Indescribable (Closed)

"you fought your sister? Over what?" She asked, raising a brow.


Oliver continued to hold her close "right now,  you can do pretty much anything and I'd be happy"
A painful whine following Yuki's words, Dei-Loki would allow his claws to dig into the palms of his hands. "N-No, don't worry. I don't plan on giving up on him... I already said that I'd stick by his side, I just..."

Malvo panted softly as she shifted once Ash pulled back. Closing her eyes, she'd then softly exhale. "I've never been one t' back down from a challenge..."
Izzy sat up more and smiled. "so like this?" She gently pressed her lips to his, biting his lower lip gently and putting her hands gently on each side of his face.

Ash chuckled, looking at Malvo before moving his hands and sat on his bed. "challenge eh? Then go ahead."
"It doesn't concern you. Go and bother someone else." Masaru tsked.

"Alright. Chill. Chill. Chill." Yuki put her hands up in surrender. "What Mom use to do when Masaru was being a grumpy brat was that she would treat him as a kid. Unlike all the villagers, us and Dad did. She actually treated him as if everything was a playground. She would play . . . that hide & seek game. She would tickle him. She would play in the rain. She would make silly faces. She acted as if she and him were kids in their own little world. Gods, he loved it. He would laugh and sometimes it made Mom cry because she missed his laugh soo much. I'm not saying to treat him like a kid. All i'm saying is to bring him back into a childhood that he has never had."
"no" was all she said as she continued to sit in the chair, a concerned look on her face as she did.


Oliver blushed deeply, a small yelp of suprise came out of his mouth, but was muffled by the kiss, which he soon melted into.
Soon loosening the tension in his hands, Dei-Loki quietly huffed before nodding in understanding to Yuki as he stared at the sheets. "I'll give it a shot..."

With a huff, Malvo quickly finished composing herself before shifting and watching Ash head to the bed.
Izzy felt him melt into her kiss and she deepened it a littlest more before breaking it and smiled at him softly. "how was that?"

Ash looked at Malvo. "Damn, I was expecting you to jump on my dick after all of that." He chuckled
Masaru sighed, taking off the rag to look at her for a split second before putting it back on. "I got into a fight with her because i pushed away from Dei. I just don't want him to get hurt, okay!? I don't want to hear it, okay? I just don't deserve any of it." 

"Also give him kisses and hug him and all that. I can't believe i'm saying this, but sex would help a lot too. Now, you can go now and force love down his throat or you can stay here and sleep. Just don't tell him i'm here just yet. He would be pissed off more than usual." Yuki gave a crooked smile and stood up from the bed.
Dei-Loki nodded, sitting up to his best attempt before he winced and huffed. His gaze soon traveling to Yuki. "... Thank you, Yuki."

"I do have some restraint." Malvo smirked slightly. Blinking in the process. Liiiiaaaaarrrrr. 'Shh.'
"mhmm" she said in a understanding tone. "so you think your worthless?" 


Oliver was slightly in shock at what had occurred "it was... yeah it was pretty good" 
Raven, who made his way out, was casually walking on just the outskirts of the forest. He could barely help not sending a volley of dark arrows through the woods. 
Ash cocked an eyebrow, hearing the voice in her head and asked. "and who is that in your head?"

Izzy giggled. "you're not so bad yourself. I want more, but I'm holding back."
"What do you think? You grow up, so use to being called a monster, a psycho, Ayamu's son, demon, the Devil, the killer of all mankind. It gets to you. Especially after living so fucking long. You just come to accept it and become it. Why be good when everyone thinks lesser of you? There isn't a point of trying when the world sees you as nothing but an evil abomination that should've died right after it was born." Masaru closed his eyes behind the rag, saying these words so nonchalantly.

Yuki nodded, "no prob, lil' wolf dude. Now, go love my brother." She giggled nnd jumped through the opened window and into the night.
Dei-Loki would nod as he smiled a small bit. Wincing as he slowly made his way over to put some pants on before waddling and limping out of the room muttering 'ow' every so often under his breath. Still, he kept Masaru's jacket draped over him as the scent gave him comfort. Plus it was a larger size than he was - nice and comfy. Lowering an ear, he made his way to Masaru's room.

Malvo widened her eyes at that, lowering an ear before huffing. "Oh, that, uh... it's just the Corruption. Don't worry about it."
Nia stood up, and went for the door turning back to say one last thing "we all have our own stories. However, it is usually the most humble souls that always believe their stories are insignificant when in fact, those are the stories that change the world forever, and have the most profound impact on the people around them" she opened the door "good luck" was all she said to loki before going to her room to sleep.


Oliver smirked "Well, I did say you could do anything you wanted and I'd be happy soooo." 
Masaru sighed, until he heard the door open and the smell of him mixing with his own scent. His heart felt like it went up his throat and slowly began to choke him. "I told you to leave. I told you. To go away and leave me alone. Go find someone else. Why don't you ever listen?"
Dei-Loki watched as Nia exited, nodding to her with lowered ears before soon stepping into the room. Flinching from the kogitsune's words, he turned his head away like a dog being scolded - revealing the black veins to still be present. Don't let it sting you. Go on. "I don't want anyone else, though..." Dei-Loki spoke up as he'd finally look to Masaru once more. Hesitating before then getting onto the bed and embracing him tightly. "The search would all be in vain..."
Masaru seem to tense and froze. "Stop hugging my arm. You'll fine plenty more people that would be less of a dick than me. Just leave me alone." His voice slightly picking up on a whine.
Izzy chuckled and pressed her lips to his again before getting off of him. "it's almost 2 In the morning, lets go to bed."

Ash chuckled, "well, the corruption told me that you are a liar."
"And what if I like people like you, hmmm?" Keeping a hold of his arm, he leaned up and pecked his lips briefly without hesitation. Emerald eyes gazing into his. "I'm not a fan of nice guys. I can't relate to them like I can t' you."

Malvo huffed, lowering an ear. "Don't listen to it! The Corruption is more of a liar than I am." You keep tellin' yerself that.
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Masaru moved the rag from his eyes. He squinted as the pain in his brain seemed to double in size. "You're so stubborn, but fine. Hell, my heart is already a victim of your love. Why not just accept it?" Masaru pulled Dei into a long, passionate kiss and then went to sleep with him. 

(Time skip to nine weeks)
Mia laid on the couch, spread out and passed out asleep. Her stomach was half the size of her little body, but that was normal when most girls were having twins. A few weeks ago they found out about the twins, and that one was a girl, and the other a boy. Masaru and Nicholas has been on her case about everything. They've been there for her cravings and mood swings, Nicholas being the main one she beat on in her anger, or cried on she she was feeling sad. Now, the day is almost near that these little monsters were coming out. In her dreams, she kept thinking of names for them, but couldn't decide.

The one who tried to stay out of The pregnant buisiness was Izzy. She was there for Mia, of course, but she didn't want to be near those raging hormones. She loved watching Nicholas, the sex withdrawal taking its toll on him. But most of the time, she was out in the woods, sitting under a big tree and just relaxing to herself, no worries at all.

Ash grumbled in his sleep, a half naked(wink wink) Malvo in his arms. He never really had sex with her, he would always get close to the point, then stop just to tease her. She never really leaves his side, nor his bed. He didn't mind it though, something to help him not feel so lonely at night. And, he grew used to holding her.
Dei-Loki huffed as he wandered about the house - listening to the many noises it had seemed to make in the silence of the moment. With his tail curled around his waist, he peeked out the window before blinking as he'd finally bump into Masaru. Looking up, he smiled and curled his tail."There y' are!"

Akumu let out a bored huff as he leaned back in a chair in the kitchen. His gaze focused on the lights as he had, finally, found a state of relaxation.

Malvo would sleep soundlessly. Her tail draped over them both as she hadn't moved from the position she fell asleep in. The only movement that was noticeable was the twitching of her ears as the result of listening to the mix between Ash's breathing and the noises outside.
Nicholas watched intently on the Mia. Everywhere she went, he went. Everything that would cause her stress to increase, he made sure to decrease. He laid on a recliner, watching Mia's sleeping form with a soft smile. 

"How could you miss me? I am like a skyscraper to you, short-stack." Masaru teased.

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