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Fantasy Internet Identity

Joc watches as Rosey laughs at him in embarrassment. She's laughing at you! Way to go.

"Um, I wanted to go to the Armory so I could sell some armor. We can go to the dungeons after." He says as he holds up his full bag. He feels himself reverting back to his shy self, so he quickly turns around and walks off.

"Come on, I wanna hurry before another goblin takes my treasure." He walks a bit faster as an attempt to hide his blushing face.

As the two stand near the shop, Joc decides to initiate small talk.

"So, what time is it where you are? I don't want to keep you up." He says with a wink and a toothy smile. He begins to start digging things out of his bag.



Rosalie tilted her head ever so slightly as he took off suddenly. With a gentle shrug of her shoulders she followed him, skipping up to him in a somewhat energetic manner soon catching up with him. "Sure, thats fine, I was planning on upgrading my blade before setting off anyways" she replied once she was walking alongside him clasping her hands together behind her back as she walked, she hadn't noticed his colouring cheeks really, maybe they had faded by the time she had reached him.

Once reaching their destination she faced him as he asked about keeping her awake and offering her a smile. She shook her head, offering a smile back "Nah, its not long after school hours here so I'm fine for sleeping for quite a while. Besides, I play so much of this game I don't mind skipping sleep for it honestly" she admitted, as they entered the store, laughing somewhat sheepishly after her response, basically admitting she had an addiction to the game of sorts.



Jamie laughs out loud to himself in his room while he eats some cereal as Rosey admits her addiction.

"Oh, really. Me too, so then I guess we'll be able to spend a bit more time together. Haha!" I hate myself. How obvious can I be?

Joc sells almost everything he has,trying to distract himself, earning him a fair amount of pocket cash.

With all of this money, I could buy Rosey something!

Joc freezes. He did not just think about getting her a gift. Did I? He glances at her as she stands there.

"Um...are you gonna do your, uh...sword thing?" He looks away as his face heats up once again from their eye contact. He waits for her to move, as he inches away slowly.



Rosey stared at him for a moment, blinking a few times "Yeah, I guess so~" she said with a quiet giggle as she began selling her stuff. Humming lightly to herself as she sorted everything she planned on selling. Once sold she realised she had more than enough to upgrade her blade. Smiling lightly she looked around when Joc spoke. "Hmm? Oh, yes." She held up her cash purse and her blade "I have more than enough ~" she said happily, it was then she realised he was looking away suddenly. Huh. What was that about? Walking around him, she found an angle where she could view his face from, looking at him with a curious expression.


Harriet woke the next morning feeling tired and oddly unprepared, like she had forgotten something. She sat up slowly, trying to remember what exactly she had to be worried about today. She stopped, seeing her window. "Today's the date," she mumbled. Instantly she laid back down, feeling even more unprepared for the day ahead.

@Alaster Von Grim

As Rosey upgrades her blade, Joc can't help but notice a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. He brushes it aside as some bug, but he knows better. All the random thoughts, the strange and sudden feelings he gets when he looks at her, and the blushing. Oh gosh. I don't even know her.

He snaps out of his internal struggle when he notices Rosey's figure in front of him.

"Um, hey." He screams inside himself.
I just said hey!?

Joc feels his insides fire up as he makes eye contact with her.
This is bad!

"We should go. Get some XP before we have to log off."

He starts off trying to distance himself from her.

Not long after she lied back down her mom came in, knocking softly as she entered. "Hey sweetie, don't want to sleep the whole day away."

"Can't I sleep a little longer?" Her voice was muffled by the pillow she pulled over her face.

"Well aren't you seeing Dante today?" Harriet nodded, moving the pillow with her. "What time?" She shrugged. "Wouldn't it be good to find out when?" After a pause Harriet nodded again. Her mom let out a soft sigh before smiling. "I'll give you ten more minutes, ok?" She nodded one last time.


Rosey raised a brow for a moment at his response. "Hey~" she then answered with a soft giggle "Though, I haven't went anywhere" she said as she examined her newly upgraded blade, wondering why he would greet her even though she hasn't left. Of course, she was completely unaware of this internal struggle he was having at that moment. Oh well. When Joc suggested that they get going, Rosey nodded in response, twirling the blade around in her hand before quickly sheathing it. Twirling on her heel she turned in the direction of the door, heading outside the store "Let's get going, I'm excited to get some quests done ~" she chimed as she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. She was looking forward to going on some quests along with Joc since he seemed pretty fun to be around.



Joc steps deep into a cave, surrounded by beasts. "You ready for this?" But before he gets an answer from Rosey, a monster initiates a brawl. "Oh come on! I didn't even touch you AARRGH!" He tries to push back the large foe, far from Rosey.

He eventually gets it back far enough so that it falls down a deep hole, but it's the only way down. He looks around for some kind of leverage before tying a stray rope, probably forgotten by another player, around it.

"Do you want to go down first, or shall I?" He doesn't mind which one though, but considering her skirt, she should go first.
But what if there is something down there? Like that beast! Joc begins another internal struggle.



"Of course!" She giggled as they entered the cave and were surrounded by beasts. Rosey didn't wait too long for attacking them, a few smaller ones had charged her so she could take them all at one time with her newly upgraded blade. Hearing Joc complain about not provoking the beast, she giggled "You don't gave to touch those ones, as soon as they see you they go berserk" she said after it had fallen down the hole. Looking down the hole herself, she tilted her head a little when he asked who was going first. "Uhm... I don't mind really." She answered, not really thinking on skirts and such "You can go first if you want? That beast was your kill after all, I'm sure you're excited see what it dropped. Though...I'm also excited to see what's down there!" She answered, tapping her chin as she said the last part. Sitting at the edge of the hole. "Oh and good find by the way!" She said, smiling at him, referring to the rope he had pulled that someone must've dropped. She eyed him curiously, noticing him pausing in thought once again.


After the short ten minutes Harriet sat up, trying to recall if they had actually set a time. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes, recalling the previous nights events. "Didn't he say noon?" She thought out loud. Her cluttered room responded with silence. Harriet then decided it must have been noon, or rather hoping it was noon. She looked to her clock: ten past nine. At least she had some to fool around on Bionic Possession before then, and hopefully it would calm her nerves.

@Alaster Von Grim

(@The Departure @BennyAxC my character's about to enter the game so you are more than welcome to interact with her :D )
(Ahh thank you! I've kind of lost my train of thought with her, so I'll have her at the starting point for Harriet to interact with. :D )
She moved from her bed into her computer chair in one swift motion. She quickly booted up the computer, smiling at the familiar sound of the fans turning and the monitor turning on. She pulled up her internet and logged into the game.

Casie looked around the forest she and Crooked had been in the day before, before starting the journey back to the main town. Once there she sold her loot and pocketed the coins with a smile. The weather was its usual bright, but comfortable setting. The light glinted off one of the gold coins Casie held, flipping it between her fingers.
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"I got some time before Harriet gets here"

Dante said before he logged on, the crooked man appeared at the dungeon he was at the other day
Alipia looks around after reentering the entry zone from the side. She looks around, seeing that there weren't very many people here. But there was one person, standing around, flipping a coin in the air. She approaches her, and smiles. "Hey there," she says, noting the time.
Casie turned at the sound of someone's voice. She quickly checked to make sure that there was no one else around, in case the girl wasn't actually talking to her. Seeing no one, she smiled and gave a small way. "Hey," she took a few steps towards her, closing the gap between them. "It's pretty quiet huh?" She questioned, trying to come up with small talk.
Mason and his friend, David, walked home from a tiring day at work. David was babbling on as usual and Mason was starting to grow a headache from it. "Davie, if you could stop talking for the rest of your life it would be very much appreciated.." David then started whining to which Mason groaned and mentally sighed. His whining then led to how the hell Mason could hold up a job which involved talking to people, "Hey! I've worked there longer than you Davie!... And besides, you're the only person who I talk to like this..." Oops, now Mason's got him got him whining again. He checked the time on his watch and interrupted the guy, "Look Davie, I've got to get home and check on my dog. You should be getting home too..." David smiled and waved goodbye to Mason and he waved back, smiling just a little.

Mason finally got home and was greeted with the slobber of the tongue that belonged to his dog, Mayhem. "May-! Mayhem! Off girl! Off!" Mayhem finally got off of him and sat there with her puppy dog eyes. Sherise appeared from the kitchen and Mason rubbed at his eyes a little... Oh, it was just his mom, of course it was. "Hi mom. How was she?" Mason's mom responded that Mayhem was great and just a sweetheart as always. They talked for a while and agreed that Mason was just to fed up with work at the moment to be taking care of Mayhem. His mom said she'll take of her and asked her son to come visit, "Of course mom. I can't really be too far away from her for long." He smiled as he petted Mayhem's body which was laying on him. His mom left with Mayhem and his things and Mason sighed. Now his apartment felt empty. Well, it has been days since he...

He grabbed his laptop and booted it up. He logged into the game and like before, he was suddenly there. He looked at his attire and character. Oh, that's right, this is Sherise's character. Hamirat. He asked her before what the hell that meant, but she just shrugged it off and said she had a crush on Alexander Hamilton and liked rats. He walked around for a while and spotted two females talking to each other. He made sure that his voice changer was still installed into this thing.. Good, it was. He walked up to the two of them and smiled politely, "Excuse me, it's been a while since I've been on here and you two seem to be the only ones here right now. Has anything changed? Like new features or something?"

(I am sorry for three paragraphs, I just always get carried away with the first post. just know there definitely won't be three paragraphs in the future.)
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@Deadly Darkness @BennyAxC

Alipia looks around, as if she hadn't noticed, then grins. "Yeah, I guess it's the time of day." Alipia looks around, actually, this time, then back at the other person. "Actually, yes, it is kind of quiet. I don't usually get on at this time," she says. A woman in unfamiliar attire walks up to them, and smiles politely. "Excuse me, it's been a while since I've been here and you two seem to be the only ones here right now. Has anything changed? Like new features or something?" Alipia frowns, then shugs. "I wouldn't know. I've only been playing for a week or so. I'd suppose so, depending on how long it's been."
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(Don't worry, I enjoyed reading it)

Casie turned, taking in the fair skinned, white haired girl. She greeted her with a smile before considering her question. "Depends on how long it's been since you've been on. The only changes there's been recently is some bug fixes and improvement of visuals." Casie thought for a moment, making sure that was it. "Yeah, I think that's it?" The end of her phrase came out more as a question than anything.
Havoc wakes up on his desk with his computer still playing music. 'Ehhhh.... I still left my computer on. Whatever.' Havoc thinks as he sighs and he goes onto his game. 'Ugh. I need to prestige for my thirtieth time. Let's do this Genocide Destruction.' Havoc thinks as he sighs and turns on his music. "Ugh. I wonder if the crew is on." Genocide says as he sighs and he begins to run around the town.
Mason looks around, taking in his surroundings, and chuckles as he looks back at them, "Oh well now that you mention it the visuals do seem to have improved.." He looks at the girl named Alipia and bows a little, "Well, I hope you've enjoyed your time here so far. I've only been on here for 6 months, but haven't been on in 8 weeks." He stands straight up once again and smiles at both of them, "This has been a nice little chat, but I would like to explore now. If you girls want to join me you can, I would gladly like the company." He bows to both of them as goodbye and starts walking away to the forest.
"I wouldn't mind tagging along." Casie looked to the other girl, curious as to her response. She never liked leaving anyone behind, considering that's what usually happened to her in real life. The way the white haired girl addressed them made her question her actual gender, but it didn't matter to her in all honesty.
Genocide then ran into the forest and jumps among the branches. Genocide then sees Mason and Casie. "Looks like the lovers are together again." Genocide says, loud enough so the two can hear it as he laughs and keeps hopping through the trees. He then spots a tree monster and jumps off the branch to stab it. Genocide pulls out his sword and his sword says, "Hunt them! Destroy Them!" Genocide stabs through the monster and he then climbs up the tree again and keeps on jumping through the trees.

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