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Fandom Chorona City (Pokemon)

Entirely new. The old one would have just been the same. However it is better than scrolling a mile down on page 2.
Name: Satoru

Age: 17



Pokemon/ Type: Pikachu/Electric type

Moveset: * Volt Tackle

* Quick Attack


*Iron Tail

Items: Amulet Coin

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Straight

Nature: Naughty

Personality: Rebellious, loves causing trouble, doesn't like lectures, doesn't like being called short, loves hanging out late.

Bio: Satoru is the adopted younger brother of Hachiko, he was found as an egg and raised under the Legendary Pokémon. He was sweet as a Pichu but soon became a troublemaker for his brother and many of the Pokémon in town once he evolved into Pikachu. He blames it on his height and not the fact he hates listening to authorities. Growing up he never questioned the whereabouts of his parents 'I never knew them so what's the point about wanting to see the very Pokémon that gave you up?' Is what he often would say when he asked how he feels about his parents. Now a Pikachu Satoru couldn't help but find his way in the wrong crowds which often got him in trouble with Hachiko who was with the Police. Who decided to keep his brother off the streets by giving him a job. Satoru works as a delivery boy at a popular fast food restaurant and on the weekends he works at the Nightclub (mostly to keep the party going in case of a blackout).

Extra: Satoru is unusually small for a Pikachu

Name: Hachiko

Age: 22



Pokemon/ Type: Arcanine/ Fire


*Take Down

* Flamethrower

* Crunch

* Extreme Speed

Items: Fire Stone (wears it like a necklace)

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Straight

Nature: Serious

Personality: Cold towards others he aren't familiar with, protective of his brothers, slight clean freak

Bio: Hachiko is the older brother to Brutus and Satoru. He is very protective of them and doesn't hesitate to lash out at them when they are doing something he deems wrong. Though he isn't to harsh on Brutus for he is the youngest. Growing up he lived with his parents in a quiet village on the other side of of the world when he turned thirteen he asked his parents to let him move to Chorona City. The were hesitant but okayed it only if he promised to write them. They gave him a Fire Stone to use to evolve whenever he wanted. He lived in many spots in the city before settling down in Tykiyat for he found his calling to be an officer. The training was tiring but he didn't give up. But over time seeing so much crime turned him to stone. He now doesn't talk much and is often shown to be cold. Shortly after working for the Police he was sent on a mission, on the mission he found a Pichu egg with small cracks. He took it home with him, raised it, and cared for it as a brother. He tried his best to keep Satoru out of trouble but it did always work out like that. Hachiko had helped Satoru get a job because he didn't want the Pokémon to end up like the ones he encountered on missions, years pass and he even found a baby Magikarp alone which he brought in and raised as another brother.

Extra: Hachiko has a scar over his left eye and a knicked right ear

Name: Brutus

Age: 7



Pokemon/ Type: Magikarp/Water


* Splash

* Tackle

* Flail

Items: None

Home District Tykiyat

Sexuality: Straight

Nature: Jolly

Personality: Happy go lucky, curious, a tad oblivious, hates being bullied but won't show it, is excited to learn new things, loves to splash, swims free

Bio: Brutus was a small little thing, barely a year old when his parents vanished unexpectedly leaving him alone. He wasn't scared nor was he sad. He honestly didn't know what to feel but he knew something good was bound for him. Hachiko. Hachiko was the one good thing for him. When Brutus was old enough to attend school he was the laughing stalk. Mostly because well...he's a Magikarp. Hachiko however didn't like it.... He knew that Brutus would have a hard time for he didn't swim well due to having a smaller right fin and to top it off a Magikarp. But Brutus didn't let it bother him, well he tries to not let it bother him. Brutus is often picked on and bullied which often results in a battle between Satoru and the bullies. He, Brutus was eventually homeschooled.

Extra: Brute is gold with a small right fin
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Name: Nova

Age: 17

Appearance: See avatar.

Pokemon/ Type: Glaceon / Ice

Moveset: Blizzard, Hail, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail

Items: Hoodie

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Loyal to a fault, Nova will stay by her friends through thick and thin, even when the thick gets deadly.

Bio: Nova moved to Chorona City with her mother a few years ago, only to have her mother die soon afterwards. She's an only child, and has no father, so she's mostly on her own until she graduates high school and gets a job, living only off the money left to her in her mother's will.
Noivian said:
Name: Nova
Age: 17

Appearance: See avatar.

Pokemon/ Type: Glaceon / Ice

Moveset: Blizzard, Hail, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail

Items: Hoodie

Home District: Residential

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Loyal to a fault, Nova will stay by her friends through thick and thin, even when the thick gets deadly.

Bio: Nova moved to Chorona City with her mother a few years ago, only to have her mother die soon afterwards. She's an only child, and has no father, so she's mostly on her own until she graduates high school and gets a job, living only off the money left to her in her mother's will.
Yap, accepted.
Name: Codzect

Age: 18

Appearance: A darker shade of gray fur dominates most of his thin frame. He wears a white mask that relates to a decaying skull of a canine creature. Some software in the mask also hides his natural voice. Codzect also wears a dark red hood and cloak to keep a low profile in bustling scenes like rush-hour at Tykiyat. His hair is also shorter than normal.

Pokemon/ Type: Zoroark

Moveset: <Unknown>

Home District: Houess

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Foreboding and intimidating. An unlikely character of friendliness and warmth. Cold, distant, and merciless. Somewhat ill-mannered and mischievous. Tenancies to lash out in violent conniptions if made fun of or ridiculed.

Bio: <Unknown, To be Developed>
I just had a really bad idea... what if legendary disguised as normal Pokemon? But then you said no legendaries, so... oh well.
Noivian said:
I just had a really bad idea... what if legendary disguised as normal Pokemon? But then you said no legendaries, so... oh well.
Well the Lati are know to cast illusions (thus how they take a human form) so I see what your saying. But it's unlikely
Mew is also able to take on the forms of other Pokemon. I headcanon Arceus being able to do the same. But yeah, highly unlikely.
Nova's actually pretty chill (pun intended)

But aren't all Pokemon supposed to lay eggs?
I do to, but you do have to have some lay eggs, like the bird Pokémon and fish, ect
i wanna rp something really cute and shippy with this plot help

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