Symbolic Animal of Gallifrey
Chas took the violin carefully and flipped it around to inspect the work from all angles. He (like basically everybody else) in their gang knew practically nothing about violins. But he could tell that the workmanship was second to none. He could barely make out the joints where the pieces were joined together. The finish was beautifully smooth and the polished metal gave off a shine under the lights. While he inspected the instrument, Rinaa dealt with the praise coming at her from all sides. She was used to hearing such things from Chas, but not Fia. Her opinion was slowly changing as she saw just how different things should have been, but her first instinctual thought was 'what kind of mind games is she playing?' But Rinaa remembered that this was a different timeline and instead just shrugged.
"Maybe they will, either that or it'll be something utterly stupid to take the piss." "You've got a point there." Chas nodded, knowing that all it would take is one stupid joke name to start a competition for coming up with the most ridiculous. Though he didn't doubt that somebody would, eventually hit on the right name. "It's not the most mad arse idea I've ever heard." Rinaa shrugged, scratching the side of her neck, just below the hairline. "And considering the design already exist as a nonfunctional it's not a massive leap to make it work."
"Maybe they will, either that or it'll be something utterly stupid to take the piss." "You've got a point there." Chas nodded, knowing that all it would take is one stupid joke name to start a competition for coming up with the most ridiculous. Though he didn't doubt that somebody would, eventually hit on the right name. "It's not the most mad arse idea I've ever heard." Rinaa shrugged, scratching the side of her neck, just below the hairline. "And considering the design already exist as a nonfunctional it's not a massive leap to make it work."