Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

I frowned at Ryn's question. What the hell is that right out of the blue? "I don't make trouble. I just don't bother to follow rules," I said, trying to come up with an answer without revealing anything.
"O-oh okay," I said as I looked down.

About ten minutes later, we finished eating and left the burger place. To be honest, it felt like a date; except he didn't ask me on a date.
We finished eating nearly in silence, I paid the waitress, then we left, wandering around the shopping center. Never one to be a socialite, I didn't know how to hold a conversation with someone. Especially a someone whose mouth I was currently interested in using for other activities...

We ended up at the fountain in the center of a plaza. I sat on the short wall around the shallow pool of water, and sighed, "I started being a punk because I didn't like my family. Dyed my hair, stopped trying in school, fighting... I keep doing it because I like it. It's nice to be free and not care what anyone thinks of you." I wasn't sure why I was telling Ryn this, but I guess it couldn't hurt.
When he said that, me expression changed. I mumbled, "I wouldn't say that" to be honest I actually pretty much cared about what I do. Memories of two years ago flashed through my mind, it made my head hurt, causing me to pass out.
Ryn mumbled something I didn't catch, and I looked over at her in time to see her eyes close and her body go limp. I tried to catch her, but we both ended up landing in the fountain pool. I ignored the stares of passerby as I stood, lifted Ryn up in my arms, and walked away. Her tight white shirt, now wet, hid nothing beneath it, so I lay her in the grass for a moment so I could take off my jacket and put it on top of her.
An hour later, I had woken up seeing trees and the sky. I found a black jacket on top of me as well. I sat up and looked around.I was a bit wet but ill be fine. I stood up and started started to walk around. I saw Kai so I walked up to him asking, "W-what happened...?"
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It was sunny out, so I decided that Ryn and I could stay in the sun to dry. She got up after about an hour, and came to talk to me. By now, my short hair was dry, though my clothes were still damp. "You tell me! You passed out and fell in the fountain."
I flinched a little when he raised this voice a little. "I-I'm s-sorry," once again I hanged my head. "It was j-just that I was t-thinking about--" I had to stop myself. I don't think I want to tell him about my past yet. He might think what everyone else used to think.
Ryn flinched and I sighed - I hadn't meant to raise my voice like that. Snuffing out my cigarette against the side of the tree, I stowed the remaining half back in the pack. "Thought about what?" I asked curiously, stepping forward to grab her chin and tilt her face up to make her look at me. Passing out like that wasn't good, especially if it was just thinking about something that caused it. I want going to let Ryn squirrel out of answering my question.
"N-nothing...I-it's not important a-anyway." I said as I turned away. "I-it wouldn't matter now would it..?" I had a fake smile on my face. I moved my hair out of face since I kept my promise to Kai.
Ryn smiled and pushed her hair out of her face, like I had asked her to. As she turned, the sun's light hit her just right... I couldn't help myself. With the hand still under her chin, I turned her face back towards me, leaned down, and kissed her. I kissed her more, pushing her back a few steps and up against another tree trunk. When she was getting into it, I stopped suddenly. "I think it's important, so tell me," I whispered in her ear.
I sighed and looked away. "I-I can't." I tried to push him away but he pushed me against the tree once again, preventing me to move. "K-Kai...please...let me go.."
It was cute, how this small girl thought she was strong enough to push me away. I stepped forward, pushing her back, my chest and hips pressed against hers, my right leg between her shapely thighs, and my left on the other side of her right leg. She begged me to let her go, and I realized I liked seeing Ryn like this. "No," I said, kissing her again.
My eyes started to tear up. This is what 2 years ago was like. I kept screaming his name but he wouldn't listen to me. "K-kai! P-please, stop; no more" Just then I realized that my leg was between his legs, so I kicked him....there, causing him to be off guard and fall on his knees. I had my chance to run. I ran away. I ran and ran until I couldn't run no more. I noticed that I ended up in the woods; I was lost. I don't know how to get back. I sat against a tree, crying my eyes out.
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That damn girl! I fell to my knees as she kicked me, but was able to get back up after a few moments to try to chase her. I could kiss her in her dorm room when she's nearly naked, but if it's outside it's not okay? What the hell?

Ryn had more stamina than I expected, she made it all the way to the forest before she lost me. I wandered through the trees as quietly as I could, and eventually heard the sound of crying. Sneaking over, I knew it was Ryn. I hid on the opposite side of the tree trunk. Now that I found her, I wasn't sure what to do. Apologize? Yell at her? Find out what her problem was?
I was crying to the point I started to go mad. I began to talk out loud, "S-stupid Kai!! Why am I a-always a target?! W-why am I always being used?! Why am I always taken advantage of?! Why do I always end a...s-sex slave?! Why me....?"

I pulled up my sleeves, looking at the scars. I used to cut myself; all because I had a messed up life....
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I think I stopped breathing when I heard Ryn talking to herself. Oh sh**, what have I done? I had to start to fall for a girl with issues... Here I was, a virgin getting way too caught up in his first attraction that I didn't even think about the girl. Damn, what do I do now? I could just leave, I thought, since I was pretty sure she wouldn't be talking to me ever again.
I stood up, with my legs trembling. I walked and walked until then, I tripped and fell. I slowly got back up, sobbing. I walked around until I found an way out of here.

I finally arrived at my dorm, still crying. I put a fake smile on my face and gently petted Shiro. "H-hi. Sorry for being so home late." I grabbed a knife....holding it onto my hands wondering 'should I do it again?' With my hands shaking, I slowly cut myself, like how I did before. After a while my arm was covered in blood; my hand is covered in blood.
Ryn got up and found her way out of the forest. She went home to her dorm and I went to mine. But I did not like it. Though it was after the dorm-room check, I slipped out of my room and snuck into the girls' building. This time, I didn't knock on Ryn's door because it would make noise and she might raise a fuss.

What I came in on was worse. I ran to Ryn, covering her mouth with one hand as I took the knife from her with the other. "What the hell are you doing?" I hissed angrily. It would have been a yell if I didn't have to be quiet.
"I-I.." I couldn't continue my sentence due to the fact I was trembling. Tears began to fall from my eyes once again. The look in his eyes was filled with anger and a bit of confusion.
Great, she was crying again. "Rat me out for being here, and I'll gut your rabbit," I threatened, though it wasn't something I would actually do. I threw the knife in the kitchen sink and dragged Ryn to the bathroom to wash the blood off her arm. I was so incredibly pissed at myself and at her that I didn't say anything else for a few minutes.
After some time of washing my arm off, I sat back down onto my bed. "K-Kai I--" I was shushed before I even got the chance to say something.
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Ryn started to speak, but I shushed her, then left to find the first-aid kit that was in every dorm I came back and put ointment on her cuts and then bandaged them. So help me, if they scarred, I might as well rape her to make them worth it. When I was fine, I put the kit back and returned. "You... I..." I ran my hand through my hair, "Dammit. You are going to explain everything. Now. The fainting, the forest, the crying, this," I gestured at her arm, "Everything."
"K-Kai....I-I...." I calmed down a little bit. I began to explain, " Two years ago, when I was fifteen years old, I was bullied. All day everyday. Nobody ever liked me. They would push me around, throw things at me, and even beat me up. It was one of the causes of my cutting. Then, one day, I was walking home from school, a group of guys threw me in a alleyway. They aroused me a whole lot. Some guy with dusty blonde hair...he...he saved me from them...he...he...kind of.....look like you. He said that he was my friend, he would do anything to protect me. But, all of that changed. He wanted me to meet him somewhere; so I did. He took me to a place that looked like a warehouse an threw me in there. He said that I was going to be his.....his....s-sex slave. If I don't do what he says, he...threatened to kill my I listened to him. I lied to my parents, saying that I had a part time job. That's when I....lost my virginity.....everyday...was sex....forceful, painful, horrible, I would cry all night....I would resort to cutting....a-also....sometimes...on my way to school, I would also be raped by of guys....sometimes...when that guy isn't there....his....friends...would do his for work for him.....w-what was also that rumors would spread in my school....I would be called a many names...I attempted suicide 3 times...but couldnt do it....everyday was like that....for a whole year....then...that's when I moved," I began to cry again. " life....I-is...a-always messed up.....! I-I hate my life....!" I fell into my knees....busting out crying.
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I listen to Ryn's story, getting angrier by the second. At the end, she fell of the bed to her knees. Frustrated, I picked her up and threw her back on the bed. "Dammit, why didn't you just tell me I was doing something you didn't like? Don't just hurt yourself in silence!" I was mad, I wanted to kill this kid from her story, I wanted to punch something, I wanted to hug the crying girl, but was afraid to hurt her again.

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