pinpoint a date, as she didn't know about the whole accelerated growth/six month pregnancy thing." At her next remark he shook his head. "I'd rather not know an exact date, a month maybe, so we have a rough idea, but saying the exact date? Surely that's bound to change it just to screw things over."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia could just tell that Rinaa needed to do this alone. She had seen it enough times over her years with her dad on that one day a year he'd go away. She still remembered the first her she was aware of him going and asking her mother about it, just to be told that that day each year he had to go for a little whilst to something personal. But he was coming back, and she trusted Kay wholeheartedly that she was being told the truth that time. She was worried John would never come back but when he did, she ran at him, wrapped her arms around his legs and told him she loved him. She was only 3 at the time, and even had done this god awful but endearing drawing of their family to give to him, to cheer him up. "Sure, I'll do anything to help whilst you're gone. Take your time and I'll obviously be there for when you get back" she said giving her a reassuring smile.


The whole possibilities of it not even being a traditional normal human birth had also crossed her mind several times. It was one reason she had spent as much time the other night on her phone trying to find out mythologies on the phoenix and pregnancies. Except she didn't come out with much at all, as mostly it only gave her info on people believing there could only be one phoenix at a time, which they know to be false. "That's very true, and that's why I feel like Fia hasn't said anything yet. But you're right, a month at least could be helpful" she replied. "With a month known, we'd know when is have to be in The House in isolation so to speak. Not to mention having to get baby supplies ready" she added.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa nodded, pulling up her sleeve and beginning to tap in the coordinates on her device. "Okay, just the boxes will be fine, just put them in two rows, one down each side of the container. Leave the armour boxes outside, and the guitars." She added, gesturing at the wooden and metal trunks that contained her suits of armour. "Feel free to eat anything from that pile, it's all in date, I'll be back soon(ish)" Rinaa couldn't give her a specific time. If she lingered too long on Attil she might do a time travel jump, but she really didn't want to bring up her guts any more times than was necessary. With a hit if the button she vanished, leaving Fia by the stacks of belongings.

Knowing a specific date always changed the past, John had seen it when the Flash got all freaked out about something that was destined to happen in the future and every time he tried to stop it, the date just changed. "I've seen time travel date obsession before, it's damn nasty and I made a public vow that I'd never be as stupid as the rest of them and get obsessed with it." At the next comment he nodded, then groaned. "Theres that, which probably requires us making a massive list of stuff to get. And it means trying to baby proof The House, which is quite literally filled with the most deadly artifacts known to humanity. And the apartments hardly any better, its definetly got mould and there was asbestos at some point."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia listened to the wanted instructions Rinaa gave her, glancing over at the boxes and the stuff to leave so she knew exactly what to move and what to.leave in its current place. "Got it, and thanks. See you soon" she replied and let Rinaa vanish in front of her. She clapped her hands together and walked to the boxes, "okay Fia...time to get back to work" she muttered to herself as self motivation, and she grabbed a couple of boxes and started to put them inside the container just how Rinaa wanted.


Hearing that John had seen first hand what happens when you know an exact date in the future, she totally could understand why he wouldn't want to know the exact date of Fia's birth. She couldn't help but smirk and chuckle at his groan after realising just how right she was about having to plan for everything else that revolved around a baby. "Sounds like we gonna need a team to fix the places up, and not just us two." She commented. "But yeah, we'll definitely need to do a massive list from everything to baby clothes to crib" she added.
Rinaa's shipping container
The boxes were deceptively heavy and not just the ones filled with books. They were labelled with a variety of names and places including 'library books (probably overdue)' 'local comic book store' 'STAR Labs library' 'The House (Yeah, I'm not the only one stealing magical books in this family, might want to look into that)' and 'F53'. There was a box labelled for Chas/Trish, another for John and multiple labelled for Jay. Nothing had been labelled for Kay and Fia, Rinaa had considering being spiteful in her will and leaving them something that served as a metaphor for her life, but refrained against it, instead leaving some brutally cutting last words. It would be after about ten minutes that the dog would show up. A black-grey animal that looked far more wolfish than a regular dog. It sat at the entrance of the container and watched Fia with what could only be described as a judgemental expression.

John nodded, he could rope in a few people for DIY, Chas, Elliott and Trish would no doubt be up for it. Maybe Jay, but he'd let Elliott handle that. The House would be more of a matter of rearranging it and vaulting up certain areas so they couldn't be accessed by anybody that didn't match his exact description down to the number and arrangement of hair on his head, the percentage of demon blood to red blood cells and the way in which his muscles moved in order to smirk. He'd also be doing some re-warding of the place, strengthening the apartment. "I can get people, as for a list I guess starting as soon as possible is the best way to deal with this."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia was minding her own business for a while, despite how heavy some of the boxes were, she managed to get them all in. She cheated slightly by activating her strength rune to make things easier for herself and as per usual for her, hummed away as she worked. She went to get the last box that needed moving when she stopped in her tracks seeing the large dog watching her. As she truly looked at it, she saw it wasn't a dog as such but more of a wolf. She didn't think it could be Rinaa, as she wouldn't have thought she'd show up like that, but then she has been wrong before. "Rinaa?" She cautiously asked. Figuring that if it wasn't, and someone appeared asking her who was Rinaa, she could just make up a story about Rinaa about the name of her dog.


Kay didn't need to think that much about who John would ask to rope in for some DIY around his apartment, to her it was pretty obvious it'd be Chas and Elliott and anyone else he trusted in his home. She nodded as he said about making a list. "Yeah, it'd make sense to start sooner than later really, but it can wait a little bit longer, at least...until we get back to Cal's." She replied with a smirk. "You wanna continue the day out or stay here under the blue tree?" She asked.
Rinaa's shipping container
The dog gave no response of any kind, nothing to indicate that it was Rinaa (or anybody else who had a wolf-dog second form). It just sat there at the container door. At first it's eyes had been following Fia's movements as she lugged the boxes around. How long it had been there was hard to place, it was a silent moving animal. But now it sat there, staring Fia down with blue-grey eyes. It wore no collar but a trip to a vets would reveal it had been microchipped with a couple of addresses listed as places to return it. From this distance no discernable gender could be made out. When Fia would go over to approach it would make no move away from her, instead holding its ground.

John had absaloutly no intention of starting a list right that minute. For once he simple wanted to enjoy the day and try no to think of the craziness to come. And as soon as the started making the list he had a feeling that they weren't going to stop any time soon. He learnt that with Elliott there was always something missing no matter how hard or long you spent looking for everything. "I wasn't suggesting starting now, that'd be stupid." At her tree comment he rolled his eyes. "I was thinking of getting some of these actually, for the weirdo garden shrine thing in The House. Blue leaves would totally work for remodel." He smirked in a way that made it extremely difficult to know whether he was making this all up about The House or whether he was being 100% serious on the matter.
Rinaa's shipment container

The moment the dog gave no indication that it was Rinaa, she got curious. She noticed it had no collar, so therefore may not have an owner currently. She slowly walked forward to step out of the container, walked over to the dog and saw it didn't take that opportunity to move away. So she sat on the ground in front of it, and as she suspected it definitely didn't have a collar. "where you'd come from huh?" She asked, she cautiously held her hand out to show she meant no harm, before slowly placing her hand on its head and giving it a scratch behind the ears. She was also using this moment to feel for any signs it was microchipped, which she found it was.


Kay didn't think for a moment that he meant in that split moment, mostly because neither had a pen and paper and only their phones on them. "Oh I wasn't thinking that either" she confirmed. As for his second remark, she really couldn't tell if he was serious or not. "Hate that particular smirk of yours, can never tell if you're being serious or not" she told him.
Rinaa's shipping container
The dog's fur was wiry and the tell-tale lump of a microchip could be felt in the back of their neck. It of course didn't answer her question, not having the ability to speak English. But that wasn't Fia's biggest problem at that moment in time. Her question was answered, but in a different way. A hand grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and before Fia could react, she was slammed against the wall of the container. A dagger was put at her throat, an iron one, honed to a deadly, serrated edge. The wielder of the knife was Jay, her eyes a dark gunmetal grey, almost shark like, darker in colour than Fia would ever have seen them before. "They're Leah's." She said by means of explanation as the other two slunk out from behind the other containers. They had the same black-grey fur, but different markings of white and silver that distinguished them. "Which leads to the more important question, what the fuck are you doing here and where's my daughter?"


John's smirk only grew at the Kay's remark. "You're not the only one it pisses off, which is why I love using it." He pushed back the loose bits of hair that had been getting on his nerves for the past while. "But in this case, it's the truth. The House does have a couple of gardens and pagoda like things along with a kind of Buddhist temple. It's a surprisingly good landscape artist that House. A friend of mine used to go there a lot, being psychic an' all, claimed it helped 'em to ocus....never found out if that was true or not." He finished with a shrug. There was of course more to that particular story, but John didn't feel like going down that rabbit hole any time soon.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia wasn't expecting the dog to answer, it was just the thing that people seemed to do with animals. She was thrown off guard however when she was slammed into the container and an iron knife held at her neck, it's very element starting to burn her skin. She gritted her teeth tightly as she heard the words come to her. She looked around seeing the other two appear, and she knew if she didn't think on her feet soon, she was going to be in serious trouble. "I know they are! I'm helping her sort the stuff out! She's on Attil for one last thing she needed to do! I'm not the Fia you know, so get rid of the iron knife...yeah?" She explained, the burning on her neck getting too much to handle. She didn't want to have to use magic to get out of this situation but she was prepared to if Jay wouldn't believe her.


It was Kay's turn now to roll her eyes at something he said. She listened to him say it was actually the truth and she found yet again The House amazing her even when she wasn't in it. She sensed there was more to the story but didn't let, she knew when John's as willing to divulge further into a story and when he wasn't. Just like he seemed to know when to ask for more of her stories and when to not ask. "That's actually... Pretty damn awesome. Might have to see if The House will let me see them" she replied. The idea of possibly spending the last trimester of her pregnancy in a garden sounded like heaven.
Rinaa's shipping container
As she spoke, Jay's eyes narrowed to slits, but apart from that there was no reaction. This was far from the Jay in Fia's timeline. This one was even tougher and gave even less away. She made her decision quickly, her left hand shifting from the collar without warning, pressing the pressure point on her neck that would paralyse Fia's muscles for the next ten minutes or so. The knife was drawn back only marginally, it wasn't touching Fia's skin any more, but barely. Jay pressed her left index finger to Fia's forehead and at the same time the ink under Jay's skin flared up. At some point between the Jay on Attil and the Jay in front of her now she had aquired facial subdermals, winding around her eyes and across her cheekbones. Pulling back the finger a strand of bronze followed it. The strand had a helix curve, but wasn't DNA. Jay's eyes flashed as she read the shape of Fia's time stream. "I believe you." She pulled away the knife fully and took and step back. "Which leads to the question, why are you here in this timeline?"


"Yep it is. Its really just a matter of finding it. But there's a trick for that." John reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a ball of yarn that looked far too big to fit in his pocket, as there had been no noticeable bulge or mishapeness to it. "My way is to just wander around til you find it which usually results in getting lost in three é for a couple of days. But a friend figured out that tying string from one place to another means the layout along that route stays the same. But this particular ball is magical and designed for use in labyrinths. It's pretty much infinite in length and changes size too." This wasn't the original ball used in the original labyrinth but instead a 'second edition'.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia could tell only thing. That this Jay seriously hates this timeline's Fia just as much as Rinaa does. It only solidified just how much of a bitch her other self truly was. She kept eye contact with Jay the entire time, knowing from her training and lessons from John to never take your eye off the enemy if you're put into a tight spot such as this. She felt the pressure in her neck and felt her lose the use of her muscles so she couldn't use her magic against her. Even from the tiniest move away from her skin, she could still feel burn on her from the knife, even having it close to her caused a reaction. Deep down it actually terrified her as this was the first true time she came into contact with iron and it's power against her. She let Jay do whatever she felt she needed to, not that she had much choice in it, but the fact it made Jay believe her, she was thankful. She sighed with relief as she pulled away properly, "as I said, I'm helping her sort her belongings out, she needed an extra set of hands and I offered. We met in another timeline.." she explained, trying to not too much as she didn't know how much everyone knew.


Kay glanced down and saw him pull out the ball of yarn, curious to how that manages to be in his coat pocket. Listening to the two options of how to find it, she definitely thought his friend had the better idea in this instance. "That is so cool, and your mate definitely had the better idea for this. It's so simple but smart. Better than using M&M's" she smirked, half referencing Supernatural and half referencing what she once did when she went on a woodland hike as a kid.
Rinaa's shipping container
Jay kept up the poker face the whole time, the three dogs circling at her feet. Rinaa had left them with her before she vanished on her through time, leaving only a note as a way of explanation. "It's more complicated than that and you know that. It's not a different timeline. YET." The last syllable was spat out with proper anger. Jay had no intention of telling this Fia exactly what she knew about the whole situation. She may be different to the Fia Jay knew, but she still didn't trust at all. "The right answer is that you met before the divergence point, the event that causes this timeline and the one you know to split from one another. Which means you went to Attil seventeen years ago. Why?"


"Yep, it was one of her better ones. A lot of them were shite and wound up getting one or the other of us nearly killed and Chas actually killed. Though they weren't a patch on my shite ideas, so that a good thing." He tucked the ball of yarn away, the trenchcoats shape not changing whatsoever to accommodate it. At her next comment he groaned "rule number one for trying to find your way, never use food. Floor food is always attractive to somebody, be it human or otherwise." John was guilty of eating floor food and often did when Elliott and Chas weren't around to stop or judge him. "Wat to get moving and see some more of this place?"
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Rinaa's shipment container

Fia really didn't like how this version of Jay was being with her, but knowing briefly what this timeline's Fia was like, she wasn't surprised she was getting brunt of the hostility for it. She listened to Jay summarise how her and Rinaa met and nodded. "You're right. We did meet on Attil back then. She went to meet Elliott, I went because I needed help saving my mom from that time's dad. I didn't want to lose my mom okay? And im not comfortable disclosing why I need past him and not my timeline's version of him. So you're not going to get it out of me. That's how I could offer my aid in helping out here." She explained, trying to remain civil despite not getting it back. She really hoped Rinaa would hurry up back and vouch for her.


Kay listened and wasn't surprised even his friend got them into trouble with certain ideas. It seemed to her he attracted that sort of company. "Trust me...I learned that quickly. Getting lost in woods is not fun but I was a kid, that's my excuse anyway" she replied, before giving her answer to his next question. "Yeah, I'm good to get moving again" she said.

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