Indescribable (Closed)


(I'd expect her to use her words like a nice civilized person xD [kidding] )
JayJin said:
Masaru snickered and jumped into the tree branches. Leaping from tree to tree. He wasn't extremely huge, so the trees branches shuddered under his wait, but he was still agile and decent. Soon, he was running along side Kirara amongst the trees. Looking down on her, "hey, keep up." He sprung from the tree, hitting her in the side and dashed out of Kirara's eyesight.
@Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane
Kirara yelped in surprised at Masaru suddenly bumping into her side as they ran. But she quickly started to laugh playfully. "you cheater! hiding is no fair!" She yelled, closing her eyes and using a type of magic perception that could see and perceive things both normally and abnormally. So she easily spotted Masaru and returned his bump with one of her own before copying him and disappearing from sight.

@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara's eyes would tremble a small bit, shifting on her feet as she continued to watch without a word being spoken. Avoiding her urge to shutter, her eyes would close. Only to open curiously as she felt Kuro lean back against her. Her eyes would then shift to Kuro, noticing the change in face. She seemed to have a bit of a sympathetic look this go around as a couple of her tails curled around the cat demon in an effort of comforting.

Hearing the struggle coming from Cristina, her eyes then darted in her direction - once more having been wide. The familiar sound caused her to pause before she quickly moved closer before crouching. "Let me help." She seemed to demand as her hands began to give off a light blue glow the moment she crouched.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Kuro heard Cristina's couch and she stiffened like Meara had at the all too familiar sound. Kuro stumbled away from the group a few feet before locking up completely. The thoughts running through her head were a mess of memories. She started to shake violently whilst staring at her hands. In her eyes she saw all the blood accumulated from her past covering them and threatening to drown her.

Rei instantly was tearing up, nearly crying. "Cristina won't... die, right?" The question was voiced to anyone. Rei just wanted an answer. "she'll be fine right?!" Her tone became panicked.
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Masaru felt the bump and collapsed. He panted, he shifted, putting his hand on his rib cage and groaned. "Shit. Gods, it hurts." He hissed, wincing. He put pressure onto his ribcage and closed his eyes.

@Shiro kurogane
Cristina continued to cough and spit up blood, with a trembling hand managed to put a glyph underneath herself in the form of a gold clock, the hands would spin rapidly before Cristina was encased in a gold light. Time became dialated for her, everyone else and the world moved in slow motion. She coughed up more blood, a decent amount of it till she emptied her lungs of the fluid. For everyone outside of the glyph she basically had super speed and moved quickly, coughing up all the blood in seconds.

She stand and throw her arms around Rei. She would look up at Kuro and glare at her from the hug.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane


Nia would continue to look around, slightly panicked.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane
Soon after Malvo had agreed, the two began to them wander the floor of the house to see if anyone else had been home.

"She won't, if she let's me act fast enough." Meara assured to the panicking Rei. Determined to help, she hadn't noticed Kuro's current shock. At least not right away. 'Please don't take off...' Meara pleaded in her own mind. Though Kuro couldn't hear it, the thought was still focused on her.

However, Meara then lifted her brows as she watched the glyph from underneath Cristina. Slowly standing once she found that it got the job done before she was able to. With a sigh of relief, she looked from Cristina and Rei before having then looked to Kuro. Her look having been that of a soft nature still, despite everything.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
JayJin said:
Masaru felt the bump and collapsed. He panted, he shifted, putting his hand on his rib cage and groaned. "Shit. Gods, it hurts." He hissed, wincing. He put pressure onto his ribcage and closed his eyes.
@Shiro kurogane
Kirara heard Masaru's gron and halted, instantly rushing to his side and shifting back to human. "Masaru?! i-im sorry, i didn't realize i bumped you so hard. im sorry." She started crying.


Rei hugged Cristina back tightly. She was still crying softly because the thought that the other girl could have died had terrified her.

Kuro still stood numbly for a minute before her face seemed to harden and become void. She didn't register Cristina's glare but Meara's gaze caused Kuro's to soften slightly. Otherwise she didn't react or say anything.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Masaru opened his eyes, giving an evil grin. He pushed her onto the ground and kissed her lips. "Nice try, sweetie, but you see the difference between you and me is that you care too much." He got into a handstand and then launched into the air, landing perfectly on the ground. "Pathetic really, you're so gullible, it's fucking adorable." He shifted and sprinted away.

@Shiro kurogane
Cristina would grab the sides of Rei's face and turn it to look straight at her own, their faces were inches away. "Rei! Rei look at me. Look, see? I'm okay." Tears began to go down her own face as she looked at the other girl with a smile. "I'm okay Rei, I'm okay, I'm right here. I'll always be here..."

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
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Meara listened to Cristina trying to comfort Rei, her gaze still on Kuro as she approached her. "... Kuro?.." she would voice in a clearly concerned tone. Stopping once she was close enough, her ears lowered whilst watching her numb yet somehow softened expression.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
JayJin said:
"It's better. Although, it's everyone's different opinion. I like it. It's not as bitter as the ale." Nicholas took a sip.
Mia took a small sip and still made a face. "The other one tasted horrible. I choked on it." She sat it down and looked at him. "Now, it's your turn to tell me about you." She told him, smiling.
Nicholas chuckled, "yeah, it's not for everyone." He popped a few grapes into his mouth and started to talk when he was done. "I was the first born out of the litter. First name, Nicholas, last name, Grant. For my whole childhood, I was a bad kid. I stole, I hustled, I was. . .a bad kid. Once I reached my teenage years, my parents were tired of me, I couldn't blame them. I was sent to our council where they took care of me and taught me how to control bad habits. Then I was taken to the council's board, they wanted me to do a job. I became a guardian to Masaru Oshiro. I became a protector for someone whose one hundred years older than me." He took a sip of wine and stared at the sky, watching the sun fading under the hill. He wanted to stop, but it felt good to keep on going. To release his past demons once again. He took a gulp of the wine. The past was a tricky subject. It set things off like an alarm.

"It was weird, why would they want some delinquent to watch another delinquent? I never truly understood, but sometimes I do. Before I met him, I felt as if being a 'demon dog' was a label I should live up to. I thought I should be the bad guy because everyone was afraid that I would burn them. Then, I. . .I learned that we had a similar backstory, when the world looked at you as a monster and you were completely and utterly alone. I knew that feeling, even though I had parents and siblings that loved me, I still knew that sickening feeling. I'm a damaged mutt."

He took another gulp of wine, until his glass was empty. "I need to shut the Hell up. I sound like an sob story."

(WOW. I'm full of drama. To be fair. . .THIS SONG!


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JayJin said:
Masaru opened his eyes, giving an evil grin. He pushed her onto the ground and kissed her lips. "Nice try, sweetie, but you see the difference between you and me is that you care too much." He got into a handstand and then launched into the air, landing perfectly on the ground. "Pathetic really, you're so gullible, it's fucking adorable." He shifted and sprinted away.
@Shiro kurogane
Kirara was shocked still. She was about to yell at Masaru for worrying her.. but he kissed her, cause her face to turn red. "you jerk! i thought you were hurt!!" She yelled, shifted, then sprinted after him. She could have easily caught up... but Masaru's kiss had made her mind turn to the 'dark side'.


Rei sniffled as she stopped crying so hard. But she still had tears running down her cheeks. She kissed Cristina's lips for a full minute before hugging the other girl tightly. Her kiss had been the only way for Rei to convey her feelings of relief, as words wouldn't came to her.

Kuro watched Rei and Cristina's touching moment with an empty gaze. It was only when Meara's voice touched her ears that Kuro blinked slowly and looked at the kitsune girl. For a moment there was nothing... but then Kuro's face softened a bit more. "sorry... i didn't mean... sorry."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

(i just realized, 4 more days before RPN's site update thing.)
Cristina's heart skipped a beat, the kiss, was her first... it sent electricity though her body. Her heart was soaring to heights she hadn't thought possible. She felt weak at the knees as she was then hugged by Rei she lighty returned the hug still getting over that inital jolt by the kiss. Her face was flush red when she heard Kuro "I-I-I it's f-f-f-fine n-now..."

After what just happened, she can't be mad.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i just realized, 4 more days before RPN's site update thing.)

(Wait, what is happening?)

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]
(Wait, what is happening?)

( on august 8th, RPN will be offline for about two days (i think) while they update the site)
(I'm wearing the comfiest of jeans and a deadpool t-shirt while watching Tallulah on Netflix and RPing. Also, I have chocolate ice-cream. I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!)
JayJin said:
(I'm wearing the comfiest of jeans and a deadpool t-shirt while watching Tallulah on Netflix and RPing. Also, I have chocolate ice-cream. I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!)
(The good life! :D )
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]( on august 8th, RPN will be offline for about two days (i think) while they update the site)

xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Yup. Either two days or a week without RPN. ;-; Not sure what I'm going to do if it ends up being a week.
I'm just hoping that, when they do end up doing the update, that it doesn't screw up like when they switched servers. XP )
JayJin said:
(The RP's updating!)
(-panicked screaming-)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](-panicked screaming-)

(I can just picture the quotes being echoing memories in your head, leading you into an anime-like freak-out.


... But in all seriousness, I had the same reaction.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](-panicked screaming-)

"That's what you get for being so gullible. Even if you do love me, i'm still a nogitsune and we nogitsunes are sadistic bastards." Masaru leaped from the trees and right by Kirara. "This is just my nature." He nuzzled his head against her side.

@Shiro kurogane

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