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Futuristic Into The Dark

Lenchan said:
Ghost in the Machine. A rebooted Sci-Fi RP that Jarkov+ is[/was] acting as new GM for. He invited me, then told me I sucked, so I ran away forever.
Till now <3

@Pretzel Heart
What?! I never told you that you sucked! Your one of the more competent rpers I know!
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]What?! I never told you that you sucked! Your one of the more competent rpers I know!

So, I was reading through interest checks and a couple put an idea in my head (Its not a direct copy, promise). But give me some feedback if you're around.

The RP starts with an event where a series of parallel universes are about to pass through each other. This is a rare opportunity to bridge the gap between worlds. You character is from a race which you will design (or you can organize with someone else) and who has been chosen to be (or by chance, has been) transported from their homeworld to another world.

These diverse characters are now challenged to survive in this new world (dunno what kind it will be) together. Characters can come from whatever futuristics, modern, magical, steampunk world you hail from. Whatever they bring will still work.

So, anyone wanna give feedback?
Ironrot said:
So, I was reading through interest checks and a couple put an idea in my head (Its not a direct copy, promise). But give me some feedback if you're around.
The RP starts with an event where a series of parallel universes are about to pass through each other. This is a rare opportunity to bridge the gap between worlds. You character is from a race which you will design (or you can organize with someone else) and who has been chosen to be (or by chance, has been) transported from their homeworld to another world.

These diverse characters are now challenged to survive in this new world (dunno what kind it will be) together. Characters can come from whatever futuristics, modern, magical, steampunk world you hail from. Whatever they bring will still work.

So, anyone wanna give feedback?
*giggles* I got the Dredge man, I am ready for anything, link me to this shit good sir!
Lenchan said:
Good to see you! I will try a leave a better impression on you in The Sea <3
Is The Sea an RP?

[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]*giggles* I got the Dredge man, I am ready for anything, link me to this shit good sir!

No link yet, just brain storming. Would the Dredge be a monster like in the bulk of this rp or is it the more reasoning creature which I get the impression you were heading towards?

[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]I'm intrigued so far. (B')
But will there be a defined plot / goal other than just to interact in the new world?

I don't know about a well defined plot, but I think that there would be a pre-designed world for people to discover and I'd try to build it in a way that would allow people to set goals and things. Like, I would envision there being a way to get home, if characters decided that would be their goal. And pre-existing NPC people to interact with, if they are found and if characters are so inclined.

If there is something that you think might work, feel free to suggest it here to start a conversation or something.

The character whom I would make would typically have an end that I'd try to steer him towards.
Ironrot said:
Is The Sea an RP?
No link yet, just brain storming. Would the Dredge be a monster like in the bulk of this rp or is it the more reasoning creature which I get the impression you were heading towards?

I don't know about a well defined plot, but I think that there would be a pre-designed world for people to discover and I'd try to build it in a way that would allow people to set goals and things. Like, I would envision there being a way to get home, if characters decided that would be their goal. And pre-existing NPC people to interact with, if they are found and if characters are so inclined.

If there is something that you think might work, feel free to suggest it here to start a conversation or something.

The character whom I would make would typically have an end that I'd try to steer him towards.
Yea the Dredge are a reasoning, thinking race... well most of them. The Ferals are not but the Awakened and Enlightened are rational creatures even if their minds dont really follow the same logic paths our own do.
@Ironrot Hmm...well typically I think RPs that have a more defined path / goal for the characters are easier to get into. Otherwise without careful planning it might turn into a large-scale mess? I've seen that happen before, but I guess it really depends on a lot of things. Just a thought.

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