Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru frowned, but immediately smiled right after. "You seem to be  adorable in both forms. Although, your chibi version has  a taken a toll in my heart. Why do i feel like you're going to use my weakness whenever you feel you need to?"
Cheshire, after changing clothes, dipped her shuriken into a clear bottle, containing a pink fluid. Box jellyfish toxin. She stored them in her arm, put on her belt, which had a variety of tools and equipment. And slipped out the window, quickly moving through the trees to the town, appearing as a blur through the gaps in trees.
"Glad ya think so." Dei-Loki kissed his cheek before smiling innocently, closing his eyes. "I'll only use it if I really need t'."

Akumu continued to lay on the ground, thinking to himself as he kept his blade at his side.
"I highly doubt that you will, but i'll accept it. Now what?" Masaru laid his forehead on Dei's.
"I'm not sure." Dei-Loki blinked as he watched him. His tail curling as he watched his eyes. DOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIT. 'Why must you be so loud!?'
Cheshire would make her way to a compound, high wall and plenty of guards. She could just turn invisible, but what fun is that?

She stood across the street, ontop if a building as the eyes of her mask glew orange, allowing her to see thermal as she scanned the location.
"Something is on your mind? Ah, the corruption must be talking to you, am i correct?" Masaru dragged his free arm that Dei wasn't on, up and down Dei's back.
"Oh really? What's he saying?" Masaru was actually genuinely curious on what the voice said.
Dei-Loki widened his eyes at that, looking away as his face instantly lit up a light pink, only to get darker as he spoke. "I-I-I, w-well, he..." TELL HIIIIIIMMMMMM!
"Ah, i see. He's thinking naughty thoughts of what i should do to you." Masaru chuckled.
Dei-Loki's eyes widened even more, the Corruption gasping.  Ohhhhh, he's good. 'Please stop...' NEVER! the demigod would squirm at the thought(s), nodding slightly to Masaru.
Raven sighed, after finally making his way to his room. "Uggghhh..." He flopped onto his bed. The effect of overuse of his magic finally wearing him down. Slowly he went to sleep.


Naomi, after appearing the house the group was residing in, sat on the couch, trembling. No...N-No... "This can't happen..." She mumbled quietly.
Cheshire got down off her elevated observation spot. She got behind a small shed close to the main wall of the compound, poking her head around the corner as she purposely allowed herself to be spotted by a guard, who came over to investigate. As he got closer he was suddenly met with three shurukin to the chest. Cheshire ran up to the guard, and ran up his still standing figure, doing a flip off of him as she landed boot first into another guard. 

She was grabbed from behind by a guard, and two others on her sides. She kicked up off the ground and did a split kick knocking back the two guards long enough for cheshire to break free, and deliver a kick to the jaw of the guard the held him. She spread her arms and two shuriken found their way into the other two guards throats, she drew her sai and stabbed the third in the chest. She re-sheathed the blade and teleported ontop of the wall. 
Izzy chuckled. "You could've easily pushed me off." She said, brushing her black hair over her shoulder before walking out the room, stepping on top of the broken door with a giggle.

Mia watched as Izzy came out of the room and gave her a big hug. "I'm happy for you." Izzy said to Mia before turning to Nicholas with a glare. "No more fucking her allright? You did enough now." Mia just giggled, moving to jump up on the counter, well, at least tried to.

Ash just shook his head. "If I'm a tease to you, then you must reaaaaaallllyyy like me~"
"More than you'd be willin' t' believe..." Dei-Loki huffed, but followed it with a soft, slightly nervous snicker.

Malvo widened her eyes, blushing as she huffed and peeked out of the tent. "Yeah, well... Maybe I do..."
Nicholas gave a crooked smile, "can't promise anything, little Izz, but i will be a good doggy for now." 

"That explains why you blush a lot too. Especially when i get close to you, and i'm guessing he doesn't look away when i'm blowing you or you blowing me." Masaru thought of all the sexual things that they did together. He felt as if Dei would lose his mind when they fucked for the first time. A laugh came out of his throat as he thought of it.
Ya got that right. 'I swear, yer a creep sometimes.' Yes, but I'm you, sooooo~ Dei-Loki huffed and whined, his blush increasing its darkness as he'd shift once more. Soon blinking from the laugh. "What's so funny?"
"Ah, nothing. I was just thinking what he would say if we went to my room and did things more  . . . intimately." Masaru stood up from the ground, cleaning his shirt.
Dei-Loki blinked, feeling his face heat up a small bit more at the thought as he'd soon stand, as well. Lowering an ear as he had looked around. 
"Gods, i love that face. You're so submissive, it's absolutely adorable, Sunshine." Masaru tipped Dei's chin, pecking his lips as a smirk resided on his face. "Yes, that beautiful red tint on your smooth skin, how you stare at the ground like a dog that did something bad. You make me want to do bad things to your tight body." Masaru gave a deep chuckle.
The demigod's emerald irises would slightly tremble as the kogitsune's words would find their way into his ears. Blood instantly escaping his nose as he'd stare at the taller male. Heheeeeeee~
Masaru leaped backwards as the blood gushed from Dei's nose. He looked down from the blood that was pooling around Dei's feet and then back up to his face. He did this a couple of times before laughing. "I never knew how bad of an effect that i have on you. Wait! Why didn't you have a nosebleed when you saw me naked? That's really messed up."
As if unaware at first, Dei-Loki blinked before quickly checking his nose with a gentle whine from both what he saw, and from Masaru's words. "B-But I--... I can't help it..." Dei-Loki closed his eyes and lowered his ears slightly. 'Well, THIS is embarrassing.' Wasn't my fault'You liar!'

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