Indescribable (Closed)

Oliver's face turned bright red then hearing that she was kidding, released a sigh of relief. "oh... of course." he sat up, revealing a slightly scarred upper body from underneath the blanket. "okay, what do you want to do?" 


Nia looked around "lets see. Robot arm that provides shurukin. Or worthless stump?" she said holding her chin in thought.
"Absolutely not! They would love you more than me, that is for certain. You're kind, caring, beautiful, and you have this smile about you that makes peace. The children will grow to be disciplined by me. They would be adorned and given treats by you." Nicholas kissed Mia's forehead.

"Thank you. Maybe, i could hear you play your violin sometime. It is only fair since you walked on me playing and singing." Masaru walked towards Dei, keeping the guitar hung over his neck loosely.
Mia smiled, feeling him kiss her forehead."god I hope so. Let's go tell the others!"

Izzy sat back in his thighs so he can sit up and eyed his scars. "where did you get those?" She asked, tracing a finger over one.

"hey, I told her not to." Ash said to Malvo, quickly grabbing her wrist and pulled her into the bed, trapping her underneath his body"what's wrong doll face? Jealous?" He asked, pushing the other girl out of the room with his wing.
"I'd love to play for you." Dei-Loki smiled as he watched Masaru approach. Soon rubbing the back of his head as he shifted a bit. "Maybe we could even play t'gether, sometime..."

Akumu watched her before sighing and grinning. Looking to the sky as he spoke. "I'm glad y' like it."

Malvo widened her eyes when she was pulled down, looking up at him with s blush as she scoffed. "I don't get jealous." She'd lie, softly huffing.
He pointed at the 6 scars of various sizes, and a burn mark. "knife, sword, explosion, shrapnel from the explosion, and falling down a hill after the explosion." he said simply.


Nia smiled "hey, so. I'm bored. Have any ideas?"
Masaru nodded, "of course, i would love that." A sudden afterthought popped into his mind making him shift his body weight on one foot. His eyes looking back at Dei and the tree before grabbing Dei's wrist and pulled him over to where a grave was behind the tree. Where Masaru was talking and singing. "Ummm. . . . Mom, I would like you to meet someone special to me. His name is Dei-loki. He's . . . different than the rest of the girls that i have dated. A looooooot different." He chuckled at this and continued, "I love him. I truly do. I hope you love him to. Wherever you are in Heaven." He then looked to Dei-loki. "I'm sorry if this is weird. I must be freaking you out with talking to my late Mom, but she always-." He gripped the guitar tightly, holding back the wavering voice. "She always wanted me to be happy. Gods, this is weird. To have someone see something so vulnerable about me is kinda . . . horrifying in it's sense. She would've loved you. She would've loved you so much that it would make you sick."

"Yes!" He grabbed Mia and ran downstairs till he met Elizabeth. "Guess what!?" Elizabeth stopped shoveling chocolate chips into her mouth and looked to her brother. "What?" Nicholas smirked. "We're having a baby or more." Elizbaeth's face lit up so bright that she began to zoom around the house. She then reached Oliver's room and heard Izzy. A sinister smile spread onto her face as she kicked the door down. "Hey fuckers, guess who's pregnant? Mia is!" She then ran back and hugged her brother tightly. 
Ash chuckled again and bit the side of her neck softly. "oh really? Then why does every girl fear you now? Every girl that tried to talk to me fears you." he bit her neck again, a little harder.

Izzy traced her fingers all over the scars, mesmerized by them. "I don't exactly scar.. so I got nothing to show.." She then looked up, surprised that Elizabeth knocked The door down. "Mia? Little mia is pregnant? Holy fuck, that boy is going to kill her with his dick."

Mia stood their beside Nicholas, smiling as Elizabeth ran off to tell izzy and them. Everyone was as excited as they were. "wait, when will we know what gender.. or how many..?"
Dei-Loki blinked as he followed Masaru, perking his ears as he looked to the grave and tilting his head as he listened to himself being introduced. A small smile forming on his lips as he then looked up at Masaru. "It isn't weird, Masaru. I do this sort of thing with my grandparents on my adopted mam's side. I never met them while they were living, but I've met them once or twice when I was near-death, myself, many... many years ago. Ever since that incident, I find myself talking to them quite a bit." His eyes would then close, flicking his tail slightly. "There's no need t' find it horrifying towards me knowing. I think it's more of a strength than a vulnerability. It's what keeps ya goin'."

Akumu blinked, quirking a brow and smirking to Nia. "Want t' go and see what the others are up t'?"

Malvo gasped from the nip, blushing a bit darker as she looked away. "I could just be a very scary girl. Could have nothin' t' do with jealousy." She'd then gasp once more from the next nip, moaning quietly.
Oliver sighed at the interruption "Well, I guess I have no privacy anymore, seeing how I lack a door"


Nia turned to face the town a short distance from the house. She looked up and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "That doesn't sound very fun" she said a bit disappointed.
"I don't know. I never heard of a dog and a deer mating. Masaru and i will make a room for them and we'll just have to add color and outfits and all that when they get here." Nicholas laced his fingers around Mia's. 

Masaru smiled, looking at the grass before staring right through Dei's eyes. "Maybe. Look, i never had this. This type of relationship before. I slept with only females. I didn't care if they died the next morning or if they were safe. I'm cold-hearted. I'm broken and damaged and i hide from eyes that can see me. The true me. I just want to warn you. I'm a bastard soul. If you want to run, you can and you should. I'm not going to warm up to you for a while. Hell, sometimes i'm going to hurt you for the fun of it. To see you cry because it feels nice and safer than loving you. I'm scared of myself, Dei. Sometimes, i can't even look at myself in the mirror because i see my nightmares and hear them scream. I'm crazy. I'm sadistic. I'm a monster, and i'm in love. Which is the craziest one of them all. I love you so much, Dei. So, So much and if i make you cry. If i hurt you, i'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Ash climbed off of Malvo and walked away like nothing happened, pulling out a new shirt to wear.

Mia smiled at Nicholas and leaned up to kiss his lips before walking away to raid the pantry.

Izzy shrugged and pressed her lips to his cheek."that's as close you'll get today, and that's my sorry for biting you."
Dei-Loki blinked as he watched Masaru's eyes. A gentle sigh escaping him before he smiled once more. Soon hugging the kitsune's torso as he nuzzled his chest. "I'm a very strange creature, Mr. Grumpytails. In my entire lifetime, I've only never forgiven one person. I am an awfully forgiving bastard. I'm committed t' ya, whether ya believe it or not is entirely up t' you. But, as far as I'm concerned," He slightly tightened his hold. "I'm not goin' anywhere..."

Akumu blinked from the answer, only to smirk slightly. "Well, we could always spar?"

Malvo widened her eyes a bit once he stood, huffing as she sat up and glared. "Tease..."
Oliver smiled. "I guess that'll do" he laid back down with a sigh, hamds behind his head. 


Nia smiled "weapons or no?" 

She asked, happy as ever. 

Cheshire couldn't wait to get loose, which should be soon.
Nicholas smiled as she went away and began to find something to eat. "Careful not to choke yourself, Mia."

"Gods damn it. I love you." Masaru put his weight on Dei until he began to slowly fall to the grass. Masaru shuddered at those words that Dei said. He pushed him to the ground until his back hit the grass. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." He gave quick kisses to his forehead, his cheeks and his nose until his lips touched Dei's. That's where he lost it all. He seemed to be crying as he drowned in Dei's scent. As he was whisked away by his soft lips. Forgetting it all, but not forgetting him or his family was what he wanted. His heart seemed to go fast as if it was about to explode. He pulled away, the tears slipping down his cheeks as Masaru went to give hot kisses to Dei's neck. "Gods, i love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
Dei-Loki blinked, laughing gently before softly kissing Masaru in return. His tail seemed to thump against the grass in the process, gasping softly as Masaru moved to his neck. Still, he smiled as he wrapped his arms around him. "I love you, too. Don't y' forget that, ya hear?"

"Your choice." Akumu chuckled, placing his arms behind his head.
Masaru nodded, "I'm promise that i won't forget." He wiped at his tears, making him seem like a child. Something he had never felt in all of his years. "Now what?"
"we can use weapons, I'll be right back" She teleportedto her room, low and behold. Her eyes turned black, but were then changed back to there normal color through magic. Now cheshire retrieved her outfit, minus the mask, she woukd save that for later and her two sai as she teleported back to Akumu. Hands behind her back "im ready" 
Oh, I've got a few suggestions~ Dei-Loki flicked an ear at the corruption, sitting up slightly and kissing Masaru's nose. "I'm not sure..." He then lifted his brows, smiling. "OH! Ya think Mia is expecting, yet?"

Akumu nodded and watched her vanish, waiting for her to return before then nodding and resting a hand on the hilt of his blade, slowly removing it as it gave off a dark purple glow. "Alright, shall we begin?"
Masaru's eyebrows rose at the question. "Hopefully." He stood up and lend a hand. "I really want to be an uncle. Especially to something so tiny and cute and so full of love, laughter and innocence."
Mia huffed. "I wonnnnnn't!" She called to him, closing the pantry after he said that and not finding what she wanted. "So now we got to wait till the others to get back so we can tell them."

Izzy looked down at him again and crawled off of him, standing up and grabbing his arm. "I tolllddd youuuu. Get upppp." She yanked him hard out of the bed, plopping him on the ground.

Ash pulled on a shirt and looked over at Malvo. "What was that?"
"I couldn't get up because you were on top of meeeeee!!" he hit the floor with a oof  he then stood up "I guess thats one way"


Nia smirked "come at me then"
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Dei-Loki nodded, taking Masaru's hand before pulling himself to his feet. "I hope so. It'll certainly be interesting, having a pair of little, dainty feet runnin' around the house."

Akumu nodded, twirling his blade before charging at her.

Soon getting to her feet, she flicked an ear and looked to Ash with a smirk. "I said; tease."
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Cheshire, would wait until just before he swung his blade, before teleporting onto Akumu's shoulders, pushing off as she did a front flip, which after landing she turned to face him, remaining low to the ground. With then now distinctive cheshire smile on her lips, and now both hands on her sai at her waist as she started slowly circling around him, like a cat.
Raven, was once more out training, not bothering with anyone. Well, until Naomi came up. "HEY RAVEN, YOU NEED TO STOP TRAINING!" She yelled finally getting his attention. "Seriously, you're going to get hurt doing all this, and no one needs that, you're already stronger than most acolytes and other supernatural we know." She paused for a moment, scanning over Raven. "See, you're even a bit pale! Just, please, one week of rest, that is all i'm asking for." She watched as he nodded silently, and walked off. "Jeez...he's going to kill himself." And with that, she went to check on her patients again.
Masaru grabbed the Dei's hand and walked back home. His eyes widen as Nicholas and Elizabeth came to hug him. "What are you two doing?" Nicholas rolled his eyes, "you are soooooo old. You should know what hugging is by now." Elizabeth snickered, "guess who's having a baby?" Masaru's almost burst out of head as he hugged his brother and sister back with the same love. Laughter came out of his voice, sounding like it was never used.

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