Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

"We should all get some sleep. But we'll need to take turns on watch duty. I got first shift, if it's OK" he said trying to impress Vermillion
Faust: He builds a fire using the sticks and a match, then sits in front of it, warming his hands. "I just took a nap. You can take the second shift though."
"Go ahead, I'll take 3rd watch." She replied than found some tarps and an old mattress in the back and pulled it over to Emmie. Then she lied down and almost instantly fell asleep.

[Did we completely abandon that other guy, lol]
Faust: He whispers as to not wake the others up. "Don't worry. I won't let you guys die or try and get in the way."

[Just gonna say this, then I'll wait until our navy seal friend catches up.]
"I would tell you to be quiet, but I don't think that will be a problem." Libby smirked as she sat up in the passenger seat of the old Dodge truck her and Dean had stopped for a nap in. The vehicle hadn't been in any condition to drive for what seemed to be long before the infection ever hit. That sight seemed to be rather common in the trailer park they were in though.

Libby stretched and yawned before straightening her leather jacket and looking out the window. They hadn't yet scavenged the run down park yet and decided to sleep in a vehicle instead of risk finding a horde huddled inside one of the broken down and tin-peeled mobile homes. Now that it was night time, it was an even worse time to go out and scavenge.

Libby looked across the small space between her and Dean and sighed. "This is stupid, we really shouldn't be going out this late but we haven't eaten in three days and we're almost out of drinking water." She grumbled and lifted her camel pack off the rusted floor board and gave it a little shake. The pathetic sound of nearly no water rustling in the pack was enough to make her mouth run dry. Behind her, she reached back and grabbed her machete and crowbar, along with her back pack that had been ready for more supplies days ago, now it felt uncomfortably light.

"Oh God, there better be some good shit in these tin boxes." She huffed before suddenly kicking the old door open and jumping out and onto the dirt road that ran through the whole trailer park. She breathed in the night air and looked around, already alert. A piece of her wanted everything to run smoothly and safely and for them to get and out without a trouble but she also couldn't deny the growing piece in her that was excited and full of adrenaline with the thrill that came with fighting the infected. She took a deep breath finished examining the area. It was unusually quiet for night time in a less rural area. She peered past the edge of the park and into the dark woods. Escape plan numer uno, run into the woods should shit get too hairy.

"Okay, we'll start with this one." She said quietly and aimed her crowbar towards first trailer.
Dean raised his eyebrows at the trailer Libby had pointed at, the yard around it over grown with weeds that crawled up the sides and the door looked to be hanging off its hinges. "If you say so. We'll probably need our tetanus shots after this." He said quietly, gripping his machete tightly as he gave a small smile to Libby's affronted look. He let her go first, knowing that if he argued who should lead he wouldn't win, so he would just do a brilliant job of guarding her back.

The door squeaked open and both of them shared a wince as they made their way in, the smell of mildew and decay smacking them in the face. Dishes overflowed in the sink, dirt and trash littered the floor and Dean felt a mix between hopeful for something to scavenge and dreading whatever repercussions may come with using the items they found. He made his way to the kitchen, sparring a look in his friend's direction as he stepped carefully over piles of glass.
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Libby ignored the powerful smell of mildew and the clinging tickle of webs that brushed against her face as she made her way across the small living room of the single wide trailer's living room and past its kitchen towards the master bedroom. "Watch my back." She spoke bluntly over her shoulder, despite knowing she didn't need to. She knew one hundred percent that Dean always had her back. With a swift motion she pushed the door to the master bedroom open and winced at the loud creek as it gave way and thudded against the wall. Libby cracked her neck and strained her ears, listening to whatever could come next. Just when she thought the coast was clear a clatter sounded from the master bathroom and suddenly a screeching mass of rotting bones came quickly shuffling across the space between them.

"Oh man, momma wants to dance." Libby announced a little more cheerfully than she should have and quickly her strained look of tense concentration spread into a wide smirk. She quickly took a few steps back and placed her crowbar back onto the leather sack across her back and gripped her machete tightly as she waited the perfect moment to take a swing. Her green eyes narrowed as the howling thing that was once a woman reached the threshold between the kitchen and the bedroom and whipped out her long mold covered arms. For a moment everything slowed down and as the infected's arms swung for her neck she looked down and caught a shiny glimpse of gold.

"Oh snap, Juicy Couture." Libby mumbled and quickly swung out with her machete and hacked the Zombie's arm off. With her left boot she gave a low growl and kicked the infected in her sternum, sending her toppling back into the master bedroom. Already, her adrenaline was rushing and her heart pounded in her ears. This was what if felt like to be alive. As she stepped into the darkness of the master bedroom she couldn't help herself but to start laughing. Low at first, but grew into heartfelt fun laughter as she quickly stepped around the flailing arms of the infected and landed a swift hack to her forehead, ending her struggles.

With a satisfied sigh, Libby quickly stood back up straight, flipping her red hair back over and flashing a little smile to Dean. She waited in the silence, looking at him and listening for anything else in the home to come out with all the noise she had just made. When nothing announced itself she shrugged and stepped further into the Master bedroom and into the bathroom for toilet paper and toothpaste and medicines. "Dean, see if there are any water bottles and canned foods and ooo it would be awesome if they had starcrunches! I haven't had one of those little delicious snacks in years!" She called across the bedroom as she filled her pack with toilet paper.
Dean shook his head slightly, smiling slightly and straightening from where he'd been leaning against the edge of a counter, his muscles steadily relaxing now that the zombie was dead and Libby was safe. He completely bypassed the fridge, lord knows everything in it had far exceeded its expiration date, and headed for one of the cabinets beside it. "Well, we have plenty of beans." He said to himself as he carefully shifted along the nearly bare shelves, pulling out the cans that didn't have any mold or rust growing on them and stuffing them in the small pack on his back.

The house creaked and Dean froze and listened before determining the wind was picking up outside. Hopefully they could raid another trailer or two before the weather got bad, but knowing their luck it would start raining soon.

Most of the cabinets were empty, rot setting in and rendering a lot of the food boxes inedible. Then he looked under the sink. "No starcrunches, Libby." Dean said, grinning over his shoulder as he bent down in front of the sink. "But I got some water bottles." A whole pack of water bottles sat untouched by time. The ominous creaking picked up outside as he fit as many bottles into his pack as he could.

He stilled suddenly as something slammed against the side of the trailer. "Libby?" He called out, standing and heading towards the front door, the windows blacked out by paint.
Faust: He walks over and shakes Austin awake. "All right. Your watch." He lays down in front of the fire (between fire and shed) and is almost instantaneously asleep.
Austin got up, and stood his watch. He was alert, though he didn't get much sleep, or so it seemed to him.
Emmie yawned and sat turned on her side, then shifted on to her back. She yawned as her stomach growled, and blinked a few times before sitting up.

"Hey, guys," Emmie said, and frowned when nobody replied. She stood up and saw Faust and Vermillion, Austin had his back turned to her as he kept watch. Emmie grinned mischievously, and decided to pounce on Faust first.

She practically jumped on his chest. "Wake uuup!" She sang,
Austin heard Emmie waking everyone up. 'Too late to stop her now..' he thought and laughed to himself. Children..
Faust: He yells in alarm as he is awoken by someone bouncing on his chest. Realizing who it is after he has his sword halfway out of its sheath, he grins tiredly. "Geez Emmie, don't scare me like that."
Emmie let out a laugh and say beside Faust, and patted the top of his head for no particular reason.

"I'm hungry."
Austin sat outside the shed looking around. "Uhh.. guys. We've a problem" he said, talking about the zombies coming his way.
Faust: He looks blearily at Emmie, then at the zombies. "Um....I think I have an apple somewhere...." He starts shuffling through his pockets, oblivious to the danger. After he finds the apple, his brain finally registers the threat. "Oh shoot!" He tosses the apple to Emmie and draws his sword, now completely awake.
Emmie caught the apple, her eyes wide with shock. She dropped the apple in her bag that was leaning against the shack, and paused when she saw that her bows had been snapped somehow in her bag. Emmie frowned and drew her daggers instead.
Faust: He swings his sword at the nearest zombie, other hand fumbling with the straps for his shield. Once he has it on, he hits another zombie across the face with it, sending it reeling. He moves to keep himself in between the undead horde and the shed, hopefully preventing them from getting in.
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Emmie stepped forward and swung wildly and the zombies, aiming for their necks or heads. Suddenly, a zombie clawed at her hair from behind, and she screamed, dropping her daggers.

The zombie took hold of her shoulder and took a slobbery bite of it. Emmie let out a gasp and screamed again, louder, and began to cry. "Let me go!" She cried
Faust: He turns in alarm to Emmie, but is knocked over by another zombie as it throws itself against his shield. He throws it off and starts lashing out at the undead, using his sword as a distraction while he gets up. "Gah!!!"

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