Indescribable (Closed)

(IM SORRY.;3;)

Mia gave him a confused look as he pulled her towards the house. "What are we doing?" She asked. She didn't resist him pulling her, in fact, even if she did he would still be able to pull her with ease. @JayJin
The wolven girl dismounted her horse, her gaze traveling in the direction of the house. A bit relieved to feel Dei-Loki's presence inside, instead of having it roam about outside. It would be easier to find him, now.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin

Having nodded to Kuro's words, Meara looked to the tail that had been on her shoulder before blinking a few times. Though still a bit surprised by the skipping of her heart, she couldn't hide the smile that seemed to grow on her face. But... why? She could just barely begin to describe her feelings.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
"Don't worry about it. Just relax, I got everything. I'm known as a cheesy romantic after all." He smiled, his eyes lighting up as took a loaf of bread and the red wine bottle from the cabinet. He sliced the loaf of bread and put a few slices on the plate. Then, slathered the bread in the strawberry jelly. He went to the other cabinet, grabbed two wine glasses after all and handed them over to Mia. He then went for the purple grapes, laying the bunch on the same plate as the jellied bread. "Follow me." He grabbed the plate and the wine bottle before heading to his room, opening the window that lead to the roof. He put the items down and went out the window. "Alright, hand me the stuff."

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JayJin said:
Masaru looked to Kirara and chuckled, "you keep surprising me more and more."
Kirara gave Masaru a confused look. "surprising you? how?"


Kuro blinked once more at her tail on Meara. An odd look crossing her eyes quickly and leaving just as quickly. Whatever had crossed her eyes hadn't been negative. "... uh... we should follow Rei and Cristina outside." Kuro finally broke the silence and seemed to have to force her tail off Meara.

Rei was quiet for a moment after Cristina's comment. maybe she really hadn't liked me kissing her cheek. Rei's slightly sunny mood dampened a bit at the thought. "y-yeah..."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Mia still followed him, still confused. When he asked for her to hand him the stuff, she did as so and handed him the breakable stuff first. By him going out the window, she was guessing that they were going to the roof, and putting the breakable stuff up their first would be a good idea. Next, she handed him the food and looked at him. She looked outside the window to the ground way below and shivered slightly before looking up at him. "Is this safe?" She asked. @JayJin
"What did I say, Mia? I wouldn't let anything hurt you. I wouldn't be doing this if it was going to hurt you in the process. Stay here." He went up the roof, putting everything on the flat surface of the roof. He then went back down to the windowsill and smiled, "now, come on. I won't let you fall." He reached out a hand for her.

Masaru sighed, not truly knowing how to explain this. "It's just. . . you're different than most of the women that I've come to known. Most just want money, sex, power. You actually love me and it's just. . .it's abnormal. It's weird. Different."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
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"Ugh... I need a nap" she said rubbing her head, looking at Rei with a slight smile. As of now her feelings for her we nothing more than a crush but, like most crushes, she was sure it would dissipate in a few days. Or it might not - she will see.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane


Nia wandered through the house, munching slowly on one of the cookies she stole from the restaurant.

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xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Going to be away for an hour or two. I'm being dragged along to go shopping. >.< )

Mia looked up at him and took his hand. She knew he wouldn't let anything hurt her, but she's a deer. You can't stop a deer from thinking about safety. She Trusted him fully... @JayJin
Nicholas gave a tight squeeze of reassurance as he walked up the roof with Mia to where the wine and food were. He sat down and patted by his side.

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Mia sat down beside him, smiling at him before looking out at the veiw. She gasped, not expecting it as her eyes looked out at everything with awe in them. "This is beautiful.." She breathed, looking back at him before looking far out again.

All of a sudden she got excited and tapped his arm.
"Look into the distance. You see that shimmering light across the forest? It's barely visible, but you see how the sky ripples? That's my home. That's the shield my dad put up to protect every magical being from humans or any other dangers." She smiled more at him, looking at that direction with longing before looking back at Nicholas. @JayJin

Mia giggled, "it's breathtaking there. No cities, filled with giant trees that reach the sky. It's hard to explain, you just got to see it." She laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his arm, looking off into the distance with a big smile. @JayJin

(Should the bad guy be a giant demon bird guy, or just a shadowy demon guy who is well known for causing chaos and death wherever he goes?)
Comet said:
(Should the bad guy be a giant demon bird guy, or just a shadowy demon guy who is well known for causing chaos and death wherever he goes?)
(Bird guy. Shadowy demon guy has been done before)

Nia walked outside, not noticing Mia and Nicolas on the roof. She had came out to practice her magic, or just mess around with clouds again - which were pretty easy for her to do things with. She worked several clouds into one, giving her more stuff to play with. She warped the cloud into a gigantic rose, even turning the rose bud red.

@Comet @JayJin
JayJin said:
Masaru sighed, not truly knowing how to explain this. "It's just. . . you're different than most of the women that I've come to known. Most just want money, sex, power. You actually love me and it's just. . .it's abnormal. It's weird. Different."
@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
"its not weird, strange or abnormal to simply love. you have just been unlucky as hell to run into those sorts of women." Kirara huffed as she responded.
Masaru turned his head towards Kirara. "Yeah, you're right about that. As the saying goes, 'a shitty life for a shitty person'." He grabbed at the poured ale that he made for himself and gave a chug.

Nicholas kissed the top of her head. "Tell me about yourself. Tell me anything." He looked in the corner of his eye to see Nia, playing with the clouds.

@Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
Raven noticed the other were back. "Hmm..." He sighed, and got up, going outside, he needed some fresh air. He tried toget his thoughts off that one Stalker, that seemed to leave a lasting effect on him. "Maybe it would have been better if that thing had killed me...I wouldn't bother anyone anymore..." He knew that he had gotten on Naomis nerves all the time, which made him feel worse.
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She sat up a little bit and turned to face him. "Okay! I'm telling you everything. I wasn't born, my father wished for someone to carry on his blood and legacy and then.. Poof!! There was a little me in the grass below the moon. That is how I got the name Mia, meaning "the child that was wished for." He taught me everything I needed to know back at home, then one day, he sent me out into this world. The reason why for that was cause he felt himself fading away And he needed me ready.

"In order to be ready, I was sent out to this world to learn more things and then take over my father's reign!"
She took a deep breath and took his hands, continuing, "that's just my history, but about me, my name is Mia Roquell, I'm a deer deity, I have the powers to control nature, my magical orbs, and a shield. I love learning new things, and I learned a lot since I met you. Since I met you, I never had certain feelings. I always just known the basic feelings. Happiness, sadness, anger, and a family type of love. With you though... I get a warm feeling, jitters, butterflies... It's something different and kinda scary but I want to explore these new feelings. You showed me a lot and I appreciate it.

"Even though I'm a deer, I'm not the shy type. If you haven't noticed, I'm bold. Like, for example."
She looked over at the Rose cloud and smiled before turning back to Nicholas and pressing her lips to his. @JayJin
JayJin said:
Masaru turned his head towards Kirara. "Yeah, you're right about that. As the saying goes, 'a shitty life for a shitty person'." He grabbed at the poured ale that he made for himself and gave a chug.
"quit saying that! your not a shitty person. yeah you may have done some shitty things. but you as a person is not shitty." Kirara said as she sat next to Masaru while he drank.
Nia would then, with a flick of the wrist, transform the entire cloud into cherry blossom petals, which would rain down onto the house and ground. She would then smile and sit on the ground, watching the pink petals fall gracefully and blanket the ground.

@Comet @JayJin
(I'm BAAAAAACK... For now. XP )

Walking back into the house, Malvo glanced about before looking to Dei-Loki - whom had still been on the couch. Shaking off her hood, she approached him before tossing the bag of clothes she bought for him in his direction. "Hey, mister stubborn shadow prince. I got you some clothes."

Dei-Loki blinked a couple of times, looking to the bag before having looked through it. "That was... Surprisingly considerate of you. Y' didn't have to."

"Technically, I did." Malvo replied, watching him before heading over and sitting down. "If I hadn't, you'd be stuck with just two outfits."

@ Anyone else around

"Y-Yeah..." Meara had quietly concurred as her smile had slightly faded once the tail was removed. "Come on." Flicking an ear, she then glanced about before leading the way back to the others.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Nicholas's blush radiated on his face as he was taken by surprise from Mia. He kissed back after being shocked for a few seconds. He pulled away and blinked. "Wow, I don't know what to say, but wow. Mia Roquell, you make me the happiest man-beast creature thingy." He grabbed the red wine and popped the cork. Then, poured both glasses handing one to Mia.

Masaru put the bottle down and looked through the window, watching the cherry blossoms falling from somewhere. "Thank you."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet @Shiro kurogane
Mia giggled, blushing also then looked at the glass of wine with a curious look. She sniffed it catiously before looking up at him. "Does this taste like that stuff back in that one village?" She asked, sniffing it again. @JayJin

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