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Fandom Into the fire (1x1 MzHyde/Gallifrog)

Fia nodded at Rinaa's statement about family. She knew deep down it would be a sore subject for her, and yet again her mouth ran away with her and upset someone. "I can only imagine it would be Rinaa. I am sorry for saying anything." Fia truthfully told her, as she saw Rinaa's demeanor and eyes completely change. She didn't doubt being rejected by blood family or any family wouldn't hurt more than having no one your own age to hang around with. She certainly wouldn't attempt to even convince Rinaa otherwise. "I'll err..step back now to let you do what you need to" she told her, stepping backwards a few steps, once again to near the edge so she could help of it came to it.

Kay listened to Chas, remembering being told before by one of them that they did most of the saving in the back of his cab, but she couldn't for the life of her remember which one of them told her that. She didn't know how badly the scratch ever was, considering she just healed up completely from it. She distinctly remembered even John looking her over in The House that night amazed that didn't seem to be a scratch on her. She was just thankful she was saved by them and not ditched at the first opportunity. "I hear ya on that one. I never thought in a million years I'd be a mom, let alone a bloody fire bird who can't die unless iron is involved" she replied to him. "In the words of my birth mom, it's a funny ol' world" she smirked.
Rina made no response to what Fia had said, she had cut out all outside noises. Just like Jay, silence was best. The lower the amount of distracting stimuli the better. She had no plan for what to do, she was relying on instinct, reaching her consciousness across the void. In a way it was like a form of astral projection, except her mind never fully left the body. It was more akin to swiming outwards, while attached on a tether. At first nothing happened, she just stood still on the rooftop, the skyline spreading out behind her. But the changes came, an almost impeceptable shift in the air, a slowing and levelling of Rinaa's breathing, she was giving herself utterly over to the dimensional void. She was channeling dimensional energy, a feat that not even John had attempted. Rinaa had put herself in a sort of self induced trance and when she moved, she moved with an almost liquid fluidity. A hand moved to the dagger holster in the small of her back, removing the blade.

It was a simple blade, made of iron with an understated leather binding around the handle. With the same grace she took the blade and ran it across her left palm, opening up a single long cut. Her blood was dark, even darker than it had been the day before- as her disease progressed her blood became darker. The drops didn't fall to the ground, instead remained hovering in front of her, as did the blade when she unwrapped her fingers from around it. Her eyebrows knitted in concentration and at the same time she rose upwards, levitating under own power. Her skin took on bluish glow. The knife flew forwards, almost of its own accord, stopping in mid air, the blade vanishing, becoming lodged in the fabric of space and time itself. The blood spiralled outwards from the centre, forming a portal to the dimensional void. A figure appeared on the boundary, blurry, but the voice was instantly recognisable as a Leah. "It is time, the divergence approaches. Take the confused plus one and let's get this mess sorted."

Kay made a valid point, Chas was tempted to respond with one thing snarky like 'of it helps, I never imagined that I'd do that either' but decided against it. Pregnancy wasn't something to joke about, he knew from experience. Instead he stuck for the safer option "She got that spot on, couldn't possibly judge on anything else she might have said." He smirked, thinking of a similar phrase said by another friend of John's. (one who actually merited that title). "It's like what Noah says 'people are weird and unpredictable, life is weird and unpredictable. Those are the only things you can count on.' Kid might be a nuisance sometimes, and a massive pain in John and Nat's side when he gets notions into his head, but he got that spot on."
Fia watched on as Rinaa did what she had to. She made sure not to get in the way the entire time, but recognised that the blade she pulled out was indeed iron, which made her hesitant about being around. Like her mother, she was very weak and vulnerable to the material, however she tried to watch on with the rest of the scene going on around her with fascination. She watched as the blade flew forward and seeming to disappear, confused by what was happening, she was taken aback by the voice of Leah coming through the portal in front of them, even though the figure was distorted. She didn't like what was said at all, hoping it didn't mean her, but knowing her luck it very well did mean her. "Uhh.." she just said unsure.

Kay just smirked whilst nodding at him saying he could agree with the little comment her birth mother would say. She didn't remember much else from her birth mother but she definitely always remembered that one saying. "Yeah I can agree with that one easily. You can count and predict the fact that everything in life is more or less unpredictable" she agreed with him.
Rinaa's eyes snapped open and looked at the portal created properly. She hadn't expected it to work first time, but seemingly it had. "Bloody Hells it worked" that statement was partially adressed at Fia, partially at herself and partially at the figure in the portal. It conveyed genuine relief and surprise. " 'course it worked" the other Leah snorted "You're forgetting how awesome we all are, it's in our DNA, yours more so with all the extra people's contributions, buuuut that's besides the point. C'mon through, you're the last one to arrive for what's being called The Council Of Leah." Rinaa nodded, "classy name you got there" and stepped towards the portal "you coming or not?" She directed that remark at Fia, who was wearing such a look of confusion that she had to refrain from laughing.

If Kay had asked who Nat and Noah were, he would have explained that they were another set of people from John's past, Nat being a friend, drinking buddy and smoking partner and kicker of ass. Noah was more of the voice of reason, but probe to stupid teenage decisions. He was also one of the few teenagers John got along with, which was an achievement. "he's a wise one alright, even I'd he is prone to quoting stupid things too just to get a rise. But what teenager doesn'tmt do that?"
Fia watched on still with the equal expressions of confusion and fascination. She may have used portals to get to Attil but her portal work worked insanely different to Rinaa's, so seeing the whole process was dumbfounding to her as well as incredible. She watched as the two Leahs spoke to each other, another thing that was mind blowing to her in some ways until Rinaa turned to her and asked if she was coming or not. She blinked a couple of times rapidly to snap out of her thoughts and then grinned. "Oh hells yes I'm coming!" She replied, jogging to catch up to her.

Kay couldn't stop the chuckle that she did when he said about the whole making stupid remarks to get a rise. "So true. Hell, we still do it now as adults to John for the shits and giggles" she replied smiling. "So I'm guessing Nat and Noah are old time friends or something?" She asked, rubbing her belly from the minute twinges she felt from the rapid growth happening.
The portal took them to the dimensional void, the space between timelines where lost flotsam and jetsam washed up (like lost socks). "The void is the only place we can properly meet in the flesh. Time-travel to alternate timelines is a bad idea for any of us, for some it's a death sentence, or just comes with nasty side effects." Rinaa nodded at the explanation form her alternate self, having experienced time travel side affects first hand. The portal brought them to a sort of floating platform, just suspended in nothingness. On the platform was what had to be the strangest sight Rinaa had seen in her entire life. Seated on the crates were her alternate timeline selves, so at least a selection of them.

The half wolf, with furry arms, short hair, a tail, wolf ears and pointed teeth dressed in a hoodie and jeans. The warrior, tattooed and with light armour, giving off the same air of danger that Jay did. The mage with her Constantine style trenchcoat. The musician with the guitar slung over her shoulder. Just by looking Rinaa knew now that she was the one who inherited all the most MindWalking power. The mechanic dressed in the classic gear of a racer, still with tools attached to her belt. Now able to see them properly Rinaa noticed two things. The first was with regard to the bounty hunter in scavenger armour. He was a male Leah and looked closer to Elliott than to Jay. His hair was shaved into two braids and dyed to signify status. The second was the Leah that Fia knew. She was older than the one Fia recognised and had changed, she bore a scar on her nose, and with her sleeves rolled back it revealed that her right arm had been lost and replaced with a bionic prosthetic. Her eyes widened at the sight of her Fia, who she recognised as being younger.

"Exactly, but he gives good reactions to everything." The phrase 'shits and giggles' always made Chas smile, it was something Trish said, nobody knew why, she just did. Whne she asked about Nat and Noah, he nodded, before explaining. "More of John's friends then mine. There was a time when John and I had this bust up and refused to have anything to do with one another for about a year and a half. John went up north and got himself involved in a whole heap of crap up there. Nat became a drinking buddy, smoking buddy, swears like you wouldn't believe, somebody to call when kicking people around was needed. And one of the few people John would actually call a friend. Noah's a kid who John took out of a gang war and tried to put on the straight and narrow. He's one of those kids who grew up so below the poverty line that they stopped trying. The two hated each other at first, mainly cos of John general asshole persona and unwillingness to play by gang rules, but now they've mellowed out."
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Fia walked through with Rinaa into the dimensional void, listening to the other Leah explain that it was the only place they could all meet together without consequences which made a lot of sense to Fia, even if she had to compute it for a few seconds internally. Seeing the many different Leah's was mind blowing and in freaky all at the same time. When 'her' Leah spotted her and went wide eyed, so did Fia. She looked older instead of the same age she, in Fia's mind, should be. Seeing the prosthetic arm and the scar on her nose she wondered what the hell happened to her. She wanted to say something to her but didn't know what to say. "Hey" she simply just ended up saying instead.

Kay noticed how he smiled at her saying 'shits and giggles' and figured someone else he knew must say it too. She listened to who these people were, whom never come up in conversation before now nodding. "Sounds about average for becoming John's mate then." She smirked. "At least from what I know and how I became part of the group" she added.
Leah could tell it was her Fia immediately, but could see in her eyes that she had never seen the prosthetic before. Which meant at least a six month time gap. She nodded her head in a brief acknowledgment of Fia's presence before standing up and walking over to the two, adressing Rinaa. "Okay, let's get this out of the way. Why is 'my' Fia" she made an air quotes gesture, the prosthetic fingers seamlessly manipulating themselves into the required shape. "In your" a gesture at Rinaa "timeline and younger?" There was no point in lying to an alternate self, she'd know. "I'm not in my timeline right now, I time travelled to before the divergence point. This Fia did the same, not even knowing that there was a divergence point until she actually arrived on Attil and I was there."

"As for the age thing? Best guess, this happens before you get the call to come here."
Rinaa finished, causing Leah to nod, it made sense. "The real question is will she retain memories of this meeting and whatever we say, will these memories be time locked, or magically locked or is just safer to do a mind wipe? Can she be trusted with the divergence and the consequences and the sacrifices necessary? " The musician spoke from her spot she was the youngest, at fifteen, but she had incredibly potent MindWalker skills. Her tone was firm, she was willing to act if needed.

Chas nodded. "That's pretty much how it works, yeah." There was no exact method, but usually they contained some variation of how Nat and Noah did it. "They're good people though, better than the sort John usually gets involved with. And a few favours are owed both ways, along with pints and I'm uncultured, so you'll probably get to meet them at some point or another. It's been four years since Nat last popped up, so it's kinda due soon. But it's no exact science."
Fia watched her Leah walk over and instead of acknowledging her like briefly before, just asked Rinaa why she was even there. Something that could have been asked to her, but she just accepted the way things went. She let the two of them talk about her as if she wasn't even there, which she deep down hated but knew this was Rinaa's thing and not hers, so she'd just have to suck it up. She shoved her hands into her jeans pockets, to quench down her annoyance of it all. She wanted to do was be around to help in anything she could and look out for Rinaa incase something happened, and here she was being spoken about and not at.
Then came another Leah, the musician one, asking if she was even trust worthy among other questions. It was then she had to speak up as she couldn't take it anymore. "look, I came with this Leah/Rinaa/whatever you wanna call her to distinguish the difference between you all to keep an eye out on her and for her. Anything could have happened on the roof and I wanted to make sure I had her back whilst Jay and Ell aren't around. Because unlike 'her' Fia I'm not an total bitch and heartless against her. Something you-" she started saying, pointing at her Leah, "should be able to back me up on. So if you're worried I'm not trustworthy, don't. I am trustworthy, if I keep any memories the secrets safe with me unless told otherwise, and if I don't remember any of this? Well you lot got nothing to lose" she then concluded. She didn't want to be treated like shit because of another timeline's version of her was. She was her own person and she was determined to make that known.

Kay just nodded at Chas' confirmation of how it usually happens when it came to making friends with the John Constantine. "Good to know, and if I do meet them? I'll be happy to. He can keep me a secret from the League, but not from every soul on the planet" she smirked even though she knew deep down he probably could do that if he tried hard enough, but she's also stubborn enough to put up a protest enough to make him cave if he tried.
All heads turned to Fia, a disconcerting thing. The Leahs were all very similar, yet their differences told stories, scars, a broken nose, fur and fangs, dyed hair, braided hair, facial tattoos. They all (the male Leah included) knew a Fia of some shape or form. Their grey eyes evaluated the words and the half-wolf went as far as to take a sniff in Fia's direction to see if she could pick up any chemical scents to confirm or deny her words. It was the warrior who spoke first, her voice impactful, her words deliberate. She was somebody who was worth listening too, and they all knew it. "I say we can trust this version, despite whatever biases you may have" that comment was directed at the assembled group, before she turned her stare on Fia. The inks could be seen moving beneath her skin in the subdermals. "I don't know what you are like in my timeline, we never meet in it, but for a first appearance you seem okay." It didn't need to be said, but the message was there 'so don't screw this up'.

"Yeah, though they won't be what you imagine them to be. And as for the League, take it from me, it's justified. Stay away from the League. He's not joking when he says they'll use you or your kid to get to him. John learned that the hard way, he told Zee some things he shouldn't, and next thing we know, they were used as blackmail against him. Demons have used his sister and niece as a trap. That's why nobody knew about Elliott, a firm line of defence and secrecy. Batman came closest to finding out, but he's the only one close to being trustworthy. He doesn't like the League, but he'd rather be with them than against them. John's the opposite, against them and not a part."
When every single Leah turned and looked at her she was officially creeped out, but hid it well. When one of them spoke up in her defense..sort off, she internally sighed with relief that one of them did. She looked back at the warrior Leah, noticing the swirling inks like in Rinaa, and nodded at her words. Just from her tone, she heard the hidden message loud and clear. Fia then relaxed ever so slightly, knowing that someone else agreed she could be trusted. She would gladly keep out of all of their way for what they were wanting to do or say with each other.

Kay nodded, not doubting what Chas said about John not lying. In the matter of the League's he didn't doubt his words at all, knowing he wouldnt lie to her about that. "I don't doubt it at all. As I've said to him before, just from what I see in the papers they seem like stuck up assholes to be honest." She replied back to him. "And I'm not prepared to be used by anyone or anything for any reason. To get to John or anything else. I'm not gonna spend two years of my life running from demons who want to use me as a weapon, only to let myself be used by stuck up dudes and women in capes" she added.
"Why didn't you meet her?" the mage looked up at that remark, she was particularly close to her Fia, magic being a great common ground. "Elliott died before I was born, Jay a few months after. I was adopted by the Isogrii at her wishes. I never chose to go to Earth, there's nothing there for me anyway." The faces around her displayed various emotions at that story, and the way she told it so nonchalantly. "I'm guessing by the faces that we all have different parental stories and upbringings, which makes us so different from each other and influences the divergence of our timelines." More nods, followed by their stories. Some had both (but only for a short while), some only had one, and some had none being adopted either by John and Kay or as the warrior was, by the Isogrii. Others had lost parents during their lives, but the one thing they could agree on was the divergence point was when Rinaa lost Elliott.

"They try, they make tough calls, which backfire and then they blame either one another or refuse to admit any part in it. They have good intentions, just sometimes horrendous executions." Chas sighed, in an ideal world the League could operate as intended, those with extraordinary gifts protecting and inspiring those who didn't posses such gifts. But life wasn't like that, things weren't that simple. "And I agree, hence why I say away, I'm just John nameless cabbie lackey. One of hundreds of other faceless drivers out there. Being a nobody to them is a safety." But the cat was pit of the bag now with Elliott, but neither he nor John would take the their shit, they had the moral high ground for once.
Fia listened to the question and the answer to why the warrior Leah never met the Fia of her timeline. To hear she lost both her parents made Fia feel sorry for her, as she couldn't imagine what it was like living without both parents. She wouldn't cope without either Kay or John, and definitely wouldn't deal without both of them. Though she had it in her head that if that came about Chas and Renee would just take her in. She found the others' stories fascinating and equally heartbreaking as well. The fascinating ones being those who were adopted by John and Kay. She stayed quiet as they all spoke, but did note how the divergent seemed to be heavily linked to a lot of them losing Elliott, something that never happens in her timeline. "So what are you aiming to do by all grouping together? I understand that this all happens from losing Elliott in some of your timelines, so what's your main objective here?" She asked.

Kay nodded, knowing that Chas had a point. It was obvious from the many articles over the years written about them and their actions that they meant well and did want to help people, but to Kay it just felt like some of them were doing it for the publicity and not because they genuinely cared. Of course she did always think she could be getting them all wrong, but she had a hard time putting faith in someone who had to use a secret identity to help another being. Her opinions only growing from what John had said about them. Hearing that Chas agreed with her did actually make her feel more justified in her opinions. "I just can't trust in someone who feels the needs to hide their identity before helping someone. We should all be helping each other when we can without covering our faces" she said.
All eyes turned to Rinaa, "she made the call, and summoned us. Every time she dies as a result of the Astras bite" she gestured at her own transformation "which, by the way is what made me like this, my DNA is less complex than hers so I survived. Anyway, whenever she dies, we all get thrown into this weird limbo consciousness void thingy" the half wolf spoke, her voice gutteral, with some elongated 's' sounds. "regardless of our timelines. We're connected somehow." She held up her hand to show that just like Rinaa, she had slit it open earlier. All of the Leahs bore the same injury, same length, same angle, same depth, a proof that they were tied by more than just some regular connection.

"The timelines are disintegrating and bits are slipping through. We get fragments of the lives of our alternates, glimpses of what happens to each other, what another feels, how we die." A glance at the mage who nodded sadly. "It's getting worse, we're being drawn to one another, hallucinations of what another sees, and most recently, swapping bodies between timelines. A feat which should be impossible. And it's this Leah" she gestured at Rinaa "that is at the centre of it. What we need are answers."

Chas could only shrug and nod. There was no clearcut answer, it wasn't as black and white as it may seen. There was no correct method on how to be a public hero, only examples of catastrophic failures. "I can't judge without knowing the full story. I'd like to say it was a clearcut reason, but it's not like that. People are complex. There's a fear of rejection, of constant harassment for you, your friends, your family. Some wear the mask to hide who they are, that'd a known, but others do it to hide who they are close to, as a way of distancing those they care about from their other life and some do it because it just looks good on them. Wr can never truly know why."
Fia listened intently, so to make sure she understood everything that was being said and didn't miss a thing. Fia looked at the same wound that Rinaa had made to herself prior, nodding to signal she did in fact get they were the same cut. When the topic of swapping bodies across timelines came up, Fia went slightly wide eyed as like them, she thought should be impossible. "I can get why you need answers, what happening shouldn't be possible you're right. If I can help in any way I will." She replied to them all, still finding it incredibly trippy that she was looking at some many different Leah's. "Do any of you have any idea where you can gain those answers?" She asked.

Kay nodded, "I get there's no one clear cut way to go about things, and for someone whose usually not judgemental at all towards people, it just sound weird to hear from me to say all that. But as you know from when we first met, I find it hard to trust people, so people like the League are no different in my mind. I why the whole wanting to protect loved ones aspect of it all, it just still feels highly suspicious and strange to me" she explained. Kay has always been the same, ever since that night of her father walking out. She didn't trust easily, resorted to snark and sass to get by in life as much as she could until someone came along and broke through her barrier enough to earn her loyalty...John, Elliott and Chas were three of those lucky people.
They all knew it should be impossible, that by all the rules it was. Which meant somebody, somewhere was breaking the rules. And they had their suspect. All stormy grey eyes turned towards Rinaa when Fia made her last remark. "This one knows, she has her theories as to why." The half wolf spoke for them all, flicking long hair from eyes before continuing. "Though she isn't what she appears to be or who you think her to be. Isn't that right?" Her eyes narrowed, her fangs poking out ever so slightly, showing that the wolf wasn't just limited to the physical features, her body language was affected too. Rinaa nodded at that. "Yes, you're right. Even among you, I'm the odd one out. I'm not the same genetic person. To claim that I'm a Leah Tziyen would be an out and out lie. I'm so much more, but at the same time, so much less." Her words were confident.

Chas had a sense that they were talking in circles. Saying something against the League, then something to possibly explain why, or to try and balence opinions from the polarised views of adoration and hatred. Chas could see that the whole topic was just one giant grey area. "I can't claim to understand it either, I'm in no way qualified to do anything beyond speculating. At the end were all fundamentally people, flawed in one way or another. It seems that people just spend their lives contradicting themselves." He paused, then smirked "or maybe I just spend too much time with John."
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Fia followed everyone's gaze when it turned onto Rinaa, the wolf Leah speaking first. She saw the body language turned practically against Rinaa, or so it looked to Fia. When it was said Rinaa wasn't who she thought her to be, Fia rose an eyebrow ever so slightly. Now she was one needing more answers. She heard the confidence in Rinaa's voice when she replied, "okay..now I'm needing more specific information here. I know you're a chimera and stuff but what are they talking about?" She asked Rinaa.

Kay had to agree once more with Chas. Everyone was flawed on way or another and she had said as much to John and others only relatively recently. When he said about spending too much time round John she could help but smirk as well. "That's always a possibility" she replied back. "Either way, it's not like either of us will ever learn and be any different when it comes to ol' John is it?" She commented chuckling, knowing damn well neither of them would have it any other way, even if Chas did spend that time away from John and not being a friend. He still came back into his life which said a lot in her mind.
"They.....ye" she gestured at the assembled Leahs "are all chimera, that goes without saying, as Jay can't have kids the regular way, no matter the timeline." There were nods of confirmation from the others on that fact, they had all been made through science. "But you are chimera made from two strands of DNA- Jay's and Elliott's. You have almost the standard number of chromosomes and genes, which is what enabled you" she looked at the wolf girl "to survive the Astras bite without dying or being fully converted. But that's not the case with me. This rewrite is killing me, and as Cliff and Jay bith know, but don't understand its because of my genetic code. I don't have just two strands of DNA, I have at least eight seperate genetic codes within me, possibly nine."

Chas laughed. " I definetely haven't learned at all. And I don't think I ever will, too much history, too many favours owed, too much shared for me to just tap out and leave. I don't think I have it in me to sever permanently. For a few moths or years yes, I've done it before. But for life, ain't gonna happen." And if John did die when he wasn't there, Chas would blame himself, even if a part of him knew it wasn't his fault. "I've been involved with him pretty much all my life. We were what five....six? when we first met. And growing up in the same shitty area just meant we always ended up lumped together. When that happens you either become mates or enemies, there is no inbetween. We chose the former."
Fia listened intently to everything being said. She wanted to make sure she understood everything correctly. Hearing that she had at least eight different codes in her, if not more internally fascinated and blew Fia's mind. "Okay I get that information now" she replied to the little brief lesson on all their DNA structure. "So, moving on, these theories. What are you thinking when it comes to this catalyst moment? I'm presuming these theories are how Elliott dies and when?" Fia commented.

Kay also had to laugh at what Chas said. It reminded her of a stupid birthday card she once bought Sam when they were teenagers around 19/20, she couldn't remember the exact birthday of Sam's but she always remembered the card, as they always made it a point to find the moment insulting or dry humoured ones possible for each other. "That reminds me of a card I got Sam once. Said something like 'we'll always be best friends because we know too much dirt on each other to ever split up' and the former definitely seems the better option. Myself and Sam didn't grow up in a bad neighbourhood really, so we don't have any film or fiction worthy origin story. Her folks moved to the UK when she was 3years old and moved opposite my family. Our folks got on instantly and thanks to my birth mom put us together which proved to be a good choice. We became inseparable all our lives...well...until I went on the run obviously." she explained.
Glances were exchanged between the various Leahs. Some thought she was very much overstepping her position here and it would be better for all of them if she just kept her mouth shut and didn't wade into things she didn't understand. Her question was valid, sure but there was a bigger one that Fia seemed to have completly glossed over. "Before you ask, I'm Leon, and I'm the male version. But you are skipping out on something important. Whose DNA?" The male bounty hunter spoke from his corner, using Jay's native tongue. He could speak English, but knew that this was information that needed to be kept secret. Being male, he sounded different, but there was no doubt that he was a version of Leah. Rinaa listed them out, counting off on her fingers, and explain the uncertainty as to the exact number. Their eyebrows rose further in surprise with each name, but nodboy said anything, so Rinaa turned and dropped her next bombshell to Fia. "I know how he dies and when, down to the minute. Its the reason for my existance. I was created with one purpose, to fix it."

Chas rolled his eyes at the card message. It sounded scarily close to something he and John would find funny. Though neither would buy a card, they'd just take a photo and send it with an attached message of 'Oi mate, saw this and thought of you' (John) or 'The wife says this is an accurate representation of the two of us' (Chas). "Just goes to show there's a card for almost everything these days. Or an app." The second part was an inside joke in his family, that Elliott and John knew too, as they were family too (despite what Renee outwardly claimed, she knew it was true). "She definetely knew what she was doing then. And me and John isn't a film worthy origin story either. It would just be one of those 'growing up with your best friend montages' you put in a film to allow for a time skip over a long period."
Seeing the glanced from the various Leah's she definitely got the impression she said something she shouldn't have and sighed. This was getting frustrating all of a sudden, but she kept her frustration to herself. She just wanted to know some things, especially if it had to do with her brother. It felt like to her some of these Leah's were choosing to ignore that she was Elliott's family as well. She may have grown up with Elliott very much alive, but if there was a possibility in this current timeline she was visiting that Elliott could die, she wanted to help save his ass. She didn't want to experience the grief that would overpower her entire family if he died. She didn't want Rinaa's timeline to become a reality as it was a horrible one for everyone. "Okay and I'm guessing this lot won't want me to know" she replied, pointing at all the Leah's and Leon, who clearly didn't trust her as far as he no doubt could throw her, as he refused to even speak English.

Kay nodded and chuckled at his reply, knowing now that she said it, just how much it really did fit both Chas and John. "It really does. And if it's not a card or an app it's an offensive mug or tshirt." She said. She'd lost count on the amount of offensive dick joke sloganed t-shirts or mugs she had bought Sam, knowing full well she was gay. Luckily Sam took it all in her stride and found it equally funny. "Either way, your friendship is solid. Anyone can see that." She told Chas. "I just really hope you'll meet Sam someday, you'll love her to bits. She's one of these girls that you can't help but like instantly. No doubt would side with you on many things when it came to myself or John" She smiled.
There were nods at that statement, even from Rinaa. "And you'd be right." Fia's Leah spoke those words. "I speak for all, including myself and that version" she gestured at Rinaa. "This may be your brother we're talking about, but he's our father. If he dies, you still exist no matter what. But for us? It's different. Some versions of me are never created in the first place. That is why there is only this many of us here because in the other timelines Elliott's death means that we don't exist at all." Rinaa nodded and continued. "If you knew what sacrifices had to be made, what deceptions and manipulations must be done, what crimes must be committed, what heartbreak must be created, in order for your timeline to win, or any other you wouldn't let me do this. And you certainly wouldn't keep it secret from Jay, Elliott, John, Cliff, Cal, Dan and I suppose Kay as well. You'd all try and stop me from doing what I have to." All were speaking the truth, it could be felt. Here in the void they were connected to one another. The Leahs knew what it was that Rinaa intended to do and why.

"True that" Chas nodded, moving himself back to a more comfortable position on the couch. His arm had been in an awkward position and knew if he didn't move it soon, he would be dealing with a severe case of pins and needles. "I hope I'll get to meet her too, sounds like quite the character. You've already met my daughter, even if it was only briefly. It's only right that you meet Renee at some point, but she and John are best kept apart at all costs.......unless Sheryl is around to keep the peace. As she's his sister, Sheryl's one of the few who can out argue John and make him back down with something approaching ease. It seems that stubbornness is hereditary."
Fia always listened to her Leah in their timeline, and she had a feeling Leah knew it which could have made her speak up rather than anyone else. She hated that Leah was right, she hated it to her very core, but she couldn't pretend and act like Leah was way off. She was massively outnumbered in this situation. She looked at Rinaa when she took over and heard her out, but it still made her sigh. She hated that Rinaa still just added her mother like an after thought, even though she understood why she did. "Fine..I'll stay out the way and not listen to what you have to do as much as possible. I don't like those inclinations none bit and yeah, I probably would tell them all, and yes I would certainly let my mum know because as much as you hate the idea, she does love Elliott like an adoptive son, and would do anything for him, when she got with John, she willingly took on Elliott too. So please, just for my own sanity acknowledge that just for once" she explained, it was clear by her tone that she wasn't mad, just desperate to have Kay not hated or possibly bad mouthed so much by Rinaa. "But also know this, if you really didn't want me knowing a thing, you shouldn't have brought me along, so either kick me out of here back onto that roof or accept I may or may not overhear stuff" she added, folding her arms across her chest, John's stubbornness coming through.

"Oh she is definitely the character. When we get back, remind me to show you the box of photos I showed John once. You'll instantly know her character just from those, and duely noted about Renee and John. I'd love to meet her though. I will also expect some 'why of all people are you with John?' remarks. I'm guessing I'll get it" She began replying, chuckling at his stubbornness comment. "If Fia's stubbornness is anything to go by I will agree with that. She's definitely got John's level of it from what I've seen" she laughed, then wondering how everyone else was getting on. Fia with Rinaa and John with the others on the tour of Attil. It was then she got a twinge again which made her scrunch up her face a little.
"You being here is my bad, we've never met, I thought you were somebody else." The warrior admitted, she hadn't known when she was coming out and could only make out a vague figure with long hair who looked like somebody she had seen slipping into another timeline. "I thought you were somebody else.and what's to say you wouldn't have jumped through the portal anyway without invitation?" She added. "We're not saying that isn't the case, family is family and we acknowledge that's a thing that happened in all our timelines." The mechanic spoke for the first time, twirling a wrench in her hand as she spoke. "But again, this isn't just some simple secret were asking you to cover up, or to cover up for sneaking out to go street racing, vigilantying or playing music at underground clubs. There is more to this than any of us realise. What this version wants to do is more of a risk than any of us can understand. You're practically an accessory to murder already."

"I'll remind you all right, and as a trade, I'll dig out some of the old ones of me and John and others that you wouldn't have seen." He knew John had showed Kay some of the drunken dabauchery John got up to. But there was more to their past than just drunken debauchery, music and school. (Desire how it may appear). "Oh that's a guarantee all right. Those two have a complicated past. But she likes Elliott and Sheryl though, so it's not like Renee has a total bias to everybody who comes into contact with John" Chas nodded. "Yep, I can see bits of teenage John behaviours in her. Which is a good thing, by the way. And a certain amount of stubbornness is needed to get through life."
Fia groaned at the warrior Leah's words, whilst rolling her eyes. Sure in some timelines she could totally see herself following without consent, and if it was any other scenario she would have without hesitation. Yet if Rinaa told her to stay put, she would have as she was desperate not to keep messing up around her. She looked toward the mechanic Leah when she finally spoke up for the first time, with what she had to say making Fia sigh in a different manner to before. The idea of being an accessory to murder both unnerved and didn't phase Fia in equal measures. If she had been out with her dad hunting some nights, it would have completely got to her, but she had killed before, even if it wasn't a human kill, she had still killed. "Fine...so what do you lot wish for me to do? Just know I would do anything to save my brother and you guys, especially 'my' Leah" She asked and stated.

Kay grinned when he said as a trade he'd show her photos John hadn't shown her already. "Deal, I look forward to seeing more photos of John's younger days." she replied, and nodded when he spoke of Renee liking both Elliott and Sheryl. So there was hope she'd like Kay too, she was also convinced if Trish met Sam they'd get on really well. "Good to know it's a good thing. Not that I doubted it mind. I also agree about the stubbornness thing." She said to him.

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