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Fandom Chorona City (Pokemon)

The Snowiest Owl

Owl-Obsessed and Owl-Blessed

1. There is no Godmodding or Mary Sue-ing of characters.

2. There can only be three Pokemon per species.

3. Maximum amount of Characters is 4. PM me if you want more.

4. There is no human or Pokemon/ Human hybrids. Only Pokemon.

5. Stay true to the relation between of your Pokemon and their moves. We can't have a Serperior that knows 'Draco Meteor' or 'Flamethrower'. Get real.

6. Sasha Blouse ate a potato.

7. Do not be obnoxious to other Rp'ers. (Excessive battling, teasing, ect...)

8. Profanity is allowed. But don't always curse like a sailor.

9. Reproduction is allowed, but fade to black if that ever happens. Don't be too descriptive.

10. Your CS is accepted if I like it or Quote it.

11: Grammar has to be decent.


Age: (In Pokemon years)

Appearance: (Pic or Desc will do fine.) ((Optional))

Pokemon/ Type:

Moveset: (Up to 4 only)

Items: ((Optional))

Home District:

Sexuality: ((Optional))

Nature: ((Optional))



Extra: ((Optional))

You may use BB code. I can't do any of that crap since I'm too retarded.

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Name: Seren

Age: 27

Pokemon/ Type: Meowstic / Psychic

Moveset: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute.

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Quiet

Personality: Seren is a very cold and calculating Pokemon. Up and coming in the business world, she has an ability to distance herself greatly from her feelings and empathy. Despite this, however, she doesn't try to be a bad Pokemon. Rather, she'd just like to get ahead in the world.

Bio: Seren came to Chorona City hoping to find business opportunities. She wants to eventually be the CEO of a major corporation.
Noivian said:
Name: Seren

Age: 27

Pokemon/ Type: Meowstic / Psychic

Moveset: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Substitute.

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Quiet

Personality: Seren is a very cold and calculating Pokemon. Up and coming in the business world, she has an ability to distance herself greatly from her feelings and empathy. Despite this, however, she doesn't try to be a bad Pokemon. Rather, she'd just like to get ahead in the world.

Bio: Seren came to Chorona City hoping to find business opportunities. She wants to eventually be the CEO of a major corporation.
Accepted, funny seeing my almost-sister here. xD
Name: Ivy

Age: 25


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/shiny_servine___dw_art_by_muums-d3ktheq.png.89c9980b5536a2ff3d48620b5b8a63d7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/shiny_servine___dw_art_by_muums-d3ktheq.png.89c9980b5536a2ff3d48620b5b8a63d7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pokemon/ Type: Servine-



  • Giga Drain

  • Cut

  • Attract

  • Leaf Tornado

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Modest

Personality: Ivy is an easygoing character, even in the most dangerous of scenarios. He is the comic relief at times and will crack a pun just to ease the nerves of everyone nearby. But it might also annoy them so he is careful who his targets are. He rarely resorts to violence in situations and prefers to smooth-talk his way out. He has gotten off scott-free most of the time, though a few scars here-and-there tell he didn't always succeed.

Bio: His whole family moved into the island of Chorona once word got out about it's completion. His family was fairly poor and the pay of even some of the lowest-class positions were way better then the pay they were recieving now. His brother and father worked jobs while Ivy, his sister and his mother worked around the house they bought and kept schedules up. As they slowly built up their wages Ivy was needed less and less until he had nothing much to do anymore. With his newfound freetime he explored the other districts and made quite a few friends.

Extra: Due to stereotypical reasons Ivy has been mistaken for being female multiple times. If anyone even calls him "Ma'am, miss, madam, ect..." he would totally flip his shit. Sometimes he just goes along with it begrudgingly for some odd reason.



  • shiny_servine___dw_art_by_muums-d3ktheq.png
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Age: (In Pokemon years) 26

Appearance: (Pic or Desc will do fine.) ((Optional))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-13_22-30-21.png.936207ef28488ecf57abd6b7ca8cf8f2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-13_22-30-21.png.936207ef28488ecf57abd6b7ca8cf8f2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pokemon/ Type: Grass

Moveset: (Up to 4 only) Leaf storm

Leaf blade

Leaf tornado

Vine whip

Items: ((Optional))

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: ((Optional)) Heterosexual

Nature: ((Optional)) Serious

Personality: Don't get in his way. He will make you pay, trust me. He doesn't really care about anyone, provided they don't bother him, but if you do make him annoyed, well... good luck. He's just an 'you don't touch me I don't touch you' kind of guy, and he is also dead serious. The guy can't make jokes if his life depended on it. (RIP Serperior;. ;)

Bio: He actually came to this place by luck, he was supposed to head towards somewhere else but took the wrong ticket and got here. At first, he tried heading back towards his original destination, but after living here for a bit he decided to just stay here.

Extra: ((Optional))



  • upload_2016-4-13_22-30-21.png
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animefordaysXD said:
Age: (In Pokemon years) 26
Appearance: (Pic or Desc will do fine.) ((Optional))View attachment 263018

Pokemon/ Type: Grass

Moveset: (Up to 4 only) Leaf storm

Leaf blade

Leaf tornado

Vine whip

Items: ((Optional))

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: ((Optional)) Heterosexual

Nature: ((Optional)) Serious

Personality: Don't get in his way. He will make you pay, trust me. He doesn't really care about anyone, provided they don't bother him, but if you do make him annoyed, well... good luck. He's just an 'you don't touch me I don't touch you' kind of guy, and he is also dead serious. The guy can't make jokes if his life depended on it. (RIP Serperior;. ;)

Bio: He actually came to this place by luck, he was supposed to head towards somewhere else but took the wrong ticket and got here. At first, he tried heading back towards his original destination, but after living here for a bit he decided to just stay here.

Extra: ((Optional))
Great! Accepted! Looks like wee have a connection, hm?
Name: Dagger

Age: 34


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/625.png.7f9ad92accb21083be0d000e2832c2af.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/625.png.7f9ad92accb21083be0d000e2832c2af.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pokemon/ Type: Bisharp-





  • Stone Edge

  • Night Slash

  • Iron Head

  • Thunder Wave

Items: A few berries.

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Asexual

Nature: Adamant

Personality: Strong-willed and stubborn, Dagger is the best Pokemon for being the head Advocate for the PUC. He is highly ambitious and will not take no for and answer. He is often giving his friendlier co-workers the cold shoulder and only respects his highers. Along the years he taught himself to be completely devoid of emotion. He is calculative and cunning in an almost sinister way. He also believes power is through superior reasoning and argument, and intimidation.

Bio: Dagger is one of the non-aquatic Pokemon who saw the construction of Chorona personally and aided in its development. He took over the job of a former PUC chairman and was the field eyes for the PUC. As the city grew he wanted more power over the island, so he requested the city to be split in specific districts. This allowed for more control in a small area and thus Dagger gained leverage. Dagger is still in his office plotting something big.

Extra: Passerbys usually shy away at the sight of Dagger. He has a perpetual air of authority around him.

Name: Shine

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20140510175834!Sylveon.png.b16b2537de9e33daf38c01b9b1c47d38.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20140510175834!Sylveon.png.b16b2537de9e33daf38c01b9b1c47d38.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pokemon/ Type: Sylveon-



  • Draining Kiss
  • Hyper Voice
  • Shadow Ball
  • Moon Blast

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nature: Bold

Personality: She is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if you ever asked Ivy what shine is like. Shine usually acts innocent, playful, fun-loving and reckless. Though her demeanor can rapidly turn tide if she's rubbed the wrong way. She can be fierce, violent, protective, and even visceral. Her temper is unparalleled to even fire types. Sometimes she'll lash out without warning and even bite if bystanders aren't careful. She looks up to Ivy as a sort of mediator. Like a big brother she never had. The only Pokemon she refuses to harm is her own family and Ivy.

Bio: Searching for adventure, she scrambled to Chorona when she got rumor of a City on water. Once she arrived she instantly became disoriented and got herself lost. When night fell she was wandering around the empty streets of Tykiyat until she was approached by Ivy himself. He offered her to stay the night at his home and she egarly accepted. Once she left the next day she kept coming back to Ivy's house. Overwhelmed by Shine's daily visits, Ivy's mom allowed Shine to take the bottom bunk in Ivy's room. Ivy was slightly annoyed but he eventually grown accustomed to Shine's presence. She stayed by Ivy's side since day one, even when he leaves home to explore Chorona.

Extra: She has an irresistible puppy-eyes face. Also she has a extreme sweet tooth for anything candy or ice-cream related. Vannilish beware.



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Name: Felix Wrightwind

Age: 16

Pokemon/ Type: Goodra- Dragon Type

Moveset: Body Slam, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam

Items: Silk Scarf (Worn for fashion purposes), Spell Tag (Does nothing, it's just an heirloom that he carries with him)

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Homosexual

Nature: Bashful

Personality: Very easily embarrassed, he likes to keep to himself for the most part unless around those he's gotten to know well.

Bio: Born and raised with a regular childhood, his family has owned the local doughnut shop, "Richie Cream" (his father's name was Richie), since he could ever remember. He got a normal education, and held up good grades with his personal teacher that his parents had hired for him, in hopes of becoming a mentor himself. Then one day, about three years ago, he had been on his way home from a nice walk in his own company, but once he arrived... There was a shock. The house had burned to the ground, and no survivors of the fire were found. His parents gone, he went into a period of shock and depression, quitting his personal education, and living on the street... One day, he woke up, deciding to contemplate things on a lonely walk in his mind... When he passed the doughnut shop his family had once owned. Inside, the lights were off... This seemed to spark something inside of him. He snapped out of his depression and came to terms with what had happened. Having the shop in his parent's will, he opened it back up the next day and began to run the store once again by himself. This has been going on for three years now, and he is quite happy to this day, having a few regulars and many customers each and every day where he is. Not having much money still, he simply built onto the back of the shop to make a living space for himself. Though it is quite small, it's enough for him, and he continues his education with the books he had bought in his own time after closing the store each day.

Extra: He covers his entire body with gauze every day for the whole day- one, because he doesn't want too getting on his customer's food, and two, because he personally just thinks it's gross, and three, because he has a bad habit of slipping on the goo that spills on the ground. And, for no reason, he has a battle theme- [media]


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FelixWrightwind said:
Name: Felix Wrightwind
Age: 16

Pokemon/ Type: Goodra- Dragon Type

Moveset: Body Slam, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam

Items: Silk Scarf (Worn for fashion purposes), Spell Tag (Does nothing, it's just an heirloom that he carries with him)

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Asexual

Nature: Bashful

Personality: Very easily embarrassed, he likes to keep to himself for the most part unless around those he's gotten to know well.

Bio: Born and raised with a regular childhood, his family has owned the local doughnut shop, "Richie Cream" (his father's name was Richie", since he could ever remember. He got a normal education, and held up good grades with his personal teacher that his parents had hired for him, in hopes of becoming a mentor himself. Then one day, about three years ago, he had been on his way home from a nice walk in his own company, but once he arrived... There was a shock. The house had burned to the ground, and no survivors of the fire were found. His parents gone, he went into a period of shock and depression, quitting his personal education, and living on the street... One day, he woke up, deciding to contemplate things on a lonely walk in his mind... When he passed the doughnut shop his family had once owned. Inside, the lights were off... This seemed to spark something inside of him. He snapped out of his depression and came to terms with what had happened. Having the shop in his parent's will, he opened it back up the next day and began to run the store once again by himself. This has been going on for three years now, and he is quite happy to this day, having a few regulars and many customers each and every day where he is. Not having much money still, he simply built onto the back of the shop to make a living space for himself. Though it is quite small, it's enough for him, and he continues his education with the books he had bought in his own time after closing the store each day.

Extra: He covers his entire body with gauze every day for the whole day- one, because he doesn't want too getting on his customer's food, and two, because he personally just thinks it's gross, and three, because he has a bad habit of slipping on the goo that spills on the ground. And, for no reason, he has a battle theme- [media]

Accepted, love the picture. x3
Name: Maya

Age: 21



Pokemon/ Type: Fighting/Flying


Flying Press

Stone Edge

Poison Jab

Thunder punch

Items: Assault Vest

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Straight, but might be Bi-curious

Nature: Jolly

Personality: Forgetful, really hot-headed, easy-going, and probably and most commonly a binge-eating, taco-loving, friendly girl

Bio: Maya was heading to her hometown in Kalos, but somehow managed to get on the wrong train for like seven time stright till she end up in Chorona City. People have called her Bird brains, Brawn brains, but her personal favorite is Musclehead. He is kind of a worryfree girl who just wants to live life easily and eat Chimichangas.

Extra: Changed languages usually and easily forgetful.
[QUOTE="Sombra Arcana]Name: Maya
Age: 21



Pokemon/ Type: Fighting/Flying


Flying Press

Stone Edge

Poison Jab

Thunder punch

Items: Assault Vest

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Straight, but might be Bi-curious

Nature: Jolly

Personality: Forgetful, really hot-headed, easy-going, and probably and most commonly a binge-eating, taco-loving, friendly girl

Bio: Maya was heading to her hometown in Kalos, but somehow managed to get on the wrong train for like seven time stright till she end up in Chorona City. People have called her Bird brains, Brawn brains, but her personal favorite is Musclehead. He is kind of a worryfree girl who just wants to live life easily and eat Chimichangas.

Extra: Changed languages usually and easily forgetful.

Accepted! Glad someone else knows what this Pokemon is and that it exists. Lol
Name: Toxin Wrightwind

Age: 21

Appearance: Picture included

Pokemon/ Type: Goodra- Dragon

Moveset: Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail.

Items: Poison Barb, and the other half of the spell tag Felix has.

Home District: Pier

Sexuality: A real lady's man

Nature: Rash

Personality: Pretty much the inverted personality of Felix. He's fast to assume, doesn't sweat details all too much, and has a smaller fuse than Felix does.

Bio: He is Felix's mother's brother, so technically, that means he's Felix's uncle. But we'll get back to that in a moment- we have to talk about his past. His life was relatively normal- he was educated by his big sister (Felix's mother) for quite a while, seeing as he was quite a bit younger than her (a nine-year age gap between them), and things were relatively laid back most of the time. As the years passed, things went the way they were supposed to, while he remained very close to his much older sister. Living with their father, as their mother had divorced him about two years after marriage, he finally started to work at the pier when he was of age. He enjoyed it- but the happiest day of his life was when Felix was born... His nephew. They were very close- perhaps even closer than his sister and him. But one day, the house fire happened- his sister had died... He was a bit reluctant to move on with his life, but alas, you can't stay in one place for too long... He kept climbing up his job's ladder, and eventually, and to this day, is a first-class delivery man, using his own ships to cross oceans very often. Still, he sends letters and whatnot to Felix, and visits his house for about two week periods each year. Him and Felix help each other a lot- they're like two halves of a whole person. Felix helps his uncle act calm, and Toxin helps his nephew gain some confidence.

Signature Quote: Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school

When a couple of guys

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

And said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day

But she packed my suitcase and send me on my way

She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.

I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad

Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?

Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear there're prissy, bourgeois and all that

Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?

I don't think so

I'll see when I get there

I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out

There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out

I ain't trying to get arrested yet

I just got here

I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near

The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror

If anything I can say that this cab was rare

But I thought 'Nah forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8

And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'

I looked at my kingdom

I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

Extra: Yes, just like Felix, he, too, has a battle theme: [media]

Also, when both Felix and Toxin fight together in unison, it has it's own separate theme: [media]

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FelixWrightwind said:
Name: Toxin Wrightwind
Age: 21

Appearance: Picture included

Pokemon/ Type: Goodra- Dragon

Moveset: Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail.

Items: Poison Barb, and the other half of the spell tag Felix has.

Home District: Pier

Sexuality: A real lady's man

Nature: Rash

Personality: Pretty much the inverted personality of Felix. He's fast to assume, and doesn't sweat details all too much, and has a smaller fuse than Felix does.

Bio: He is Felix's mother's brother, so technically, that means he's Felix's uncle. But we'll get back to that in a moment- we have to talk about his past. His life was relatively normal- he was educated by his big sister (Felix's mother) for quite a while, seeing as he was quite a bit younger than her (a nine-year age gap between them), and things were relatively laid back most of the time. As the years passed, things went the way they were supposed to, while he remained very close to his much older sister. Living with their father, as their mother had divorced him about two years after marriage, he finally started to work at the pier when he was of age. He enjoyed it- but the happiest day of his life was when Felix was born... His nephew. They were very close- perhaps even closer than his sister and him. But one day, the house fire happened- his sister had died... He was a bit reluctant to move on with his life, but alas, you can't stay in one place for too long... He kept climbing up his job's ladder, and eventually, and to this day, is a first-class delivery man, using his own ships to cross oceans very often. Still, he sends letters and whatnot to Felix, and visits his house for about two week periods each year. Him and Felix help each other a lot- they're like two halves of a whole person. Felix helps his uncle act calm, and Toxin helps his nephew gain some confidence.

Signature Quote: Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school

When a couple of guys

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

And said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day

But she packed my suitcase and send me on my way

She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.

I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad

Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?

Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear there're prissy, bourgeois and all that

Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?

I don't think so

I'll see when I get there

I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out

There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out

I ain't trying to get arrested yet

I just got here

I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near

The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror

If anything I can say that this cab was rare

But I thought 'Nah forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8

And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'

I looked at my kingdom

I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

Extra: Yes, just like Felix, he, too, has a battle theme: [media]

Also, when both Felix and Toxin fight together in unison, it has it's own separate theme: [media]

Interesting! Sorry about my absence, I'm sick as fuck this week.

Age: lv 20 (refuses to evolve)

Appearance: just a regular mudkip with a slightly larger than usual tail

Pokemon/ Type:water

Moveset: tackle

water pulse

water gun

tail whip

Items: oran berry

Home District:hoenn

Sexuality: bisexual

Nature: clumsy


Bio: has a fear of vulaby's because when was a newly hatched pokemon he was bullied by one
[QUOTE="mikey wood]Name:puddle
Age: lv 20 (refuses to evolve)

Appearance: just a regular mudkip with a slightly larger than usual tail

Pokemon/ Type:water

Moveset: tackle

water pulse

water gun

tail whip

Items: oran berry

Home District:hoenn

Sexuality: bisexual

Nature: clumsy


Bio: has a fear of vulaby's because when was a newly hatched pokemon he was bullied by one

Just a few problems... One: Hoenn is a Region, not a District. Check the overview to see the districts. And Two: You think you could add on to your Bio? It seems awfully short.
Name: Y

Age: (In Pokemon years) 20

Appearance: Like a regular Yveltal, except her belly is a little bit bigger with a slight pink hue and glows a tiny bit.

Pokemon/ Type: Yveltal (Dark, Flying)

Moveset: (Up to 4 only) Oblivion wing, Hurricane, Fly, Dark Pulse, Fly

Items: Nope

Home District: Lives near the Residential district, but not in a home. Sorta a place to lie down in in the woods.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope

Personality: She doesn't want to scare anybody, but it's impossible because, y'know... an Yveltal. She likes playing with smaller pokemon except when outnumbered 6-1 and over. She likes to tease kindly and hates when someone makes fun of her belly. She likes flying around with other pokemon on her back. She lies down and sleeps whenever she has the chance, she loves to do that. She HATES berries.

Bio: She was in a cocoon for over 1000 years in the spot that she calls home, 20 years later after staying local, she likes to fly outside of her range and now people are starting to notice her.

Extra: Carnivorous, her semibigger belly isn't because she's fat, likes to sleep on her back, it takes about 5 minutes to digest other peope/pokemon completely, she takes alternatives to meat, such as vegetables, breads, sweets.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Name: Y
Age: (In Pokemon years) 20

Appearance: Like a regular Yveltal, except her belly is a little bit bigger with a slight pink hue and glows a tiny bit.

Pokemon/ Type: Yveltal (Dark, Flying)

Moveset: (Up to 4 only) Oblivion wing, Hurricane, Fly, Dark Pulse, Fly

Items: Nope

Home District: Lives near the Residential district, but not in a home. Sorta a place to lie down in in the woods.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope

Personality: She doesn't want to scare anybody, but it's impossible because, y'know... an Yveltal. She likes playing with smaller pokemon except when outnumbered 6-1 and over. She likes to tease kindly and hates when someone makes fun of her belly. She likes flying around with other pokemon on her back. She lies down and sleeps whenever she has the chance, she loves to do that. She HATES berries.

Bio: She was in a cocoon for over 1000 years in the spot that she calls home, 20 years later after staying local, she likes to fly outside of her range and now people are starting to notice her.

Extra: Carnivorous, her semibigger belly isn't because she's fat, likes to sleep on her back, it takes about 5 minutes to digest other peope/pokemon completely, she takes alternatives to meat, such as vegetables, breads, sweets.
Dunno if I'm keen on legendaries being available...
TheOnlyCatbug said:
You forgot to steal Y from me...
Well you're gonna have to use a normal or at the least a mystic Pokemon like Jirachi or Victini cause' I'm not comfortable with people having legendaries.

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