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Fantasy Insanity (Need Players)

Favorite Toy?

  • Ripped Up Teddy Bear

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Butcher's Knife

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Head

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Bella enjoyed the energy and attention, and didn't mind the rude yelling. Usually yelling bithered her, but now, that people were talking to her, she didn't mind. "That's okay! I don't mind..." She smiled* "who are you??"
Bonita was bored, she heard another older girl, "Hello Bella" she said, remembering her name from when she walked in. "I'm Bunny" she said sweetly, she never really called herself Bonita. She waved over to the older girl, she hoped she was more sane then a few people, being the youngest she was very jumpy.
Celesta looked up from her dancing. She walked over and listened into the others conversations. "Over here. I'm Celesta, but I go by moon." She called out. Smiling she carefully put her knives in her hair so she didn't cut it. She braided the hair to hide the knives. @CelestialBunny
Bella giggled estatic at the fact that she had so many new people to talk with. " hi bunny! What a pretty name! I wish I was a bunny...I could kill lots of people...if they got close cause I was cute..." her eyes clouded over for a second and she frowns, before the puppy dog like energy comes back to her.
"Ooo! Hello moon! I'm bella! Gosh how I wish I had a fun name like that!" She smiled, talking to herself, in a lower tone "moon...moon...moon..."
Bonita gasped lightly at the kill comment that Bella made. "Oh i would never kill-" 'But you did' 'But I didn't mean it, I don't know how i killed him' The voice kept trying to convince her she was a murderer. "So what do we do here?" she said.
Celesta shook her head at the girls comment. "It's a good name I suppose."she said then turned to the other girl.....bunny as she called herself. "I have no idea what we are suppose to be doing." She called out. (I don't even know if our cells are close I'm cell 7...) she smiled once she finished her hair.
Bella called back "I don't know either!!" She sat back in her bed, staring at the razors on her floor (I'm cell 39)
(I'm cell 26) Bonita nodded, "Oh well, What do you usually do all day? It's my first day so I don't really know the schedule." She said innocently. "I'm seven years old. how old are you guys?" She wondered.
"I'm 16! And I'm new two! I've been here for two days...and I slept through both of them..." bites her lip, unhappy with not being helpful
Vamp paces back and forth for the opportunity to meet the others. Sure hes been here the longest but hes never been in this ward. normally he was always alone that means he can make tons of new friends! 'Awe what the heck i was gonna wait till we saw each other but im too excited!' 'Wait there will be time for that later' "Awe come on zeplin!!" Vanp doesnt notice that he started talking out loud.
Bella hears vamp talking, and perks up at a new voice. "Hello??? Is someone else here as well??? I'm bella!!" She giggles and sits up in her bed, waiting on a response
"Ya! Im here my name is Vamp and whats your name! Maybe we can be friends?!" Vamp smiles wide at the thought, she sounds nice aswell.
"My name is bella!! And yes we can be friends!!! I like friends!!" She burst into a fit of loud giggles that seem to be never ending, having a small episode
jacob sighs and takes out his jagged knife from his jacket sleeve, "looks like i have some time to myself" he then slides his jacket a bit of his arm and reveals his scars, he then continues to replicate the scars higher up on his arm to continue the work of his torturer.
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Reine Livius

For some time now, the female was awake. Or at least, not sleeping. She was definitely still sleepy. Even when she had already slept for a few days. Only waking up a few times. The reason why she isn't going back to sleep like she usually would is because she was hungry. She can't remember the last time she ate. It was probably around night. Of course, there were guards to watch her in case she did anything funny which she didn't. Unfortunately for her, it was still bright and early. Morning she presumed. She can't even remember the last time she saw sunlight. Maybe it was time to meet new people. There were a lot judging by all the commotion. She never was a social person unless she wanted to be. She knew a few people's name but never personally met them and she was sure it was vice versa. For as long as she stayed here, she was sure she never once held a proper conversation with anyone. She would only spend her time sleeping. With a sigh, she leaned back on the bed, hoping it was time to eat before she falls asleep again.

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Skeleton sat on his bed with his leg dangling off as he whistled a funeral tune and tapped gently on the wall. "Anybody know when we go to lunch!?" He asked abruptly stopping and listening out for an answer.
Bella called back to skeleton in a light tone, after her fit of giggles "no idea!! I haven't been to lunch yet!!" She laughed, like this was a funny joke
Bellaforbes said:
Bella called back to skeleton in a light tone, after her fit of giggles "no idea!! I haven't been to lunch yet!!" She laughed, like this was a funny joke
"Same here!" He yelled back. "Wait a tick, who was that!?" He called as her started whistling the same tune only lower in pitch and a bit more slower.

Scissors got up from her bed she placed on her mask. She looked over at a batch of cookies she had stole from lunch. She stabbed the cookies with her scissors and looked at them. She then walked to the door of her cell she held the scissors.

"I have cookies might you want one?" She asked Skeleton holding out the cookies piked on the scissors.

Bella sat back on her bed, even if she had wanted a cookie, she couldn't get one, for the razors coving her floor prevented her from getting one. She knew she could just pick them up, but decided that it was too much work, and she wasn't that hungry anyways, so she just layer back and started brushing her hair oncell more.
Bella Bloomet] [CENTER] [border=15px Solid HotPink] [FONT='Indie Flower'] [/FONT][FONT='Indie Flower'][COLOR=#0080ff]Scissors got up from her bed she placed on her mask. She looked over at a batch of cookies she had stole from lunch. She stabbed the cookies with her scissors and looked at them. She then walked to the door of her cell she held the scissors.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT='Indie Flower'][COLOR=#0080ff] "I have cookies might you want one?" She asked Skeleton holding out the cookies piked on the scissors.[/COLOR][/FONT][/border][/CENTER] [border=15px Solid HotPink] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32088-bellaforbes/ said:
@Bellaforbes[/URL] @Joshua matt[/border]
"Okay, thanks!" He yelled out reaching for it. He drew his hand back and flipped the cookie around. "Anybody feel like talking?"
Sam laid on his bed tiredly. He wished he could read. Open his mind to something other than being bored. He always had a strong need to learn something new. But now he had nothing to learn besides how long he could tolerate the insane laughs and cries. He sighed. He decided to recite in his mind everything he knew about creatures. He couldn't learn something new but he could keep track on remembering it. He stared at the ceiling calmly. He hated it here. And he didn't deserve it. He was saving the world. Not harming it.

"Well it has been quiet for a while and boring, so I guess I do." Scissors answered through her mask. She pulle up a chair to her door, and sat down."I'm Scissors by the way." She answered tossing her scissors around. She noticed a boy in another cell looking up at the ceiling bored."Would you like a cookie too?"

@Joshua matt @tomato modest
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