Indescribable (Closed)

"It's better. Although, it's everyone's different opinion. I like it. It's not as bitter as the ale." Nicholas took a sip.

Nia pulled up her hood once more looking at the sky peacefully as she would sigh. She was in a state of absolute tranquility. Before she ruined it all by pulling out a cookie and munching on it happily.
JayJin said:
Masaru put the bottle down and looked through the window, watching the cherry blossoms falling from somewhere. "Thank you."
@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
Kirara watched Masaru for a few minutes before suddenly remembering that they were going for a run in kitsune form. "weren't we gonna go for a run? lets go!"


Kuro lead the way down to where Cristina and Rei waited. Kuro occasionally kept glancing at Mearea again.

Rei nodded, "lets get you home first and then you can sleep while i tend your wounds."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Raven walked back inside the house, 'excited' as ever. He wandered the house, thinking about mixed things. "Hmm..." He didn't know what to do, he was really bored.


Naomi walked to a seat, and sat on it, after a sigh. She looked around, still amazed by how it looks. "Yes...quite huge..." She remembered her reply to Raven, when he tried to change the subject on Malvo.
"It isn't like I don't wash them..." Dei-Loki blinked, shifting though the different articles of clothing.

"Wouldn't hurt fer ya t' mix it up a bit." Malvo grinned slightly before pausing and huffing. "Any changes in how y' feel?"

"Not really, no." Dei-Loki responded, taking out one of the shirts and looking it over before intentionallychanging the subject to avoid talking about it. "Certainly focused on the pirate/steampunk fashion, didn't ya?"

Meara followed close behind Kuro. Her gaze seeming to remain on her, only to soon look away so Kuro hadn't thought of her staring as either impolite or creepy. As they neared the rest of the group, she released a silent exhale through her nose.
"Are we all set?"

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Nia would stand up and walk into the house, making her way into the kitchen where she proceeded to pilfer the place of any sweets, she took a peice of cake, some bread and butter. She placed them into a basket, and decided to go have a small picnic in the woods. Her red hood, fluttering behind her.

(I just turned her 100% into Little red riding hood xD )

@whomever is in the woods/saw her in the kitchen


Cristina would grin at hearing Meara "if by 'all set' you mean I want to get out of this place before I die of possible internal bleeding, then yes, we should leave"

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
JayJin said:
"Alright." Masaru stood up from the couch and began to walk outside until he reached the forest.
@Shiro kurogane
Kirara had already shifted and waited for Masaru.


She looked back at Masaru and waited for him to change forms as well.

@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara followed close behind Kuro. Her gaze seeming to remain on her, only to soon look away so Kuro hadn't thought of her staring as either impolite or creepy. As they neared the rest of the group, she released a silent exhale through her nose. "Are we all set?"
Kuro walked outside and stretched as if she hadn't just helped fight a beast. Hearing Cristina's sarcasm, Kuro snickered. "if you think that is bad, try having your innards gouged out while being forcefully kept alive. or every time you did die, your soul was forcefully shoved back into your dying body that rejected you a few times before recognizing your soul and accepting it." Kuro listed more even more gruesome things as she touched a tail to Cristina's forehead and slowly but surely mended and healed Cristina's insides and bones.

Rei started shaking at Kuro's gruesome retellings. Rei wasn't too good with gore. Alough she could tolerate it in small portions.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]hey, shutthefuckup. No one asked you, alright.... clyde. Jeez."


"It was the only interesting thing they had there." Malvo shrugged before having then showed off what she had gotten. Soon, she then let out a quiet sigh. "I, uh... I think my nightmares are connected to the curse."

"How? I got the curse years ago..." Dei-Loki blinked a few times, trying on the black, pirate-like shirt that Malvo had gotten him.

"It's the only thing that I could think of." Malvo shifted, watching him try on the shirt before huffing. "Besides, you seem to think that the curse has been acting up lately... Maybe that's why I saw what I did?"

Meara would give a soft sigh at the sarcasm before having then cringed at the violent imagery that had been brought to mind once she'd heard the description. Though, she couldn't say that she hadn't seen worse in her time. Especially after witnessing what had happened to her family. Bringing a hand to her arm, she watched as Kuro had healed Cristina.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
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JayJin said:
Masaru stretched before shifting. Once he did that, he shook his fur to relieve the tension that way in his body. He yawned, "whenever you're ready to run. Just count us down."
@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
"screw the countdown! just try and keep up!" Kirara yelled, having already taken off running. She ran right past a girl who seemed to be a wannabe red riding hood. Bit otherwise kept running, wondering if Masaru could actually keep up.

@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara would give a soft sigh at the sarcasm before having then cringed at the violent imagery that had been brought to mind once she'd heard the description. Though, she couldn't say that she hadn't seen worse in her time. Especially after witnessing what had happened to her family. Bringing a hand to her arm, he watched as Kuro had healed Cristina.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Kuro gave a small giggle that would send chills down everyone's spine. She reversed the healing on Cristina and started to slowly liquify the other girl's insides(like a faster version of ebola). "my name isn't Clyde. so whatever your beef with that person is save it for them. not me." Kuro's tone was deathly calm and she held a smile that seemed to make one's skin crawl.

Her eyes momentarily held no life in them... only the promise of certain death. After a few seconds that would seem more like minutes, Kuro's features returned to normal and she rehealed Cristina. Kuro finished healing Cristina and turned, leaning into Meara both unintentionally and meaningfully. Kuro's darkened face that only Meara would see showed that she wasn't happy about what she'd nearly done to Cristina.

Rei watched the show of Kuro's in horror. After it had ended, Rei slapped Kuro as hard as she could. "don't threaten Cristina! or you know fear." The last part was a bluff on Rei's part. She knew her power couldn't compare to Kuro's. "and don't hurt Cristina again either!"
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]She reversed the healing on Cristina and started to slowly liquify the other girl's insides


(Kuro is a person who has climbed out of her personal hell. jokes are something she doesn't get. xD unless she herself tells them)
Masaru snickered and jumped into the tree branches. Leaping from tree to tree. He wasn't extremely huge, so the trees branches shuddered under his wait, but he was still agile and decent. Soon, he was running along side Kirara amongst the trees. Looking down on her, "hey, keep up." He sprung from the tree, hitting her in the side and dashed out of Kirara's eyesight.

@Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane
Cristina was left on the ground gasping for air, she coughed up some blood as it dripping down the corner of her mouth. While the physical injuries had been healed, the blood that happened because of them was still there, in Cristina's lungs. She was on all fours, wheezing and coughing up blood. (Ya know unless Kuro's re-heal managed to (somehow) move the blood out of her lungs, which you didn't specify sooo :/ )

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane


Nia could hear movement in the trees and froze where she stood. "Hello?" She asked looking around nervously.

@Shiro kurogane @JayJin
"Well... I suppose it is possible..." Dei-Loki huffed, watching Malvo before flattening an ear and glancing around the house. "I'm going to go see if anyone else is here. Want to come along?"

Malvo blinked before nodding, standing, and stretching with a sigh. "Sure, why not?"

Meara's eyes would tremble a small bit, shifting on her feet as she continued to watch without a word being spoken. Avoiding her urge to shutter, her eyes would close. Only to open curiously as she felt Kuro lean back against her. Her eyes would then shift to Kuro, noticing the change in face. She seemed to have a bit of a sympathetic look this go around as a couple of her tails curled around the cat demon in an effort of comforting.

Hearing the struggle coming from Cristina, her eyes then darted in her direction - once more having been wide. The familiar sound caused her to pause before she quickly moved closer before crouching. "Let me help." She seemed to demand as her hands began to give off a light blue glow the moment she crouched.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](Kuro's "heal" is more like a "reset" so the original damage from Gibby and the blood from Kuro's momentary anger would be as if it never happened originally.)

(... Wish I saw this post before I posted. xD )
Shiro kurogane](Kuro's "heal" is more like a "reset" so the original damage from Gibby and the blood from Kuro's momentary anger would be as if it never happened originally.) [/QUOTE] (Can we just ignore this xD me and [URL=" said:
@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] already rolling with it)
Heir of Dalania](Can we just ignore this xD me and [URL=" said:
@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] already rolling with it)
(yeah, it'd be easier than rewriting posts xD now Kuro looks like a bad guy.... technically she was farther back in the past tho)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](yeah, it'd be easier than rewriting posts xD now Kuro looks like a bad guy.... technically she was farther back in the past tho)



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