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Fandom Chorona City (Pokemon)

TheOnlyCatbug said:
I'll think of something, but Goodra is taken so it'll be a while.
I suggest maybe a Blaziken? But remember this is a city on water so we gotta have some aquatic Pokemon...A Vaporeon or Buizel perhaps?
Name: Veronica

Age: 15

Appearance: A normal vaporeon but with a lighter shade of blue where blue would be, has a yellow gem in a neclace around her neck. Her belly is a bit paler than the rest of her body.

Pokemon/ Type: Water

Moveset: Scald, Surf, Aurora Beam, Icy wind

Items: None

Home District: Pier

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope

Personality: She is usually shy, not wanting to be involved in most conversations. The only people she will talk to are close friends. She wants to make more friends, but isn't very good at it. Otherwise, she is very kind and will help whenever she can. She knows a little bit about every pokemon.

Bio: She was a regular eevee, and chose a water stone. People didn't like the decision and kicked her out of society in the other parts of the region, she lives in the waters of the pier but hopes to move back soon to reestablish her reputation. She became an architect, despite her younger age for basically all regions and this one is no exception. She is the architect that likes to create giant bridges and towers, as well as underwater cities. About 5 months ago from when you see her in the RP, she got pregnant. The husband is still unknown to her as she figured out his name was a lie, he left her the day after the stuff happened. She just woke up that day and he was gone.

Extra: Likes dragon, fire, water, dark, and fairy types. Expected to give birth 6 months after pregnancy, her baby belly isn't that big as vaporeon babies are kinda small.
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TheOnlyCatbug said:
Name: Veronica
Age: 15

Appearance: A normal vaporeon but with a lighter shade of blue where blue would be, has a yellow gem in a neclace around her neck.

Pokemon/ Type: Water

Moveset: Scald, Surf, Aurora Beam, Icy wind

Items: None

Home District: Pier

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope

Personality: She is usually shy, not wanting to be involved in most conversations. The only people she will talk to are close friends. She wants to make more friends, but isn't very good at it. Otherwise, she is very kind and will help whenever she can.

Bio: She was a regular eevee, and chose a water stone. People didn't like the decision and kicked her out of society in the other parts of the region, she lives in the waters of the pier but hopes to move back soon to reestablish her reputation.

Extra: Likes dragon, fire, water, dark, and fairy types.
Accepted. Finally a water type!
TheOnlyCatbug said:
It took FOREVER to choose Vaporeon or Dragonair. So what about Y?
I'm gonna add a new rule about having legendaries.

Cos' I think they'd be too mary sue/gary stue kind of characters. Also picturing them having a normal life in a urban setting would be hard to imagine.
You can have her move around the island. Currently everyone is in Tykiyat. So if you wanna interact I'm guessing you might want to move her in a bit. She can dock on Houess and go to Tykiyat from there.
Name: John S

Age: 14

Appearance: A regular squirtle, but has a little bit of a darker toned skin. He has a pink diamond in a framed case on a neclace.

Pokemon/ Type: Water

Moveset: Water gun, Bubble, Bite, Surf

Items: Berries of all sorts

Home District: Tykiyat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope

Personality: He loves to be funny, making wisecracks when he can. He likes hugging pokemon, especially goodras. He wants to make friends, but he can get annoying sometimes.

Bio: He grew up in the Pier district his entire life being a kid. Now he made a choice to move to Tykiyat. He goes around trying to meet people in his new place.

Extra: Favorite types: Fire, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Water, Fairy, Psychic
I've never done this before and I thought it would be a good idea to try.

Veronica is pregnant.

Yes I read the rules.
Unknown to the rest of the cast. They did it for one night, then he left her the day later while she was still sleeping. How about 3 months at the time she meets them.

But... who was phone xD
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Unknown to the rest of the cast. They did it for one night, then he left her the day later while she was still sleeping. How about 3 months at the time she meets them.
But... who was phone xD
Interesting little plot...
Name: Latios (his turn name is Istaralos ish-tar-ah-los, but he dosnt like to be called that

Age: 157 (the Lati live very long)

Appearance: (Take a look at my profile pic)

Pokemon/ Type: Latios

Moveset: Dragon claw, Luster Purge, Shadow Ball, Psychic

Items: (he has one, but it's a secret)

Home District: none, likes to roam

Nature: ???

Personality: aggressive in pressing situations, but mostly sarcastic toward others

Bio: long story, much more fun to find out

Extra: i too suck at BB
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Name: Veronica

Age: 15

Appearance: Her skin tone is a little bit more neon blue that blue except her belly which is a bit sky blue. She's 5 1/2 months pregnant so her belly is a bit rounder, it's not a bulge but noticably rounder than the skinny catlike underside that normal vaporeons have. She has a yellow gem in a heart locket on a necklace.

Pokemon/ Type: Water

Moveset: Scald, Surf, Aurora Beam, Icy wind

Items: A wallet containing some info and a moderate amount of whatever currency is in this world.

Home District: Pier, moved to Tykiyat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nature: Nope


She acts a bit tougher than most women. She is a reasonable thinker and is somewhat sarcastic and teases on first impressions. She doesn't ask any questions twice unless she absolutely has to. She does have soft spots though, as her job and sometimes her life can depend on her being nice. She tries to be nicer than her original personality, and she has grown to trying. Don't make her mad or you're probably going to get cold, or wet, or in the hospital. She can't stand on her hind legs without assistance from a wall or table(because most pokemon stand like that... if they have 4 legs) and feels pissed when people make fun of her for it. She can pay for the whole group and will ask for only a tip, so if she pays 40 bucks she'll ask you for about 3 or 4. She knows a little bit about every pokemon. She doesn't like to talk about her pregnancy or the unnamed male that got her pregnant, if she has to talk about it then she'll burst into tears.


Despite her young age in human years, her pokemon years for her species make her 21. She got a job as an architect, working on long bridges, big buildings, underwater structures, and some community buildings. She can swim very well and protect herself fine. She gets paid well, about 400 dollars an hour translated into this RP's currency. She acts tough and sarcastic because she grew up in the Pier region, but her job required her to move to Tykiyat. 5 and a half months before you meet her, she got pregnant with a male. He provided a fake name so she has no idea who he is now. He said she was the nicest person he ever met and that night she got pregnant. She cares about her baby, but not him. She normally walks around the city making a few friends when she's not on her job, which she isn't on normally. She goes to local places to get a taste of the world other than worldwide food chains. She is good at keeping secrets and will tell someone the real truth in private talks. She is also a good liar, very deceptive. She will crack a joke when she feels like it but doesn't feel like it most of the time.


Likes dragon, fire, water, dark, and fairy types. Expected to give birth 6 months after pregnancy, her baby belly isn't that big as vaporeon babies are kinda small. The Yellow Locket (She calls it "Kihato") was given to her by a legendary after she planned the perfect home for it.

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