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It was only after Fia had been born had Kay realised that she had re-broken John's finger and felt bad about it. Like him, she too swore she was to never go through this again, it was excruciating to do and feeling her powers and fire dancing all round her was unbearable. She had never felt the heat from her own flame but this was the first time in her life she had felt it, something she never wanted to feel again. However it did give her even more respect for John and Cal to withstand what they did from her during this time. She was just glad that she didn't have to go through it all alone, even if it did make John feel rather helpless in giving her any kind of relief from it all. She looked down at Fia and at John as he leaned in more to look at their daughter's eyes, she saw a glimmer of his thoughts on his face, but decided to not bring it up for wanting to respect his private thoughts, just as she always did. "no prize guesses for what she inherited from each of us" she commented, clearly worn out. Glancing across the room, she saw all the things that had been pre-prepared for the birth, noticing the blanket to wrap Fia in. As she tried to sit up a little, she slightly wobbled into John's side whilst trying to not drop Fia in the process. "We should wrap Fia up in the blanket over there...before the others decide they can't wait any longer to check on us....especially Cliff" she then said before yawning a little, unaware she used their daughter's name without a second thought. It just came to her mind like she somehow already knew that was her name. Like their kid somehow told her her name without even speaking.
"And John? I'm sorry about your hand..." She apologised finally, before glancing back at their girl almost still in disbelief that she even did what she just did. It baffled her immensely still and figured it would for a long time to come, but the biggest thing she kept thinking to herself was how she would protect this child with everything she had, just as her own mother tried to do for her. She had felt the wave of magic and Fia's aura blast through The House outwardly and as delirious she currently was, she was now more concerned about hers and Fia's safety. If she felt that power, she could be certain everyone and everything else did as well. "I'm also scared for her safety right now..." She couldn't stop herself from saying out loud as she partially relied on John to remain remotely upright and awake. During this time Fia simply just stared at them both wide eyed, the complete opposite to Kay's state. Fia was just able to wriggle her hands enough for it be considered a proper movement- a sign of her being healthy, whilst making gurgling noises rather than crying, a welcome thing to Kay as she didn't want to hear a baby crying even if it was technically to be a normal thing for newborns, but Fia was no normal baby. She was a Hale and a Constantine through and through, normality didn't apply to her.
Fia's birth had indeed caused a tidal wave of immense power rush through the world, every dangerous being getting wind of it. "It's happened... A youngling has come into the world. The scent is so strong I can practically taste it. The smell of innocence and raw power" one demon soldier commented.....
"And John? I'm sorry about your hand..." She apologised finally, before glancing back at their girl almost still in disbelief that she even did what she just did. It baffled her immensely still and figured it would for a long time to come, but the biggest thing she kept thinking to herself was how she would protect this child with everything she had, just as her own mother tried to do for her. She had felt the wave of magic and Fia's aura blast through The House outwardly and as delirious she currently was, she was now more concerned about hers and Fia's safety. If she felt that power, she could be certain everyone and everything else did as well. "I'm also scared for her safety right now..." She couldn't stop herself from saying out loud as she partially relied on John to remain remotely upright and awake. During this time Fia simply just stared at them both wide eyed, the complete opposite to Kay's state. Fia was just able to wriggle her hands enough for it be considered a proper movement- a sign of her being healthy, whilst making gurgling noises rather than crying, a welcome thing to Kay as she didn't want to hear a baby crying even if it was technically to be a normal thing for newborns, but Fia was no normal baby. She was a Hale and a Constantine through and through, normality didn't apply to her.
Fia's birth had indeed caused a tidal wave of immense power rush through the world, every dangerous being getting wind of it. "It's happened... A youngling has come into the world. The scent is so strong I can practically taste it. The smell of innocence and raw power" one demon soldier commented.....