Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

Hours later, another school day ended. I made my way to my dorm and heard voices through the door. The only thing I cold make out was 'cute', 'soft', and 'you're lucky she found you'. Wondering who is was, I walked in and saw that it was Kai playing with Shiro. There was two empty plates next to Kai and Shiro. Instead of asking 'what are you doing here?' I asked, "I see you fed him while I wasn't around huh?"
The door opened, and I felt like a deer caught in headlights. As if I had been doing something wrong, I sat up quickly and looked to the side, "He looked hungry..." And adorable, but I wasn't going to say that out loud.
"T-thanks." I said as I closed the door and walked to my bed. I looked at Kai and thought that I should ask the question. "What are you doing here..other than....feeding Shiro...."
"Just waiting for you to finish school," I said nonchalantly, petting my new friend and scratching behind his ears. "I didn't like how you left our last conversation, so I wanted to clear that up."
Was he talking about the conversation on the rooftop? I explained to him,"I didn't know there was anything for you to talk about....I answered my question with a simple answer...."
I frowned, not realizing that had been her problem. "You said you would 'get out of my way', except you weren't in my way. And if one conversation's over, we can start another or sit in silence..." I trailed off, man, this was embarrassing to say! "I don't like you just leaving like that."
I ran my hand through my hair, realizing I would have to explicitly say it, "I just said I like it when you're around." Of course, that was a lie, that was what I had deliberately avoided saying, so I had to try to imply it in the previous statement.
"O-oh okay!" I said as I was walking towards Kai. I grabbed his face and kissed him, then pulled back. "I-I'm sorry. I guess I'm a bit....happy since you said that.....You're...the only person I can count on..."
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I had to try not to smile when Ryn kissed me... Though I enjoyed it, her statement was a bit unnerving. I didn't really want to be close to people, but now I find myself with someone trusting me? I wasn't sure what to do, so I looked away a bit, "I'm nobody to count on... You gotta make more friends..."
"Don't say that...!" I said to him. "I don't want to make anymore friends. Nobody will ever like me anyway. It has and always be like that."
I scowled at her claim, "Nobody will like you? Yeah right! If you just started talking to people more... Everybody would like you." Ryn was quiet, but she was cute and friendly - she'd definitely be popular if she wasn't so shy.
I didn't want to listen to a word he said. I suddenly feel like that Kai was all the only was for me to talk to people. For the first time, I actually raised my voice. "No! I don't want want to do any of that if you won't do it!"
"Shhh," I said quickly, "Don't make someone come in here..." Honestly, I was surprised that the normally quiet girl was even able to raise her voice. I sighed, what did she mean, that I should talk to people too? I didn't like people, well... except for her...
My phone rang, and I scowled as I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it. "You need what? Now?" I growled into the phone, "Yeah, whatever. Give me 15 minutes." I hung up and turned to Ryn, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her towards me. I planted a kiss on her lips before she could say anything.
After kissing for 2 minutes, we finally stopped. After we stopped, I asked Kai, "What did you....kiss me for...?"
As I kissed Ryn, I couldn't help but smile. Definitely enjoyable... "Ah, well, I gotta leave," I said, letting her go after another quick kiss, "So just saying goodbye." I winked, and fired off a text telling Justin I was leaving while patting the bunny on the head.
What's with Kai? It was like...we were a married couple for a second there. He couldn't be in love with me, although we do...have our moments. I watched him leave in confusion then sat on my bed. I sat there for five minutes then decided to take a shower then do my homework.

2 hours had passed and it was already dark. I'm kinda worried about Kai but, he could take care of himself. I know he doesn't want me to worry but I felt that I should text him if he is okay. I put my phone back down. He would probably scolded me for worrying about him so much.
Justin came to pick me up from my dorm, and I entered the car and promptly slapped him on the back of the head. "I told you not to get mixed up in this shit, man."

"Yeah, yeah," Justin replied with a grin, "but you've still got my back." I shook my head, but when it came to the fight, I had his back and he had mine, like normal. The two of us took down the two cronies his pot dealer brought along, no problem. Justin had his words with the slimy man, and we left.

"It's not like you had anything better to do," Justin said on our way home.

"Actually, I did!" I protested as I wiped the blood off my hands to see how much of it was my own, "Coulda got laid..." Justin proceeded to make fun of me about that "cute girl" I "stole" from him.
Once Kai came back into my dorm, I ran up to him and tightly hugged him. "Kai! Where have you been...? I...I was worried.." Once I looked down, I noticed that his hands was bloody. "'re...bleeding. What happened to you...?"
It was a cruel joke Justin played - I didn't realize he was dropping me off at the girls' dorm instead of my own. I was too exhausted to walk home, and it was after the dorms locked up, so I'd have to sneak in either way. So instead of going home, I went back to Ryn's room.

Bad idea, I thought to myself, I shoulda just gone home. "Eh, it's nothing," I said quickly, putting my hands behind my back. My ribs felt bruised and I had gotten my upper arm slashed with a knife, but my jacket covered the rip in my shirt. Luckily, I was pretty good at protecting my face, so I didn't appear too beat up. Though my clothes were a little dirty. "Just got in a disagreement with some... acquaintances. Can I use your bathroom?" I hoped to wash the dirt off and clean the blood out of my scrapes and cuts.
"Uhm...okay...sure." Kai seemed a Something is wrong. I wanted to know what happened. wasn't fair. He tells me to tell him everything that goes on but he would never tell me what goes on with him. About several minutes later, I had an angry-like pout on my face when he came out of the bathroom. "Kai, why won't you tell me...what's going on?"
I was starting to think of an excuse when I caught Ryn's no-nonsense, pouty look on her face. "This kinda thing is normal for me..." I explained, "Justin got in a tight spot, and he's my buddy, so I have his back when we money or words can't solve problems." I flexed my hands, my knuckles were scraped up, but my left had stopped hurting already. Though, my right wrist felt sprained. Not bad for that rowdy of a brawl.
I sighed and went to sit on my bed. 'Buddy'...."I hated people," I said as I looked at him In the eyes. "And also, why do you....get caught these things? You'll make me worry that way and--" I stopped myself before he thinks I'm talking nonsense. "Nevermind..."

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