Indescribable (Closed)

JayJin said:
(It's not too bad. It's better than it was in the last RP.)
"Alright, you want a freak that would get you coins? I am that freak. Look at that small little creature. She won't give you a lot of coins with how pathetic and tame she is. You want a lot of coins right? You need a fair freak. I am that. I can get you so much coins that you won't know what to do with them. I can make you rule your kingdom for the love of the Heavens. I can make you rulers. I'll show you my beast form." Nicholas shifted, so that the men could see a prize.

Mia Mia shook her head at Nicholas, telling him no as the guys looked at him in awe. "We were just going to sell her horns but..." They all let go of Mia and walked towards Nicholas with cation.

Mia squirmed, trying to get out of the bonds that they put her in and help Nicholas.
Nicholas sat down, his snout raised to men and then he bowed his head. I'm sorry, Mia. Please don't run when you see what i'm about to do. He thought to himself as he stared at the ground, ready to taste the blood of his enemies.

Kuro laughed at Cristina's reaction, but mostly at Meara's response. "people like me. and like the kitsune just said, she did something similar. anyways. can i join ya?" Kuro asked again, but was looking at Meara again.

Rei returned Cristina's lingered gaze on her and blushed softly when the other girl finally looked away to Kuro. "why not? it can't hurt to have more group members for raiding the dungeon right?"

Kirara groaned, but opened an eye at Masaru.
"its okay... this happens once a month. i'll be fine after today." She smiled at him, happy that he was actually being openly worried for her. Her other form's snake construct finally fully vanished now.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
JayJin said:
Nicholas sat down, his snout raised to men and then he bowed his head. I'm sorry, Mia. Please don't run when you see what i'm about to do. He thought to himself as he stared at the ground, ready to taste the blood of his enemies.
Mia Mia pulled down the bond from her mouth and yelled, "don't!" But she knew that he wouldn't listen to her. She cried, trying to get the rest of the bonds off.

She saw the look in his eyes, knowing what he was going to do. She stopped struggling, curling up in a ball on the ground and waited for it to be over. She knew after he would get her, so trying to get the bonds off wouldn't help him. And she wouldn't be any help to him either.

The men proceeded towards Nicholas, one of them pulling out a chain and swinging it. The others flanked him.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
its okay... this happens once a month. i'll be fine after today."

Masaru sighed, a pissed off expression landed onto his face. "W-What? You made me worried about you and that's what you say!? Why didn't tell me sooner!? Do you know how worried I was!? Gods damn it, why!? Why!?" He breathed in and out for a few seconds after stopping his rant and then looked over to her again. "You're lucky that you're sick right now." He picked her up and laid her onto his back.

Nicholas eyes turned blood red and his sharp teeth appeared under his lips. He growled and charged at a man, ripping his throat out immediately.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet
Mia Mia flenched when she heard the screams of the men, closing her eyes tighter as she waited for Nicholas to finish.

The men wasn't expecting him to fight back, the two looked on in horror as their buddies throat was ripped out then proceeded to rush towards Nicholas with weapons.
Malvo blinked from the explanation, exhaling gently as his ears remained low. Fully returning his blades to their holders, he'd then look around to the distant crowd that the incident had created. "Well... So much for stayin' here..."

@JayJin, @Shiro kurogane

Meara smiled once she heard the others agree, turning her attention back to the newest member of the group. "I can see that you can keep up pretty well." She slightly cocked a brow. "But, you're also welcome t' share my horse, if you wish." She'd always been generous when it came to most things, but her piqued interest ended up being an incentive, as well.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia Mia flenched when she heard the screams of the men, closing her eyes tighter as she waited for Nicholas to finish.
The men wasn't expecting him to fight back, the two looked on in horror as their buddies throat was ripped out then proceeded to rush towards Nicholas with weapons.
Nicholas lowered into a pounce stance and licked the blood from his lips. He snarled and snapped at the men as he got between Mia and them.
Mia mia felt him get closer to her, but she kept her head down so she didn't have to watch as one of the men jumped towards him with the knife in his hand. He sliced it towards him, barely cutting skin. It was obvious that the guys didn't know how to fight.

She held her body close, hiding her face and covering her ears so she didn't have to hear the screams.
Comet said:
Mia mia felt him get closer to her, but she kept her head down so she didn't have to watch as one of the men jumped towards him with the knife in his hand. He sliced it towards him, barely cutting skin. It was obvious that the guys didn't know how to fight.
She held her body close, hiding her face and covering her ears so she didn't have to hear the screams.
Nicholas barked from the small cut. He then launched himself at the one with the blade, wrapping his jaws around the throat and snapping the neck. He charged at the other one, snapping his teeth, saliva drooping from his lips.
Mia the last guy that was standing, gave Nicholas a look of fear before turning and running, tripping over a stick. He scrambled up before continuing to run off. Now, they would never bother them again.

Mia shifted on the ground, not hearing the fighting anymore, she looked up to see who was left standing. All she saw was Nicholas's back. She shivered, seeing the two dead bodies before looking down at her bonds and started to undo them again. "Thank you.." she whispered very softly a human ear wouldn't have been able to hear it, tears staining her cheeks.
JayJin said:
Masaru sighed, a pissed off expression landed onto his face. "W-What? You made me worried about you and that's what you say!? Why didn't tell me sooner!? Do you know how worried I was!? Gods damn it, why!? Why!?" He breathed in and out for a few seconds after stopping his rant and then looked over to her again. "You're lucky that you're sick right now." He picked her up and laid her onto his back.
Nicholas eyes turned blood red and his sharp teeth appeared under his lips. He growled and charged at a man, ripping his throat out immediately.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet
Kirara winced at Masaru's yelling, her head was still dizzied. So his yelling hurt somewhat. "s-sorry..." Kirara mumbled like a kid as she was lifted onto his back. She tiredly laid her head on his back. "where is Nic? and Mia?"

Rei brightened up some when Cristina smiled at her. Rei waved a brief 'hi' to Kuro. Just now realizing the group totaled at four now.. one over her limit of people. She tried not to let her slight unease show openly.

Kuro smiled and waved back at Rei. "well im Kuro and i think i'll take you up on that offer." She answered to Meara, hoping up on the horse behind the kitsune fluidly and without making the horse pause. Normally Kuro would have declined and kept running... but there was just something about Meara.

Comet said:
Mia the last guy that was standing, gave Nicholas a look of fear before turning and running, tripping over a stick. He scrambled up before continuing to run off. Now, they would never bother them again.
Mia shifted on the ground, not hearing the fighting anymore, she looked up to see who was left standing. All she saw was Nicholas's back. She shivered, seeing the two dead bodies before looking down at her bonds and started to undo them again. "Thank you.." she whispered very softly a human ear wouldn't have been able to hear it, tears staining her cheeks.
Nicholas panted, the red haze of anger slowly leaving him. He turned to a small voice behind him and saw what he thought was a frighten Mia. He backed up slowly, not wanting to freak her out and stayed there, waiting until she said those hurtful words. You're a monster! Freak! Get away from me! Don't hurt me! Please, don't hurt me. He's heard of those words since the beginning of when he shifted for the first time. His ears flat against his head as he whined softly. Blood still caked his fur and he probably looked like a beast that you would see in your nightmares.

Masaru sighed, holding her tightly to him. "I don't know where they are. Malvo, did you see where my brother went?"

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
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Mia Mia looked up at Nicholas once her bonds were off. She saw a different look in his eyes, knowing what it meant. She side and walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. "Thank you for saving me again..." She whispered, burying her face into his bloodied fur.

She didn't care that blood was getting on her, she was just glad that he was save also. She kept her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go.
Malvo's attention shifted from the crowd, back to both Masaru and Kirara. "Just past the market district..." the shadow/nightmare pup would reply before gesturing in the direction he'd previously mentioned.

@JayJin, @Shiro kurogane

Meara moved a bit for Kuro before blinking after recognising the name. "Kuro? The Kuro?" Whilst bringing up the question, she got her horse to follow the others as her line of sight remained on her.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia Mia looked up at Nicholas once her bonds were off. She saw a different look in his eyes, knowing what it meant. She side and walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. "Thank you for saving me again..." She whispered, burying her face into his bloodied fur.
She didn't care that blood was getting on her, she was just glad that he was save also. She kept her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go.
Nicholas shifted and hugged her back. "Sorry if I scared ya, Mia. I just couldn't let anyone hurt you. I like to keep my promises and one of my promises was to keep you safe. I just wished it didn't lead to this." He looked at the corpses for a second, a dark gleam caught in his eyes until he looked back up at Mia. "Now I need to bathe. This blood is sticky and disgusting."

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