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Fandom Into the fire (1x1 MzHyde/Gallifrog)

Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa didn't hold back, her hands gripped the handle so tightly her knuckles practically became white. Her stance was solid, one fitt forwards the other back and with her ambidextrous nature she was able to take swings from both the left and the right. Her eyes narrowed and she let the shelf have it, channeling the sadness, fear and anger that were ever-present in her life into the task. It wasn't frenzied hitting, it was rhythmic and paced and performed with a deadly elegance, but it was fully evident that she was taking out her emotions into the structure. Her arms were muscular from years of training, practicing and general labour. This wasn't her first rodeo. The wooden slats of the shelf boards were pulverised, the metal frame left twisted and useless by the time they were finished. Rinaa kicked the mangled support frame. "I should probably cut this up into smaller pieces it'll just be easier to bring for scrap." She explained, depositing the sledgehammer outside.

Whne it came to certain things John wanted them to be spot on, other times he didn't care what kind of shite was spewed out. "Irony and ridiculousness is just a given at this stage." John remarked drily. He couldn't even figure out what genre his life would fall under any more. It certainly didnt fit under just one category unless 'absaloute shit show' counted as a category. "My life goals aren't as ambitious or deep, my plan has really been to stay alive and make sure all of get off this planet in one piece, aliens, humans and unborn alike." In the distance the city was growing bigger. Devra cities were highly planned with different zones for different regions. The area they were heading towards was an area for housing.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia noticed the way Rinaa was bashing at the shelves and it was obvious to her that Rinaa was using it as an outlet even though it wasn't brash and all over the place. She really couldn't blame her either, as if the roles were reversed, she'd be doing exactly the same thing. With it all done, she put the sledgehammer down and lifted the goggles up onto top of her head. "yeah, probably a good idea" Fia nodded. "What you want me to do next Captain?" She asked.


He wasn't wrong Kay thought. Their lives were a given for irony, ridiculousness and who knows what else. It followed them and was latched onto them like a damn plague. She listened to him saying a out life goals and she had to agree it was a solid if not predictable goal. She wanted the same thing after all. "I get that. I've lived by a similar plan myself after all as you know. Can't really live on the streets without living by that plan. Well.. by the staying alive part anyway. And yeah, I want the same thing for us, for all of us" she told him as she saw the city and buildings getting larger and larger as they drew closer to them.
Rinaa's shipping container
The title go amiss on Rinaa, who smirked, swapping out her steampunk goggles for a pair of polarised ones. "There's nothing that really can be done while I'm cutting this stuff. So I think staying out of the way of the angle grinder is a good plan for now." She reached down and pulled up her angle grinder, bearing it like it was her weapon of choice in the zombie apocalypse. It was safe to say she had the majority of a chop shop in the one small container, and judging by the oil stains on the floor she'd used it as a garage many a time. Once again her phone started ringing, playing the Avengers main soundtrack theme. She gave it a dirty look. "Actually, do me a favour and mute that bloody thing, before I consider chopping it in half with the angle grinder."


John knew his life goals could sound incredibly selfish, putting himself first, but he knew that if he didn't take the risk and be willing to fight on behalf of everybody else, there would be very few who would do it in his place. Plus he was a big fan of living. He wasn't exactly looking forwards to his death and the inevitable torment of Hell that was waiting for him. When he did eventually kick it the bucket there would be uproar in Hell. "Yeah, this place has me on my guard, y'know I don't think thud really have that much a problem with you as they would with me." He remarked, thinking out loud.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia nodded at what Rinaa said, seeing her pick up the angle grinder. She was about to reply about that not being a problem by her in any way when Rinaa's phone went off, clearly annoying her. "Sure thing" she replies, walking over to Rinaa's phone and putting it onto mute for her, whilst she checked the status of her own phone, remembering she put it on charge. It still had a little way to go so she left it be, and then proceeded to move out the way, standing by the open container door instead but outside.


For the most part, Kay didn't blame John for coming across as relatively selfish in his plans in life. Sometimes selfishness was warranted, so she wasn't going to try and drill that out of him. She didn't want to change John in any matter. Sure, there were aspects of him that irritated her like his self loathing, but she no doubt had aspects of herself that probably irritated him also, she still wouldn't change him. She loved him for him, and knew deep down he cared a lot about the people he let be around him. "It's understandable all things considered, and you think huh?" She replied, glancing up at him finding the last part of what he said interesting.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa's phone had an obnoxiously large amount of missed calls. The current caller had a caller ID photo of a Batarang and was imaginitvely named 'the other Kane'. Rinaa plugged in the angle grinder, so glad she'd thought to buy a generator for the place otherwise she'd have to either buy a huge amount of batteries or rely on petrol for everything. Cutting everything down to size didn't take long. Rinaa went for roughly half metres lengths of metal. Sparks flew off as she cut the metal, but they didn't bother her. Rinaa's fear of fire was strangely specific to one kind. With that done she bundled up the pieces, tying then together with some bailing twine she had lying around. She turned on the phone, looked at the tally of missed messages/calls and sighed. "Just saying, the other you is a real bitch, I'm bloody dying and have been AWOL for a few days and my ex has called more times than she has."


John nodded, he'd been giving it some thought the past while. "Yeah I do. The Devra don't have a problem wihh immortal races, it's one of the rarest Devra mutations. They don't have problems with pyros and they'd don't have problems with any of the really ancient races or tribes of the universe. And strictly speaking a pheonix isn't a magic user, it's closer to an element manipulator. Or a being with an elemtal affinity. What the Devra have a problem with is people like me who consciously use magic and know they are doing it, who have the option not to use it. The magic of the pheonix can't just be ignored or not used like mine can be."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia found the whole name ID rather intriguing. She only knew of certain Kane families, and that was the Kane family who were linked to Bruce Wayne. She shook the thoughts from her mind knowing if she didn't she'd be thinking about it far too much for her own good. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Rinaa speak up to her about this timeline's version of herself. "Bloody hell...the more I hear about her the more I'm glad she's nothing like me. Makes me wanna punch her lights out just on principle" she replied to Rinaa.


Kay listened to everything he was saying and it was clear to her that he had given this some serious thought. As he went on, the more it seemed to make sense to her as she never thought of herself in that manner before, or at least, her bloodline like that before. "Never thought of it like before, but it makes sense." She replied to him. "Either way, I got your back no matter what happens." She added, honestly. It did make her think about Fia being who she was.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa nodded at the comment. "There's a queue for that,which pretty much consists of every friend I have. And the other Kay is just as bad as the other version of you. The exact same amount of messages and calls." There was something in her voice, a narrow eyed annoyance that not even her impending death could get a proper reaction from them. "At least the others are actually trying to get in contact, but I've removed all trackers from the phone and the bikes and the armour. There's very few ways of finding me now." She dumped the pile of metal pieces outside the container. Rinaa sat herself down on the mattress and pulled a box in front of her to act as makeshift desk to work at the typewriter from. "The inside of the container still need ato be cleaned down with acetone, but that can wait a while I think."


"As I said, I've been doing a lot of thinking on this, since Elliott came here, I figured I might as well try and see what's going on with this lot. See just what exactly we've gotten ourselves into." He shrugged by way of explanation. It had started as a way of trying to figure out what exactly it was the certain power corrupted Devra had against magic, but with the arrival of Fia and the knowledge that Elliott was going to die at some point in the near future he'd done more research, last thing he needed was to lose his time travelling kid to an alien race in the past. He was pretty sure his future self would have some damn serious issues with that. "Hopefully nothing happens, but I somehow doubt that."
Rinaa's shipment container

If this was any other situation, and any other person, Fia would have apologised for the actions of her family, but it didn't feel like the right situation to do so and she just nodded in response, not knowing what to say. It's not like she could say anything to change it. "That's fine, until you need me to do anything else, I'm gonna sit up top of the container" she replied to her next comment about the deep clean of the container, stepping away just enough to get a running jump and jumped up onto the roof of the container, sitting down and swinging her legs off the edge. She glanced down at her arms and wondered if she could use magic whilst in this timeline or not, she had no intention to actually use it, she was just curious.


"I get that" Kay replied to him after he have an explanation of how he came to all those conclusions. Ever since Fia came to them, she had deep down wondered about her safety when it came to the Devra, so when John told her to not use magic no matter what, she was fully in agreement with him on that decision. She didn't want to lose their future kid, as not only was she convinced their future selves would be incredibly angry at it, she didn't know if that affect the unborn version of her. As much as the idea of being pregnant shocked her and she wasn't ready to go through it, seeing grown up Fia did make her want to protect their child fiercely. "You know...I think that's the first time I've heard mention the word hope in your thoughts" she smirked, giving him a playful nudge with her shoulder. "I must be rubbing off on you after all, even a little bit" she teased.
Rinaa's shipping container
"Knock yourself out"
she replied, before giving both a piece of advice and something to do. "Don't break my solar panels they were damn expensive. And if you see anything weird, give a shout." With that said she turned to the typewriter, at first her gestures were hesitant as Rinaa flicked back and forth between the outline she'd made earlier in the notebook and the machine in front of her. But she quickly got back into the flow of typing, the keys making a strange kind of metallic music. She made four copies of the same document, each typed out individually, photocopying ruined the whole aesthetic of a typed note she felt. After that it was just a matter of typing labels for all the boxes and various other items now left in the container. Rinaa leaned back stretching her arms out, letting the crack of her bones be heard.

Although the Devra wouldn't have a problem with the natural magic, John knew they would with Fia's learned stuff and runes. They weren't a stupid race, far from it. He didn't doubt that somebody knew the difference between a magic rune and a non magical one. Their entire alphabet was composed of runes in the first place. So the magic ban was probably the smartest thing he'd done in the past few days (in his opinion). At Kay's remark he realised what exactly he'd said. Though he had followed it up immediately with a negative, so in his mind that cancelled the positive out. "Maybe, maybe" was all he said in response, with a smirk that somehow managed to be contemplative.
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Rinaa's shipment container

"Don't worry I won't, I'll just sit on the edge and sure thing" Fia reassured her, before she got up top and did exactly as she said she would. She found the spot at the edge that meant she could sit up there without sitting on a solar panel. Amidst her thoughts she kept an eye out for anything weird or bad even though she didn't think anything could happen. She still kept a keen eye out however, knowing anything could happen when you least expect it. The sound of the type writer clicking and clanking as Rinaa typed didn't strangely get on her nerves, which she thought it would have done. She did however look down as Rinaa stopped, leaned back and cracked her bones. That action she did know well from not just Leah but herself as well, when she took a break from working long hours on either her 'school work' or her other studies.


Kay always thought that John was smarter than he always gave himself credit for and telling Fia to not even think about using magic was definitely a smart decision. She was also glad that Fia took it upon herself to always wear her jacket when she went out, to hide said runes. As for John's previous comment, to her it also didn't count as cancelled out positive from when he followed it up with a negative. She noticed his smirk looking almost contemplative as he said what he did. "Maybe is better than a flat out no, so I'll take it" She smirked back with a chuckle. She was pretty sure not that long ago he would have denied picking up her traits or train of thought, so even though it was just a maybe, she was take it with both hands.
Rinaa's shipping container
It really wouldn't have been too big of a deal if the solar panels had been broken, but Rinaa took pride in keeping her equipment and belongings in fully functional order. She stretched again, rolling her neck around to relieve the slight tension in her muscles. She folded the four document copies, neatly slotting them into their envelopes which she'd already taken the liberty of labelling. One was addressed to Jay, one to Cal, Cliff and Dan, one for Chas, John, Fia and Kay (she'd written the names in order of favourites for that particular envelope, with Kay and Fia on the same line) and the final envelope was addressed to 'the true friends and coworkers of Facility 53'. Just to ensure that there could be no possible ambiguity as to who took what, Rinaa began to label everything, using invisible tape to secure everything down. "You want the good news or bad news first?" She called up to Fia.

The whole covering up the runes was something John hadn't instantly thought of whne giving his conditions, but if he had it would have been firmly there at the top. Which led him to question the motives of the blacksmith/adoptive father figure for Cal. His runes were clearly magical, but had either been inked over as a disguise or counter banded so they didn't work. Their presence in the first place meant that there was more to him than met the eye. At Kay's remark he half smiled. "I suppose it is." He knew full well that he never would have admitted anything of the sort under different circumstances. By now they had reached the edge of the city and found themselves walking through the housing estates, the buildings were fairly normal, mainly steel, glass and rock constructions averaging two or three stories in height with sharply pitched rooves for the rainy stormy season. Built into the road was a system of drainage channels that diverted all water towards either the canal system or one of the various rivers.
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Rinaa's shipment container

Fia was enjoying the time up above whilst letting Rinaa do what she needed to as she could tell what she was doing must be a personal thing to a certain extent. She found herself just randomly flitting through thoughts but not really focusing on anything particular, only snapping out of them when Rinaa called up to her, asking what type of news she wants first. "hit me with the bad news first" she replied, as she pakoured her way back down to the ground level and to Rinaa so she wouldn't have to raise her voice to be heard.


Kay was curious at first about Dan's runes that he clearly had, but after that initial curiosity that lasted only a few minutes, she never thought about it again. Fia on the other hand was the one that was highly interested by them. She smiled slightly smugly when he agreed in a weird typical John Constantine way to her words. As they reached the edge of the city and to the housing area, she looked around at the buildings and general area noting how normal it looked compared to everything else they had seen so far. "Might have to stop for a little bit when we get to the city of you're good with that, could do with a restbite" she told him, knowing it was down to the pregnancy.
Rinaa's shipping container
It seemed like that was the way everybody Rinaa knew answered the question that way, picking the bad news first and leaving the better news for later. She did it herself, even on the day of her diagnosis when Cliff had given a choice between the good news and the bad news (the good news being that she wasn't going crazy and imagining things like she feared). On that day she'd said 'hit me with the bad news first doc, bring it on, I can take it'. She could take it, but as soon as Cliff had given the diagnosis and reconfirmed the results for the millionth time she'd left the room by the window, taken her bike and driven away to be alone. "The bad news is that I have two other storage units, both of them are off world. One is my pilot locker, and the other is an armour and clothing unit." She paused to let the words sink in before giving the good news. "The good news is that only one needs to be emptied and I've already boxed everything up and scrubbed the inside, so it's just a matter of transporting it here. And telepprting doesn't make me throw my guts up."


John could practically see the words 'it's all so normal' written all over Kay's face as she took in the housing. For ground level housing there wasn't really much that could be improved besides insulation, storm resistance, flooding resistance and earthquake proofing. "I know, it looks crazy normal by our Earth standards. There's really no way to improve on ground housing for this landscape, or so call says, it's all earthquake and storm proofed as those are the two big natural disasters around here. Or at least that's what Cal said, and she did live here, so she should know." When her next remark came in a few minutes later he nodded. "No arguments from me on that."
Rinaa's shipment container

Pretty much like everyone in her life, Fia always went for the bad news first. It seemed like it was almost like an unwritten rule that people always go for the bad news first to get it out of the way. Listening to the bad news it was a bit to take in, even if it wasn't surprising considering Rinaa's upbringing and life. "Okay.." she replied as she then let Rinaa explain the good news. "that's definitely good news. On both parts. So which one needs transporting over?" She asked.


Hearing John seemingly replying to her thoughts, she had to smirk slightly. She listened to everything he was explaining, finding that if Cal said it then it probably was true as she would know better than either of them. As he agreed that taking a break was welcomed by him when they reached the city, she was glad for it. She was used to people disagreeing with her on those sort of things and trying to make her continue even if she couldn't move any further, and Fee was definitely one that went into that category. "Good good because I'd have made you stop either way" she smirked at him.
Rinaa's shipping container
The lack of vomiting was something Rinaa had only realised after she took her first time travel trip. Up until then she'd only been teleporting with no side effects, but time displacement just screwed her sideways every time. "The armour and clothing is what needs to be moved, the other one....well different customs, it's not worth emptying and it'll set off some red flags." As she talked, she began to key in the coordinates and other location details into the device on her wrist. "I'll be able to keep a portal open long enough to transport all the boxes through the breach. And I'm taking my second best set of armour with me, they can't really refuse me that." She knew she'd get a reaction from John for the armour and quite frankly she didn't feel like showing the world what she looked like in a dress, it wasn't worth it in her mind.

John made sure not to swerve in the direction of Elliott's childhood home. He doubted Elliott would have a great issue with it, but there was a hell of a lot of emotion connected with the place and he couldn't be sure how Elliott would take it. "And I might actually have listened for once." He smirked, turning in the direction of the canal bridge. The various sections of the city were divided by the canal system with acted as both a transport system for water and for people as well as being used for hydroelectric power further down where it joined the river. The bridge was nowhere as near as impressive as those over the gorge, this one was functional for both pedestrians and traffic, leading them towards the heart of the city.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia took note of what needed to be moved over as Rinaa started tapping in the coordinates for where they needed to go. "Got it." She replied. She decided to leave her jacket and hooded cardigan here at the container as she knew she wouldn't need them just for bringing over boxes to this container. "So you're going for the armour route for the wedding huh?" She said, with a smirk. She personally was going to dress up as she did enjoy it mostly because she loved shocking everyone around her that she could look like a young woman and not this tom boy girl who loved to fight. She always got the looks and remarks of "bloody hell there is a daughter behind all that black clothing" and the likes. It was also the only times in her life she wore any make up and proper heels.


Kay smirked back at his comment on actually listening for once if she told him he was to stop whether he wanted to or not. "Good to know!" She replied. She looked all over the canal system and although the bridge was a lot more basic in comparison, it did have a kind of vibe and urban feel about it all still. She was actually glad mostly that they were reaching the heart of the city finally. She realised it really wasn't a lie that the walk was long, but she enjoyed it none the less. She knew if she wasn't pregnant she would enjoy the walk even more.
Rinaa's shipping container
In a way Rinaa/Leah was just like Fia that they could both be absolute stunners when they wanted to be. Rinaa/Leah still kept the rough and tough vibe to her. But unlike Fia she felt like a fish out of water and believed that 'dolling up' made her look worse and not better. The only form fitting clothes she was ever seen in was armour, and that showed off her honed, athletes body perfectly. Rinaa/Leah would quite literally run from make up and Leah had jumped out a window to avoid a make over. "That I most definitely am. Dresses and generally 'female clothing' aren't my thing. I feel awful in them and look even worse. I know you're not going down the armour route, so what is the plan?"

She hit the button and they found themselves a outside a lockup, a small one this time, maybe a metre and half wide and two metres high and long. There was no side effects, just a sort of feeling like being squeezed through a narrow hole. As promised the breach stayed open behind them. The lock-up was bolted with a large padlock. She produced the key and heaved up the rolling slat door. As promised everything was already boxed up, labelled and sealed with tape.

The city was alive, but lacked the full on atmosphere of 'something's happening' that the base had. The rhythmn was slower, but not sluggish, things happened here. The majority of people were golden eyed Devra, but there were other alien types there too. The bridge emerged into one of the various parks that dotted the city, home to trees, plants and animals that could only be described as alien. The majority of plants were green, but there were blue leaved plants that looked almost fake to John and he had to check they were real by sticking a hand into the leaves.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia smirked at Rinaa's reply about wearing anything feminine. "Leah is the same as you. She can look amazing if she did, but refuses to. You're right in thinking I'm not going down the armour route, I'm thinking a dress of some kind, not decided on style yet but thinking something red." She replied to her.
When they found themselves by the other container, she noted how much smaller it was than the one on Earth they were dealing with. Giving Rinaa the space to open the container up, she did see how it was exactly as Rinaa said. "Alright! Let's do this!" She spoke, walking Olin and started grabbing boxes to being them across through the breach a couple at a time.


The whole scenery definitely had a different vibe to it, but it still looked exotic to her, but then anything on Attil seemed to have that feel to her because it wasn't Earth. She saw John run his hands through blue leaves and chuckled as it honestly reminded her of when a child does it. "You're like a child right now" she commented, "but it's all very Pandora to me so I can't blame you for wanting to check if they're real" she smiled, taking a closer look herself.
Rinaa's shipping container
Hearing it from Fia, Rinaa still didn't believe it. Instead she just shrugged it off with. "Guessing that's one of those differences between the two timelines." At Fia's outfit comment she nodded. Red would work with her hair, but she'd have to be careful of the shades. Clashing red would be a nightmare. She didn't say any of the aloud, instead she bagn hauling the boxes. There was considerably less of them, but she still managed to have three labelled 'nerdy science/movie t-shirts' and a whole box devoted to 'criminally exciting socks'. When writing the labels Rinaa had made them funny, knowing the otherwise she'd start crying as the fact that she was dismantling her life sunk in. Rinaa left the locker door open, returning both sets of keys for the padlock. Her lease on this unit was up in a couple of days. With the last box through she closed the hole and looked at the boxes outside the shipping container. The bikes were the main reason for the container, as they took up the most space. To see her life boxed up so neatly, and to see how little it truly amounted to, it struck Rinaa deeply and an expression of utter, drowning sadness came over her.

At the remark, John stuck his back in the leaves again, deciding that he was going to park himself against the blue tree and stay there a while. "Come on, the tree is bloody blue! Artifical colours and flavours blue! You're telling me I'm not supposed to make sure that it's not some kind of high tech alien air filtration system or a by product or toxins or an entrance to secret lair?" He said by means of explanation. At the mention of the name Pandora he pulled a face. " Met her, she's an absaloute bitch. Power crazy and extraordinarily vain and self obsessed. Contrary to the stories, she knew full what was in that jar and had no problems with opening and unleashing it."
Rinaa's shipment container

If Fia went down the route of red, she'd go dark burgundy red, this much she knew. Though she did always wonder about navy as well, which lead her to the decision at the time to go on that shopping trip with everyone else when they all would come to a decision to a actually go. All the talk did make her wonder what Kay would do considering she would have to find something that would allow the room for the unborn version of herself.
With everything moved over to the earth container, it amazed Fia how compact Rinaa's life truly became, seeing it all in front of them in boxes. "You gonna be okay?" She asked, concern for Rinaa in her tone of voice. She wanted to give her a friendly hug or arm over the shoulder but wasn't sure how Rinaa would take it, so she awkwardly stood beside her only.


Kay chuckled at his reaction, as she sat on the ground against the tree. "I'm not saying that at all, it's just childlike in your curiosity. There's nothing wrong with it though, it's endearing to see" she started replying, when he went off on one about Pandora the girl which made her laugh and shake her head at him. "I was on about the planet in Avatar but good to know she's a bitch and one to avoid" she laughed some more.
Rinaa's shipping container
Looking at everything laid out in of her Rinaa couldn't help but wonder 'is this all? Is this the sum total of my life here before my eyes? This is what my life comes down to? Six bikes, a typewriter and a bunch of boxes?' If it weren't for the bikes everything she owned could have fit into her smaller locker with enough room left over to be able to jam in the fridge and sling up a hammock. Standing there and seeing how little it amounted to, it made her wonder what even was the point of it. Was there even a point to existance? Or was it just specific to her existance? If they'd known all those years ago what her life was going to be like would they even have decided it was worth it? The questions she couldn't answer swirled around her brain and across her face. Rinaa wanted to mourn her life, but couldn't even find it in her to do that. At Fia's questions she said nothing for a while before responding with "Does it even matter anymore?"


John just rolled his eyes and made a mental note to ask one of the aliens he knew the utterly childish sounding question of 'why are the tree leaves blue?'. It was strange now, how he'd known aliens for years and (with the exception of Elliott) he hadn't trusted any of them, due them being members of the League or trying to destroy Earth to build a Pan-Galactic highway. Now that Kay said what she said what she actually meant by Pandora, it made far more sense than his brain jumping to conclusions about Greek mythology. "That Pandora is very cool" he remarked sitting down,checking the trunk to see if it was real too while he was at it. "The other Pandora's a real piece of work. Along with most of the Greek mythological figure, or any mythological figure really."
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia could see there were so much going through Rinaa's mind. She may not know for certain what exactly she was thinking, but she could take a good guess as she saw her life all packed up into boxes. There was an incredibly somber feel about it all now, when earlier they could pretend it was just about doing something productive whilst having fun like they did bashing up the shelves. Hearing the answer was just as heartbreaking to see, and so Fia just did the right thing anyway, she hugged Rinaa. "of course it matters" she told her.


Kay was thankful for the rest. She had seen John roll his eyes at her so often now, it didn't even phase her anymore. She did smirk though when he finally realised what she actually meant made a lot more sense than what he initially thought. She noticed him checking that the trunk even real but bit her tongue to stop herself from saying anything else. "Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all." She replied, knowing from everything she's ever read growing up just how brutal Greek mythology actually was. Even her own history to a certain extent could be linked to it, even though there were lores on her kind in most countries.
Rinaa's shipping container
It was all getting too much for Rinaa. Accepting that she was going to die before ever reaching adulthood had been a bitter pill to swallow and even now she was still trying to deal with it and accept everything. It was taking pretty much all her will power not to just collapse on the ground, pull her knees up to her face and wallow in her self pity and tears for a couple of hours while loosening the reins on her memory projecting ability and projecting every memory of pain and anger and sadness at the nothingness around them. Rinaa had done that before and it had helped to just let it out. But it wouldn't change anything. When Fia's arms wrapped around her she did consider for a split second just unleashing everything on her, to make her understand just how bad it was. But she didn't, using the last of her self restraint to keep the floodgates up. "Why? What's it all for?" whether that statement was directed at her life, or life in general wasn't clear.

"And nor should it, considering how much of what you are is surpringly story and mythology accurate. All mythologies have their basis in something bloody and brutal. Stories are based off something that was once real." John shrugged, leaning his head back against the trunk of the tree. It was really nagging at him wondering why it was blue over any other colour. He had no doubt that there was a rational explanation with scientific backing behind it, but John couldn't figure it out for the life of him. "Thoughts on this place as a whole?" He gestured at the area around them but whta he really meant was the Devra civilasition.
Rinaa's shipment container

Fia could tell that Rinaa just wanted to let the floodgates open but was doing her hardest to keep them shut. She may not have been her Leah, but she was still technically family and Fia did care about her. She instinctively rubbed Rinaa's back, now refusing to let go when Rinaa asked her next question. "I don't know Rii...I wish I did and could give you the answers you crave. But I irritatingly don't. But know this, you may not be my timeline's Leah but you're still family and I'm here for you through this okay? I may not know all the answers but I will listen. I wanna be your friend as well as family. Maybe because we're the same age it might be easier to open up than to the others? I don't know...but I'm here for a shoulder to cry on or vent to and I won't take it personally. I'm here for you. We're the only teenagers in this weird ass family unit. We gotta stick together and not be apart, that's the biggest thing even I've learned from your version of me and mum and their disgusting ways of treating you." She told her soothingly, meaning every word.


Kay had always said that every legend or myth had to have started somewhere as an element of truth, but it was only when she met John and Chas, along with finding out what she was did she truly learn to believe that. It honestly surprised her all that time ago just how well she was accepting everything they ever told her without crumbling onto the floor and feeling like she was crazy. She just took it all in her stride and she continued to do so. She smirked at his reply about what she was and nodded slightly at it before dropping her head on his shoulder. When he asked about what she thought of the place as a whole she didn't fully know how to reply to that, but she still tried anyway, "honestly? It's hard to really find the right words. But it's quite something" she replied.
Rinaa's shipping container
Rinaa listened as Fia spoke, not knowing how to deal with the words and the comfort Fia was unconditionally offering. It was so alien to have such a thing coming from that side of the family. There were always strings attached with the Constantine/Hale side. Rinaa wanted to open up, she truly did, she wanted so badly to explain everything that was going on and everything that was about to be happen. She wanted the reassurance that she was doing the right thing. With a sigh she spoke. "I'm not the person you think I am, I never have been. If things were different and there wasn't so much at stake, if I'd been born in a different timeline, I would talk. If I could talk without consequences, I would...... all this crap in my head..... all the secrets, the lies, the knowledge of what is to come, what has to be done. I don't want to be keeping this to myself, but there is no other way. Nobody can ever understand what my life has been like. But it's taken me two and half years to come back to this time, this timeline and I don't even know why I came back."


John had asked out of curiosity mainly. His thoughts on Attil were thoroughly divided and highly biased. Nobody could really give an impartial unbiased view on the place. Cal, Cliff and Dan both lived there, he and Chas had seen how the place had treated Elliott, Fia would be biased because of Elliott being her older brother, Rinaa was seventeen different types of complex and Jay had wanted to work on Attil, but her love for Elliott now was bound to skew her judgement. Kay wasn't an unbiased source either, but she out of all of them knew the least about the place. "It's different in so many ways, the culture and customs, the sports, space travel accepted as totally normal. Yet some things are utterly the same, people are just going about their daily lives trying to get shit done. Yet they have crazily advanced tech, abilities that would be considered superhuman on Earth and have no description based on gender, sexual orientation, race, species or disability."

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