Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki widened his eyes slightly as he'd been pushed over. His tail slowly curling a bit more as a lustfully mischievous look seemed to shape his face in the shape of another smirk. He'd waited for Masaru to cease his speaking as his eyes would then flash. His voice slightly seeming doubled, yet mixed with a lust-dripping tone. "Just giiiiive in~"

Akumu ceased his walking before looking up to the masked figure, his brows perking as he cautiously rested a hand on his blade. "Taking a walk." He'd then glance around curiously. "Uh... Where did you come from? I'm not sure I've seen y' around here before."

Malvo flicked an ear at Ash's words as she continued to study the camp - only to look to the ground. "Won't stop me from tryin'."
"where I am from is not important. Somthing you can relate too. Your not exactly from here either" she lept to another tree branch and continued to eye him curiously.


Oliver put a hand on Izzy's shoulder "think about your next move Iz"
Izzy smirked, seeing Nicholas getting all offensive about it. "Chihuahua? Yikes, didn't know a hellwolf the same size as you, loverboy." She then chuckled, looking at him then backed up against Oliver to get out of the boy's face. "Go help her before she hurts herself." she said, looking at Mia who gave up trying to get on the counter. 

Mia huffed. "I don't need help! I can doooo ittt. I'm just...tired."

Ash cocked an eyebrow at her. "You're just too cute sweetheart."
Masaru groaned, his chest rumbled as he lost all sight of trying to reel back the beast. His eyes shifted and he left his animal instincts do what they wanted to do for so long.

(Faaaade to black)

Nicholas rolled his eyes at Izzy before going to Mia, "what are you doing?" He asked even though, he carefully placed her on the counter. A loving smile appeared on his face as he watched how adorable she was.
Dei-Loki panted as he'd limply sprawl out on the floor. Tired, sore, and yet a look of satisfaction stuck around on his face as he flicked an ear. His mind recalling the ruthless throws of aggressive, animalistic passion that had just been demonstrated. His eyes were closed as he held this grin - slowly feeling his heart back down from trying to make it's escape. 

Akumu lowered his brows, only to cock one out of curiosity as his gaze followed her in the trees. A grin on his face. "Ahhh, I don't stand out that much, do I?"

Malvo smirked briefly, that look son running away from her face as she pocketed her hands and looked to the sky. 'Why... am I doing this? Why do I feel the way I do, and why do I feel so compelled t' try and--' She'd stop her thoughts, watching the clouds and remaining silent for a few seconds before speaking. "Your wing.... how is it?"
Cheshire would then leap down from the tree. "that's not the only thing that stands out about you. You've somehow bedded..." she sniffed the air, as if smelling their scent. "you've somehow bedded two girls" she said as she leaned up against a tree.


Oliver remained silent, then going to the nearby living room and flopping onto the couch.
"Well now I'm just sitting here." She said, giggling and kissing nicholas's nose before touching her hand to her stomach. "It don't feel no different..."

Izzy folloed Oliver and plopped on him. "On the couch now are we?"

Ash looked at her and sighed. Giving one more tease, he walke towards Malvo and pushed her up against one of the poles in the tent, pressing his lips hard against her neck, working them tirelessy and quickly, nipping her here and there.
Masaru also panted, his body slightly shining from his sweat. He looked around to see that they were both on Masaru's bed and their clothes were thrown everywhere. "Damn, it looks like a tornado came through here." He turned his head to Dei and smiled, his whitish-pink hair clinging softly to his forehead. 

"It'll take some time, doe-eyes. Just have patience. I'll have to get Masaru tomorrow and we'll start making the room for the baby or how ever many there are." Nicholas pecked her lips. "If you want, you can tell me how you want to decorate the room."
"The gusts of passion know no bounds." The demigod would speak, managing to turn his gaze to Masaru as his grin would widen a small bit. The Corruption snickering. And neither do the creatures in it.

Witnessing her leap from the tree, he pocketed one hand before then using the other to rub the back of his head. "Wasn't planned, but, y' know... gotta go with tha flow." 'And that will be the last time I ever jump into that water.'

Malvo blinked as she listened to Ash approach, her eyes widening as she blushed and bit back a moan as she felt the intense contact. Exposing her neck for a moment, she hesitated before trying to push him off. Trying to hold back the turned-on tone in her voice as she spoke. "A-Ash, I asked y' a question."
She'd remain leaned against the tree as she tilted her head again. "don't lie, you liked it, or maybe you have an attraction to one of the girls hmmm?"


Oliver chuckled a bit "and so are you now"
Masaru laughed, all the sexual tension released as his body felt good and light once more. "How do you feel? I know i'm not good at blowing you, but was i better in this department?"
"Much better." Dei-Loki snickered, moving and gently kissing Masaru's cheek before wincing slightly from the soreness he'd felt.

Akumu would blink a few times. "Well, I didn't say it wasn't enjoyable." he'd then pause before then looking away. "And, don't be silly! I barely know..." as he trailed off, he squinted and looked off to the side at the thought - as if questioning himself.
"Thank god, i thought i was only a dick. Welll. . . you know what i mean." Masaru wrapped his arms around Dei and shifted him around so that Dei didn't feel too much pain.
Continuing to wear his grin, Dei-Loki allowed himself to be shifted into a more comfortable position - soon cuddling into Masaru slightly. "... I hope we weren't too loud."
"I wasn't too loud. You, on the other hand, have a nice pair of lungs." Masaru kissed Dei's temple.
With a light blush, Dei-Loki would slightly allow his tail to curl over them both. "Do I? I-I couldn't have been that loud... Though, I do feel my voice is startin' ta go."
"I'll make you some hot honey tea for you in the morning. It'll help your throat. I don't think anyone has heard us. I don't mind whatever. I'm just glad you're mine." Masaru closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.
Dei-Loki would then smile warmly, cuddling a bit more into Masaru. "I'm glad I am, too." He would quietly reply before having quickly fallen asleep soon after his mate.
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"I don't know how the baby will like it though.. we don't know anything yet." Mia told him, happy that she was finally on the counter.

Izzy chuckled."that I am, but you like this so you'll keep your mouth shut." She giggled after that, laying down on his and laying her head on his shoulder while her tail curled around his leg.

Ash stopped to answer, "my wing is fine, thank you." He went back to kissing and biting her neck, moving his hands under her shirt to hold her hips.
"go on, finish that thought." she said, as she slowly walking up to him with a sway to her hips. "why deny the attraction?" after sayimg that, she stopped walking forward still a few feet away and put her hands on her hips. 


Oliver opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. He'd then, very cautiously, put an arm around Izzy. 
"Yeah, i guess we can wait until we find out what the gender and how many there are. I'll have to call our family's doctor later on. Unless, you want to talk to him today?" Nicholas looked towards the doors that lead to the forest. His eyes shifted into a more bright gold. 

Masaru felt as if he was falling to his death. Until he hit Hell's surface once more. "Dream. It has to be dream. I was in bed. This is a dream." Masaru stood up from the dry dirt and saw his brother, Adarian with a bullet through the center of his head and  a cloaked figure, holding a gun tightly in there hand. "Why? Why did you kill him?" The cloaked figure froze to its spot. "Hey!" The figure started to sprint and Masaru followed. He was just inches from pulling the hood. He growled, leveled his foot to a tree stump and jumped onto the hooded figure. They both fought against the other's effort. "Tell me! Tell me!" He removed the hood to see nothing. He scrambled backwards until he hit a tree and curled. His face hiding behind his knees. "Who are!? What are!?" A earth-trembling growl came, and for a second, he thought it was him. Until he looked up and saw his . . .. nogitsune. The large demon fox stretched out the cloak, making tears all along the seams. The beast smiled, blood on its mouth and down its torso. "No. N-No!" He stared at the beast's eyes until his own curiosity betrayed him. He looked down to see everyone that he has loved, dead. Their throats slashed and torn open. "No." Tears fell and made splotches on the dry dirt. "NO! NO! I WON'T! I REFUSE! I WON'T KILL THEM! I WON'T! I LOVE THEM! AND THEY LOVE ME!" The beast gave a gurgling laugh at the last part. Laughing that Masaru thought he was loved. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! They love me. THEY LOVE ME!" Anger boiled in Masaru's heart. It burst as he rushed at the beast and began to tear it apart, feeling the liquid splatter everywhere. Once Masaru was done, he began to laugh. Not the sweet, low laugh like how he would laugh at Nicholas's jokes sometimes. No, this laugh was insanity at its finest. He continued to laugh until he woke up, screaming.
Dei-Loki clenched the sheets as he went through his own dream sequence. Unpleasant. That was the nicest term for it. But dreaming of siblings leaving your side for the opposite team is never enjoyable, even if they hate one and other. There is still that shred of you that cares, deep within the dark recesses of your mind that you refuse to revisit. Yet you do it anyway. You creep into that hurt-filled section when you're aloud to wander and once you get there, it's hard to leave. Fortunately, though, the scream that penetrated his ears forced him jump back into consciousness. His eyes instantly widening before wincing when he was reminded of his soreness. Quickly looking to Masaru with concern in his eyes, he spoke. His voice slightly having been gone. "Wh-What is it!? What happened? Are y' okay!?"

Akumu kept his gaze away for the moment, continuing to contemplate. "Don't see what the point is t' excepting this idea." He would sigh, looking to her once more.

Malvo nodded, soon gasping quietly as Ash continued. Biting down on her lip as she exposed her neck to him once more.
Masaru turned his frenzied attention to Dei, he wrapped his arms around Dei and pulled him closer, careful not to hurt him. Tears slipped down his cheeks as he hid his face in Dei's hair. "Gods, you're okay. It was just a dream. A dream. It was just a dream. You're alive. You all are alive. Just a dream. Gods, it was just a dream." His body shook as he tried to make real of what was around him.
Eyes still wide from the reaction, he slowly flattened his ears before then hugging Masaru's torso tightly. The demigods words soft and soothing as he rubbed his partner's back. "Of course I'm okay..."

Akumu flicked his ears from the giggle, soon crossing his arms as he tried to switch topics. "You know, I'd probably feel better knowing who y' are."

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