Indescribable (Closed)

Naomi, after one last look, answered Loki. "Hm? Oh it's nothing, i'm just going mad..." She assured him, hoping he wouldn't pry, for she didn't know what was happening.
JayJin said:
(We're waiting for @Aaron775, but the legends say if we say his name, one day he'll pop up.)

I wanna see what would happen for Mia.*^* I want to continue but ugghhhh)
Dei-Loki had given a brief nod as he lowered an ear. His brow still remained perked as he'd release a quiet huff before looking forward once more. As he traveled, he also felt the eerie experience of being trailed. Gripping the reins as he remained on guard.

@Raven Daniel
Comet said:
I wanna see what would happen for Mia.*^* I want to continue but ugghhhh)
(I mean, I could try and get Nicholas out once he sees that you're gone.)
(Can everyone else just be fine with moving on?;3; I mean, it's been houuurrrssss now and I'm impatient.Dx )
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i won't, i'll just have Kuro grab him and drag him away.)

(Sounds cool with me.)
(It's just @Aaron775 we were waiting for. We can just move on from that little scene. xD I'm just impatient to get moving on with the rp. xD AND LETS CONTINUE NOW.)

Mia Mia struggled, but the man pulled her bac to his friends. She gave them all pleading looks but they all grinned, one of them pulling her antlers. "Imagine how much these would cost." One of them said, all of them agreeing.

She tried to cry out, but they tied her up, puting a rope in her mouth. All she could do was squirm around and feel her tears streaming down her face.

Another ball of energy formed between her antlers, but they saw it and smacked her across the cheek, stopping it.
"Not this time deer girl." One of them sneered at her.

She cried more, trying to think of ways to get back to the others.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
(Time for Nicholas's beast mode then.)

Nicholas watched Kirara growl at Doni, until something felt off. He looked around to see where it was coming from when he realized that Mia was gone. Nicholas squirmed out of the snake's grasp and escaped to find where she had gone, only to smell her scent mixed with men. He kneeled down and smelled the street. Her scent was strong, a vanilla mix with earth type of smell that couldn't be camouflaged even with the all of the men's scents. "Mia! Where are you!?" He yelled, there was no point in hiding who he was when Kirara was a few feet away, looking like a Goddesses in rage.

Kuro decided that was enough was enough. She ran over to Doni, picked the guy up off his feet and threw him as far as she could away. After that, Kuro apologized for her ex-friend's stupidity and took off calmly walking away from the direction she'd thrown Doni. Kuro would not be friends with a moron who purposefully invited death for no GOOD reason. Kuro felt the faint traces of elven magic and decided a dungeon was the best way to vent her anger.

Kirara watched Doni get tossed and Kuro leave calmly without blinking. After feeling that both auras were far enough away, Kirara's form reverted to normal again. She fell to the ground... once again having fainted. Her sickness had gotten worst.

@JayJin @Comet @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775 @xXLittleLokiXx

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara stopped her own humming to listen to Cristina's. Glancing in her direction for a brief moment with a gentle smile.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Rei looked up at hearing Cristina whistle. To her, it was calming. Rei smiled softly at the other girl's back and glanced at Meara to see the kitsune was also smiling.... it better not be for the same reason as mine. Cristina is mine. Rei was surprised at her last thought but eventually pushed it from her mind since thinking about Cristina only made her wish the other girl was still next to her.

Best part was with the speed that she was running, she quickly caught you to a group of three on horses. Kuro recognized two as the girls who had passed by during her and Doni's first meeting with Masaru's group. But the third.... the third girl was unknown.... but drew Kuro's gaze often. "hey, can i join youu three?" Kuro asked, easily keeping pace with the horses.
JayJin said:
Her scent was strong, a vanilla mix with earth type of smell that couldn't be camouflaged even with the all of the men's scents
(Didn't know she smelled like that, I like it. xD )

Mia Mia's ears perked up when she could sense Nicholas was near, but she didn't know how near.. She whimpered, looking up at the men as she walked around, gathering matierals to cut her antlers off.

She could feel the bruise forming on her cheek from being slapped, but she didn't move, knowing that the more she struggled the harder they'll hit her. She tried to put her shield up but couldn't, her powers not wanting to obey her. I need to get out of here.. She thought, whimpering.

One of the men got a long knife thing with jagged edges, things that she saw men using to cut down trees.
"This is how you will pay for the pain you caused us." One of them told her as the put the metal against the base of her antlers as the others held her still.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @xXLittleLokiXx
Malvo took his attention off of Kirara and watched as Nicholas squirmed free. With everything that had been going on, the enchantment that hid his pointed wolf ears and tail had worn off - causing them to be visible to the public. Not that it truly mattered, at this point. Freeing himself from the snake's protective hold, he then glanced to Kirara and flattened his ears.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane

Simply enjoying the musical tones that had been coming from Cristina, Meara hadn't caught onto the slight jealousy in the air. Returning Rei's glance, she'd continue to smile before pausing at the sound of a voice beside them all. Curious, she blinked a few times before turning her attention to the cat demon that kept up with the three. Something had certainly piqued her interest with this one, but she couldn't quite place it. Laughing lightly from the reaction, she looked to both Rei and Cristina once again. "Not too far of with how I got here... Just without the woods bit." She'd then lean back a bit as she'd shrug. "Anyway, it's up to you both. I personally like the idea."

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
(I just think that is what she smells like.)

Nicholas growled deep in his chest as he spotted men around Mia. A knife on the base of her antlers. "Boys, boys, boys. You seem not understand when to stop messing with the wrong people." His words were held in a deep rumble, almost demonic like.

Masaru stared at the fainted Kirara and ran to her. For once in along time, he was truly worried. "Kirara, tell me what to do and i'll do it. What do you want? Please, to the Gods and Goddesses make her healthy and nourished once more." He stared at the blue sky, clouds rolling under the sun.

@Comet @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
JayJin said:
(I just think that is what she smells like.)
Nicholas growled deep in his chest as he spotted men around Mia. A knife on the base of her antlers. "Boys, boys, boys. You seem not understand when to stop messing with the wrong people." His words were held in a deep rumble, almost demonic like.
(It fits her.)

Mia Mia looked up when Nicholas showed up. She made a whimpering noise towards him, moving towards him but was yanked back as she knife was put to her throat. "And you should know to give us what we want when we want it. Step closer and this will slice her throat open." One of the men snarled as more tears streamed down Mia's cheeks.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Fair reminder that we shouldn't divulge too much into ships and drama again)


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