Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

Yeah, it was her. How crazy was she to take a job at a place like this! I was pretty sure her outfit showed off more than it covered. Instead of gaping, I put on my usual smirk, "Is that how you greet all your guests?"
"S-sorry. Please, right this way," I said as I guided my way to an empty table. Once he sat down, I treated him like he was any other costumer. "Please look through the menu and I'll be right with you." I slowly walked away awkwardly. How did he find out that I worked here? What's with that smirk in his face as well?
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As Ryn walked away, I admired the back of her costume. Though I wondered how the same girl who got all embarrassed by Justin could wear something like that. Every guy in the place was looking at the waitresses bodies, and the place had mainly male customers. I glanced at the menu and quickly found a chicken sandwich that looked good.
"W-well...t-today. Is something the matter?" He seemed to not be very fond of the place. He also looked like he didn't like the fact that I'm working here.
Ryn was good at reading me... "Yeah," I said in a low voice, beckoning her to lean down towards me, "You're wearing an outfit like that and I can't have you until later. It's cruel..." I was enjoying the view of her breasts from this angle.
"H-have me till.....later...?" I repeated. Was he talking about last night.....? Something else....?
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I nodded, then thought for a minute. Tonight might be bad because we have school tomorrow. And maybe it's to much to ask two days in a row... "Ah, I guess I gotta wait until next Friday..." I said aloud with a sigh. Waving her away, I ordered, "Run along you've got other customers getting jealous..."
I walked away, getting ready to serve other coustemers. I'm guessing that he wanted more of what we did last night. Honestly, I kinda enjoyed it. About twenty minutes later, Kai had left.

It was 5pm and the sun was setting. My shift ended and I started to walk out of the café.

I arrived at my dorm, petted Shiro, and got undressed to take a shower. I have homework that needs to be finished and I have to feed Shiro.
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After eating the café, I went back to my dorm and called Justin. He was my source for cigarettes, and we had a system for buying them. We made bets on our fights - if I won he gave me a pack of cigarettes, and if he win I gave him enough money to buy a pack, double if I wanted to buy one as well.

We scheduled a fight for tomorrow morning, which meant I'd miss class. I texted Ryn to warn her and tell her where to meet me. Then I worked out for a bit before going to sleep.
The next day at school, I sat in the classroom doing my work, thinking about Kai. I hope whatever he's doing now doesn't get him to be hurt.

Later in the day, the bell rang. It was time to go to lunch. I went to the rooftop to meet him just like he told me to. I walked around looking for him. "K-Kai..? A-are you here?" I called out.
Justin and I had a great fight and I won, as usual. Which was good for me, since I was nearly out of smokes. I snuck into the building when the halls were full between classes and headed up to the rooftop. There, I found a nice sunny spot around the corner from the door and lay down to take a nap.

An hour later, I woke to the sound of Ryn's voice. Must be lunchtime. "Here," I called from around the corner, not bothering to move.
I followed the voice until I saw Kai laying there. I sat down next to him and asked, "Did I...make you wait long...? I-I'm sorry if I did...."
I yawned as I sat up on my elbows and looked at Ryn, "I've been here half the morning, so haven't been waiting at all. And you don't have to apologize so much." This girl confused me, timid and apologetic one moment, sexy the next, and bold at other times. But I think I liked that.
"I-I'm sorry-- uh! S-sorry! Mmmnnnmm s-sorry....mmmnnn ahh....I'm sorry..." I couldn't help myself for saying sorry so much, so I just sat there with my face buried into my legs.
I laughed as I lay back down, "Faail..." Noticing she was hiding her face, I changed the subject. "So did I miss anything awesome in class?"
"N-nothing really happened. J-Just the usual stuff. W-we have m-more homework assignments." I answered in a embarrassed tone. My face was still hidden in my legs.
"Eh, I might have to get those from you," I said, putting emphasis on the word 'might'. I was watching Ryn for a minute before I let myself sound frustrated again, "What did I say about wanting to see your face?" Expecting her reply, I added on the end, "and don't say you're sorry!"
After he raised his voice at me I flinched. "I-I-- didn't have to raise your voice at me like t-that...." I turned my head then continued, "Why would you....w-want to see my face anyway...? I-it's nothing special...." I just hope what I said didn't make him angry...
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"Aggh!" I exclaimed, irritated, "Don't be ridiculous." Was she serious? Ryn's face was as pretty as the rest of her, and she says crap like that? God, girls and their low self-esteem! "And stop being so sensitive, I'm not even yelling. I'm just louder than you are." Though I was justifying myself, I still felt bad for making her flinch.
I sighed then spoke, "I-I'm sorry..Uhm....Kai....?" He looked at me waiting to continue. "How come you don't tell me about your life story. I-I told you mine...."
Still lying on the ground, I folded my hands behind my head and turned it to the side, facing away from her. "There's nothing to tell. I was born, grew, I'll grow more, then I'll die. Same story as everyone else." Though I was sure she really wanted an answer to her question that I had previously avoided - why I act the way I do - I didn't really think it was necessary.
I'm guessing he wasn't going to open up soon. I decided to leave him alone. " I guess I'll be out your way then. Uhm...I..see you later maybe.." I said as I was standing up. It doesn't make sense- I mean, he wants me to him everything, but, he won't tell me not a single thing. I left the rooftop with just only ten minutes left of lunch.
"Hey," I called out, but Ryn had already slipped away. I really had to talk to her, now. She always said things like "burden" or "in the way", but wasn't at all! I thought about going to class, but decided I might as well just go skip the whole day.

Instead, I went into the girl's dorms, intending to wait in Ryn's room for her. Lucky for me, she left the door unlocked, and I was able to walk right in. I stretched out on the floor and tried to act calm so I could lure her bunny rabbit to play with me.

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