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Fantasy Insanity (Need Players)

Favorite Toy?

  • Ripped Up Teddy Bear

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  • Butcher's Knife

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  • A Head

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Hana the Flower

Aka Petalz

Welcome, welcome my friend to Pure Souls our little insane asylum. I am Teddy *Hiccup* your circus ringmaster. Oh I forgot I'm not in my little circus anymore, tsk tsk what a shame. Well now let me show you around, first we have our little cafeteria we visit everyday to eat a Child *Hiccup* Cookie I meant. Well over there is our little conference room where we have some fun after we get in trouble. Oh yes now this is your comfy little cell, a nice fluffy bead. *hiccup* Now you have a good day, and welcome to Insanity.


Myra sat on the bed in her cell, humming a symphony that she had always practiced for. She rocked back and forth, imagining the cell as a symphony hall. After a few moments of humming, she jumped off her bed and looked around, her imagined hall dissipating. When it had finally cleared her lines of vision, she laughed, I guess I'll never get the chance to be in a symphonic hall again. I should just get used to this style of life. She stifled her laughing and say back down on her bed, starring at the ceiling.

"D-Don't stop! It was so pretty" Marie called out with a smile, she was sitting in her cell listening to Myra's humming. Oh how she loved music, Marie was playing with her bandages. Jason always had music on, she heard it everytime she was raped. Marie was staring into emptiness smiling as if something was funny.

Myra jumped at the appearance of another voice. "Th... Thank you! You're too kind!" She couldn't help but chuckle a little from the compliment. She started to him to herself again, thinking of the voice. She started to imagine what everyone would be able to do today. Sometimes the routine was changed, and it caused a constant thrill.

@Bella Bloomet
Raven sat up in bed, another what she thought was night done and over with. With a glare, she looked to the corner of the room where she saw a the figure of a cat innocently licking its paw. Those luminous, endless deep orange eyes

How did you like my dreams, little one?

"Stop calling me that," she muttered. "I'm not that little anymore..."

So long as you cry when I show you the house fire, you're little. A little crybaby, god your voice is worse than those black birds you were named for. The cat gave its equivalent of a mocking sneer. Mommy? Daddy? Why aren't they coming out of the house?

Raven clutched the sides of her head, hair tangling among her fingers, and sat there for a moment before springing off her bed with a snarl. She lunged at the cat and as soon as she got within arm's reach, she saw the beast evaporate into smoke and with a pained cry, her shoulder slammed into the cell wall.
"I didn't mean to.. Y-you made me.." Spencer muttered, sitting in the corner of his cell and dragging his knife gently across the padded wall.

"Don't look at me like that Sarah, you deserve this..." He murmured again, lightly drawing a stick figure of a young girl and prodding it with the tip of his pocket-knife. "Don't make this hard.. It doesn't hurt at all, see?"

He lifted his shirt to reveal several deep cuts down his side, made by a knife or another sharp object. "Doesn't hurt-"

Spencer jumped at the sound of pounding against one of the cells. His grip tightened around the handle of the knife and he clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth slowly together. "Doesn't like being interrupted..." Spencer muttered over and over until his voice slowly faded and he turned back to the corner, poking the crude drawing of a girl again.
Raven shook the daze from her head and held her shoulder, swinging her gaze about the room, violet eyes blazing with fury. "Where are you, Nightmare?" She shouted with a slight grin. "You know just how much I hate sleeping because of you!" When the cat didn't appear from her taunting, Raven calmed down slightly. She wanted to fall asleep and have real dreams, not reruns of her home afire.

Don't worry, Raven, I haven't left you. It's just that you're being awful loud. The feline appeared in a puff of smoke, continuing to groom itself on her night stand. Turning its matching violet gaze to her, the beast scrunched its nose. You're awfully loud when you get like this. The doctors ought to up your dosage.

"Or you can stop torturing me?" She got to her feet and began pacing the room using the rhythm of her feet tapping the floor to calm herself down and get a steady hold on things. Her eyes were doing it again, letting her know she was tired. The room swam slightly, objects bulged and contorted here and there. "I'm not going to sleep, then you'll make me see things again."

Little bird, you're only here because you are seeing things. You see me, you see this room go haywire. You see the fires reaching high into the night sky.

"Stop it," she started quietly. "Stop it you wretched beast." Raven halted her pacing. "Stop saying things you-you worthless THING! STOP IT!" The girl sniffled but held her angry glare on the cat, who blinked and tilted its head. If cats could smile... Raven just wanted to peck its eyes out and leave it horridly blind. "I despise you."

I know...
Jacob rolled out of his bed while having a nightmare and hits his head on the ground. "Ow. Son of a...." he looks around and quickly realizes hes in a strange room. "How did i.....oh yeah" he remembered being brought somewhere but he must have passed out on the way. He wonders if the door is locked and he goes to check

Marie tapped her foot to the sound of the humming. She stared down holding her gun in her hands. She raised it and giggled."Bang Bang." She murmured placing the gun down before laying down on her bed."Let's play shall we Jason? The beautiful music is on and it's dark." She said with giggles.

When he tries to open his door Jacob finds it locked. As his eyes ajust he realizes where he is. "A cell..." he calls out someone will here him "Hellooo? Im awake now.... And hungry..... Could someone let me out?"
Celesta woke up screaming. She jumped up from her curled up position and sighed. She paced around the cell and pulled out ger throwing knives. She stopped pacing and threw them at the door. "Daddy, is dead. He was a bad man. Even the police where gkad he was dead. Im the giid girl. The shadows helped me. They did it not me." She reprated

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_21-6-27.png.97c188d0f0aeef5ec204e37868527e8e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_21-6-27.png.97c188d0f0aeef5ec204e37868527e8e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    The boy shot up from his bed looking around the room covering his eyes from the light "Why did they have to have lights in the rooms..." He muttered to himself while rubbing his eye searching around the room. Dull and plain nothing to it just the white foamed walls a bed and himself...if they didn't have the lights its be a paradise for him. While thinking this he got up and put his shirt and jacket up looking at his hands seeing his brass knuckles still in place "They did learn their lesson for trying to take my stuff when I'm asleep about time." Richard thought aloud while throwing a few practice punches at the air like his trainer taught him to do

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_21-17-38.png.5c917adfbd9e47de3077acd9c02ca755.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_21-17-38.png.5c917adfbd9e47de3077acd9c02ca755.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    July slowly opened her eyes sitting up she rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands yawning "Another day...and I don't know what to do again." The girl said while hugging her legs and burring her head into her knees sighing "No July don't be a Debby downer to yourself." She said trying to reassure herself while getting off the bed smiling.

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    July's Theme Song:





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Bella sat in her cell, brushing her hair with her old brush, a nervous tick of hers. She had only been at the asylum for two days, and was a bit scared, this looked like a place her old captor used to keep her. She got up after a bit, and lined her floor with razors, loving sharp objects, feeling safer she called out. Hello????? Can anyone hear me???? Helllooooooooooooo???? Bella enjoyed hearing her own voice, and if no one responded to her, she might just talk to herself.
Spencer closed his eyes tightly. He could heard several others yelling from their cells, most of them female. He opened his eyes, his pupils dilated and his knife in hand as he stood up and walked to the door of his small cell.

Those voices must be them. Sarah and his mom, right? They were too loud, the neighbors would hear. "Sarah!" He called out clearly, his voice full of anger. "Be quiet Sarah, they'll hear you across the street!"
Bella heard Spencer's yelling, but she was confused, her name was not "sarah" her name was Bella...so she decided to tell him that, "My name is Bella!!" She giggled to herself, smiling at her own voice " But Sarah sure is a pretty name!! What's your name???"
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He blinked in confusion. He didn't expect an answer, especially in that tone of voice. He wanted quiet, not a reply.

"Of course your name is Sarah! Shut up before i-" Spencer was about to threaten to come down to the basement and force her to shut up, when suddenly a flash of white pounded through his head, making him fall to the floor.

Ugh... Another one... His migraines often came on during his 'moments' where he was getting out of control, or in times of high stress. Crawling towards his bedside he let out a shaky breath, pressing his palms against his forehead. He let out a groan and managed to call out again,

"S..sorry... Spencer..." His mind slowly cleared as his pulsating headache faded along with his moment of insanity.

Jacob heard other people yelling back and forth to each other "ok...not the response i was hoping for..." he decides to sit down on the bed and wait "where even am i?"
Bella smiled, someone was talking to her, no one had talked to her in such a long time. "Hi Spencer!!! I'm bella!!" She shared her name again, wanting to make sure he knew it, so after a fit of giggles she spelled it for him "B-E-L-L-A!!"
The pounding slowly faded, leaving him in a cold sweat. Blinking slowly, he didn't respond to the bubbly girl for a few moments.

Sitting on the bed, he groaned, rubbing his face again and running his fingers through his hair a few times. "I- I know how to spell, thanks.."

He rolled his eyes, though he knew she wouldn't be able to see it anyway.
Not having a grasp of sarcasm she smiled, happy and pleased, like a small child "you're welcome silly!! I love to help!!" She brushed her hair while smiling, overly happy to talk to some one
Kitahachi stared at the ceiling. Then at Bella's cell. "Hello Bella" he said trying to join the discussion. He too out his knife and carved KITAHACHI WAS HERE into the cell wall and began to laugh. Annoyed the Bella hasn't responded to him he ran and grasped the bars and yelled her name "BELLA!". He then regretted being so rude and sat down. "Sorry".
Bonita stepped out of the van with the guard, as she grew closer to the asylum "I don't belong here. I'm not crazy" she pleaded to the guard, tears falling down her huge innocent eyes. 'You belong here, you freak! If you would have run and hid like i told you, you wouldn't have been caught' said Sarah; 'Leave her alone, Sarah. It's your fault we're all here' Madison said calmly. "Both of you. Stop it!"The guard sighed, as he saw the small girl start pulling on her hair and started pushing her forward. Once she entered, she passed many older patients, yelling, laughing and sleeping "Bonita Blanc, Youngest Patient, Cell 26" she looked up and saw the guard talk to another and she was put into one of the cells.

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-24_0-5-38.png.399f6ef1fd186f13b9a2a17de431b87b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-24_0-5-38.png.399f6ef1fd186f13b9a2a17de431b87b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Richard walked to his door peering outside mostly looking at the entrance usually he just see nothing occasionally the wardens leaving and coming to this hell hole of a place "Must be nice if you can even call it that...going home to a family laughing and talking with old friends...pathetic" The boy muttered as he continued his training. Even if he's never gonna get out of here doesn't mean he can waste something that could come in handy and possible save his useless life.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-24_0-20-22.png.be9ac27601dcb315197cfa2bccc76992.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-24_0-20-22.png.be9ac27601dcb315197cfa2bccc76992.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    The girl walked to the door smiling trying to get a look at who was yelling looking the direction she tried to muster up the courage to yell...eventually she gave up hope on trying to talk to people so she returned to her bed sitting against it humming softly.

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    July's Theme Song:





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Vamp starts to wake up almost in time for the doctors to come and give out the medication. He hears all the yelling and smiles. "Everyones energentic this morning" There is a blanket over the barred window causing the room to be completely black. He decides he won't talk to anyone now but, instead wait till they all are in the cafeteria. He was to talk with the newby face to face.
Celesta screamed as she heard all the yelling. She threw her knife again at the door. It made a satisfying thump. Turning around she hugged her self and started to dance and sing. Losing herself in her thoughts. She looked at the bandages on her arms and legs. Shuddering she spoke softly to herself "He can't hurt his baby girl anymore. His baby girl killed him. His baby girl stood up for herself." she muttered.

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