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Futuristic Into The Dark

@Lenchan[/URL] and @wizard nibblers for Rule to please find a Weasel Ball in her scavenging. Because every good RP is only complete with a good Weasel Ball.

the very same

I tried to get rid of it when I moved bc no room but I didn't have the heart, it's on Netflix (still I think)

The weasel ball shall come in due time... That and the plastic jumping frog will save the world
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Interested in joining in here, seems like an opportunity may be coming up. From what I can tell, most of you are traveling towards something in a rover? Could my character be there? Where are you going...So many posts to read through.
@Dak Sevkla

As I'm currently the only active member who's participated in conversations with both @Lenchan and @iTrinity outside of the OOC, I guess I'll be the one to answer your questions. Firstly, welcome to RpN and thank you for taking interest in our little community. Currently all active members are aboard a Rover that is destined for an unknown location (This wasn't disclosed to us). Alas, three androids fell from the skies and have created a massive explosion directly in the path of the Rover!

Where your character is placed depends entirely on who they are and what their profession is. Though it would be doubtful that you are also on the rover, mainly because a specific group of people were loaded onto it. I'm sure that if you were at the crash site and saw the secondary crash from the Android you could come running to it.

Unfortunately, our two GM's are entirely inactive. @Lenchan was last seen several days ago, while @iTrinity rarely posts anymore. I would recommend making and posting a character sheet in the 'Character Sign Up' section of the roleplay, then waiting for one of them to respond.

Thank you!

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Mystik said:
@Dark Sevkla
As I'm currently the only active member who's participated in conversations with both @Lenchan and @iTrinity outside of the OOC, I guess I'll be the one to answer your questions. Firstly, welcome to RpN and thank you for taking interest in our little community. Currently all active members are aboard a Rover that is destined for an unknown location (This wasn't disclosed to us). Alas, three androids fell from the skies and have created a massive explosion directly in the path of the Rover!

Where your character is placed depends entirely on who they are and what their profession is. Though it would be doubtful that you are also on the rover, mainly because a specific group of people were loaded onto it. I'm sure that if you were at the crash site and saw the secondary crash from the Android you could come running to it.

Unfortunately, our two GM's are entirely inactive. @Lenchan was last seen several days ago, while @iTrinity rarely posts anymore. I would recommend making and posting a character sheet in the 'Character Sign Up' section of the roleplay, then waiting for one of them to respond.

Thank you!

I was afraid of this, seeing that they hadn't posted anytime recently :P . While looking through everything I was happy to see you'd all crash landed because at least I'd possibly have a place to join in. I'll keep a watchful eye here and see if/when they come back and proceed from there. Thanks!
@Dak Sevkla Hey! I know I'm a little late, but don't worry! @Lenchan hasn't forgotten about this RP. She's been working really hard to make the next part as interesting as possible for everyone involved, but some things came up that she's had to deal with. If you decide to make a character sheet, she will see it. Just be a little patient waiting for her response. :) We would love to have you on board!

@everyone else, sorry I've poofed, but jet lag and being sick don't make for a very coherent Ren. Hope to have something up soon!
RakuRen said:
@Dak Sevkla Hey! I know I'm a little late, but don't worry! @Lenchan hasn't forgotten about this RP. She's been working really hard to make the next part as interesting as possible for everyone involved, but some things came up that she's had to deal with. If you decide to make a character sheet, she will see it. Just be a little patient waiting for her response. :) We would love to have you on board!
@everyone else, sorry I've poofed, but jet lag and being sick don't make for a very coherent Ren. Hope to have something up soon!
There we go, that's what I wanted to hear! I'll get a character started :)
iTrinity said:
Sebastian lays on his back, staring up at the stars. His face, body, breath, all go motionless for a few moments. He then begins speaking, "I saw flames of the kind that don't belong in this universe," He pauses and gulps, closing his eyes, "I saw eyes of which have seen thousands of years of slaughter. Bloodshed. Torment. I felt the breath of a creature who desired nothing more but to destroy anyone it crosses paths with,".
He slowly sits up gazing into the sand.
"I saw a thousand lifetimes ended,". The Doctor looks at Islia, his eyes devoid of emotion, "Worst of all, I saw fear. We cornered this.. This thing. We all know what happens when an animal is cornered.. It will do everything it can to regain control,". He shivers, "And that's what scared me the most.. It's afraid, and is going to get rid of what scares it. Us,".
I still love this damn post. Huzzah for the dead man!
Hey, so I was kinda thinking about making a Post-apoc. Roleplay. I know it's an overly used topic, but I was hoping to make it a little more original if people were interested. I love all of you guys and I was just curious to know if any of you were interested.
Mystik said:
Hey, so I was kinda thinking about making a Post-apoc. Roleplay. I know it's an overly used topic, but I was hoping to make it a little more original if people were interested. I love all of you guys and I was just curious to know if any of you were interested.
depends on the specifics
Uh.... i only do role plays where fantasy/dragons/tanks are involved... or I can use my Dredge. Apocalypse role plays always die for me so I stopped trying with em so unless I can use meh Dredge... *grunts*
@Jarkov Malachai @Ironrot

Honestly, I'm not quite sure of the disaster that would have been faced.

I've definitely decided to exclude Zombies and Demon eruption. I was thinking it should be based much more around the situation of a lack of oil, water, etc. Perhaps it could be a futuristic grid failure, similar to my most anticipated game release.... ; ^ ;
ehhh, no not interested in mankinds basic struggle for survival against such. Read to many books about it, seen to many rps, holds no interest for me. I highly doubt id be able to drive a tank and or be a Dredge then or the like so noope.
Though... I have to ask @Mystik I forget is that you who has the robot in the woods? cause im going to post tonight seeing as no one has for a week and @Lenchan no where to be found
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Mystik said:
@Jarkov Malachai @Ironrot
Honestly, I'm not quite sure of the disaster that would have been faced.

I've definitely decided to exclude Zombies and Demon eruption. I was thinking it should be based much more around the situation of a lack of oil, water, etc. Perhaps it could be a futuristic grid failure, similar to my most anticipated game release.... ; ^ ;
I'm not against it, but I tend to prefer RPs with some sort of direction or overarching story. It would also depend on my other commitments. Theres a few interest checks I've replied to, waiting to see which ones happen.
Right... hmmm... nah I have no reason to rip the robots a new one. they probably would not even pop up on Azahara's radar
*iz busy reading up on what the fucks gone done and is kinda surprised nothing has happened after Floods posted*
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]*iz busy reading up on what the fucks gone done and is kinda surprised nothing has happened after Floods posted*

I know some people were confused as to what was going on or whether or not there was a timeskip and lenchan went to go do some plotting so I think people are just waiting for the verdict on that?
Time skip hasn't happened yet. People are welcome to post, though I think Lenchan would prefer that we remain in/around the rover so we can be ready for the skip
Yeah, we're all free to RP away until @Lenchan returns, so feel free to respond to the robots that have appeared near you guys! My post is coming this evening. Been quite sick, so sorry it's taken me so long (though you probs weren't waiting with baited breath since my post doesn't affect most of you). Lolz

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